In article <gi1et0$no7$1@news.parasun.com>, rob@verific.com says...
up the green weenies.
Dumbass, think for a minute instead of spouting your science"krw" <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote in message
In article <7YG0l.9811$yr3.2919@nlpi068.nbdc.sbc.com>,
rob@verific.com says...
"krw" <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote in message
You would not need 40 quads.
Currently the entire US transportation sector uses 5 quads per year in
effective (wheel drive) energy.
And you're going to use efficiency fairies to get that 5q of
mechanical energy from 5q of electrical energy?
It's a ball park number, pumpkin.
You ought to go back and play in the park, kid.
Where are your numbers, Eistein ?
First of all, 50% increase is not a doubling.
Your efficiency fairies are hard at work again, I see.
Which math did you use to explain how 50% increase constitutes a doubling ?
Second, night time electricity use is low right now, and that's exactly
when vehicles will be charged up.
Why not use that electricity for heating?
Get rid of the stationary
oil usage before you go after what oil is *really* *really* good
We got rid of stationary oil in the 70s/80s. Where have you been ?
So the CAPACITY of power generation does not need to change for a long
time to come.
Nonsense. You're going to double load and need no more capacity.
You certainly *do* have some fairies in your bonnet.
Where are your numbers, Einstein ?
Now to get this power to the vehicles, a electrified highway system
like one of the most expensive solutions, especially since people that
not enter the freeway on their dayly drive would be excluded from
using this
absurtly expensive system, and most energy would be used during peak
So plug-in hybrids, charged at night, make a lot more sense...
Maybe more sense than efficiency fairies, but still no sense. A
greenie weenie plan, to be sure.
Greenie weenie ? Sure, whatever.
Yep. ...and green behind the ears too.
Where are your numbers, Einstein ?
No, it's about to get *MUCH* worse. You leftists are about to see toBut it's economically vital though, because it will get us off imported
oil. And that saves billions per day and then some...
Nonsense. That's a political problem, *easily* solved.
It's a political problem for sure.
And that's indeed about to be solved.
Me? Why would you say that? It'll be a great day when they string--
String up the greenie weenies (and lawyers) first.
Bad day ?
up the green weenies.