Warning - LG Electronics - No Aftersales Service

"Paul" <paul_c100@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Actually, no, warranty repairs go via service agents. Only if the
product is "dead on arrival" is the retailer required to get involved.
It is dead on arrival now ....... doesnt work like it does in the manual.

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

I bought from Bing Lee in Chatswood. I asked them to try and negotiate
a more efficient result. They wouldn't do anything. I am familiar with
Fair Trading. I will take the appropriate action at the appropriate

** Your one man, crazed vendetta will go down badly at Fair Trading.

.......... Phil
"Zhod" <


noun {C}

a long and violent argument between people or families in which one
group tries to harm the other in order to punish them for things that have
happened in the past:
- He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by
his political enemies.

........... Phil
On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 10:07:13 GMT, "PeteZ" <peteZ@aol.com> wrote:

I like (and appreciate) this info - it will help me decide on the brand of
my next purchase on this type of gear.

Your story is truly unbelieveable ! Call a radio / TV station - they'd be
interested in hearing from you.

Just when I thought LG was OK, you might have saved me a load of dosh - I'll
avoid them like the plague.

many thanks,

- peteZ
What an AOL lamer for starting a new thread with that title.

What a wanker !!!


a person named Phil Allison


"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message



noun {C}

a long and violent argument between people or families in which one
group tries to harm the other in order to punish them for things that have
happened in the past:
- He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by
his political enemies.

.......... Phil
On 4 Jun 2004 02:52:00 -0700, paul_c100@hotmail.com (Paul) wrote:

Basically, I now have a $9,000 TV that's useless. Can't get it
repaired, nobody from LG responds.
Why did you spend $9000 on a poxy LCD rear projection ?

What a waste of cash.

On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 11:48:43 +1000, DJ! <derek@ausmicro.com> wrote:

On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 14:40:11 GMT, dj <dj@nospam.com> wrote:

Most do not do that because on spam.

Newsflash! Posting your real name DOES NOT result in a flood of spam.
Posting your real name and if you upset a person which is mentally
unstable they can end up stalking you which is not much fun.

Never ever post your real name or use a real email address

Nothing wrong with doing that because most do it to not get spam.

Plenty of ways to bot-proof a legitimate email address when posting to
newsgroups if you're concerned about spam.

Cheers... Derek (DJ)
derek@ausmicro.com derek@clubduh.com

Quote of the moment
"Relationships are hard. It's like a full-time job, and we
should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend
wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice.
There should be severance pay, and before they leave you,
they should have to find you a temp."
- Bob Ettinger
Paul <paul_c100@hotmail.com> wrote in message

Actually, no, warranty repairs go via service agents. Only if the
product is "dead on arrival" is the retailer required to get involved.
He clearly said that the fault was there from new.

So its the retailer's problem legally.

Or was before the service agent got involved, anyway.

Now the best approach is to at least threaten LG with
the small claims system and use it if they ignore that threat.

atec <"atec77(notspam)"@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<40C0481B.AA951340@hotmail.com>...
You may have been misinformed , if its warranty return for repair to
the place of purchase

Paul wrote:

A warning to people who like me are attracted by LG's electronics
products and pretty aggressive prices. Everything is fine if the
product works, HOWEVER, be warned that should the product fail, you
may have significant problems getting it satisfactorily repaired.

I recently bought an extremely expensive LG LCD Rear Projection TV.
This was a great product, but it had a samll fault with the screen
since new. After contacting LG, they said I had to go through the
repair agents, fair enough. I rang them. After making me take half
days off work on three occasions, the told me they would have to take
the TV away.

They could not tell me how long they would have it. They would not
ring LG and ask if the part was in stock. I rang LG customer service.
Wow, was a frustrating experience. They really weren't interested at
all. I explained politely that I was going to have the TV at the
service agent and could they deliver the part (or at least reserve it)
so the TV would be out of action for the least possible time. They
said no.

I tried to escalate to the service manager. What a joke. I left about
10 messages over three weeks. No return call. I think located the
Managing Directors name and sent a fax saying nobody was responding
and I wanted to speak to the Managing Director and wanted a
replacement unit. I then received a call from the service manager
saying she'd been very busy blah blah.

Long story, but : She promised the TV would be returned within 3 days.
I aggreed to have the TV taken away. We waited three weeks. Nobody
returned calls. Unbelievable.

After it was returned, the picture quality was crap, the progressive
scan no longer works, and I suspect (no proof yet) that they've put in
an inferior LCD unit because the TV doesn't seem to display high
resolution images as well as before.

I have tried now on two occasions to contact the Managing Directors
office. They completely ignore me. If you are motivated to attempt to
speak to the MD of a company, then almost every reasonable company
will pass it onto somebody reasonable. Even Citibank (the worst bank
in Australia) will get a 'Complaints Officer' to review.

Basically, I now have a $9,000 TV that's useless. Can't get it
repaired, nobody from LG responds.

Bottom line ... If you are buying anything more than an LG toaster, be
aware that if it breaks down, you almost certainly will have little
chance getting a resolution unless it's a simple problem to fix.

This contrasts with other dealers. I have had problems with both Sony
and Philips products in the past. The difference is, if you request
the problem be escalated, Sony and Philips will DEAL with your
problem. Both of these companies went out of their way in attempting
to solve complex (and expensive) problems.

flyinyereye <spam@spam.com> wrote in message
Rod Speed <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote

Fuck them over using the small claims system in your state.

That should put one hell of a bomb under them and you may
well get a brand new TV or a full refund of what you paid.

Doesnt cost much in most states.

Even the threat of the small claims system
may well put one hell of a bomb under LG too.

I wonder why Paul hasn't utilised his rights under the Trade
Practices Act and contacted the store he purchased it from?
Likely because like most people, he doesnt
realise what the TPA specifys on that.

Most retail operations dont either.

Harder to say what the story is with LG itself.

The unit was clearly defective and he has
the right to repair/replacement/refund

(as the store decides).
Nope, as the purchaser decides, actually.

I'd be putting the pressure on them;
Gets a bit messy now that the service agent has
got involved and may well have botched the repair.

in fact I'd have started with them when the fault was first noticed.
Sure. I would have too.

If he's going to threaten small claims action he should be
doing it against the retailer who sold him the dodgy product.
Dunno, it gets more complicated now that the service
agent has got involved. I'd threaten LG with the small
claims system myself. They may well take the easy way
out of offering a brand new TV or a full refund if he has
decided that he doesnt want to risk it with LG's pathetically
inadequate backup even with a brand new replacement TV.

Best to threaten first because the small claims system
does require a personal attendance at the hearing and
that can be a nuisance, and there is a fee involved too.

He seems to have jumped the gun by escalating his problem to
LG rather than taking up his concerns with the retailer first, IMO.
Yes, but its a bit late now that the service
agent appears to have botched the TV repair.

The retailer is within his rights to tell Paul to take it up with LG, NOW.
[BnH] <b18ATiinetDOTnetDOTaus> wrote in message

Before LG put you into a legal lawsuit for defamation,
Taint gunna happen, you watch.

you might want to put down all your details and details of the person
you have contacted recently and now contact LG Australia directly.
He already said that he had tried that and is now being ignored by them.

Since notgoodenough has LG listed as a non responder,
he likely is seeing what they are apparently well known for.

My ex gf and a few friends have LG CRT monitor last time
and the service centre in Botany, NSW service was awesome.

No problems whatsoever.
Drop the mon, show the receipt, called back within 2 weeks ...
no question asked.
Pepe Duran <pepeduran533@hotmail.com> wrote in message

Phone LG and try and talk to a REAL person. If you are
phoning from interstate its a LONG wait on a STD call.
Capped long distance calls are handy for that.

Their products are O.K. there after sales service is pathetic.
Looks like it.

You pay for what you get.
Nope, Sumsung is much better on that stuff.

DONT purchase LG

"Ken Oaf" <tipsy@beerlover.com.au> wrote in message
On 4 Jun 2004 02:52:00 -0700, paul_c100@hotmail.com (Paul) wrote:

A warning to people who like me are attracted by LG's electronics
products and pretty aggressive prices. Everything is fine if the
product works, HOWEVER, be warned that should the product fail, you
may have significant problems getting it satisfactorily repaired.

Do you still work for Samsung?
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 23:14:50 +1000, Sam Richards <me@privacy.net> wrote:

On 4 Jun 2004 02:52:00 -0700, paul_c100@hotmail.com (Paul) wrote:

Basically, I now have a $9,000 TV that's useless. Can't get it
repaired, nobody from LG responds.

Why did you spend $9000 on a poxy LCD rear projection ?

What a waste of cash.
A good point. One can have a good plasma screen for that price. Or two crappy
plasma screens...
"atec" <"atec77(notspam)"@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Long answer simple , following the correct path would invalidate his
fallacious allegations and subjugate his misbegotten suggestion to the
level of pond scum where they belong
Just located your dictionary, have you????

flyinyereye wrote:

"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Fuck them over using the small claims system in your state.

That should put one hell of a bomb under them and you may
well get a brand new TV or a full refund of what you paid.

Doesnt cost much in most states.

Even the threat of the small claims system
may well put one hell of a bomb under LG too.

I wonder why Paul hasn't utilised his rights under the Trade Practices
and contacted the store he purchased it from? The unit was clearly
and he has the right to repair/replacement/refund (as the store
I'd be putting the pressure on them; in fact I'd have started with them
the fault was first noticed.

If he's going to threaten small claims action he should be doing it
the retailer who sold him the dodgy product. He seems to have jumped the
by escalating his problem to LG rather than taking up his concerns with
retailer first, IMO.

X-No-Archive: Yes
Oh, go play on the road, Phil... oh, sorry, top posted didn't I... well,
let's scroll down further so I can't be accused of top posting or editing!!
OK kiddies - off to the bottom of the message we go, keeping up little

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Noddy" <dg4163@tpg.com.au

"DJ!" <derek@ausmicro.com

Possibly with good cause. We only have your side of the story here,

Of course.

Just out of curiosity, did you see a *single* point in the guys story
was in any way unreasonable?

** Just about the whole lot smacks of a control freak and a crank:

1. He avoided saying what the original "small fault" was.

2. He has libelled LG publicly on the basis of one example which only he
knows about while remaining anonymous.

3. There is ***no information*** in his story that can be checked out by
those reading it.

4. He has not availed himself of the free legal process for settling

5. He has not returned to explain or justify himself.

............ Phil
OK, that's better, no top posting here, eh Phil!! ;-)

Now, go play on the road, Phil. Read the thread - I count 3 - 4 people so
far with LG related issues, hardly an isolated incident, and if you haven't
been reading the OP's ongoing replies then you are as blind as you are
pathetically stupid..

Exactly what info in his story should the readers be able to check? Maybe
he should give us his address so we can all pop over to look at the telle
and raid the fridge? Get a grip on something other than yourself, wanker...

Personally, I appreciate the info provided - at least I now know that
aftersales service from LG *may* be a problem that I should consider...
Just like the problem I had with Maxtor a while ago - it didn't stop anyone
else dealing with them but at least it gave some people advance warning that
there *could* be a problem under certain circumstances..

Of course, Phil, when you live with your head up your arse, like you do, I
guess it's hard to have problems with equipment other than you own
"[BnH]" <b18ATiinetDOTnetDOTaus> wrote in message
Before LG put you into a legal lawsuit for defamation,
Only possible if what he states didn't happen. If the OP has simply relayed
the true story of what he experienced, then there is no defamation.

you might want to put down all your details and details of the person you
have contacted recently
Why??? Presumably he has all that info in his personal file/record/whatever
and can provide it to fair trading or whoever when needed.

and now contact LG Australia directly.
Seems he tried that... They weren't interested, which is why he posted his

My ex gf and a few friends have LG CRT monitor last time and the service
in Botany, NSW service was awesome.
Good for them! And the OP did state "be warned that should the product
fail, you
may have significant problems getting it satisfactorily repaired.".

Notice the "may have significant problems"... not "will have"....

No problems whatsoever.
Drop the mon, show the receipt, called back within 2 weeks ... no question
Maybe they were better looking than the OP???? ;-)


"Paul" <paul_c100@hotmail.com> wrote in message
see the number of complaints about LG on www.notgoodenough.com

There are a number of companies that seem to be outstanding at
ignoring their customers and not providing service. For those not
familiar, it is an Aussie site.
Phil Allison wrote:

Also, you used Google to access usenet and supplied only a Hotmail
address - which hides your identity nicely.
unlike some people who have no clue whatever and post their full email
addy up on newsgroups, can I say SPAM MAGNET!

learn to use a spamtrap in your email
Marty <NOSPAM_vk2umj@yahoo.com.au_NOSPAM> wrote
in message news:40c25d43$1_1@news.iprimus.com.au...
<b18ATiinetDOTnetDOTaus> wrote

Before LG put you into a legal lawsuit for defamation,

Only possible if what he states didn't happen.
If the OP has simply relayed the true story of
what he experienced, then there is no defamation.
Its more complicated than that in some states.
Truth alone isnt always a sufficient defence.

But his satifys the public interest test as well
as truth if he stated what happened accurately.

you might want to put down all your details and
details of the person you have contacted recently

Why??? Presumably he has all that info in his personal file/record/
whatever and can provide it to fair trading or whoever when needed.

and now contact LG Australia directly.

Seems he tried that... They weren't interested,
which is why he posted his warning...

My ex gf and a few friends have LG CRT monitor last time and
the service centre in Botany, NSW service was awesome.

Good for them! And the OP did state "be warned that should the product
fail, you may have significant problems getting it satisfactorily repaired.".

Notice the "may have significant problems"... not "will have"....

No problems whatsoever.
Drop the mon, show the receipt, called back within 2 weeks ... no question

Maybe they were better looking than the OP???? ;-)
On Sat, 5 Jun 2004 07:31 pm, Phil Allison [philallison@tpg.com.au] said:

I bought from Bing Lee in Chatswood. I asked them to try and negotiate
a more efficient result. They wouldn't do anything. I am familiar with
Fair Trading. I will take the appropriate action at the appropriate

** Your one man, crazed vendetta will go down badly at Fair Trading.
Seems pretty obvious that there is more to your story than you are letting
on here.


I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder - Unknown
Paul wrote:

Actually, no, warranty repairs go via service agents. Only if the
product is "dead on arrival" is the retailer required to get involved.
No - the Trade Practices Act says differently.

You haven't really explained the problem fully Dave, but if the item is
not of merchantable quality, then you are entitled to a refund,
replacement or repair at *your* option, not the retailer's, or LG's.

A brief summary of your rights are at

Oldus Fartus

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