Why do circuit breakers go up for on and down for off?...

On 21 Apr 2023 03:31:43 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> How much was that influenced by Bomber Harris and Lindemann\'s \'de-housing\'

How much of your sick bullshit will you still pour into these three poor
newsgroups, you subnormal senile Trumptard, Putin- and Hitler sympathizer?

Trumptard, Hitler- and Putin-sympathizer lowbrowwoman about Nazi-Germany:
\"At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to East Prussia which
had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig Corridor.\"
MID: <kabnetFft5qU17@mid.individual.net>
On 21 Apr 2023 03:15:39 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

If by US you mean the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned
about, I\'m not part of it. If you mean the war mongering chicken hawks
that are running the country, I\'m not in that group either.

Well, you ARE a Trumptard, a Hilter- and a Putin sympathizer ...in addition
to being a disgusting bigmouth!

Trumptard, Hitler- and Putin-sympathizer lowbrowwoman about Nazi-Germany:
\"At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to East Prussia which
had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig Corridor.\"
MID: <kabnetFft5qU17@mid.individual.net>
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:07:52 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin\'s latest trollshit unread>

Website (from 2007) dedicated to the 89-year-old senile Australian
cretin\'s pathological trolling:
On 21 Apr 2023 03:12:57 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> It\'s an independent country. Why are your troops there?

These are unrelated newsgroups, senile shithead! What is all your senile
shit doing in here?

Yet another thrilling story from the resident senile gossip\'s thrilling
\"Around here you have to be careful to lock your car toward the end of
summer or somebody will leave a grocery sack full of zucchini in it.\"
On 21/04/2023 04:15, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:24:16 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

On 20/04/2023 04:28, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 05:26:46 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:

Putin has clearly invaded an independant Ukraine and it is irrelevant
how many russians are in the Ukraine.

How many troops does Britain have in Syria? I won\'t even go in to how
many independent countries the US has invaded, including Grenada. That
really pissed off Maggie Thatcher when Reagan didn\'t even say \'May I?\'

Clearly the US feels it is in its interest to do so.
Why don\'t you?

If by US you mean the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned
about, I\'m not part of it. If you mean the war mongering chicken hawks
that are running the country, I\'m not in that group either.

But neither are you, one hopes, part of a warmongering propagandists
state like Russia.

And it seems you feel no affinity for ordinary Ukrainians or Russians,
who are getting the shit blown out of them.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to
– H. L. Mencken, American journalist, 1880-1956
On 21/04/2023 04:42, rbowman wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:32:41 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:

On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:47:59 +1000, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:55:13 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

So he gave him Poland. Betraying the trust that the Poles had in us.

More fools them. Britain was in no shape to defend itself in 1939 let
alone Poland. At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to
East Prussia which had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig
Poland as an independent country hadn\'t even existed for 100 odd years
prior to Versailles. Figuring Britain had their back the Poles got
pigheaded, a national trait. Arguably Poland would have had a much
better war had it allied with Germany.

Beneš thought he was wilier but that didn\'t prove to be the case.
Czechoslovakia was another idiotic creation by politicians that had no
feeling for ethnic groups. Not surprisingly the Czechs and Slovaks seem
to be getting along quite well together since their velvet divorce.

Even today there are plenty of people in the Right of the USA who
think \'Russia isn\'t our problem\'

It is and it always has been.

Someday all those old cold warriors will march off into the sunset.

Not while ever Putin is driving his bus. And it remains to be seen who
follows him.

It can\'t come too soon. I have no fondness for Russia but I have to
agree with Putin that the US has been prodding and poking since the
supposed end of the Cold War.

Only because of Russia\'s activity.

Britain didn\'t want to let go of world hegemony and lost everything.

Nope, hasnt even lost the Falklands or Scotland or Wales.

Don\'t get too fond of the Falklands.

Countries with failed governments always try to blame it on someone else
and have a war with them.

The Falklands have never ever been Argentina\'s.

Will Sturgeon\'s successor be able to accomplish what she couldn\'t do?
Yes, he will destroy the SNP *completely* and with it the myth of
\'scottish independence\'.

Another failed government blaming someone else.

> Are the Taffys getting restless too?


The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to
– H. L. Mencken, American journalist, 1880-1956
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:38:15 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

It\'s funny, I\'ve been to San Francisco lots of times for work. People
say it\'s their favo(u)rite city. I\'ve obviously never found the nice

No city is nice. Cuntryside is nice.

Are you related to Shooter Jennings?

On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:39:48 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
<CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 15:12:12 +0100, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Sat, 01 Apr 2023 12:20:51 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 02:43:57 -0000, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On 10 Mar 2023 06:24:56 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Thu, 09 Mar 2023 08:51:43 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

The old Victorians and deco and moderne houses are quirky and wonderful.

My ex and I had some fun times in the little room at the top of a tower in
an old Victorian. The entry was sort of a trap door so we wouldn\'t be
disturbed. The curved glass panes blew my mind.

I knew a man who specialized in Victorian restoration. He made a living
but it was mostly a labor of love. Had he accounted for all the hours he
put in and paid a reasonable hourly rate you\'d have to be Bill Gates to
afford him.


Looks like an invasion from the luddite Mozzies. Blow it up.

Yes. A ranch style house with an astroturf lawn and a carport and an
above-ground portable swimming pool would be much nicer.

It would beat that ugly piece of plastic from the god botherers. Still, looks easy to snipe at.

That house is on my favorite street, one block of Cumberland between
Sanchez and Noe. It\'s beautiful and bizarre. Near Zuckerberg\'s house.

My kid\'s middle name is Noe. We named her for three San Francisco

The streets called N, O, and E?

Better you don\'t know her full name. If you met her, or her sister,
she would terrify you.
John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> writes:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:39:48 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

That house is on my favorite street, one block of Cumberland between
Sanchez and Noe. It\'s beautiful and bizarre. Near Zuckerberg\'s house.

My kid\'s middle name is Noe. We named her for three San Francisco

The streets called N, O, and E?

Better you don\'t know her full name. If you met her, or her sister,
she would terrify you.

On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:42:07 GMT, scott@slp53.sl.home (Scott Lurndal)

John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> writes:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:39:48 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

That house is on my favorite street, one block of Cumberland between
Sanchez and Noe. It\'s beautiful and bizarre. Near Zuckerberg\'s house.

My kid\'s middle name is Noe. We named her for three San Francisco

The streets called N, O, and E?

Better you don\'t know her full name. If you met her, or her sister,
she would terrify you.


That\'s a 5 minute drive from here. It\'s kinda upscale compared to our
tiny village, a lot like the West Side of NYC. Whole Foods, expensive
restaurants, good coffee and pastries.

I know some people who mostly work from home, overpaid apple/google
types, who live there, emigrants from Silicon Valley. It\'s gotten
expensive. The days of a $315 per month flat are over.

What really changed this part of town was the free private busses that
pick up and drop off SV workers. Remote work is the next trend.

Software is better suited to remote work than electronic design, in my
opinion. The collaborative github model ditto.
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:33:07 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

Better you don\'t know her full name. If you met her, or her sister,
she would terrify you.

What sick off topic & idiotic shit is this now about, you brain dead
troll-feeding senile ASSHOLE?
On 21 Apr 2023 16:03:02 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Are you related to Shooter Jennings?

Are you sucking troll cock again, washerwoman?

Gossiping \"lowbrowwoman\" about herself:
\"Usenet is my blog... I don\'t give a damn if anyone ever reads my posts
but they are useful in marshaling [sic] my thoughts.\"
MID: <iteioiF60jmU1@mid.individual.net>
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:15:52 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

Software is better suited to remote work than electronic design, in my
opinion. The collaborative github model ditto.

I go into the office two days a week. No big deal since it\'s on the edge
of town and a couple of blocks from the grocery store, gym, Home Depot,
etc so I\'d have to go in anyway. The f2f conversations sometimes yield
more than Slack or a Zoom meeting would but they\'re not essential.

Years ago as I transitioned from hardware to software that was my
realization. All I need is a computer, no test gear, no hardware, no
tools, and so forth. I futz around with Arduinos for relaxation but for
the last twenty or thirty years everything I\'ve done is sort of imaginary
as far as the real world goes, just electrons on a screen.
On Wed, 05 Apr 2023 04:01:57 +0100, Bob F <bobnospam@gmail.com> wrote:

On 4/4/2023 9:47 AM, Mark Lloyd wrote:
On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright
enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where they
are going step in it?

They put it in a bag, then leave it sitting on the trail for someone
else to do something about it. I see that frequently. Maybe they intend
it pick it up on the way out, but after several days it is still there.

It means you won\'t step in it. That\'s the main thing.
On Tue, 04 Apr 2023 17:52:10 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 04/04/2023 17:47, Mark Lloyd wrote:
On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright
enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where they
are going step in it?

No, they hang it on tree branches, because there are no doggie bins for

Typical. I see no litter signs too, but no bins. Can\'t enforce a rule impossible to follow.
On Wed, 05 Apr 2023 01:11:34 +0100, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 17:52:10 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

On 04/04/2023 17:47, Mark Lloyd wrote:
On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around
without a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright
enough to realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with
you. The cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where
they are going step in it?

No, they hang it on tree branches, because there are no doggie bins for

Don\'t even suggest that.

I thought that\'s where they all went? Keeps them off the trail.
On 22 Apr 2023 03:11:52 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:15:52 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

Software is better suited to remote work than electronic design, in my
opinion. The collaborative github model ditto.

I go into the office two days a week. No big deal since it\'s on the edge
of town and a couple of blocks from the grocery store, gym, Home Depot,
etc so I\'d have to go in anyway. The f2f conversations sometimes yield
more than Slack or a Zoom meeting would but they\'re not essential.

Years ago as I transitioned from hardware to software that was my
realization. All I need is a computer, no test gear, no hardware, no
tools, and so forth. I futz around with Arduinos for relaxation but for
the last twenty or thirty years everything I\'ve done is sort of imaginary
as far as the real world goes, just electrons on a screen.

I think the real difference between hardware and software design is
how easy it is to fix software bugs. Sometimes you just put the fixed
code online.

The easier it is to fix bugs, the less care is exercized in preventing
them. Hardware bugs aren\'t so easy to fix.

And collaboration doesn\'t work as well for hardware.

It will be interesting to watch flux.ai, an attempt to apply software
style tools to hardware design.
On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 3:16:04 AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:42:07 GMT, sc...@slp53.sl.home (Scott Lurndal) wrote:
John Larkin <jla...@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> writes:
On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:39:48 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\" ...@nospam.com> wrote:


> Software is better suited to remote work than electronic design, in my opinion. The collaborative github model ditto.

Since John Larkin seems to think that fiddling with a circuit until it more of less works is \"electronic design\", his opinion isn\'t worth much.

You have to put together real hardware before you can be sure that it is going to work, but if you known what you are doing, it mostly does.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 22 Apr 2023 03:11:52 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> I go into the office two days a week.

Good grief!!!! Fuck OFF finally and keep your endless idiotic blather out of
these groups, you lonely senile shithead who clearly has nobody in real life
to talk to!

Another one of the resident senile bigmouth\'s idiotic \"cool\" lines:
\"If you\'re an ax murderer don\'t leave souvenir photos on your phone.\"
\"MID: <k7ssc7F8mt9U3@mid.individual.net>\"
On Sat, 22 Apr 2023 06:16:14 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
<CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 21:15:12 +0100, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On 3 Apr 2023 19:29:01 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

We have Teslas and custom bred-to-order labridoodles. The Brat is
unusual in adopting SPCA mutts.

Everyone here that walks a dog carries poop bags and uses them.

If nobody\'s looking, I fail to see the point in picking it up.

Poop smeared everywhere appeals to you?

Probably so. It\'s a common syndrome.

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