On 29 May 2023 06:27:00 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:
> I\'m talking about
You GOSSIP about EVERYTHING, you subnormal senile gossip and bigmouthed
armchair warrior who admitted he had never been in the army! LOL
More absolutely idiotic blather by the resident senile gossip:
\"My mother sometimes made a cherry chiffon cake that started with a
packaged mix. It wasn\'t bad if you squished a slice down to resemble real
MID: <kaldt8F22l6U12@mid.individual.net>
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:
> I\'m talking about
You GOSSIP about EVERYTHING, you subnormal senile gossip and bigmouthed
armchair warrior who admitted he had never been in the army! LOL
More absolutely idiotic blather by the resident senile gossip:
\"My mother sometimes made a cherry chiffon cake that started with a
packaged mix. It wasn\'t bad if you squished a slice down to resemble real
MID: <kaldt8F22l6U12@mid.individual.net>