Rob Judd
Jay wrote:
I hadn't heard of Codevision, thanks for the tip.
GCC? Bwahahaha. If only you knew my opinion of that crud.Rob,
In article <3F2E0028.A07801D3@ob-wan.com>, judd@ob-wan.com says...
Add to that the need for an expensive IAR compiler for the AVR core and
it's pretty average. It's difficult to do a meaningful feature
comparison though, owing to the different architectures. I do know that
the EP1C6 and APA150 are very similar in price (when the config chip is
added into the equation). May check out the Atmel too, just to be sure
I'm not missing out on any bargains.
You have alternatives besides IAR.
The CodeVision compiler from http://www.hpinfotech.ro/ looks good, I
have associates who used it and didn't have anything unpleasant to say.
There is a version of the compiler that also supports the FPSLIC too. It
supports a number of optimizations and also includes pragmas so you can
optimize for speed or size.
There is also ImageCraft (www.imagecraft.com). I test drove the 30-day
eval and found it had functionality, but wasn't laid out (in my opinion)
as well as the above. Code produced looked OK I found CodeVision was
better in some instances, but I didn't spend too much time trying to
optimize for my test runs.
There is also AVR-GCC if you feel like dealing with GNU stuff...I have
*major* problems with this toolchain since(among other issues) it does
not support "dead code" removal which should rip out any pieces of
compiled code that aren't referenced in your program. I have a small set
of C routines that I use in many of my projects but often not all
functions in the "common set" C file are used. GCC won't remove those
(even if you mess around with the linker scripts).
Also, there aren't any pragmas for optimization (just your standard -o1
-o2 -o3 switches) which means you have to segment code into seperate
files to get it optimized the way you want (very sub-optimal).
GCC just wasn't meant for 8-bit micros, and I found plenty of fault with
the code it generates too.
Anyway, you have some alternatives.
I hadn't heard of Codevision, thanks for the tip.