In article <3acda74e-a4a6-446c-b3e5-81c2e4fd30a5
@r15g2000prd.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...>
@r15g2000prd.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...>
Who says Europeons aren't racist?All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.
Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.
"Don't worry, we'll print more."
The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.
, the Usenet idiot.Progress happens.
Bret Cahill