Electrify I-40, I-95 and I-5

In article <3acda74e-a4a6-446c-b3e5-81c2e4fd30a5
@r15g2000prd.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...>
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.
Who says Europeons aren't racist?

Progress happens.

Bret Cahill
, the Usenet idiot.
Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.
WTF has that got to do with EVs ?
If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.
Bret, what on Earth are you talking about ?

Electrification of ground transportation.

I wonder if it is even a surpise to you when these guys feed you with insults and provocation...
I often like the outlandish ideas that you post, but can't you simply ignore the known Bret Cahill feeders ?

I'm a populist. �Even rightards deserve some response.

Just let it be dude...

We're either going to get sustainable or we're gonna die trying.

Food for thought:

1. �Walk
2. �Bicycle
3. �Public Transit
4. �Unlikely, but still available: �Horses, donkeys
My CO2 footprint is below 4 tons a year.

What's yours?

Bret Cahill
Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters.
My favorite easy to predict juicy disaster is the one that was
recently visited on the rightard movement. It's easy to predict an
event when you've had a hand in causing it or speeding it up.

Of course, rightards ignored that prediction too and now it is easy to
make another prediction:

Since rightards are fresh out of political or other law abiding
solutions their only political activism now is violence.

So I can now make another prediction: If rightards ignore that
prediction they'll soon be sporting 3rd eyes from the Treasury Dept or
local SWAT teams.

Maybe rightards should have thought twice before cheering the Patriot
Act because if you try to resort to violence, you _will_ be treated
like terrorists.

Bret Cahill
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."
The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Progress happens.

Bret Cahill
On Dec 17, 11:29 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Not just that. Look at the media bias. The media is portraying Obama
as a hero before he even takes office. Notice how much the media
maligned Palin, and overlooked all the blunders Biden made.

An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage

Oh well. Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.

In article <08793e60-237b-4132-849a-71a78ed1f861
@c36g2000prc.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...>
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Who says Europeons aren't racist?

Europeans have ignorant rightards too, just not as many as the U. S.

Anyway, what does Europe have to do with all the racists in the U. S.
voting for McSame?
I confused you with that other phucker. Gotta admit, it's easy to

It's not like the trailer trash had any interest in eternal jihad or
tax cut recessions.
Total idiot.

If Obama had white skin he'ld won by 20 points, the biggest landslide
in modern history.
Wrong. He won *because* he was black.

Anyway you keep dodging the question: are rightards planning any
other "political activism" other than shooting sprees?
Look in the mirror, idiot.
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Not just that. �Look at the media bias. �
The media originally supported Obama for the same reason Karl Rove was
coaching him a year ago to beat Hillary:

Not that they wanted him to become president but because they knew it
would be impossible for McCain to beat the Clintons.

The media is portraying Obama
as a hero before he even takes office. ďż˝
Well Obama has a heroic task on his plate: cleaning up Dumbya's
foreign policy mess and even more, the Gipper's failed economic
policies, or lack thereof.

Notice how much the media
maligned Palin,
Someone as old as McLame really needed a competent running mate. The
GOP needs to give up bottom fishing for fundies.

and overlooked all the blunders Biden made.
Obama won't die of old age in office. It's not symmetrical.

An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coveragehttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/07/AR200...

Oh well. �Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.
Now we are getting to the truth. That is certainly true for Rove and
it's also true for the media. The media are like the GOP: they are
both decadent dying institutions and have no fig leaf exit. With no
fig leaf exit they just want to saddle future generations with as much
debt, bad laws/policies and amputees as possible.

The media wanted eternal jihad and were hoping the 20 million racist
voters would swing the election to McCain but once they saw Obama was
going to win, they jumped in front of the bandwagon and pretended to
be leading the parade.

The media always ingratiate themselves with the winner in the hope of
having some influence.

Bret Cahill
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington.

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Who says Europeons aren't racist?
Europeans have ignorant rightards too, just not as many as the U. S.

Anyway, what does Europe have to do with all the racists in the U. S.
voting for McSame?

It's not like the trailer trash had any interest in eternal jihad or
tax cut recessions.

If Obama had white skin he'ld won by 20 points, the biggest landslide
in modern history.

Anyway you keep dodging the question: are rightards planning any
other "political activism" other than shooting sprees?

Bret Cahill
All States already get Federal funds for Interstate Highway systems.
Maintenance, repairs and all of those lovely rest stops come directly
from those Federal Dollars.

Most people don't appreciate that Federal dollars are our dollars. The
difference is that we are careful with our own dollars, whereas we are
willing, even eager, to waste dollars that come from Washington..

"Don't worry, we'll print more."

The Dumbya dollar is what got a black man into the White House a
generation ahead of his time.

Who says Europeons aren't racist?

Europeans have ignorant rightards too, just not as many as the U. S.

Anyway, what does Europe have to do with all the racists in the U. S.
voting for McSame?

I confused you with that other phucker. �Gotta admit, it's easy to
Especially if you are a confused rightard.

It's not like the trailer trash had any interest in eternal jihad or
tax cut recessions.

Total idiot.
Well? Why did _anyone_ vote for McCain?

If Obama had white skin he'ld won by 20 points, the biggest landslide
in modern history.

Wrong. �He won *because* he was black.
So the majority prefers a minority?

Anyway you keep dodging the question: �are rightards planning any
other "political activism" other than shooting sprees?

Look in the mirror,
OK, I'll go look.

(Five minutes later.)

OK, I saw a nice looking progressive who is satifised that the
rightard movement is over.

Now answer the question:

Are rightards planning any other "political activism" other than
shooting sprees?

Bret Cahill
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 13:27:50 -0600, krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <1ciik45il92fan2c2gvsau0vifon1j52dr@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:04:31 -0600, krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <9j2dk49ck7bcodtt2bdsf7vbbtmc87uuld@4ax.com>,
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

In article <bd8e1780-4022-4bc8-8140-143be527fe80
@e1g2000pra.googlegroups.com>, BretCahill@peoplepc.com says...
When you are off these interstates you run your hybrid electric or EV
on gas or batteries respectively and when you are on these interstates
you run off the grid.

Conventional drive trains could be used along side the newer until it
is cheaper to upgrade.

Phasing in digital TV is much more difficult.

Bret Cahill

Why cant they use Fed funds to install a charging station at the rest
stops and truck stops?

Fed funds? Where do Fed funds come from?

Is this guy just acting stupid or is he really that stupid in real

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.

IOW, a leftist weenie.

I suppose. A lot of people are neurotic and not very quantitative.
That describes a lot of LW's. Their lives are dominated by gloom,
fear, and anger. They don't understand feedback, so extrapolate trends
to disaster.

They do the same with "positive" trends (see: Housing bubble).
Fear and greed. They seem to have different time constants. Greed is
slower, so people wait before jumping into a market; they usually wait
until they've seen lots of other people make a bundle, then get in. Of
course, then it's too late. And as soon as the thing starts to look
bad, the much faster fear factor takes over, and all the lemmings
panic and sell at a loss. So we get a relaxation oscillation, a long
slow rise punctuated by faster crashes, positive feedback on both
slopes. Smart people, who can do the numbers and force their reason to
overcome their emotions, make money on both edges.

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 11:27:15 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters.

My favorite easy to predict juicy disaster is the one that was
recently visited on the rightard movement. It's easy to predict an
event when you've had a hand in causing it or speeding it up.

Of course, rightards ignored that prediction too and now it is easy to
make another prediction:

Since rightards are fresh out of political or other law abiding
solutions their only political activism now is violence.
Don't be silly. Historically, the great mega-death violence episodes
have come from the left.

And the balance of political power in the USA isn't all that lopsided.

And very few people take politics seriously enough to get physical
about it.

And US politics goes in cycles.

Personally, I'll play under any reasonable set of rules, so I don't
bother to vote.

Bret Cahill wrote:

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

WTF has that got to do with EVs ?

If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.
Pure EVs will succeed or fail on their COMMERCIAL and practical merits,
not the colour of the Government you MORON !

I predict they will fail for all non strictly urban uses.

Bret Cahill wrote:

Tell us how rightards plan to get back into power.

WTF has that got to do with EVs ?

If rightards don't even have any talking points on how they plan to
get back into power -- apparently they don't as that question shut up
that rightard --, then it's full speed ahead on electrification of
ground transportation.

Bret, what on Earth are you talking about ?

Electrification of ground transportation.
Only works practically and economically in specific instances where it is is VERY good.

mrdarrett@gmail.com wrote:

Food for thought:

4. Unlikely, but still available: Horses, donkeys
You're not riding ME !

Besides, who's going to pick up all the poo ?

John Larkin wrote:

krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:
jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com says...
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:13:16 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

Projecting again, eh Bret?

Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters. It helps if you're neurotic, too.

IOW, a leftist weenie.
Not restricted to the political left in Europe I can tell you.

I suppose. A lot of people are neurotic and not very quantitative.
That describes a lot of LW's. Their lives are dominated by gloom,
fear, and anger. They don't understand feedback, so extrapolate trends
to disaster.
That's a pretty good, concise summary John.

John Larkin wrote:

Don't be silly. Historically, the great mega-death violence episodes
have come from the left.
Eh ? Hitler wan't REALLY a Socialist ! He just incorporated the name in his
party to make it more attractive and provide an halt-way house alternative to
the Communists. In fact he was largely supported by big business such as
Krupps and even bizarrely IIRC took contributions from Jewish run businesses.

On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 01:17:25 +0000, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:

Don't be silly. Historically, the great mega-death violence episodes
have come from the left.

Eh ? Hitler wan't REALLY a Socialist ! He just incorporated the name in his
party to make it more attractive and provide an halt-way house alternative to
the Communists. In fact he was largely supported by big business such as
Krupps and even bizarrely IIRC took contributions from Jewish run businesses.

Stalin. Mao. Pol Pot. Ethiopia.

Eeyore wrote:
mrdarrett@gmail.com wrote:

Food for thought:

4. Unlikely, but still available: Horses, donkeys

You're not riding ME !

It wouldn't be the first time someone did.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
Not so much projection as extrapolating. When you extrapolate current
trends, and are innumerate to boot, it's easy to predict all sorts of
juicy disasters.

My favorite easy to predict juicy disaster is the one that was
recently visited on the rightard movement.  It's easy to predict an
event when you've had a hand in causing it or speeding it up.

Of course, rightards ignored that prediction too and now it is easy to
make another prediction:

Since rightards are fresh out of political or other law abiding
solutions their only political activism now is violence.

Don't be silly.
Just before the election some hate group was planning on spree killing
a lot of blacks including decapitation and then finishing up with
Senator Obama.

Historically, the great mega-death violence episodes
have come from the left.
As usual no reasoning no cites no nothing.

And the balance of political power in the USA isn't all that lopsided.
It is if the GOP has no plans to make a comeback.

Have you heard of any plans?

And very few people take politics seriously enough to get physical
about it.
It'll be a lot like the post FDR era. For decades the right would
whine about Social Security.

For the next few decades the right will whine about sustainable energy
and health care.

And US politics goes in cycles.
More like spurts.

Personally, I'll play under any reasonable set of rules, so I don't
bother to vote.
You aren't going to get a reasonable set of rules without voting and
voting is the easiest part of citizenship.

Bret Cahill
Don't be silly. Historically, the great mega-death violence episodes
have come from the left.

Eh ? Hitler wan't REALLY a Socialist !
It's a superficial dicotomy. The only real choice is between
democratic freedom and despotism.

Bret Cahill

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