Wind turbines used to absorb a power surplus?...

On 8 Apr 2023 14:12:09 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

None of those transmit the data you\'re looking for? And I\'m sure you
could put something else there, there\'s loads of open space.

Apparently not.

Apparently, you miserable lonely bigmouth and braggart are THANKFUL that the
dumbest troll around keeps baiting you, time and again! His trolling is
good for your big mouth, isn\'t it? LOL

More typical idiotic senile gossip by lowbrowwoman:
\"It\'s been years since I\'ve been in a fast food burger joint but I used
to like Wendy\'s because they had a salad bar and baked potatoes.\"
MID: <>
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:23:17 +0100, Fredxx, the notorious, troll-feeding,
senile smartass, blathered again:

John is correct according to convention and you are wrong, as typical.

A government guide also endorses the space:

-- Why do some people write seperate rather than separate?

More astonishing, why do senile assholes KEEP feeding the troll, even when
they know what he\'s all about?
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:31:28 +0100, Fredxx, the notorious, troll-feeding,
senile smartass, blathered again:

That\'s a blatant lie on so many counts. Your behaviour is also more akin
to a 10 year old vying for attention.

It\'s not a lie when he keeps repeating the one ONLINE test (he admitted he
ONLY made online tests) for so long till his IQ will turn out to be 160!

> Until then 75 sounds a more accurate appraisal.

YOU\'d better worry about the IQ of those senile assholes who keep feeding
him DESPITE his obvious mental retardation and his baiting for attention and
trolling! ;-)
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:28:08 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 23:53, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 23:20:49 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 21:07, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 19:14:43 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at times
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men.

Irony alert!

When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not all.

Stereotypes are usually the result of tribalism, not anything factual.
That\'s why people will fight and riot over silly stuff like \"our\"
sports teams, who are really just jocks for hire.

Emotion most always beats thinking.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female software
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t visual,
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting these
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.

I know guys who don\'t know which end of a screwdriver to grab. One has
a PhD in Engineering Mechanics.

Hmm, I think you\'re missing the point. There are both men and women who
aren\'t competent at anything. But in order to excel in a trade the
subject needs to come naturally with all the natural attributes. I would
suggest that more men have the attributes required for electronic design
than women, in much the same way women are more likely to enter a
profession like medicine and do well.

Of course. But knowing a person\'s gender does not tell you anything
but some probabilities.

Gender is statistically predictable in many professions. I don\'t see why
you think otherwise.

I was not \"missing the point.\"

Then I can only presume you are in denial that there are both poor male
and female drivers yet only men will only ever be F1 Champions.

Larry Summers was trashed for musing that many measurable things have
a wider normal distribution among males than females, which extends
the extreme wings on both ends. Males have more geniuses and more

That, which seems to be true, is still no excuse to make assumptions
about individuals. Most of us live near the middle of our normal

I know women who can handle power tools, and guys who can\'t. Guys who
knit and women who program FPGAs.

One reason why Western countries are so successful is that we are
willing to use 100% of our talent pool, and not 50% like some
countries that won\'t educate or employ women. The two World Wars
pulled women out of kitchens into factories and trucks and airplanes.

The secret to success: marry a woman who has a good job.
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:31:28 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 08/04/2023 05:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:50:11 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 31/03/2023 03:03, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:13:21 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

We need bigger wires between countries, it\'s always windy somewhere.


Let\'s have a poll of how high  the Commander\'s IQ is. I\'ll push at 75.

145 actually.

That\'s a blatant lie on so many counts. Your behaviour is also more akin
to a 10 year old vying for attention.

When you use LTSpice and post here your netlist to predict the outcome
to your diode in series with a transformer issue then I will accept your
IQ may be over 100.

Until then 75 sounds a more accurate appraisal.

IQ is certainly correlated to electronic circuit design ability, but a
high IQ isn\'t enough. Lots of very smart PhDs are horrible circuit
designers. Read The Review Of Scientific Instruments for some
hilarious examples.
On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 05:02:14 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
<> wrote:

On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:03:33 +0100, rbowman <> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:13:21 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

We need bigger wires between countries, it\'s always windy somewhere.

Should be possible, just pick a wavelength humans don\'t absorb, then make the equivalent of a microwave link like they do for communications, but fucking powerful.

Since wind and solar power are free, a few per cent transmission
efficiency should be fine.
On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 08:54:56 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

Since wind and solar power are free, a few per cent transmission
efficiency should be fine.

You even stick your head up the troll\'s arse for free, senile shithead! LOL
On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 1:53:22 AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:31:28 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:
On 08/04/2023 05:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:50:11 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <t...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
On 31/03/2023 03:03, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:13:21 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

IQ is certainly correlated to electronic circuit design ability, but a high IQ isn\'t enough.

IQ is mainly correlated with the ability of the put up with formal education. You mostly need to get through some formal education before you can get into electronic design. so what correlation does exist may be pretty indirect.

> Lots of very smart PhDs are horrible circuit designers. Read The Review Of Scientific Instruments for some hilarious examples.

I\'ve noticed that , and got some rude comments published there to that effect.

The problem isn\'t lack of intelligence, but rather that most physicists don\'t take electronic design seriously and don\'t read the data sheets and the application notes. They tend not to read the instrument literature all that carefully either, even when they are publishing in Rev.Sci.Instrum.

Was fairly hilarious. Librecht and Librecht cited my 1996 paper, but didn\'t seem to have read it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:08:10 +0100, Andrew <> wrote:

On 31/03/2023 16:08, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 10:49:57 -0000, alan_m <> wrote:

On 18/03/2023 09:39, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I was also disturbed to hear from him it costs £700 to install smart
meters into each home.

Possibly a bit more for both gas and electricity but around the right
ball park figure.

That was the price he quoted (his company, he\'s a contractor) for two
meters, gas and electricity in one house.

It\'s always been the case that they had to replace non-smart meters
every so often - at one time I think the target was every 10 years.

Bullshit. My next door neighbour has the original spinning disk meter
from 1979 when his house was built. They do not build them as they once
did, those meters just keep on running.

I had a friend who worked for BG and one of his jobs was to organise
routine meter replacements (long before smart meters). When it became my
turn to have my gas meter replaced I somehow managed to get an
appointment that suited me :)

They claim there\'s a massive takeup of smart meters, yet when I phoned
to get mine (only because I was offered £100 credit, and because my old
meter was fucked) I was offered an appointment morning or afternoon any
day I liked starting tomorrow. The guy who arrived\'s next job was over
an hour\'s drive away.

He tried to convince me they were a wonderful thing because you could
see how much electricity you were using right now, not at the end of 6
months. Until I showed him the £10 device which clamps onto a meter
tail and transmits wirelessly to a device inside which has precisely the
same logging functions.

I have much simpler logging method. A sheet of A4 next to the meter
and a biro. I write down the reading at about the same time on the
last and first day of the month and a few times during the month.

I take it you have an old house with the meter indoors. Most are outside nowadays, damp ain\'t good for paper and biro.
On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:13:29 +0100, Andrew <> wrote:

On 01/04/2023 13:33, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 10:49:57 -0000, alan_m <> wrote:

On 18/03/2023 09:39, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I was also disturbed to hear from him it costs £700 to install smart
meters into each home.

Possibly a bit more for both gas and electricity but around the right
ball park figure.

Looks like they\'re charging US for the meters, not the green tax, they
put my fucking standing charge up only 8 days after the installation!
Coincidence? I don\'t think so.

Of course they are charging YOU !. And you will be paying those
excessive standing charges long, long after the cost of the \'free\'
smart meter installation has been covered.

Fuck them, I\'ll just use less power then.

Daily standing charge 50.67p to 61.67p
Unit price 33.90p/kWh to 32.91p/kWh

Or.... too many people are using less power, and they want to get the
same money, so they put it on the standing charge so you pay them for
not using any power!

And one reason for the hike in standing charges was to pay \'compo\'
to all those switchers whose minnow supplier went tits up and took
their credit with them. All agreed by Ofgem.

Why would anyone want to be in credit with them? I pay after I use the power.
On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:31:01 +0100, alan_m <> wrote:

On 31/03/2023 16:08, Commander Kinsey wrote:

He tried to convince me they were a wonderful thing because you could
see how much electricity you were using right now, not at the end of 6
months. Until I showed him the £10 device which clamps onto a meter
tail and transmits wirelessly to a device inside which has precisely the
same logging functions.

You also get the same functionality for gas - assuming that you have
mains gas and use it.

I have mains gas in as much as there\'s a pipe full of it under my drive. It doesn\'t go anywhere though. Gas is a neanderthal energy source.
On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 1:55:06 AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 05:02:14 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\" <> wrote:
On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:03:33 +0100, rbowman <> wrote:
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:13:21 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

We need bigger wires between countries, it\'s always windy somewhere.

Should be possible, just pick a wavelength humans don\'t absorb, then make the equivalent of a microwave link like they do for communications, but fucking powerful.

Since wind and solar power are free, a few per cent transmission efficiency should be fine.

Wind and solar power generate electricity more cheaply than burning fossil carbon does, but it isn\'t free. You have to pay the capital cost of of putting together your solar farms or wind farms, and keep them maintained.

It\'s worth spending money on low loss transmission and storage systems so you can get by with a smaller wind farm or solar farm.

John Larkin may have though that he was being satirical, and just harking back to \"to cheap to meter\" nuclear power, but it isn\'t all that obviously satirical.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 08/04/2023 18:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:13:29 +0100, Andrew <

On 01/04/2023 13:33, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 10:49:57 -0000, alan_m <

On 18/03/2023 09:39, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I was also disturbed to hear from him it costs £700 to install smart
meters into each home.

Possibly a bit more for both gas and electricity but around the right
ball park figure.

Looks like they\'re charging US for the meters, not the green tax, they
put my fucking standing charge up only 8 days after the installation!
Coincidence?  I don\'t think so.

Of course they are charging YOU !. And you will be paying those
excessive standing charges long, long after the cost of the \'free\'
smart meter installation has been covered.

Fuck them, I\'ll just use less power then.

Daily standing charge 50.67p to 61.67p
Unit price 33.90p/kWh to 32.91p/kWh

Or.... too many people are using less power, and they want to get the
same money, so they put it on the standing charge so you pay them for
not using any power!

And one reason for the hike in standing charges was to pay \'compo\'
to all those switchers whose minnow supplier went tits up and took
their credit with them. All agreed by Ofgem.

Why would anyone want to be in credit with them?  I pay after I use the

It was the business model of all those minnow suppliers who are
no longer. Get the suckers to switch for a headline cheap rate
but then jack up the monthly DD so the punter is actually paying
a lot more per KwH. Then drag your feet if they try and get their
money back. Then disappear in a puff of Putin inflation and take
all that credit with them.
On 08/04/2023 18:59, Andrew wrote:

It was the business model of all those minnow suppliers who are
no longer. Get the suckers to switch for a headline cheap rate
but then jack up the monthly DD so the punter is actually paying
a lot more per KwH. Then drag your feet if they try and get their
money back. Then disappear in a puff of Putin inflation and take
all that credit with them.

The only suckers are those who didn\'t switch for nearly a decade.

It took about 6 weeks to get my money back and didn\'t lose a penny.

Those who got their credit returned have actually paid for much of that
returned credit in higher standing charges so very soon the standing
charges will be reduced to their previous levels, or will the pigs be
still flying?

mailto : news {at} admac {dot} myzen {dot} co {dot} uk
On Sun, 09 Apr 2023 01:49:34 +1000, John Larkin
<> wrote:

On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 15:28:08 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 23:53, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 23:20:49 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 21:07, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 19:14:43 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I
really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male
female but especially female, because they are more fun to
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer
all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious,
others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men.

Irony alert!

When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not

Stereotypes are usually the result of tribalism, not anything

That\'s bullshit with mechanical stuff.

That\'s why people will fight and riot over silly stuff like \"our\"
sports teams, who are really just jocks for hire.

Emotion most always beats thinking.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only
met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.

I know guys who don\'t know which end of a screwdriver to grab. One
a PhD in Engineering Mechanics.

Hmm, I think you\'re missing the point. There are both men and women
aren\'t competent at anything. But in order to excel in a trade the
subject needs to come naturally with all the natural attributes. I
suggest that more men have the attributes required for electronic
than women, in much the same way women are more likely to enter a
profession like medicine and do well.

Of course. But knowing a person\'s gender does not tell you anything
but some probabilities.

Gender is statistically predictable in many professions. I don\'t see why
you think otherwise.

I was not \"missing the point.\"

Then I can only presume you are in denial that there are both poor male
and female drivers yet only men will only ever be F1 Champions.

Larry Summers was trashed for musing that many measurable things have
a wider normal distribution among males than females, which extends
the extreme wings on both ends. Males have more geniuses and more

That, which seems to be true, is still no excuse to make assumptions
about individuals. Most of us live near the middle of our normal

I know women who can handle power tools, and guys who can\'t. Guys who
knit and women who program FPGAs.

One reason why Western countries are so successful is that we are
willing to use 100% of our talent pool,

We have never done that and still don\'t, particularly with women.

and not 50% like some
countries that won\'t educate or employ women.

There are very few like that anymore. Really just the Taliban in
Afghanistan now.

The two World Wars
pulled women out of kitchens into factories and trucks and airplanes.

But few continued in those areas after the war had ended.

> The secret to success: marry a woman who has a good job.
On Sun, 09 Apr 2023 00:31:28 +1000, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 08/04/2023 05:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:50:11 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 31/03/2023 03:03, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:13:21 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

We need bigger wires between countries, it\'s always windy somewhere.


Let\'s have a poll of how high the Commander\'s IQ is. I\'ll push at 75.

145 actually.

That\'s a blatant lie on so many counts. Your behaviour is also more akin
to a 10 year old vying for attention.

There are some with 145 that behave like that.

When you use LTSpice and post here your netlist to predict the outcome
to your diode in series with a transformer issue then I will accept your
IQ may be over 100.

Until then 75 sounds a more accurate appraisal.

No one with 75 can manage an honors degree in physics. .
On Sun, 09 Apr 2023 00:04:17 +1000, rbowman <> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 04:55:08 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

The LP members I\'ve known personally tend to be slightly nuts and have
a much more optimistic view of human nature than I do.

Be more specific. What do you believe would go wrong?

For a couple of examples: the financial industry lobbied for the removal
of the Glass-Steagall regulations and were successful in 1999. They used
the new found freedom to destroy themselves within 8 years.

The problem with that line is that no other first world country was
ever actually stupid enough to have anything like Glass-Steagall
and yet their financial system didnt implode spectacularly in 2008

More regulations were imposed. The Silicon Valley Bank, among others,
lobbied to have them loosened. The inevitable meltdown came even faster.

The Silicon Valley Bank didnt implode because they exploited
the loosened regulations.

That\'s an entire industry of supposedly intelligent people that can\'t
nice without supervision. The LP assumes the vast majority of people can
make intelligent decisions. I believe, almost by definition, that 50% of
the population has an IQ of 100 or less.
On Sat, 8 Apr 2023 18:59:21 +0100, Andrew, the notorious, troll-feeding
senile moron, blathered again:

It was the business model of all those minnow suppliers who are
no longer. Get the suckers to switch for a headline cheap rate
but then jack up the monthly DD so the punter is actually paying
a lot more per KwH. Then drag your feet if they try and get their
money back. Then disappear in a puff of Putin inflation and take
all that credit with them.

Yeah, pour your useless senile heart out to a clinically insanse trolling
cretin, you useless troll-feeding senile asshole! <tsk>
On Sun, 09 Apr 2023 04:27:01 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin\'s latest trollshit unread>

David Plowman about senile Rodent Speed\'s trolling:
\"Wodney is doing a lot of morphing these days. Must be even more desperate
than usual for attention.\"
MID: <>
On Sun, 09 Apr 2023 04:21:19 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin\'s latest trollshit unread>

R Souls addressing the trolling senile Australian cretin:
\"Your opinions are unwelcome and worthless. Now fuck off.\"
MID: <>

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