need a cheap student edition FPGA

Xpost from OP, FUp2 comp.lang.vhdl

Davy schrieb:

Sometimes I have to write long DFF chain like below:
In VHDL you would write

if reset_active then
DFF <= (others =>'0');
elsif rising_edge(Clk)
DFF <= DFF( xxx downto 0) & input;
end if

If you don't like to change to VHDL than you should avoid posting in
the VHDL-group.

bye Thomas
In article <>,
at) hp . com (no spaces)" <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces)"> wrote:
Jan Decaluwe wrote:

As for the SPARC code, it seems like an extreme example. I wouldn't
call this RTL code. It's more like a manually generated technology-
independent netlist. For example, they don't even use flip-flop
inference. And they do have excessive hierarchy.

I suspect that it should be possible to gain at least an order
of magnitude in terms of lines of code by using a proper RTL
style. And the synthesis results might be better. (Excessive
hierarchy tends to yield suboptimal synthesis results).

That's what I was afraid of. Structural netlists are useful for transmitting
an intact design without revealling the "real source" code. That code is what
you need if you really want to understand or modify the design.
I've looked at the code: it's not machine generated at all. It was actually
written in this style. All of the logic is in 'assign' statements and all
of the flip flops are instantiated primitives.

There is an advantage to coding this way, even in FPGAs. If you want to
hand place everything, you get no (or almost no) synthesis generated names.
This will preserve your placement work if you need to re-synthesize.

/* ( */ /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Joseph H Allen wrote:
In article <>,
at) hp . com (no spaces)" <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces)"> wrote:

Jan Decaluwe wrote:

As for the SPARC code, it seems like an extreme example. I wouldn't
call this RTL code. It's more like a manually generated technology-
independent netlist. For example, they don't even use flip-flop
inference. And they do have excessive hierarchy.

I suspect that it should be possible to gain at least an order
of magnitude in terms of lines of code by using a proper RTL
style. And the synthesis results might be better. (Excessive
hierarchy tends to yield suboptimal synthesis results).

That's what I was afraid of. Structural netlists are useful for transmitting
an intact design without revealling the "real source" code. That code is what
you need if you really want to understand or modify the design.

I've looked at the code: it's not machine generated at all. It was actually
written in this style. All of the logic is in 'assign' statements and all
of the flip flops are instantiated primitives.
Note that I called it a *manually* generated technology-independent

There is an advantage to coding this way, even in FPGAs. If you want to
hand place everything, you get no (or almost no) synthesis generated names.
This will preserve your placement work if you need to re-synthesize.
That sounds like a weak argument to me. Hand place everything?
With the complexity of today's and future FPGAs, I believe there's
little choice but assuming that synthesis and layout tools work fine -
they should by now.

Even if there would be real advantage to that coding style (I don't
know it), the price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable
code which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL.
And again, better code may well synthesize better and therefore
be easier to layout :)


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Losbergenlaan 16, B-3010 Leuven, Belgium
From Python to silicon:
In article <>,
Jan Decaluwe <> wrote:
Joseph H Allen wrote:

I've looked at the code: it's not machine generated at all. It was actually
written in this style. All of the logic is in 'assign' statements and all
of the flip flops are instantiated primitives.

Note that I called it a *manually* generated technology-independent

There is an advantage to coding this way, even in FPGAs. If you want to
hand place everything, you get no (or almost no) synthesis generated names.
This will preserve your placement work if you need to re-synthesize.

That sounds like a weak argument to me. Hand place everything?
With the complexity of today's and future FPGAs, I believe there's
little choice but assuming that synthesis and layout tools work fine -
they should by now.

Even if there would be real advantage to that coding style (I don't
know it), the price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable
code which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL.
And again, better code may well synthesize better and therefore
be easier to layout :)
Well they might not have any choice but hand placement for high performance
CPUs, but I don't really know. I've not had to opportunity to make a
multi-GHz design. Otherwise I agree with, especially about FPGAs. I did
one hand placed design in Virtex-E: 175 MHz (with hand made DDR macros).
But it was very simple. However, bad things did happen when you changed
versions of the synthesis tools. Synplicity frequently likes to change how
their machine generated names are generated.

For anything more complicated, the tools are better than hand hand-placed,
and the benefits of having clean verilog obviously are going to outweigh any
imagined gain, so I basically agree with you.

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out if this SPARC is superscalor or not.
It does not appear to have any dataflow management logic and the main
register file is only 5 ports, so I suspect not. Also, I've heard that the
real high performance chips use latches and dynamic logic. I've always
wondered how this showed up in RTL, but this chip appears to only use plain
old d-flip flops. It's cool to look at the floating point unit.

/* ( */ /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Please provide any evidence of this assertion :

" The price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable code
which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL."

This coding style which you so clearly denegrate as sub par, is
actually quite standard among high end chip development. Some reasons :

1) Much easier to swap flop models, because noone is allowed to write
there own always @ flop blocks. To replace the library for flops, it is
as simple as changing an include.

Attempting to do this in a "proper RTL" is actually "unmaintainable".
Experience in porting a design from one technology library to the next
will give you the type of experience that shows these coding standards
are *necessary*, to be able to do this type of work, your "proper RTL"
style is inflexible compared to this.

2) The synthesis tool does not care. If you write up a inverter going
into a flop, or code up a flop with an inverting input, the synthesizer
doesn't care where you placed the code. The final result is the exact
same thing.

Now if you had followed these coding guidelines, swapping out this flop
can be done by tweaking the include path for the library, you would
have to visit every line of code in your design to see whether or not
the always block is actually a flop, and then recode by hand. ( Good if
you get paid by the hour, not so good for your employer ).

3) Rebalancing logic across clock domain crossings is easier when the
logic is seperate from the flop : X's are flops (a,b,c) is assign wires

X1 --> a --> b --> c --> X2
X1 --> a --> b --> X2 --> c

The only changes that need to occur, is the input from the X2 is
changed to be b, instead of c, and the input to c is changed to be the
output of X2 instead of the output of b.

Using "proper RTL", you might have coded "a,b,c" inside of an always
block. You then need to create more wires or modify an always blocks to
pull this logic out, and then hook it up. At the end, after you have
applied your timing fix, the code is larger.

Worse yet, you may have made a mistake. These things tend to happen,
and when you recoded this flop, you have have left some path out, and
have turned it into a latch. These types of mistakes are not possible
to do in a instance -- assign -- assign -- instance methodology.
because "always @(posedge...)" is not allowed in your code, it belong
inside a library.

Now you may say "But I am smarter than that!", well that is nice for
you. But when setting up a coding standard that needs to be used by
hundreds of engineers, and verified by tools, ad-hoc methods of "proper
RTL" get left in the dust behind rigid standards that prevent bad stuff
from happening in the first place.

Please consider that this chip was probably design by a group of
engineers easily topping 100+, there were many compiler tools,
synthesis, and other tools that needed to manipulate this code, and get
meaningful information from it. Having each engineer write in what you
describe as "proper RTL" style is not acceptable in these situations.
It is not flexible enough ( you have to add lines of code just to make
timing fixes), error prone ( you can write logic that is not possible
or available in your library ), and doesn't get you *any* better

I fail to see any benefit from using your "proper RTL" style. If there
is some that would offset the costs I have listed above, I am open to
reconsider. And I realize if you have not been exposed to these ideas
before they may sound like problems that you have not faced. But these
problems are common among large scale IC's that need to be taped out
many technologies, and go through extensive ECO timing fixes to achieve
maximum performance.

In article <>,
Art Stamness <> wrote:

1) Much easier to swap flop models, because noone is allowed to write
there own always @ flop blocks. To replace the library for flops, it is
as simple as changing an include.

Attempting to do this in a "proper RTL" is actually "unmaintainable".
Experience in porting a design from one technology library to the next
will give you the type of experience that shows these coding standards
are *necessary*, to be able to do this type of work, your "proper RTL"
style is inflexible compared to this.
This only makes sense to me if you have different flops in the same design,
otherwise just rename the flop itself to match the one generated by the
synthesis tool.

So if the real problem is that you have different kinds of flops in the same
design, why not just attach an attribute to the 'reg' which becomes the

reg [15:0] foo /* synthesis attribute floptype="master_slave_3" */;

There is another advantage to this. Definitions in include files are
frequently bad because they are global. It is almost always better to use
parameters whenever possible- then you can reuse code in different ways by
overriding a parameter:

parameter main_flop="master_slave_3";

reg [15:0] foo /* synthesis attribute floptype=main_flop */;

2) The synthesis tool does not care. If you write up a inverter going
into a flop, or code up a flop with an inverting input, the synthesizer
doesn't care where you placed the code. The final result is the exact
same thing.
It doesn't care if you instantiate an inverter, but it certainly does care
if you code up a state machine with a 'case' statement.

Also, by instantiating flops, you are not giving the synthesis tool
information about the flop: in particular, the flop might have a built in
clock-enable pin that you want the synthesis tool to use.

3) Rebalancing logic across clock domain crossings is easier when the
logic is seperate from the flop : X's are flops (a,b,c) is assign wires
Why are you doing this in source code? Can't your synthesis tool rebalance
the logic at this micro level?

Worse yet, you may have made a mistake.
Human editing is bad. Make the tool do it.

I fail to see any benefit from using your "proper RTL" style. If there
is some that would offset the costs I have listed above, I am open to
reconsider. And I realize if you have not been exposed to these ideas
before they may sound like problems that you have not faced. But these
problems are common among large scale IC's that need to be taped out
many technologies, and go through extensive ECO timing fixes to achieve
maximum performance.
IBM long ago showed that bugs were proportional to the number of lines.
Thus anything that reduces the number of lines of code is going to reduce
your verification cost, which is substantial.

/* ( */ /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}

You wrote quite a bit, but I cannot agree with any of your arguments.

Art Stamness wrote:
Please provide any evidence of this assertion :

" The price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable code
which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL."

This coding style which you so clearly denegrate as sub par, is
actually quite standard among high end chip development. Some reasons :

Care to show some examples? What "high end chip" are you talking about?

1) Much easier to swap flop models, because noone is allowed to write
there own always @ flop blocks. To replace the library for flops, it is
as simple as changing an include.

If you code your flops in always blocks, this is also true. The flops
are simply implied by the synthesis tools.

Attempting to do this in a "proper RTL" is actually "unmaintainable".
Experience in porting a design from one technology library to the next
will give you the type of experience that shows these coding standards
are *necessary*, to be able to do this type of work, your "proper RTL"
style is inflexible compared to this.

Again, I don't see how writing always blocks is "unmaintainable." Maybe
I haven't had enough experience to "give me the type of experience."
Anyhow, suppose you had instantiated a dff that takes clock, din, clr,
and set inputs, and synchronous resets are generated from a mux logic.
Now, a new technology library gives you cells that has built-in
syncronous reset. To port to this new library, you must manually recode
all the synchronous reset logic. Compare this to an always block: you
don't need to do anything.

2) The synthesis tool does not care. If you write up a inverter going
into a flop, or code up a flop with an inverting input, the synthesizer
doesn't care where you placed the code. The final result is the exact
same thing.

Now if you had followed these coding guidelines, swapping out this flop
can be done by tweaking the include path for the library, you would
have to visit every line of code in your design to see whether or not
the always block is actually a flop, and then recode by hand. ( Good if
you get paid by the hour, not so good for your employer ).

If you had coded in an always block, you don't have to anything at all!
Any synthesis tool will figure out whether the cells have inverting
inputs or not. Even if you accidentally put two inverters along the
logic path, this will be optimized away from the truth tables
constructed by the synthesis tools.

3) Rebalancing logic across clock domain crossings is easier when the
logic is seperate from the flop : X's are flops (a,b,c) is assign wires

X1 --> a --> b --> c --> X2
X1 --> a --> b --> X2 --> c

The only changes that need to occur, is the input from the X2 is
changed to be b, instead of c, and the input to c is changed to be the
output of X2 instead of the output of b.

Excuse me? Rebalancing across clock domains? It is never trivial and
what you offered only works when you are balancing with the SAME clock

Using "proper RTL", you might have coded "a,b,c" inside of an always
block. You then need to create more wires or modify an always blocks to
pull this logic out, and then hook it up. At the end, after you have
applied your timing fix, the code is larger.

Worse yet, you may have made a mistake. These things tend to happen,
and when you recoded this flop, you have have left some path out, and
have turned it into a latch. These types of mistakes are not possible
to do in a instance -- assign -- assign -- instance methodology.
because "always @(posedge...)" is not allowed in your code, it belong
inside a library.

That's a lot of assumptions, not to mention many synthesis tools
rebalance logic for you automatically.

Now you may say "But I am smarter than that!", well that is nice for
you. But when setting up a coding standard that needs to be used by
hundreds of engineers, and verified by tools, ad-hoc methods of "proper
RTL" get left in the dust behind rigid standards that prevent bad stuff
from happening in the first place.

Please consider that this chip was probably design by a group of
engineers easily topping 100+, there were many compiler tools,
synthesis, and other tools that needed to manipulate this code, and get
meaningful information from it. Having each engineer write in what you
describe as "proper RTL" style is not acceptable in these situations.
It is not flexible enough ( you have to add lines of code just to make
timing fixes), error prone ( you can write logic that is not possible
or available in your library ), and doesn't get you *any* better

I see the complete opposite. Having 100+ engineers working on the same
project require them to actually understand each other's code quickly. A
netlist style is NIGHTMARE. RTL is created to be different from netlist
so that it is more readable.
I think the main point you are missing of mine is that these techniques
solve problems which it does not appear you are not familiar with.

Adding another layer of indirection in the form of an instantiated flop
model solves many of these problems and is an industry standard as far
as high end retargetable ASIC coding standards are concerned.

Each solution you have described involves adding more lines of code to
the actual RTL source, and strips out any layers of indirection. It
attaches implementation attributes directly to a design that is
intentionally high level, so that it can be retargetd. Those layers of
indirection are invisible to the tools that use them, synthesis, and
simulator, but provide flexibility for the person who needs to model
different behavior or change libraries.

Now maybe you have not had the need to do this, in which case it seems
superficial and a waste of time. But I can assure you, lots of time and
effort was spent in building these components this way for a very good

Again, I don't see how writing always blocks is "unmaintainable." Maybe I haven't had enough experience
Let met explain then. Here is the "proper RTL" as some other might
right it :

wire [31:0] a ;
wire [31:0] b ;
reg [32:0] result ;
always @(posedge clk) result <= a + b ;

Here is what you will find in many high end synthesizable RTL coding
standard examples :

wire[31:0] a ;
wire[31:0] b ;
wire[32:0] a_plus_b ;

assign a_plus_b = a + b ;

my_dff #(33) a_plus_b_32_0 ( .out( result ), .clk(clk), .in(a_plus_b) )

My simple assertion is that the added layer of indirection provided by
the "my_dff" construct, and the seperate wire containing the result,
gives me things easily, that would require RTL changes in the above

Lets say I want to simulate my design and initialize all registers to a
non-X state, just for simulations, just to see what would happen. I
would swap in a different my_dff with the attribute that I want, it
would change my compile script, but not my source code.

There are plenty of other transformations that I may want to do on the
code. If you don't ever do transformations on your code, and it all
fits in a FPGA that you can plug into your real system and test, then
you don't need this coding style. But if you pay millions of dollars
per churn of an ASIC, you want to be able to have the flexibility in
your Simulation testbench.

Now to your point that you think it is easier to read the first
examples. My only response is, "sure because you are used to it". If
you worked in high end retargetable ASIC designs you would be used to
writing the other way, and it would be just as easy to read.

Art Stamness wrote:
Please provide any evidence of this assertion :

" The price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable code
which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL."

This coding style which you so clearly denegrate as sub par, is
actually quite standard among high end chip development.
I fear you're right :)

Some reasons :
From this and other posts I believe you mentioned the following
tasks as arguments for the coding style in question:

1) randomization of flip-flop start-up values
2) retargeting a netlist to another technology
3) retiming for performance

My feedback would be that we face a methodology problem. Proper RTL
also means proper usage of available abstraction levels. RTL
is effective for functional description and verification, but
that's it. The task you describe can better be handled as follows:

1) gate level simulation
2) synthesis tool used in retargeting mode
3) advanced synthesis tool working at the gate level

Trying to do such things manually and at the RTL level will naturally
get you into trouble, to the point of generating self-fulfilling
prophecies ...

Please consider that this chip was probably design by a group of
engineers easily topping 100+, there were many compiler tools,
synthesis, and other tools that needed to manipulate this code, and get
meaningful information from it. Having each engineer write in what you
describe as "proper RTL" style is not acceptable in these situations.
There you have it ;-)


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Losbergenlaan 16, B-3010 Leuven, Belgium
From Python to silicon:
Art Stamness wrote:
Please provide any evidence of this assertion :

" The price you pay is very large: unmaintainable, unreadable code
which is probably an order of magnitude larger than proper RTL."
A proper comparision would be to undertake the same project twice,
using the 2 design styles independently and then compare results.
Typically unfeasible of course. However, in my previous life at
the design service company I co-founded (Easics) I have had the
occasional opportunity to compare.

A good example is the following. In 1996, we had an industry-first
implementation of a complete USB slave (PHY+HUB) (Philips was
the customer.) At one point, Intel released a reference design of
the PHY part and we compared.

Their design was written in, let's say, OpenSPARC style, and
had 30+ modules with low level, incomprehensible code. It
synthesized to 4000+ gates. Ours had just 3 modules with clear
RTL code and synthesized to around 2500 gates.

Small design of course, but that is the trend. We have seen
it confirmed on a few other comparison occasions, and there
is every indication that things get only worse for larger designs.


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Losbergenlaan 16, B-3010 Leuven, Belgium
From Python to silicon:
Jan Decaluwe wrote:

Their design was written in, let's say, OpenSPARC style, and
had 30+ modules with low level, incomprehensible code. It
synthesized to 4000+ gates. Ours had just 3 modules with clear
RTL code and synthesized to around 2500 gates.
Interesting story.

Small design of course, but that is the trend. We have seen
it confirmed on a few other comparison occasions, and there
is every indication that things get only worse for larger designs.
Some organizations have huge monetary and cultural
commitments to certain classical cae point tools
that defy rational discussion.

-- Mike Treseler
Art Stamness wrote:
My simple assertion is that the added layer of indirection provided by
the "my_dff" construct, and the seperate wire containing the result,
gives me things easily, that would require RTL changes in the above

Lets say I want to simulate my design and initialize all registers to a
non-X state, just for simulations, just to see what would happen. I
would swap in a different my_dff with the attribute that I want, it
would change my compile script, but not my source code.

Yes, I agree with you that it is easy to do this particular
transformation with your style. However, it's not enough to convince me,
as this transformation can also be easily done with the proper RTL
style, if not easier. With one or two lines of regular expression
code/shell script, I can mine through the entire source code and
generate a big initial block, which I conveniently insert in the testbench.

To me, portability is greater with more abstraction in the code, because
it gives synthesis tools greater freedom to implement the logic.
Art Stamness wrote:
Again, I don't see how writing always blocks is "unmaintainable." Maybe I haven't had enough experience

Let met explain then. Here is the "proper RTL" as some other might
right it :

wire [31:0] a ;
wire [31:0] b ;
reg [32:0] result ;
always @(posedge clk) result <= a + b ;

Here is what you will find in many high end synthesizable RTL coding
standard examples :

wire[31:0] a ;
wire[31:0] b ;
wire[32:0] a_plus_b ;

assign a_plus_b = a + b ;

my_dff #(33) a_plus_b_32_0 ( .out( result ), .clk(clk), .in(a_plus_b) )
And here is what we use in our coding standard

wire [31:0] a;
wire [31:0] b;
reg [32:0] result;
reg [32:0] next_result;

next_result = a + b ;

always@(posedge clk)
result[32:0] <= next_result[32:0];

This seperates the sequential from the combinational logic without impacting the ability
to understand the function. Plus it can be processed so we can do things like switch
between sync and async resets or add a clock enable signal to all flops.

Hand crafting rtl code is going the way of schematic capture. Yes, it gives you complete
control of every last detail in your design but chips have grown to the point where you
don't have the time to deal with all that detail in a normal product cycle. You have to
use more automated methodogies if you plan on finishing in a reasonable time.

John Eaton
I would have to disagree about hand crafted code going away.

I believe Intel, IBM, Sun, AMD, Cisco, and even HP, all still use RTL
based hand coded design methodologies for most all of their designs,
that I am aware of.

IP reusage models cut down on the actual number of lines of code
written by leveraging pre-built high level libraries, with fifo's,
memories, register files, and other constructs. Soc vendors are also
doing less and less design, as more of the code they actually produce
comes in the form of pre-verified IP, and their job is moved to
verification of the integrated system from verification of the
individual components.

I don't see however "whats next", as far as getting us away from hand
written code. We can save time by buying others hand written code, but
what other tools are you aware of that would take the place of Verilog

Art Stamness wrote:
I would have to disagree about hand crafted code going away.

I believe Intel, IBM, Sun, AMD, Cisco, and even HP, all still use RTL
based hand coded design methodologies for most all of their designs,
that I am aware of.
Yes there is a lot of legacy code out there and a lot of design houses
are still hand coding more. They are also finding it harder and harder
to support this code as chips grow and processes shrink. You start finding
teams that are afraid to touch blocks that have been proven in silicon
for fear of introducing bugs. One of our standard practices is to
put in a new component but leave in the old version and give firmware
the ability to select which one is used at run time.

IP reusage models cut down on the actual number of lines of code
written by leveraging pre-built high level libraries, with fifo's,
memories, register files, and other constructs. Soc vendors are also
doing less and less design, as more of the code they actually produce
comes in the form of pre-verified IP, and their job is moved to
verification of the integrated system from verification of the
individual components.

I don't see however "whats next", as far as getting us away from hand
written code. We can save time by buying others hand written code, but
what other tools are you aware of that would take the place of Verilog
Creating the design is 20% of the effort. Verification is the other 80%.
The industry is heading toward systems where you can specify the desired
behaviour and create the design and the testbench at the same time from the
same source. This goes well beyond providing a richer assortment of register
files. We are advancing from "assemblers" into "compilers"

But thats only the start. You want to design a component once and reuse it
over and over again. Each user should be able to reconfigure your component's
parameters for their exact needs and your tool set must be able to rebuild
both the rtl code and the testbench for these new parameters.

Futhermore the user will want to use this newly configured component as a
building block of another component in their chip. The tool set must be able
to "Plug&Play" the rtl code into the chip. This also involves building a chip
level testbench and documentation from all of the included components in a
fast and efficient manner.

Each stage should be able to verify that everything below it still works and
you can't spend weeks of engineering time fixing sims and hand placing components
to reach that point. The methodologies must be able to handle it.

John Eaton

I agree that the 80% effort is in the verification. That is why the
verification tools have been improving so dramatically over the last
decade, where RTL design tools hasn't really changed all that much.

Vera, Specman, and now SystemVerilog Testbench are all nicer and higher
level way of verifying designs. Constraint based Random Verification
gets more bang for the buck out of your simulation dollar. They are
still costly in runtime ( read : slow ), but are definately an
improvement over the old style hand coded testbenches.

Assertion Based Verification using OVA, OVL, PSL, SVA types are
maturing and more mainstream, and this will definately help in the
reuse of IP, however the cost of use is high because, this verification
runs continuously in your simulation. In fact just a few temporal
assertions added to some interface can half your runtime performance (
from my experience on a 2MGate microprocessor core). Static assertions
are clearly more performance friendly but must more limited in there

I know companies like Real Intent have tools that try to use "Automatic
formal" ( which extracts the assertions, and formally proves they are
possible scenarios in which illegal behavior can be expressed) . This
also seems like a good thing, unfortunately I have found that this type
of work is typically done by the RTL designer, and increases his
workload, not decreases.

And the holy grail of "Spec -> RTL" tool still doesn't exist. But I
agree we have more tools to get us closer. I still don't see there
being any other way of describing large ASIC's in any other way than
hierarchical hand coded RTL. And these tools that try to make it easier
to verify, I haven't seen one yet, that actually implements your logic,
because usually the designer is the one who knows what to optimize for
: performance, speed, area, cost, manufacturability, testability . . .

So, at the end of the day, I don't think the job of the RTL designer is
going away any time soon. In fact most of these tools still require
more code to be written to describe the correct behavior. I don't think
these technology is driving RTL designers out of work.

In article <442acdf6$>,
at) hp . com (no spaces)" <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces <"J o h n _ E a t o n (at) hp . com (no spaces)"> wrote:

And here is what we use in our coding standard

wire [31:0] a;
wire [31:0] b;
reg [32:0] result;
reg [32:0] next_result;

next_result = a + b ;

always@(posedge clk)
result[32:0] <= next_result[32:0];
I've often wanted a Verilog refactoring tool which would convert between
Mealy and Moore: this is because I usually like everything to be in a single
clocked always block (much less typing, easier to read, forces you to
pipeline), but sometimes you decide later that you really need that Mealy

I'm know the rules and take advantage of bug-free synthesis tools. For

always @(posedge clk)
x <= 1; // x is a flip flop
q = input + 3; // q is a wire
if (condition)
q = q + 1;
if (other_condition)
x <= q;

This Verilog has perfectly defined behavior, but many ASIC designers can't
deal with it because of their experience with buggy tools (no mixed
block/unblocking assigns, no non-blocking assignments to the same register).
But these same designers are perfectly willing to use full_case and
parallel_case, which absolutely can cause synthesis/simulation mismatch.
/* ( */ /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)
]?a[p+=a[p+=q]=q]=q:0:0;for(;q++-1817;)printf(q%79?"%c":"%c\n"," #"[!a[q-1]]);}
Joseph H Allen wrote:

I'm know the rules and take advantage of bug-free synthesis tools. For
always @(posedge clk)
x <= 1; // x is a flip flop
q = input + 3; // q is a wire
if (condition)
q = q + 1;
if (other_condition)
x <= q;
This Verilog has perfectly defined behavior, but many ASIC designers can't
deal with it because of their experience with buggy tools (no mixed
block/unblocking assigns, no non-blocking assignments to the same register).
Yes. This works fine.
If others don't use it, that's to your advantage.
Note if you name the block, you can declare
your wire inside it:

always @(posedge clk)
begin : my_block
reg q; // q is a wire

-- Mike Treseler
Dear Micheal,

I have tried yours, but didn't solve the problem. It still doesn't
return a single path



set sh_enable_page_mode true
set link_path {* /usr/local/synopsys/syn/libraries/syn/class.db}
set link_path {* /usr/local/synopsys/syn/libraries/syn/class.db}
read_verilog c17.v
link c17
set inputs [get_ports [list A B C D E]]
set outputs [get_ports [list x y]]
set_max_delay -from $inputs -to $outputs 0.07
report_timing -nworst 10


nformation: Using automatic max wire load selection group 'class'.
Information: Using automatic min wire load selection group 'class'.
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 1
Design : c17
Version: X-2005.12-SP2
Date : Fri Mar 31 11:04:17 2006

No constrained paths.

pt_shell> report_timing -nworst 10
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-nworst 10
-max_paths 10
Design : c17
Version: X-2005.12-SP2
Date : Fri Mar 31 11:04:37 2006

No constrained paths.

pt_shell> exit

Welcome to

