need a cheap student edition FPGA

On Tuesday, 5 September 2000 23:41:22 UTC-7, jerry jones wrote:

I need to know if there are any good free Verilog Simulators.
Currently I am using Cadence Verilog at school but Cadence doesn't
seem to have a "student version" that I can download and use at home.

If anyone has any suggestions or web pages that they can direct me it
would be greatly appreciated.



Sorry I'm about 18 years too late, but for those who are still searching, I just found a Verilog editor extension for the Eclipse IDE. The Eclipse IDE is a very handy tool in itself and is published under the GNU license, so it's more community-driven than Visual Studio. The plugin seems to be fully functional, so it seems to be a win-win for those of you still in need of a Verilog editor/simulator for your home.
On Wednesday, September 6, 2000 at 2:41:22 AM UTC-4, jerry jones wrote:

I need to know if there are any good free Verilog Simulators.
Currently I am using Cadence Verilog at school but Cadence doesn't
seem to have a "student version" that I can download and use at home.

If anyone has any suggestions or web pages that they can direct me it
would be greatly appreciated.

I use the Lattice Semiconductor tools which include a free copy of the Aldec Active-HDL simulator which supports both Verilog and VHDL. I don't know so much about Verilog, but if you want to use VHDL-2008 you have to enable that option in every new project.

Rick C.
from simulation point of view, Assign statements order are irrelevant and all are executed concurrently, while statements between begin and end in an always block are executed sequentially from top to bottom.

Muhammad Nasiri
`timescale 1ns / 1ns

// Arbiter - Unit 1 has priority but does not pre-empt a unit 2 grant. //

module arbiter
input wire REQ1, REQ2,
output reg gnt1, gnt2

initial begin
gnt1 = 0;
gnt2 = 0;
forever begin
@(REQ1 or REQ2); // requests change
gnt1 <= REQ1 && !REQ2 // no contention
|| REQ1 && REQ2 && !gnt2; // 1 has priority
gnt2 <= REQ2 && !REQ1 // no contention
|| REQ2 && REQ1 && gnt2; // no pre-emption


// Requester - At random intervals needs one or the other or both resources. //

module requester
parameter integer SEED=1
input wire GNTA, GNTB,
output reg REQA, REQB

// TO DO - Define a watchdog task that after a reasonable amount of time
// (the solution uses 17 ns) drops both request signals and disables
// the request loop. The request loop will immediately restart.

initial begin : REQUEST
integer seed;
seed = SEED;
REQA = 0;
REQB = 0;
forever begin : LOOP
REQA = $random;
REQB = $random;
// TO DO - Change each wait statement to a parallel block that:
// - Enables the watchdog task
// - Waits for the grant and when it comes disables the task
if (REQA) wait (GNTA);
if (REQB) wait (GNTB);


// Test - Instantiates two requesting units and two responding arbiters //

module test;

wire req1a, req1b, gnt1a, gnt1b;
wire req2a, req2b, gnt2a, gnt2b;

requester #(42) r1 ( gnt1a, gnt1b, req1a, req1b ); // requests A first
requester #(86) r2 ( gnt2b, gnt2a, req2b, req2a ); // requests B first
arbiter aa ( req1a, req2a, gnt1a, gnt2a ); // gives requester 1 priority
arbiter ab ( req2b, req1b, gnt2b, gnt1b ); // gives requester 2 priority

begin : MONITOR
integer mcd;
$timeformat (-9,0,"",4);
mcd = $fopen("outfile.txt");
$fdisplay (mcd,"time r1 r2 g1 g2");
$fmonitor (mcd,"%t %b%b %b%b %b%b %b%b",
#99 $finish;


//// this is my Verilog code....I want solution for some problem which is mention in command on the code..guys please help me
Hi All,
I have standard cells .libs info using this info I need generate verilog code with dummy connections. It is like script has to generate dummy verilog or RTL code based on .libs cell info to just run through synthesis flows. Can you please help me on this?

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