Clifford Heath
On 22/3/20 10:34 am, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
0) It's not a flu
1) It's much more infectious (easier to catch)
2) It's much more deadly
3) It does more long-term harm to survivors (up to a decade to recover
from lung scarring)
4) We have no known anti-virals that are proven to slow its impact once
you're infected
I could list ten more things, but that's quite enough for a start.
When it's all over, your denialism will still be here on record.
I guess you'll just deny that, too.
On Sat, 21 Mar 2020 14:07:08 -0700, dplatt@coop.radagast.org (Dave
Platt) wrote:
No, there is no _single_ person (or government body) in charge.
The American political system doesn't work that way. Never has,
really. There are (and were) multiple layers of authority and
jurisdiction, which often do not entirely agree.
I don't get it. I thought NYC was in lock down, but it seems the mayor of the city and the Governor of the state are fighting over
this. It was only today that the state of NY is requiring all non-essential personnel to stay home. Really? They are just getting to
this point? I read that Wednesday they required 50% of non-essential workers to stay home, then Thursday 75%. Now, on Friday 100% of
non-essential personnel must stay home because the numbers are still rising. Do these guys think their actions are like adjusting the
faucet? Do they really not understand it takes at least a week to see a result in this situation?
My guess (from out here in the cheap seats) is that they were trying
to reduce the shock to businesses which were going to have to shut
down... give them a day or two of transition time to prepare things
(and employees) for a long layoff.
It was rather more abrupt here in California... both the county-level
"shelter in place" orders, and the subsequent state-level order,
switched to "essential businesses only" without a ramping. Even so,
there's some disagreement between the wording of the county
shelter-in-place orders, and the state-level order, and this has led
to some confusion about just what businesses can stay open at all.
Even the medical personnel don't seem to understand the nature of exponential growth. ââŹĹThe most striking part is the speed with
which it has ramped up", said a Queens ER doctor. Clearly he never spent any time learning about exponential growth.
Well, there's school knowledge (which fades in our memory over time)
and practical hands-on-experience knowledge. As far as I can recall,
this is the first time in the lifetime of most Americans now alive
that we've been faced with a really serious exponential-growth disease
curve (highly contagious, high rate of complications, and little-to-no
immune memory in the population to help). So, in practice, it's a new
situation to most of us.
(Epidemiologists "get it", of course. So do some engineers. I doubt
this situation would have surprised anyone who ever studied the
physics of an atomic bomb.)
Don't all seasonal flus grow exponentially? What's special about this
0) It's not a flu
1) It's much more infectious (easier to catch)
2) It's much more deadly
3) It does more long-term harm to survivors (up to a decade to recover
from lung scarring)
4) We have no known anti-virals that are proven to slow its impact once
you're infected
I could list ten more things, but that's quite enough for a start.
When it's all over, your denialism will still be here on record.
I guess you'll just deny that, too.