Electrify I-40, I-95 and I-5

In article <e4aef126-f6c3-492a-a569-
dde44f903f9c@c36g2000prc.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com
Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE, and I design electronics.

What do you do?

He's a fairy.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far." And don't
shoot up your trailer park too much either as the ER staff find it
challenging to operate on obese patients.
Repeat yourself much? It's part of that disease called "leftist
weenieism". It is treatable, though you will have to think for

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real
Projecting again, eh Bret?

The same place that bailed out Wall Street, no strings attached, with
$850 billion.

And who wants to hang out in a souvenir shop for two hours, every 100
miles, while your car is being charged?

Charging times can be reduced with smaller cells. ?The real problem is
the cost of the batteries is twice that of the electricity itself.

Imagine how many cars would be parked. A gas station fills a car in a
few minutes, and sometimes all 12 or so pumps are busy. Scale that to
2-hour fill-up times.

Truckers already spend 2 hours at every truck stop, whether they buy
fuel or not.

Anyway, unless you believe in the infinite oil theory, the only
plausible shovel ready solution is to start electrifying the highways.

Bret Cahill

Why panic now, when it's much more efficient to panic later? As we run
out of oil, prices will increase and people will adjust.

This one is about as smart as a plate of overcooked ramen noodles.
Projecting again, eh Bret? You ought to see a professional.

On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:38:50 -0800 (PST), Piscesdream
<piscesdream70@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 13, 8:03 am, John Larkin
jjSNIPlar...@highTHISlandtechnology.com> wrote:
On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 22:17:14 -0800 (PST), Piscesdream

piscesdrea...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 11, 9:05 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

And who wants to hang out in a souvenir shop for two hours, every 100
miles, while your car is being charged?

Imagine how many cars would be parked. A gas station fills a car in a
few minutes, and sometimes all 12 or so pumps are busy. Scale that to
2-hour fill-up times.

All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.
Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.
At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE, and I design electronics.

What do you do?

He's a fairy.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far." �And don't
shoot up your trailer park too much either as the ER staff find it
challenging to operate on obese patients.

Repeat yourself much? ďż˝
It's a well known fact that you rightards are slow larners.

Bret Cahill
That's a political problem

Kind of like the political problem of GOP bottom fishing in the info

All Repugs can get are fundies and trailer trash.

What a dumb shit.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far."

What an ignorant dumbass...
Studies show that when hate filled bigot rightard gun nutters spree
local, they have a smaller carbon footprint than those who go "on a
road trip."

Bret Cahill
In article <6079178b-1bf4-453d-9e9c-fda308d8f533@
40g2000prx.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE, and I design electronics.

What do you do?

He's a fairy.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far." ?And don't
shoot up your trailer park too much either as the ER staff find it
challenging to operate on obese patients.

Repeat yourself much? ?

It's a well known fact that you rightards are slow larners.
Weenies wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the face. You're a
perfect example, dimwit.

Some 'efficiency' related ones are here :
- regenerative braking and 'down-the-hill' energy recovery, as well as accelleration is all-electric (thus highly efficient).
- the ICE in a series hybrid only needs to provide power to overcome rulling and air drag losses, thus can be much smaller, thus
more efficient.

Not enough energy to bother with.

Unless you're sitting in traffic it's most of the energy consumed in

Nonsense. ďż˝
No numbers, no reasoning. Just admit it. Yer a rightard.

Waste heat is most of the energy. ďż˝
Now you are arguing for electric motors.

Are you _really_ this stupid or are you just acting stupid here?

.. . .

No numbers, no reasoning.

You've supplied numbers? ďż˝
The efficiency of electric motors is 95%.

.. . . .

Overall, it's not difficult to make a series hybrid with that is 3x more efficient than a ICE-only version.

3X??? ?You think you can get to 75% conversion efficiency?

You think conventional drive trains get 25% efficiency with a typical
driving profile?

Show us *your* numbers. ďż˝
Dodgin' dodgin' dodgin'.

No WONDER rightards cannot win at the ballot box. They are too busy
dodgin' elections.

Just remember, when you "git pushed too far" try to spree local.

Shoot up your doublewide.

But to answer to your question -- I don't dodge like a cowardly bigot
rightard --, the efficiency ain't anywhere near 25% for most real life
practical driving applications.

So you need to just admit it: You are stoopid.

Bret Cahill
?It'll be a great day when they string
up the green weenies.

This brings us back to the question.
If rightard trash cannot win politically and git pushed too far by
them liberaloons, is you gonna spree local to reduce your carbon

"spree local"? ďż˝
It's like eating local except it's for nutters who "git pushed too

You just shoot up yer doublewide.

Bret Cahill
In article <da27625b-e39b-47e9-9b1d-b9a39f2a8a87
@r37g2000prr.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
That's a political problem

Kind of like the political problem of GOP bottom fishing in the info

All Repugs can get are fundies and trailer trash.

What a dumb shit.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far."

What an ignorant dumbass...

Studies show that when hate filled bigot rightard gun nutters spree
local, they have a smaller carbon footprint than those who go "on a
road trip."
More projections, eh fruitcake?

In article <13ca5c18-2cad-42e4-a8e3-01e6a8e20b96@
40g2000prx.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
?It'll be a great day when they string
up the green weenies.

This brings us back to the question.
If rightard trash cannot win politically and git pushed too far by
them liberaloons, is you gonna spree local to reduce your carbon

"spree local"? ?

It's like eating local except it's for nutters who "git pushed too

You just shoot up yer doublewide.
More projections from fruitcake.

Bret Cahill wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.
Fake ? This is his company !

Bret Cahill wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE,

Let me guess.

You can't remember where you got your degree.
You can't remember yesterday I expect.
That's a political problem

Kind of like the political problem of GOP bottom fishing in the info

All Repugs can get are fundies and trailer trash.

What a dumb shit.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far."

What an ignorant dumbass...

Studies show that when hate filled bigot rightard gun nutters spree
local, they have a smaller carbon footprint than those who go "on a
road trip."

More projections, eh fruitcake? ďż˝
Don't dodge the issue. If you ESR (extremely stupid rightards) who
voted for Dumbya are now "gittin' pushed too far" you could put out a
lot of CO2 on yer 2nd Amend. shootin' sprees before SWAT gives out
some 3rd eyes.

Bret Cahill
Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake ? This is his company !http://www.highlandtechnology.com/
Only a complete idiot would photograph computer cards and put them on
a web page.

I've seen some dumb web pages but that is the dumbest of all.

Not only is he not an engineer, he's not even functional.

The only person he is deceiving is himself.

Bret Cahill
Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE,

Let me guess.

You can't remember where you got your degree.

Don't dodge the issue:

We never got any names, not even of a trade school.

Except perhaps for some sock puppets who are, not coincidentally just
as full of idle banter as our "EE", there is not _one single_
authority that will vouch for the sorry loser.

Bret Cahill
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?
Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

The same place that bailed out Wall Street, no strings attached, with
$850 billion.

And who wants to hang out in a souvenir shop for two hours, every 100
miles, while your car is being charged?

Charging times can be reduced with smaller cells. ?The real problem is
the cost of the batteries is twice that of the electricity itself.

Imagine how many cars would be parked. A gas station fills a car in a
few minutes, and sometimes all 12 or so pumps are busy. Scale that to
2-hour fill-up times.

Truckers already spend 2 hours at every truck stop, whether they buy
fuel or not.

Anyway, unless you believe in the infinite oil theory, the only
plausible shovel ready solution is to start electrifying the highways.

Bret Cahill

Why panic now, when it's much more efficient to panic later? As we run
out of oil, prices will increase and people will adjust.

This one is about as smart as a plate of overcooked ramen noodles.

Projecting again, eh Bret? ďż˝
Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

Bret Cahill
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?
Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.

On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 06:10:23 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

The same place that bailed out Wall Street, no strings attached, with
$850 billion.

And who wants to hang out in a souvenir shop for two hours, every 100
miles, while your car is being charged?

Charging times can be reduced with smaller cells. ?The real problem is
the cost of the batteries is twice that of the electricity itself.

Imagine how many cars would be parked. A gas station fills a car in a
few minutes, and sometimes all 12 or so pumps are busy. Scale that to
2-hour fill-up times.

Truckers already spend 2 hours at every truck stop, whether they buy
fuel or not.

Anyway, unless you believe in the infinite oil theory, the only
plausible shovel ready solution is to start electrifying the highways.

Bret Cahill

Why panic now, when it's much more efficient to panic later? As we run
out of oil, prices will increase and people will adjust.

This one is about as smart as a plate of overcooked ramen noodles.

Projecting again, eh Bret? ?

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.
Are you talking about politics, or do you mean real power?

On Dec 15, 5:55 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake ? This is his company !http://www.highlandtechnology.com/

Only a complete idiot would photograph computer cards and put them on
a web page.

(amused grin) John designs those computer cards and sells them for
good money.

See http://www.highlandtechnology.com/DSS/V340DS.html

If you think you can do better, why don't you go into competition with

"krw" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote in message news:MPG.23ae58589290729598a44f@news.individual.net...
In article <gi1et0$no7$1@news.parasun.com>, rob@verific.com says...

Now to get this power to the vehicles, a electrified highway system
like one of the most expensive solutions, especially since people that
not enter the freeway on their dayly drive would be excluded from
using this
absurtly expensive system, and most energy would be used during peak
So plug-in hybrids, charged at night, make a lot more sense...

Maybe more sense than efficiency fairies, but still no sense. A
greenie weenie plan, to be sure.

Greenie weenie ? Sure, whatever.

Yep. ...and green behind the ears too.

Where are your numbers, Einstein ?

Dumbass, think for a minute instead of spouting your science
What a strange answer.
Why do you think that plug-in hybrids, charges at night, are science fiction ?

But it's economically vital though, because it will get us off imported
oil. And that saves billions per day and then some...

Nonsense. That's a political problem, *easily* solved.

It's a political problem for sure.
And that's indeed about to be solved.

No, it's about to get *MUCH* worse. You leftists are about to see to
You are not very clear.
Why is the issue of imported oil about to get much worse with more efficient cars around ?

String up the greenie weenies (and lawyers) first.

Bad day ?

Me? Why would you say that? It'll be a great day when they string
up the green weenies.
No comment.


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