Arthur <> wrote:
: Your design should fit going from the 9500 to the 9500xl. The 9500xl
: actually has more function block fanin (36 to 54!) so I would think
: that there should be no fitting issues.
That's what I hoped, but no luck (so far).
: The loss of wire-anding would cause your PTerm requirements to
: increase. Perhaps if you were near the maximum utilization for this it
: would not fit.
I suspect that is it. The report I get from the failed XC9536XL fit is:
"Mapping a total of 36 equations into 2 function blocks......
ERROR:Cpld:935 - Cannot place signal P<3>. Consider reducing
the collapsing input limit or the product term limit to prevent
the fitter from creating high input and/or high product term
When successfully put into an XC9536 the report says:
Macrocells used: 36/36 (100%)
Product terms used: 146/180 (81%)
Registers used: 36/36 (100%)
Pins used: 34/34 (100%)
Function block inputs used: 56/72 (77%)
There are lots of signals shown as "wire-AND input".
: You may want to try contacting the Xilinx hotline. They are willing to
: try fitting close designs.
I'll try that.
: Your design should fit going from the 9500 to the 9500xl. The 9500xl
: actually has more function block fanin (36 to 54!) so I would think
: that there should be no fitting issues.
That's what I hoped, but no luck (so far).
: The loss of wire-anding would cause your PTerm requirements to
: increase. Perhaps if you were near the maximum utilization for this it
: would not fit.
I suspect that is it. The report I get from the failed XC9536XL fit is:
"Mapping a total of 36 equations into 2 function blocks......
ERROR:Cpld:935 - Cannot place signal P<3>. Consider reducing
the collapsing input limit or the product term limit to prevent
the fitter from creating high input and/or high product term
When successfully put into an XC9536 the report says:
Macrocells used: 36/36 (100%)
Product terms used: 146/180 (81%)
Registers used: 36/36 (100%)
Pins used: 34/34 (100%)
Function block inputs used: 56/72 (77%)
There are lots of signals shown as "wire-AND input".
: You may want to try contacting the Xilinx hotline. They are willing to
: try fitting close designs.
I'll try that.