Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Header can be found at this URL (i use googles interface):
nvic wrote:
Header can be found at this URL (i use googles interface):
No, that's Peter's reply to the spammer. Ray's ( the spammer ) headers
are not visible there.
nvic wrote:

Header can be found at this URL (i use googles interface):
You got the wrong guy !

Like that will do any good.


nvic wrote:
Report abuse to ISP at
peter wrote:
"ray...i need to pay my bill and it works" <> wrote in

It Will Work. If you do as I have done! Just Do It! follow the 4
steps. $6.00 to $15,000.00 in 30 days!

Do me a favor. Please lend me one of your name and email address and
duplicate it in the list. When you have made $15,000 in 30 days,
send me the money and I will pay you back the money you front plus
It's illegal, and you've just given your name and address to all the police
in the world. Of course, you are probably in it under 20 different false
names and addresses, but they can find you...
"mc" <> wrote in message
It's illegal, and you've just given your name and address to all the
police in the world. Of course, you are probably in it under 20 different
false names and addresses, but they can find you...
Oddly enough that was "supposedly" written by a "retired" attorney.

"mc" <> wrote in

It's illegal, and you've just given your name and address to all the
police in the world. Of course, you are probably in it under 20
different false names and addresses, but they can find you...
With a couple data mining techniques, you could infer that the people who
have their names on that letter probably know each other quite well. So
if someone figures out the likes/dislikes of one of the people on the
list they can send advertisements to the others and maybe make a tidy

Wise is the man who attempts to answer his question before asking it.

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at)
Doug Higgins:
You realisticallly can not start repairing recievers without FIRST learning
basic electronics. Best to get some project books.... even Radio Shack has
one or two good ones..... and start learning the basics of electronics,
assembly, reading schematics, common components, etc..
As far as "setting up" your work bench..... all you need at this point is
an inexpensive multi-meter, a soldering iron and some basic tools.
You can also go to to find books, parts, tools, project
kits, etc.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
ineedyourhelpp wrote:
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Disable Person right from the beginning of my childhood from
Polio attack which affected my both legs. I need yours only 1 CLICK
on my URL/link who have on this web page . This is yours help with me
and for this I will be very Thankful to you.

Yeah, look I've got some cat biscuits that my cats dont like. If ya want to
send me postage I'll send them on.

Cheers ............. Rheilly P
Doug Higgins ha escrito:

read the responses to the recent post of the Pioneer receiver which
blows NOT start learning electronics with these devices,
you'll want to cry after the first week!
"Doug Higgins" <> wrote in message

Need to know the best book to learn about stereo receiver repair. I want
to set up my own work bench and no nothing righ now....someone please help
It used to take 5 years to train someone just to repair tube radios when I
was a lad. But if you want a book, try the local library and see what they

Search for (learn electronics) or (electronics repair) on eBay. There's a
good series of books the US Navy put out - you can also download some good
stuff for free from the US military.
"ineedyourhelpp" <> wrote in message

````````` This site may have been removed due to a violation of the 50megs
"Acceptable Use Policy".'''''''''''

If you add the Google toolbar to your browser you can blacklist such sites
which is turning out to be amazingly effective against phishing. wrote:,, alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf

what antenna device is in the satellite radio antenna module's for
example the Sirius One or later similar designs

and what wire type runs from the antenna to the receiving unit? coax,

Can't you find this information on the Sirius website?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
In message <>, dated
Sat, 2 Sep 2006, writes
and what wire type runs from the antenna to the receiving unit? coax,
You don't need to formally address the experts here as 'O, mage'. Or did
you mean 'characteristic impedance'?
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
2006 is YMMVI- Your mileage may vary immensely.

John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK
Most of the time when I get no video. I have found it to be either improperly seated memory
or perhaps bad memory.

Check your Memory wrote:,, alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf

what antenna device is in the satellite radio antenna module's for
example the Sirius One or later similar designs

and what wire type runs from the antenna to the receiving unit? coax,
My sporster home unit uses RG-174 and the car antenna has a smaller
diameter coax made by Hitachi I think.
Marco Licetti wrote:

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Welcome to

