Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Sam Goldwasser" <> wrote in message (darren) writes:

I would say unless he running a superconductor it is impossible

Doesn't matter, impossible period.
Except in the Twilight Zone!

On 28 Jun 2005 12:38:42 -0400, Sam Goldwasser <>

"spongehead" <> writes:

Not bad, was able to find it for 11 bucks. If you want to send pic of
linkage, just add "msp" after the underscore.
I did notice the spring was all stretched out, not sure how important
that is or if I can get away with stretching it some more.


The spring is probably fine, that's the way it is.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Mirror:
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If you follow the diagrahms at that link you'll be installing the
govenor spring link BACKWARDS.
The short wire section of the link goes into the lower hole on the
govenor control arm not the spring.
Insert the wire through the front of the hole and the spring goes onto
the throttle link arm on the throttle plate assembly.
On 28 Jun 2005 12:38:42 -0400, Sam Goldwasser <>

"spongehead" <> writes:

Not bad, was able to find it for 11 bucks. If you want to send pic of
linkage, just add "msp" after the underscore.
I did notice the spring was all stretched out, not sure how important
that is or if I can get away with stretching it some more.


The spring is probably fine, that's the way it is.
If the spring is stretched out it'll need to be replaced.
Stretched out springs don't allow for proper throttle play and can
cause dips or dives in govenor function.
--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Mirror:
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ignored unless my full name is included in the subject line. Or, you can
contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
On 28 Jun 2005 07:59:20 -0700, "spongehead" <>

Not bad, was able to find it for 11 bucks. If you want to send pic of
linkage, just add "msp" after the underscore.
I did notice the spring was all stretched out, not sure how important
that is or if I can get away with stretching it some more.
If the spring is stretched replace it. Proper tension and spring
length is importnt for proper govenor function as well as smooth
throttle control.
"Sam Goldwasser" bravely wrote to "All" (28 Jun 05 15:32:03)
--- on the heady topic of "Re: Regenerative Power supply"

SG> From: Sam Goldwasser <>
SG> Xref: aeinews

SG> "" <> writes:

Hello Pals
There is this concept that I don't understand. Its all about
generating power (AC of course)from from a group of batteriers and
tapping some of the output to charge the batteries-- so it becomes a
cycle. Infact I have challenged this concept until I head it in the
news that someone has developed one in Ghana and he is actually using
it to power his house and a car. My simple college physics tells me
that this will not be possible since no machine or device is 100%
efficient. Can someone brief me on this or show me where I can get more
info on this topic.
SG> In a word, BS. :)

That is 2 words... the right word to use would be: "kook"!
Similar to the idea of running a car engine on dihydrogen oxide.


.... Wasted power is current squared times the resistance.
"NSM" <> writes:

"Sam Goldwasser" <> wrote in message (darren) writes:

I would say unless he running a superconductor it is impossible

Doesn't matter, impossible period.

Except in the Twilight Zone!
Apparently, that's where too many people dwell these days. ;)

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Mirror:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

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traffic on

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name is included in the subject line. Or, you can
contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs. wrote:

Hello Pals
There is this concept that I don't understand. Its all about
generating power (AC of course)from from a group of batteriers and
tapping some of the output to charge the batteries-- so it becomes a
cycle. Infact I have challenged this concept until I head it in the
news that someone has developed one in Ghana and he is actually using
it to power his house and a car. My simple college physics tells me
that this will not be possible since no machine or device is 100%
efficient. Can someone brief me on this or show me where I can get more
info on this topic.
Thanks to all.

Your college physics is correct. It is always the case that these things
either don't work or there is some unaccounted for source of energy.
Usually there is fraud involved.

Jim writes:

I have a 3 year old Gateway computer with monitor and for the past few
weeks at various times the monitor screen shrinks to where I can not
see the toolbar. It is all black on the bottom and about an inch above
there is a translucent 3D 1 inch wide bar that goes across the screen.
The screen slightly flutters when it's in this state. It happens from
time to time and sometimes goes back to normal itself. Other times I
have to restart the computer. What could this be? Could my monitor be
on the way out? Might there be some electrical interference nearby?
Does anyone have any ideas?
If it happens from time-to-time, it is most likely bad solder connections
somewhere in the deflection circuitry. Gently whacking the monitor will
probably induce it or fix it, which would confirm the diagnosis. Get it
repaired before the monitor ends up dead.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Mirror:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Note: These links are hopefully temporary until we can sort out the excessive
traffic on

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name is included in the subject line. Or, you can
contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 23:35:26 -0700, Searcher7 wrote:
So I came up with the idea to at the press of a button have my joystick
movements recorded and then have the option of playing the sequence back
through the joystick inputs.(It's a lot more complex than this, but
those are the basics).
THIS IS ALMOST TRIVIAL TO DO!!!!!!!!!! Why are you so impelled to continue
to be a bonehead?

I've had to put these ideas on the back burner and concentrate on
something else that requires the timer I posted about.
People keep giving you answers, and you keep rejecting them - the only
logical conclusion is that you're doing nothing but trolling.

In wrote:
I've got all of the answers I could get here.
But have you read them? Apart from that you may not be able to interpret
them, I know you got some useful advise. I suggested you use an 120Hz
clock, so you will actually obtain the sampling resolution you want. I
have not seen you respond to that, thankful nor rejective. For me that
implies you should really find an electronics designer to work with.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maarten Bakker.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 23:35:26 -0700, Searcher7 wrote:
So I came up with the idea to at the press of a button have my joystick
movements recorded and then have the option of playing the sequence back
through the joystick inputs.(It's a lot more complex than this, but
those are the basics).

THIS IS ALMOST TRIVIAL TO DO!!!!!!!!!! Why are you so impelled to
continue to be a bonehead?

I've had to put these ideas on the back burner and concentrate on
something else that requires the timer I posted about.

People keep giving you answers, and you keep rejecting them - the only
logical conclusion is that you're doing nothing but trolling.
I think "Hanlon's Razor", ie, "Never attribute to malice that which
is adequately explained by stupidity"* is a more-logical
explanation here, if we regard trolling as malicious and think of
ignorance/boneheadity/laziness/wrongheadedness as akin to stupidity.
It seems to me that Darren Harris has rejected out of hand most
suggestions because he failed to understand them.

* eg,
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 19:53:49 +0200, wrote:

In wrote:
I've got all of the answers I could get here.

But have you read them? Apart from that you may not be able to interpret
them, I know you got some useful advise. I suggested you use an 120Hz
clock, so you will actually obtain the sampling resolution you want. I
have not seen you respond to that, thankful nor rejective. For me that
implies you should really find an electronics designer to work with.
For me, your suggestion that he use a 120Hz clock implies that you
don't know what you're talking about.

Considering that the OP has specified that: "It must to be accurate
to within 1/60th of a second over the course of 6 hours."

means that, since there are 3600 seconds in an hour there will be
21,600 seconds in six hours, and since he wants to split the seconds
into 60 slivers each, there will be 1,296,000 slivers in six hours.

Since he states that the accuracy must be _within_ 1 sliver, that
means he needs an accuracy of one part in 1,296,000. Looking at it
from a different perspective, that's an accuracy of +/- 0.000038580%.

Now, what was it you were saying about that 120Hz clock?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer wrote:
Rich Grise wrote:

People keep giving you answers, and you keep rejecting them - the only
logical conclusion is that you're doing nothing but trolling.

I'm not the one trolling here.
You certainly appear to be trolling.

None of that had to do with the original question which was for a
timer. And that's all.
Your original question was fully answered several times, as were
your followups where you kept adding details that you left out.

Please read this:

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

I've got all of the answers I could get here.
I am no fan of the usual flamewars and topic drift here, but in
this case the fault is 100% yours. You won't get a good answer
anywhere else unless you read the above website and start following
the advice in it.

Followups set. If you don't know what that means, find out.
On Tuesday, 28 Jun 2005 22:49:32 -500, "Asimov"
<> wrote:

"Sam Goldwasser" bravely wrote to "All" (28 Jun 05 15:32:03)
--- on the heady topic of "Re: Regenerative Power supply"

SG> From: Sam Goldwasser <
SG> Xref: aeinews

SG> "" <> writes:

Hello Pals
There is this concept that I don't understand. Its all about
generating power (AC of course)from from a group of batteriers and
tapping some of the output to charge the batteries-- so it becomes a
cycle. Infact I have challenged this concept until I head it in the
news that someone has developed one in Ghana and he is actually using
it to power his house and a car. My simple college physics tells me
that this will not be possible since no machine or device is 100%
efficient. Can someone brief me on this or show me where I can get more
info on this topic.

SG> In a word, BS. :)

That is 2 words... the right word to use would be: "kook"!
Similar to the idea of running a car engine on dihydrogen oxide.

"What-ur" you talking about? :)

>... Wasted power is current squared times the resistance.
Or the advertising world inhabited by scam artists


NSM wrote:

"Sam Goldwasser" <> wrote in message (darren) writes:

I would say unless he running a superconductor it is impossible

Doesn't matter, impossible period.

Except in the Twilight Zone!

I remember there are a coil miracle arround PIP board, clean and resold will
fix a lot of them.
Good luck!
<> wrote in message

This set has way too much history. Another shop had it and fixed the PS
or whatever and it's got HV, but no video, OSD or sound.

I changed the SSB and got luck/unlucky. I now had OSD, tuning and sound
but only a slight shadow of video. Hmmm. The set had taken a power
surge from what I'd heard, so who knows. I started to poke around and
found that I had forgotten to plug the ribbon from the PIP board to the
SSB. Plugged it in and expected a picture but no good, no OSD either,
just raster.

What that means is that the PIP board is blowing the SSB somehow. I
have no print (scary huh).

What I'm after is if anyone who works on these knows of something
likely to be repairable on the SSB. Gimme a tip that works and I think
I can get the company to send you a check for ?the cost of the SSB
because our only alternative is to buy another one.

Thamks in advance.

I built the same thing the guy in Ghana built, it works great but the
batteries keep dying... ;-)


"" wrote:

Hello Pals
There is this concept that I don't understand. Its all about
generating power (AC of course)from from a group of batteriers and
tapping some of the output to charge the batteries-- so it becomes a
cycle. Infact I have challenged this concept until I head it in the
news that someone has developed one in Ghana and he is actually using
it to power his house and a car. My simple college physics tells me
that this will not be possible since no machine or device is 100%
efficient. Can someone brief me on this or show me where I can get more
info on this topic.
Thanks to all.
Sal Brisindi wrote:

I built the same thing the guy in Ghana built, it works great but the
batteries keep dying... ;-)

You've probably overlooked the fact that on this side
of the equator the polarity is reversed.

Just put the batteries in other way around and you'll
be OK

I'll give that a shot, do I have to install the batteries upside down too?


Ken Weitzel wrote:

Sal Brisindi wrote:

I built the same thing the guy in Ghana built, it works great but the
batteries keep dying... ;-)


You've probably overlooked the fact that on this side
of the equator the polarity is reversed.

Just put the batteries in other way around and you'll
be OK

On 28 Jun 2005 12:00:30 -0700, ""
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Hello Pals
There is this concept that I don't understand. Its all about
generating power (AC of course)from from a group of batteriers and
tapping some of the output to charge the batteries-- so it becomes a
cycle. Infact I have challenged this concept until I head it in the
news that someone has developed one in Ghana and he is actually using
it to power his house and a car. My simple college physics tells me
that this will not be possible since no machine or device is 100%
efficient. Can someone brief me on this or show me where I can get more
info on this topic.
Thanks to all.
The best you can achieve in a car is to use the car's own kinetic
energy to partially recharge its batteries when the car is coasting,
or to use the car's kinetic energy to assist in braking.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.

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