Bret Cahill
Some places like Wyoming it's "one man, two U. S. senators." SomeIt's not just "winner takes all", but also in the smaller states your vote counts much more than in the larger states (especially
for elections for senate seats).
billionaire idiot recently lost 80 million trying to get a California
U. S. senate seat when, as some Einstein pundit pointed out, he could
have bought the entire state of Montana for that kind on money.
The U. S. constitution is only a few pages long. Someone should have
given him a copy.
The U. S. constitution was based on Montesquieu's _Spirit of Laws_,One man one vote ? Not in the US....
With utmost respect, but why didn't the founding fathers install a "popularity vote" system like what is common in European
countries rather than copying the outdated British system ?
the freedom of small states combined with the security of a large
state using the framers' political breakthrough of an "incomplete
national government."
Somewhere DeTocqueville suggested Americans use the federal
constitution to strike down all the English common law in conflict
with the constitution. This has already been down to a certain
Bret Cahill