Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Batteries are bad. The UPS does a self check and if the batteries are
below a certain voltage during the run test, it does not power up.

Replace the batteries and the problem should be fixed for another
couple of years.
Mark D. Zacharias wrote:

Repair shops have been dying at a rate of about 15% per year. Most remaining
shop owners are at or near retirement age. Those of us who remain are being
deluged with calls from stupid people with information requests, usually
referred by Radio Shack people who _don't_ have any answers.

Mark Z.
So what happened ot the radio shack slogan on tv:
"you got questions, we got answers" ???



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"Bob Urz" <> wrote in message

So what happened ot the radio shack slogan on tv:
"you got questions, we got answers" ???
It spawned a thousand jokes.

"NSM" <> wrote in message news:UYvTd.5755$TB.2813@edtnps84...
"Bob Urz" <> wrote in message

So what happened ot the radio shack slogan on tv:
"you got questions, we got answers" ???

It spawned a thousand jokes.

They ran out of answers?

"cl" <clfurent@Yahoo.Com> wrote in message

They ran out of answers?
I don't believe they ever had any. Go ask them for a plug for you Model I
Video Monitor and see what they say!

"NSM" <> wrote in message news:mtyTd.6275$TB.2629@edtnps84...
"cl" <clfurent@Yahoo.Com> wrote in message

They ran out of answers?

I don't believe they ever had any. Go ask them for a plug for you Model I
Video Monitor and see what they say!

That reply was off the hip, much as I thought their slogan was.

Thanks Phil!

Adjusting the G2 downwards helped a lot. Things are still not perfect. My
blacks are more like dark green/blue and the red highlights have that
bleeding effect. In general, the picture just doesn't have the nice contrast
and "color fidelity" that it had before, despite all my attempts at
adjusting color, tint, contrast, etc. Seeing as I have other unrelated
intermittent problems with this set (probably due to cold solders that many
other people have mentioned for the CTC197), it may be time to buy a new 27"
which have substantially dropped in price... unless you have another idea...
Thanks again!


"Phil Bowser" <> wrote in message
The "popping" you heard was probably the CRT arcing back through the
neck, which shorted one of the output transistors, which you have
replaced... Also, the G2 voltage / drive level has obvioulsly changed
radically, either by the technician "bumping" the adjustment on the
block (back of IHVT) during servicing, or the CRT is simply failing,
developing G2 leakage internally (possibly gassy) that requires
of the G2. Either heavy drive to one or more of the output transistor
the one you replaced) OR excessive G2 drive voltage can cause retrace
(and a washed-out picture...blacks aren't black, but some shade of gray).

As far as "Will the CRT arc again?" - I would simply replace the
transistor, and readjust the proper G2, Focus, and grayscale according to
the service literature, and play it a couple of days to see.. .Even then,
there's no guarantee that down the road a week or month, etc. it may arc
again, and repeat the process...

"Ramone" <> wrote in message

This concerns a 1997 RCA CRT, model # F27680GY.

I had been watching TV for a couple of hours when I heard a small pop
inside the TV. Within 5 seconds the image went from a pink haze to solid
red. I could see absolutely nothing except red but no problems with the
audio or with changing channels. I did some googling on the topic and,
story short, I replaced the "red driver" transistor on the socket/akb/svm

So, the TV is "watchable" now but there are still some symptoms...

- There is a gray haze over everything. Even on max contrast and max
things that should be black are appearing as light gray. The brights are
any brighter than usual.
- There are 24 evenly spaced faint thin blue horizontal lines crossing
screen (these lines were there even during the solid red problem)
- Every time I turn off the unit, there is an intensely bright 2"
halo/rainbow in the middle of the screen for 1 second.
- When I turn the unit off and then on again, right before the image
appears, there is a bright blue horizontal line in the middle of the
for 1 second.

Does anyone know if there's another small part to obviously change or is
whole board fried or worse? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"sofie" <> wrote in message
You can say what you want about Radio Shack.... but if most repair shops
were doing as well as most Radio Shack stores this whole thread about
shops dying would not have been started.
Do you want to hire Radio Shack employees to work for you?

What do people expect for minimum wage? ...... certainly not a tech behind
the counter, anyway customers would not pay the higher prices associated
with staffing the store with higher wage "clerks" with technical skills.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"NSM" <> wrote in message news:iyOTd.395$LN5.366@edtnps90...
"sofie" <> wrote in message
You can say what you want about Radio Shack.... but if most repair shops
were doing as well as most Radio Shack stores this whole thread about
shops dying would not have been started.

Do you want to hire Radio Shack employees to work for you?

Sorry bout the repost, thing said "website not responding"

I probably won't be using Google for long.

"sofie" <> wrote in message
What do people expect for minimum wage? ...... certainly not a tech behind
the counter, anyway customers would not pay the higher prices associated
with staffing the store with higher wage "clerks" with technical skills.
That's true, but don't blame me for the hysterical laughter at the new

About all they do anymore is sell cell phones.

Mark Z.

"sofie" <> wrote in message
You can say what you want about Radio Shack.... but if most repair shops
were doing as well as most Radio Shack stores this whole thread about
shops dying would not have been started.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"JR NORTH" <> wrote in message
It's been reversed. They now have questions, not answers. Go into Radio
Shack, and it's "hows your cell phone doing?"

Bob Urz wrote:

So what happened ot the radio shack slogan on tv:
"you got questions, we got answers" ???



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"Mark D. Zacharias" <> wrote in message
About all they do anymore is sell cell phones.
Used to be CBs. Then computers. But how will they compete with Wal-Mart?

Jamie wrote:
even though he is trying to make out like nothing was
done wrong, i think i have some money coming my way.
Make it easy on everybody - pack up the radio and send it to Yaseu for
repair. That way there won't be any argument about overcharging, etc,
and you'll know it was fixed right.
Have you contacted any Philips parts ditributor to see if any parts are
available yet. I think Tritronics does Philips. The part you need is
the entire DVD servo mechanism. Part is NLA, when it was available it
was $215. Does this answer the question?
Vance Baldwin shows Philips number 996500015489 is a substitute for the
original number, and it is available. I think it was about $208. It's

It is NLA as of Jan 1, 2005 from Philips. A couple of parts
distributors may still have one in stock. Philips may have a newer sub
for it yet, but we do not show the information.

In reality though, is the device worth the cost? $208 plus shipping?
They aren't interchangeable.

Mark Z.

<> wrote in message
I found this. Will the KHM-240aaa replace the KHM-220aaa and be an
updated laser that will read CD-r's? Apparently the KHM-220AAA is
single lens/single laser diode and costs about $100 and the KHM-240aaa
is a single lens/dual laser diode and costs $27. One person says it
works as a replacement and another one says the the connector pins are

I found this mention of a KHM-220AAA for $14, but I think it is a
foreign company.

I also found a part KSS-220A for $51.

I know the easiset thing to do would be sending the unit back to sony
for the $133 repair, but I like tinkering with things myself and would
probably go for the $27 routh if anyone knows if it works.

Actually, the stupid part of the story is the fact that you actually allowed
him to do the installation himself, or allowing him to remove the power jack
himself. The SMART thing to do (other than not loan out expensive items), is
to supervise installation yourself, especially when it involves any sort of

Kim..."A Man Of True Frankenstinean Proportions"
"Jamie" <> wrote in message
to be a nice guy, this morning i loan out a
FT-757GX radio while i repair this persons
older 520 rig.
we did the usually ham radio get to gether
on saturday mornings, i plugged in my truck
(since i had already a lighter plug on it) to
show this person how to use it.
aprox 4 hours later, i get an e-mail telling
me that his friend and him just got around to
hooking it up on a 30 amp+ supply in the house which
he had to remove the lighter plug to do so which i
knew about that and oked. he claims that every thing was
connected properly and checked before hitting the power
switch. results, "Snap"+"Smoke"
you tell me!
even though he is trying to make out like nothing was
done wrong, i think i have some money coming my way.
i am willing to bet that they separated the fuse sockets to
make it easy to connect to the supply getting the polarity
wrong or, the supply they are using has a voltage regulator
either way, i think i have smoke rig. i know the rig well
and i can now picture the Audio amp ic and maybe the Finals out in
left field. and maybe even some filter caps along with what ever
else that didn't hold up.
Terry wrote:
(snip)> Mine: The other day my very good neighbour, but he of little
comprehension, brought over their 14 inch Sharp TV (I'm still trying
to find
a circuit for a Sharp 14F24C BTW). Cheap; this is a 1981 set!
The AC 4 amp fuse was blown and indication is that something had also
open, probably in the power supply section immediately following the
Advised neighbour that there was/is a problem and "That's why the
blew". That's what fuses are for!
Also rejected his suggestion that we wrap Al foil around the blown
Advised him I'd try to get a circuit diagram in order to trouble
shoot it!
Today told me he drove all the way into the city and bought some
fuses; but
guess what?
That didn't fix it!
He also says that when I tested it previously I had said 'It has a
cord'. What I had actually told him was that there was 'No circuit
into the set through the AC plug and cord'. Which of course was
confirmed by
the blown fuses. But could have been the on/off switch, the cord
itself or
as it turns out circuit problem! printed circuit board, 'Ugh'!
Based on this sort of story, and what I see most days dealing with
consumer electronics, and the stuff people bring to me to look at, this
kind of sums it all up:

"Scientists claim that Hydrogen, as the most plentiful element, is the
basic building block of the universe. I say that there is more
stupidity than hydrogen, and *that* is the basic building block of the
universe. "
--Frank Zappa

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