Electrify I-40, I-95 and I-5

Whatever happened to our dreaded looneytarian?

For that matter, what's the difference between rent and taxes?

Rent is optional (as are toll roads), taxes are taken by force.

I don't see anyone holding a gun to anyone's head forcing him to remain in
the collectively acquired collectively defended territory of the United
States and pay taxes.

You can leave any time.

That's not the point. I don't want to LEAVE America,

And some don't want to vacate their apts but most don't claim they get
to stay for free just because they don't like paying rent.

So we're still waiting for a difference between rent and taxes.
The difference, for those clueless about the Fourth of July and the
American Revolution, is rent is merely taxation without

George III _owned_ all the land in North America. His taxes were
decided by the individualist George III, not by the collective and
representation. George III was identical in every way to a landlord
in libertaria.

Jefferson, et. al., didn't respect the individualist George III's
libertarian property rights.

Jefferson got the collective together and that collective used _force_
against the individualist George III to take the land.

The collective won and looneytarians, then known as "Tories" fled the
United States to Canada.

Then Jefferson and Paine went to France to help the French collective
use force to take the land from their individualist landlords.

The collective won again and today both the French and American
Revolutions are celebrated as national holidays, the 14th and 4th of
July, respectively.

Bret Cahill

"France is every American's second country."

-- Jefferson
"Bret Cahill" <BretCahill@aol.com> wrote in message
So we're still waiting for a difference between rent and taxes.
You don't get to choose which country you're born into (and hence which laws
of taxation you are -- at least initially -- subject to), whereas you do get
to choose your first rental unit. Additionally, while the U.S. will let you
renounce your citizenship without much effort, finding another country to
accept you as a citizen -- even if you have decent job skills and money in the
bank -- is quite difficult... whereas in comparison, while you might not
always be able to find a rental for the price you want to pay in the exact
part of town you like and with the particular layout you prefer, in general
one can always find another place to live so long as they have money.

Hence, if you want to compare citizenship and taxation to property rental, in
the U.S. the deal is that the rent is OK (but rising all the time :-( ), the
place is pretty darned good, not too many neighbors play loud music at 3AM in
the morning, and it's trivially easy to break your lease... but the overall
rental market is completely awful, often taking literally years to find a new

So we're still waiting for a difference between rent and taxes.

You don't get to choose which country you're born into
Everyone doesn't necessarily get to choose which rental property he's
born into either.

(and hence which laws
of taxation you are -- at least initially -- subject to), whereas you do get
to choose your first rental unit. �Additionally, while the U.S. will let you
renounce your citizenship without much effort, finding another country to
accept you as a citizen -- even if you have decent job skills and money in the
bank -- is quite difficult...
About a decade ago _Forbes_ ran an excellent article on
"taxpatriation." It's highly recommended reading.

whereas in comparison, while you might not
always be able to find a rental for the price you want to pay in the exact
part of town you like and with the particular layout you prefer, in general
one can always find another place to live so long as they have money.
That's true for citizenship.

Hence, if you want to compare citizenship and taxation to property rental, in
the U.S. the deal is that the rent is OK (but rising all the time :-( ), the
place is pretty darned good, not too many neighbors play loud music at 3AM in
the morning, and it's trivially easy to break your lease... but the overall
rental market is completely awful, often taking literally years to find a new
Still no difference between rent and taxes.

Bret Cahill
krw wrote:
In article <9eecdb8a-6cbd-4226-aa5f-331726d23909
@q26g2000prq.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
That's a political problem

Kind of like the political problem of GOP bottom fishing in the info

All Repugs can get are fundies and trailer trash.

What a dumb shit.

Just remember to spree local when you "git pushed too far."

What an ignorant dumbass...

Shoot up your double wide for a lower carbon footprint.

...projecting again.

Except that his double wide is a damp refrigerator box.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
We're still waiting for some numbers on the efficiency of inductive
electrification. You can probably find something in a EE handbook.
You won't even have to pretend to be able to work with Maxwell's

Can you even set up the problem?

We will leave the cost to someone who has actually done some work in
the field.

We know you're slow but try to get back faster with something faster
than 16 days.

Bret Cahill
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on vehicles
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary roads.
Total electric transportation.

At the lowest possible efficiency.

Maybe one of your unicorns could provide some numbers or reasoning?
We're still waiting for them unicorns to provide some numbers.

Bret Cahill

Welcome to EDABoard.com

