Wind turbines used to absorb a power surplus?...

On Thu, 6 Apr 2023 11:37:48 -0000 (UTC), Bev <> wrote:

On Thu, 06 Apr 2023 02:55:12 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Wed, 5 Apr 2023 20:11:29 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

I am beginning to sympathise with politicians and bankers, you are
all a bunch of plebeian cunts who deserve to be relieved of your
purses for being so stupid, egotistical and trusting.

Your choice of insults says things.

I am merely reflecting the sort of language I heard from politicians and
city banker types, as well as advertising executives.

Do they regularly use that word?

Not in public.

The politicians, up to and including a couple of Prime Ministers (Labour
and Tory) and the senior bankers I have met certainly did not.
Advertising executives I cannot speak about as, to the best of my
knowledge I\'ve never met any.

I\'ve met one President, one Governor, and two Senators and they were
remarkably polite.

Rumor has it that LBJ could be coarse in private.
On 05/04/2023 01:28, John Larkin wrote:
On 4 Apr 2023 23:51:22 GMT, rbowman <> wrote:

On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 20:03:55 +0100, Andrew wrote:

New Zealand and Oz send their poorer quality (fatty) meat for export to
the PAcific Islands.

I think they also send their mutton to the US giving a new meaning to
mutton dressed as lamb.

I\'ve never seen mutton for sale in a supermarket, or on a restaurant
menu here in the USA. Lamb chops are rarely available.

Sheep are grown here mostly for wool. Knitting has become a fad, not
just among women.
In the UK it sometimes costs more to shear the sheep (which must be
done once a year) than the wool is worth. A lot of eco-friendly
houses have been insulated with sheep wool batts but there have
been horror stories of self-build properties that used this stuff
but it had not been properly treated to eradicate bugs.

There is more money to be made from making hand-made paper out of
sheep *shit*, which is washed (in a 2nd hand domestic washing m/c)
and the plant fibres collected and used to make paper.
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 04:14:06 +0100, John Larkin <> wrote:

On 30 Mar 2023 00:51:24 GMT, rbowman <> wrote:

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:24:21 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:55:47 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 13:42:22 -0000, alan_m <

On 19/03/2023 12:27, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 11:54:41 -0000, alan_m <

On 18/03/2023 11:17, Sylvia Else wrote:

On balance, then, I doubt that using wind turbines as fans is real.

How do you think a wind farm works when there is no wind? For 50% of
the windmills you turn on the fan mode so the rest of them can
generate electricity. It\'s the perfect perpetual motion scheme on a
gigantic scale.

I wonder if we covered the world in wind farms, would we use up some
wind and the weather would be nicer?

You just end up with a more turbulent wind stream

I don\'t believe you, they must absorb some of the air speed.

By \"Katy Human\"? What kind of a surname is that?

What kind of first name is \"Commander\"?

Kinsey\'s cousin...

Do they look alike?

I only go that colour after swimming outdoors in winter.
On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:24:21 +0100, John Larkin <> wrote:

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 12:55:47 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 13:42:22 -0000, alan_m <> wrote:

On 19/03/2023 12:27, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 11:54:41 -0000, alan_m <> wrote:

On 18/03/2023 11:17, Sylvia Else wrote:

On balance, then, I doubt that using wind turbines as fans is real.

How do you think a wind farm works when there is no wind? For 50% of the
windmills you turn on the fan mode so the rest of them can generate
electricity. It\'s the perfect perpetual motion scheme on a gigantic

I wonder if we covered the world in wind farms, would we use up some
wind and the weather would be nicer?

You just end up with a more turbulent wind stream

I don\'t believe you, they must absorb some of the air speed.

By \"Katy Human\"? What kind of a surname is that?

What kind of first name is \"Commander\"?

I wish to use a word here but can\'t think of it. When you want to dismiss what someone said because he doesn\'t understand something. Eg. you\'re listening to classical music and an ignorant rave music lover says \"it needs more bass\".
On Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:59:45 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

I\'ve met one President, one Governor, and two Senators and they were
remarkably polite.

Gianforte was booked and printed for misdemeanor assault and won the
special election. He ran for Congress in 2018 and beat the Democratic
candidate by 5%. He then ran for governor in 2020 and won by 13%.

He can be polite when he wants to be but beating on obnoxious reporters
did nothing to hurt his popularity.
On 06/04/2023 19:01, Andrew wrote:

There is more money to be made from making hand-made paper out of
sheep *shit*, which is washed (in a 2nd hand domestic washing m/c)
and the plant fibres collected and used to make paper.

Sheep shit on grass is extremely difficult to pick up! How do I know?
Friends of mine live in a rural location and flock of sheep being driven
down the road encountered a dog being taken for a walk. They panicked
and on mass came up my friend\'s driveway and into their large lawn. The
farmer and his 3 dogs got them out of their very quickly but they left
quite a lot of shit on the drive and lawn. As guests were expected a few
hours later we made some attempt at clearing a least some part of the
lawn where everyone would be sitting. Not easy.

The driveway was hosed down and most of the lawn was left for the rain
in the proceeding months to wash it into the soil.

I would think that cow or horse shit possibly is easier for extracting
fibres or is all that used for wattle and daub building of new houses :)

mailto : news {at} admac {dot} myzen {dot} co {dot} uk
On 7 Apr 2023 02:25:55 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Gianforte was booked and printed for misdemeanor assault and won the
special election. He ran for Congress in 2018 and beat the Democratic
candidate by 5%. He then ran for governor in 2020 and won by 13%.

He can be polite when he wants to be but beating on obnoxious reporters
did nothing to hurt his popularity.

HE can be polite if he wants, but can YOU shut your endlessly gossiping
senile gob for a while? Doesn\'t look like it.

More of the senile gossip\'s absolutely idiotic senile blather:
\"I stopped for breakfast at a diner in Virginia when the state didn\'t do
DST. I remarked on the time difference and the crusty old waitress said
\'We keep God\'s time in Virginia.\'

I also lived in Ft. Wayne for a while.\"

MID: <t0tjfa$6r5$>
On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:
On Thu, 6 Apr 2023 12:28:29 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 10:55, John Larkin wrote:
On Wed, 5 Apr 2023 20:11:29 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 05/04/2023 15:36, John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 17:51:16 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 04/04/2023 17:38, Bev wrote:
On Tue, 04 Apr 2023 17:09:37 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

On 04/04/2023 13:10, Bev wrote:
On Tue, 04 Apr 2023 12:19:55 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

The BofE and the PM and treasury are effectively insider traders on
the bond scam.

Apart from yourself (and I\'m not even sure about that), is there anyone
who isn\'t out to get you one way or another?
Its not me who is being got. I understand what is going on. I am merely
trying to inform *you*.

snip many lines of childish paddy

Ahh, I see your meds are wearing off - did you enjoy your little rant?

Dint you have anything intelligent to contribute than a pathetic little
ad hominen?

I hope you invest ins a \'safe\' pension find that goes down and leaves
you wandering the streets

I am beginning to sympathise with politicians and bankers, you are all a
bunch of plebeian cunts who deserve to be relieved of your purses for
being so stupid, egotistical and trusting.

Your choice of insults says things.

I am merely reflecting the sort of language I heard from politicians and
city banker types, as well as advertising executives.

Do they regularly use that word?

Not in public.

Of course not, it\'s how they talk in private.

Do you socialize often with politicians and city bankers and
advertising executives?

I used to, yes.

People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Proof by assertion?

People who use poo and pee words all the time should see an internist
and fix whatever is wrong.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.
-- Yogi Berra
On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the
On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 07:20:27 +0100, alan_m wrote:

Sheep shit on grass is extremely difficult to pick up! How do I know?
Friends of mine live in a rural location and flock of sheep being driven
down the road encountered a dog being taken for a walk. They panicked
and on mass came up my friend\'s driveway and into their large lawn. The
farmer and his 3 dogs got them out of their very quickly but they left
quite a lot of shit on the drive and lawn. As guests were expected a few
hours later we made some attempt at clearing a least some part of the
lawn where everyone would be sitting. Not easy.

Movie trivia: in \'The Quiet Man\' when John Wayne drags Maureen O\'Hara
through a field, it was a sheep pasture that hadn\'t been adequately
On 7 Apr 2023 15:06:35 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> Movie trivia:

Ah, the resident expert in trivia speaks again, lowbrowwoman herself!

<FLUSH trash unread>

More of the resident senile bigmouth\'s idiotic \"cool\" blather:
\"For reasons I can\'t recall I painted a spare bedroom in purple. It may
have had something to do with copious quantities of cheap Scotch.\"
MID: <>
On Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 12:04:47 AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:
On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like women.

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

Interesting typo - probably a blend of \"celebrate\" and \"celibate\".

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Venture capitalists figure on backing twenty projects to get one that pays off big enough to pay for all the rest.

Regular commercial developments succeed about 30% of the time, so you are less adventurous than most, but you have also claimed that most of your \"development projects\" only take a fortnight\'s of work, from start to complete documentation, which makes the \"development\" closer to minor modification.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the time.

John Larkin expects to be flattered non-stop, and anybody who doesn\'t deliver the expected flattery is a grouchy downer in his book.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.
On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at times
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men. When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not all.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female software
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t visual,
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting these
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 19:14:43 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at times
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men.

Irony alert!

When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not all.

Stereotypes are usually the result of tribalism, not anything factual.
That\'s why people will fight and riot over silly stuff like \"our\"
sports teams, who are really just jocks for hire.

Emotion most always beats thinking.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female software
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t visual,
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting these
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.

I know guys who don\'t know which end of a screwdriver to grab. One has
a PhD in Engineering Mechanics.
On 07/04/2023 21:07, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 19:14:43 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at times
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men.

Irony alert!

When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not all.

Stereotypes are usually the result of tribalism, not anything factual.
That\'s why people will fight and riot over silly stuff like \"our\"
sports teams, who are really just jocks for hire.

Emotion most always beats thinking.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female software
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t visual,
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting these
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.

I know guys who don\'t know which end of a screwdriver to grab. One has
a PhD in Engineering Mechanics.

Hmm, I think you\'re missing the point. There are both men and women who
aren\'t competent at anything. But in order to excel in a trade the
subject needs to come naturally with all the natural attributes. I would
suggest that more men have the attributes required for electronic design
than women, in much the same way women are more likely to enter a
profession like medicine and do well.
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 23:20:49 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 21:07, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 19:14:43 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 18:00, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 15:34:52 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 07/04/2023 15:04, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 13:27:56 +0100, Fredxx <> wrote:

On 06/04/2023 15:56, John Larkin wrote:


People who use female-derived insults don\'t like women. I really like

Does that mean you don\'t respect women\'s failings?

I like gutsy people, people who have ideas and take risks, male and
female but especially female, because they are more fun to celibrate
with. People who take risks often fail... or they are holding back.

I was watching a stupid movie that involved some gambling at roulette.
If you bet on red or white, there is a 50:50 apparent risk, but there
is a house cut slot that reduces the probable return below unity.

If you design a lot of things, and half are commercial failures (about
what mine are) you lose your stake half the time, but the others pay
off 10:1, or sometimes 1000:1.

Perceived insults and facts overlap. Monthly grouchiness is one example.

I never noticed that, but you prefer to be grouchy and downer all the

You\'ve never had a female boss, or if you had only dreamt of getting
into her knickers.

Don\'t be dumb and coarse. I\'ve had three lady bosses and only got
physically close to one, once, before she was my boss.

I\'ve worked for a few. My experiences are varied with one who at times
was a tyrant.

I now work for my younger daughter. She runs the businness and I
doodle schematics.

Sounds a nice arrangement.

Women and men have different attributes, some very obvious, others where
we\'re obliged to be in denial that the differences might exist.

I also like women. Occasionally even love them.

So many guys want women and don\'t like them.

In any class of people, the normal distribution is enormous, so one
can\'t stereotype abilities beyond obvious things like the ability to
bear children.

Women seem keen to stereotype men.

Irony alert!

When it comes to risk, stereotypes
abound for good reason. Similarly some forms of aggression but not all.

Stereotypes are usually the result of tribalism, not anything factual.
That\'s why people will fight and riot over silly stuff like \"our\"
sports teams, who are really just jocks for hire.

Emotion most always beats thinking.

There is a tendency for guys to do electronic design. I\'ve only met a
few serious female EEs, but they are awesome. I don\'t know if the
statistics there are genetic; maybe so.

I have yet to meet one. I have met a number competent female software
and mechanical design engineers.

I\'ve put it down to the ability to visualise things that aren\'t visual,
which perhaps ties into spacial awareness. But anyone highlighting these
sorts of differences is of course a misogynist. On the other hand we
could just accept the differences on a broader, more general scale.

I know guys who don\'t know which end of a screwdriver to grab. One has
a PhD in Engineering Mechanics.

Hmm, I think you\'re missing the point. There are both men and women who
aren\'t competent at anything. But in order to excel in a trade the
subject needs to come naturally with all the natural attributes. I would
suggest that more men have the attributes required for electronic design
than women, in much the same way women are more likely to enter a
profession like medicine and do well.

Of course. But knowing a person\'s gender does not tell you anything
but some probabilities.

I was not \"missing the point.\"
On Wed, 05 Apr 2023 05:03:55 +1000, Andrew <>

On 02/04/2023 17:38, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 2 Apr 2023 16:37:44 +0100, Andrew <

On 18/03/2023 17:49, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
On 2023-03-18, alan_m <> wrote:
On 18/03/2023 15:02, micky wrote:

Having a smart meter means they no longer have to send meter
readers, so
that saves a lot of money in the long run.

Using your argument about 15 minutes for a smart meter installation
house not costing a lot the 30 seconds to read a meter once every 12

Prior to smart meters, ours were read once a month. The meter reader
had to trudge from house to house--they\'re about 40 meters apart on
my road, although it\'s twice that from my house to the one to the
south. Multiply that by 155 million customers in the U.S. It adds

America has an obesity \'problem\'. All that trudging means lots
of exercise for the meter readers :)

I think it\'s partly genetic. Some people didn\'t evolve with ice cream
and cheesecake and giant cheezy pizzas. Africans and Pacific Islanders
tend to blimp out on a junk-food diet.

New Zealand and Oz send their poorer quality (fatty) meat
for export to the PAcific Islands.


> Tinned corned goat anyone ?.

That\'s not poorer quality (fatty) meat

Great delicacy in Fiji and Tonga.

They also eat a lot of bread and bread-based fast foods,

No such animal as the last.

high-carb basic foods grown locally. Being hot they don\'t need
to waste energy maintaining body heat so they put on weight

They always were porkers long before any white
man showed up and eat each other, quite literally.

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