Electrify I-40, I-95 and I-5

On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 12:30:11 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE,

Let me guess.

You can't remember where you got your degree.

You are posting under a handle.
That's my real name.

You went to college under an assumed name.

How do I know we'll never find out about your background?

Because a real EE could calculate the losses from induction.
"Induction" is a fuzzy word. But I'm sure that no highway could be
built that would inductively power cars in any sort of efficient or
affordable way.

You are too ignorant to set up the problem.
Absolutely. I'd need a staff of civil and automotive and materials
engineers, and a guy who's good with magnetics, to come up with
numbers. I am certain those numbers would be ghastly.

It's your idea: set it up and show us.

and I design electronics.

Let me guess.

There isn't any evidence whatsoever you ever did anything technical in
your entire life.
I did most of this:


and a lot more, in previous lives.

Show us something you've done. And tell us your real name, while
you're at it.

On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 06:03:40 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake? I'm an EE,

Let me guess.

You can't remember where you got your degree.


Don't dodge the issue:

We never got any names, not even of a trade school.

Except perhaps for some sock puppets who are, not coincidentally just
as full of idle banter as our "EE", there is not _one single_
authority that will vouch for the sorry loser.

On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 05:55:01 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake ? This is his company !http://www.highlandtechnology.com/

Only a complete idiot would photograph computer cards and put them on
a web page.

I've seen some dumb web pages but that is the dumbest of all.

Not only is he not an engineer, he's not even functional.

The only person he is deceiving is himself.

Bret Cahill
They are not "computer cards"; they cost a *lot* more.

Eeyore wrote:

Bret Cahill wrote:


Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on vehicles
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary roads.
Total electric transportation.

And the energy losses are???

If you are too ignorant to calculate the losses then you need to get a
Pell Grant and git yerself some book larning.

No, that would be you that needs to do that. Efficient magnetic coupling
requires very small distances incompatible with vehicle suspension travel.
p.s. the hum or whine would also most likely deafen you, so forget in car
entertainment and wear ear defenders.

Piscesdream wrote:

On Dec 11, 9:05 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?
Who needs Fed Funds for that ? You can sell electricity you know !

The problem is that few batteries last more than about 1000 charge/discharge
cycles, I think the very best are up to 2000 now but to get that you can't
use the battery's full capacity, only about 70%. So you could be replacing
huge batteries every few years or so. This is what the PHEV tackles so
effectively by using gasoline (The Volt) or better still for efficiency,
diesel (The Flextreme) to handle long distances.

The engine makers are targetting 40% efficiency for 'new generation' diesels
btw. Large marine diesels already get over 50% and the waste flue heat from
them is recaptured using co-gen to make them nearly 70% efficienct overall.
That's damn good. MAN of Munich can TODAY sell you a 95% efficient diesel
power station.

In a car the waste heat is your heater in winter. With batteries, you'd lose
range by using electric heating and wear out the batteries faster still.
It's all 100% proven science.

Bret Cahill wrote:

Charging times can be reduced with smaller cells.
Which means less range and they fail faster due to more frequent
charge/discharge cycles (the killer for batteries).

It's simply not going to happen other than for light urban usage ever. END OF
STORY. The science ensures it. Of course you don't understand that bit do you ?

John Larkin wrote:

Bret Cahill <BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

You are posting under a handle.

That's my real name.
It sure is.

John Larkin wrote:

Bret Cahill <BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Because I'm allergic to unicorns. I'll use Highway 1.

At least you're no longer trying to fake a tech background.

Fake ? This is his company !http://www.highlandtechnology.com/

Only a complete idiot would photograph computer cards and put them on
a web page.

I've seen some dumb web pages but that is the dumbest of all.

Not only is he not an engineer, he's not even functional.

The only person he is deceiving is himself.

They are not "computer cards"; they cost a *lot* more.
Bret doesn't know much does he ?

Bet he doesn't even know about VME and Eurocards. As you have very wisely
said yourself, there's more profit in high-value goods.

Damn, I wish I could teach some people that !

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

WTF has that got to do with EVs ?
If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.

Bret Cahill
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

ďż˝ well then we're getting ripped off!
I don't see anyone holding a gun to your head forcing you to live in
the collectively acquired collectively defended territory of the
United States and pay taxes.

You can leave anytime.

Call 1-800-FLY-4-LESS and book the next one way flight to Mogadishu in
low tax paradise Somalia.

Bret Cahill
MC wrote:
On Dec 15, 9:17 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on vehicles
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary roads.
Total electric transportation.

And the energy losses are???

If you are too ignorant to calculate the losses then you need to get a
Pell Grant and git yerself some book larning.

I se you really don't have a clue do you?

He's a troll.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Dec 15, 9:17 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Magnetic induction cable buried in road with pick up coils on vehicles
to run electric and charge batteries. Batteries used on secondary roads.
Total electric transportation.

And the energy losses are???

If you are too ignorant to calculate the losses then you need to get a
Pell Grant and git yerself some book larning.
I se you really don't have a clue do you?
"Bret Cahill" <BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote in message news:de9d84e2-205a-4350-98ed-4aecbbec59fd@g1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

WTF has that got to do with EVs ?

If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.

Bret Cahill
Bret, what on Earth are you talking about ?

I wonder if it is even a surpise to you when these guys feed you with insults and provocation...
I often like the outlandish ideas that you post, but can't you simply ignore the known Bret Cahill feeders ?
Just let it be dude...

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

WTF has that got to do with EVs ?

If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.

Bret, what on Earth are you talking about ?
Electrification of ground transportation.

I wonder if it is even a surpise to you when these guys feed you with insults and provocation...
I often like the outlandish ideas that you post, but can't you simply ignore the known Bret Cahill feeders ?
I'm a populist. Even rightards deserve some response.

Just let it be dude...
We're either going to get sustainable or we're gonna die trying.

Bret Cahill
In article <9j2dk49ck7bcodtt2bdsf7vbbtmc87uuld@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...>
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.
IOW, a leftist weenie.
In article <ssbbk4d22ii4n0fnnl66uihrb8hst2un0r@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...>
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:38:50 -0800 (PST), Piscesdream
piscesdream70@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 13, 8:03 am, John Larkin
jjSNIPlar...@highTHISlandtechnology.com> wrote:
On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 22:17:14 -0800 (PST), Piscesdream

piscesdrea...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Dec 11, 9:05 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

And who wants to hang out in a souvenir shop for two hours, every 100
miles, while your car is being charged?

Imagine how many cars would be parked. A gas station fills a car in a
few minutes, and sometimes all 12 or so pumps are busy. Scale that to
2-hour fill-up times.

All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.
"Don't worry, we'll print more."
On Dec 16, 8:20 pm, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.
WTF has that got to do with EVs ?
If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.
Bret, what on Earth are you talking about ?

Electrification of ground transportation.

I wonder if it is even a surpise to you when these guys feed you with insults and provocation...
I often like the outlandish ideas that you post, but can't you simply ignore the known Bret Cahill feeders ?

I'm a populist. Even rightards deserve some response.

Just let it be dude...

We're either going to get sustainable or we're gonna die trying.

Food for thought:

1. Walk
2. Bicycle
3. Public Transit
4. Unlikely, but still available: Horses, donkeys

Michael Darrett
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:04:31 -0600, krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <9j2dk49ck7bcodtt2bdsf7vbbtmc87uuld@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.

IOW, a leftist weenie.
I suppose. A lot of people are neurotic and not very quantitative.
That describes a lot of LW's. Their lives are dominated by gloom,
fear, and anger. They don't understand feedback, so extrapolate trends
to disaster.

In article <1ciik45il92fan2c2gvsau0vifon1j52dr@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...>
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:04:31 -0600, krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <9j2dk49ck7bcodtt2bdsf7vbbtmc87uuld@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.

IOW, a leftist weenie.

I suppose. A lot of people are neurotic and not very quantitative.
That describes a lot of LW's. Their lives are dominated by gloom,
fear, and anger. They don't understand feedback, so extrapolate trends
to disaster.
They do the same with "positive" trends (see: Housing bubble).

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