Lorenzo Lutti
"Kolja Sulimma" <news@sulimma.de> ha scritto nel messaggio
I gave up some
time ago, now I buy Xilinx parts from Digikey for the prototypes, and I
let the assembliers buy them for the production.
I wonder why Xilinx doesn't have a WebShop where you can buy anything...
why only the CPLDs? And why it doesn't provide a direct samples service
like other big companies? Each time I ask my distributor for a sample is
a pain in the ass, I never know when (or if) it will arrive.
You are so damn right, same problem here in Italy.A few weeks ago I send out a request for quotes for 100
pieves XC2S200
to all european xilinx distributors and got a single
time ago, now I buy Xilinx parts from Digikey for the prototypes, and I
let the assembliers buy them for the production.
I wonder why Xilinx doesn't have a WebShop where you can buy anything...
why only the CPLDs? And why it doesn't provide a direct samples service
like other big companies? Each time I ask my distributor for a sample is
a pain in the ass, I never know when (or if) it will arrive.