Ronald 'More-More' Moshki wrote:
And little ronnie wastes more bandwidth.........bob is going to Siam very soon, which is the setting of this story.
bobandcarole wrote:
bobandcarole kicking ass daily wrote:
alt.support.boy-lovers > Boy prostitutes - to use them or not - View
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From: teenlove...@hotmail.com (TeenLoveMan)
Newsgroups: alt.support.boy-lovers
Subject: Boy prostitutes - to use them or not
Date: 19 Nov 2002 01:55:31 -0800
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I would like to discuss the subject of boy prostitutes. Should we use
them or is that plain wrong?
A more experience boylover friend of mine has showed me where the rent
boys are in my city. I was surprised to see that there were a lot of
them. Before I could not tell prostitutes from ordinary kids and young
men hanging out, but once I learned where and how to look I realised
there are boys for hire all over the place. Some of them are very
I looked around for them this last weekend. A couple of cute enough
teenage boys were on a street corner, posing and showing off to those
passers-by who cared to notice. But I felt they were dangerous,
perhaps being drug addicts.
But another kid was sitting outside a park. He had positioned himself
so that passing cars could see him, make a u-turn and come back to
pick him up. He looked to be around 15-16, he was clean and had a
cool and experienced look on his face. I spoke briefly to him, gave
him a little money for food and left. As long as I was within eye
contact range he kept giving me the "look", hoping I would hire him.
Another kid was hanging out near a McDonald's. At first I thought he
was too young and innocent to be for hire. But he was in the company
of an older boy who seemed to be instructing the younger one in the
tricks of the trade. Noticing my glance the younger one became visibly
exited or perhaps nervous, he could no longer sit still. This kid was
14 or so, a beautiful boy dressed in tight jeans. His body was
perfectly slim, his butt gorgeous, his face open and friendly. I was
very tempted, but there were too many people around and I decided
could not risk it. But as I was leaving I again looked at the boy and
his older instructor wispered something in his ear. The kid rose and
came running over to me, saying hi and asking me where I was going. I
smiled at him, noticing an erection suddenly developing in my pants. I
said I was going home. Can I go with you, asked the kid. I said sorry,
he could not. Visibly disappointed he went back to his "mentor".
So I went home to wank alone with fantasies about what that boy would
have been like in bed. Unlike many of the other youths in that
location I had a feeling that he liked me and would be happy if I had
chosen him. He was not like the hardened, more or less criminal boys
there are so many of. And he seemed to be gay, always a great plus
when compared to all those straight boys who can hardly bring
themselves to touch a man even for money.
So what would YOU have done if you were in my pants? Is there such a
thing as a happy hooker? I have always felt sorry for prostitutes,
thinking their profession will ruin their emotional life and their
ability to have any true relationship. So far I have only been
window-shopping. I feel I should not use the power of my money to get
boys to bed. And then there is the possibility of violence and STD's
and police trouble - for both boy and customer. Also, the risk of
getting caught is small but never zero. But the main question is,
should I listen to my guilt or to my sexual desire?
Secret Squirrels reply:
alt.support.boy-lovers > Boy prostitutes - to use them or not - View
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Subject: Re: Boy prostitutes - to use them or not
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teenlove...@hotmail.com (TeenLoveMan) wrote in
I would like to discuss the subject of boy prostitutes.
Should we use them or is that plain wrong?
A more experience boylover friend of mine has showed me
where the rent boys are in my city. I was surprised to see
that there were a lot of them. Before I could not tell
prostitutes from ordinary kids and young men hanging out,
but once I learned where and how to look I realised there
are boys for hire all over the place. Some of them are very=20
I looked around for them this last weekend. A couple of
cute enough teenage boys were on a street corner, posing
and showing off to those passers-by who cared to notice.
But I felt they were dangerous, perhaps being drug addicts.
But another kid was sitting outside a park. He had
positioned himself so that passing cars could see him, make
a u-turn and come back to pick him up. He looked to be
around 15-16, he was clean and had a cool and experienced
look on his face. I spoke briefly to him, gave him a little
money for food and left. As long as I was within eye=20
contact range he kept giving me the "look", hoping I would
hire him.=20
Another kid was hanging out near a McDonald's. At first I
thought he was too young and innocent to be for hire. But
he was in the company of an older boy who seemed to be
instructing the younger one in the tricks of the trade.
Noticing my glance the younger one became visibly exited or
perhaps nervous, he could no longer sit still. This kid was=20
14 or so, a beautiful boy dressed in tight jeans. His body
was perfectly slim, his butt gorgeous, his face open and
friendly. I was very tempted, but there were too many
people around and I decided could not risk it. But as I was
leaving I again looked at the boy and his older instructor
wispered something in his ear. The kid rose and came
running over to me, saying hi and asking me where I was
going. I smiled at him, noticing an erection suddenly
developing in my pants. I said I was going home. Can I go
with you, asked the kid. I said sorry, he could not.
Visibly disappointed he went back to his "mentor".=20
So I went home to wank alone with fantasies about what that
boy would have been like in bed. Unlike many of the other
youths in that location I had a feeling that he liked me
and would be happy if I had chosen him. He was not like the
hardened, more or less criminal boys there are so many of.
And he seemed to be gay, always a great plus when compared
to all those straight boys who can hardly bring themselves
to touch a man even for money.=20
So what would YOU have done if you were in my pants? Is
there such a thing as a happy hooker? I have always felt
sorry for prostitutes, thinking their profession will ruin
their emotional life and their ability to have any true
relationship. So far I have only been window-shopping. I
feel I should not use the power of my money to get boys to
bed. And then there is the possibility of violence and
STD's and police trouble =96 for both boy and customer. Also,
the risk of getting caught is small but never zero. But the
main question is, should I listen to my guilt or to my
sexual desire?=20
I think that you've hit on all the major concerns.=20
When I was younger, I recall the boy and men prostitutes
who both hung around either the downtown areas or hung
around the local gay bar where I lived. Some of the boys=20
even had a name for it: "queering", they called it. Let=20
me also warn you that there's the risk of petty crime--
some boys might want to "scope" your place out for a later
break-in, and you'll be pretty much out of luck--you
probably won't want to call the police to report it,
now would you?
As to whether it's "wrong" or not, that's a more
complicated question. I would think that you might,
in the best cases, become a much-needed friend to
some boys who might desperately need one, sex or no.
OTH, this avocation of theirs is a dead-end one, as
you correctly judge. They need to be focusing on their
eduction, not on tricks. And it's risky to you and
Best of luck in whatever you decide.
Secret Squirrel