Dave Plowman (News)
In article <1117844049.979105.188200@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
<esoroka@gmail.com> wrote:
legal definitions.
In replacement car engine terms I'd say
a) Checked and ok. Maybe repaired with re-claimed parts.
b) The major wearing parts - like pistons - replaced.
c) All wearing parts replaced.
d) Fully remanufactured to the standards of a new makers unit or better.
*Microsoft broke Volkswagen's record: They only made 21.4 million bugs.
Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
<esoroka@gmail.com> wrote:
They only mean what the seller wants them to mean, I'd say. Never seen anyAnybody know the difference between the words:
a) Refurbished
b) Reconditioned
c) Remanufactured
d) Rebuild
legal definitions.
In replacement car engine terms I'd say
a) Checked and ok. Maybe repaired with re-claimed parts.
b) The major wearing parts - like pistons - replaced.
c) All wearing parts replaced.
d) Fully remanufactured to the standards of a new makers unit or better.
*Microsoft broke Volkswagen's record: They only made 21.4 million bugs.
Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.