Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

No, VTVMs designed for repair shops were 10 Meg on the AC ranges and
11 Meg on the DC ranges. The extra 1 meg was in the DC probe to reduce
loading in tuned circuits to minimize the effects of probing the
Actually 2 Meg was a common AC impedance.
"NSM" <> wrote in message
| <> wrote in message
| < rambling crap I can hear from any idiot >
| Is there a good way to block Usenet posts from Google?
| --
| N

You can't block posts going onto usenet, but you can block posts in
your own software so you don't see them- you didn't say what you use
but your software will probably have a help file that will help you. In
OE you can block senders or create rules to block messages that follow
rues you set, and this is generally possible in most software- read the
help file.
Youse do? Seems like alot of posters here can't get the back of the
teewee off...present company excluded.

James Sweet wrote:

"JR North" <> wrote in message

Wrong group. Try rec.crafts.metalworking. Lots of guys work on their own
stuff there.
JR wrote:

I have a GE washer that is about 15 years old. It appears that the
bottom transmission seal is leaking. How easy is it to replace this
seal? Does the tansmission need to be removed?


What do you mean wrong group? Lots of *us* work on our own stuff too!

Replacing the seal is likely not too hard, nor is removing the transmission.
First call an appliance shop and see if a new seal is available.

Home Page:
I guess Rono's 1(!) key must be worn out.

ono wrote:

Generally, any infared receiver will work. They have ground, + 5 volts,
& output. If your'e getting output, the remote is putting out a signal, &
the receiver is working. Your remote may be off frequency. Try a friends
generic remote, to be sure. The receivers rarely go, unless something gets
spilt on it buy cleaning the crt screen, or by getting shorted out. Rono.


Home Page:
Send an ABUSE report to Google groups and include all the following info from the
From: ...on down. If enough people complain, they will shut him down for abuse!

Subject: Do You Want To Know For Sure That You Are Going To Heaven? The reason some
people don't know for sure if they are going to Heaven when they die is because they
just don't know. The good news is that you can know for sure that you are going to
Heaven which is described in the Holy Bible as a beautiful place with no death,
sorrow, sickness or pain. (newsgroup-post 140)
Date: 15 Apr 2005 20:48:22 -0700
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<> wrote in message
In article <>,
"Asimov" <> wrote:

"" bravely wrote to "All" (08 Apr 05 04:50:09)
--- on the heady topic of "VTVM versus new DVM"

bo> From:
bo> Xref: aeinews

bo> Hi,
bo> I am doing a tune up on an old turntable I have and according to the
bo> service manual I need to make measurements with a VTVM (vacuum-tube
bo> voltmeter). I own a Fluke 111 DVM, is there any reason why this can
bo> not work in place of the VTVM.


The requirement to use a VTVM was given because its input is 10 Meg
ohms or more and so it wouldn't affect the circuit voltages. A DMM
typically meets a 10 Meg ohm requirement and is equivalent to a VTVM.
Rare VTVM's used a 100 Meg ohm input but the standard was 10 Meg.
Most "shop quality" VTVMs had 11 Meg DC and 1 Meg AC input impedance,
but there's another issue that could be much more of a problem.

When used for AC, all meter circuits *measure* some attribute of the
signal, and *indicate* an attribute which may or may not be the same one.

A D'Arsonval meter (Simpson 260, say) is average measuring, RMS

A VTVM is most likely peak measuring, RMS indicating (a good VTVM will
have a "peak" or "peak-to-peak" scale, too).

A DVM can be anything, including RMS measuring, RMS indicating (and that
was *very* rare prior to DVMs.) Check the user's manual.

As long as the waveform you're measuring is pretty close to a sine wave,
the indicated voltage won't be too far wrong, but if the signal is very
"spiky", the different meters will give very different readings --
perhaps *none* of them very significant. Use a 'scope if you don't know
what to expect.

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 19:52:42 +0100, "Dave Plowman (News)"
<> wrote:

In article <1113446187.b66deea15fca474d29cd298180604101@teranews>,
Mark D. Zacharias <> wrote:
Good point. How is the battery life on the Fluke meters?

I'd say my 179 is good, as it has auto power down. I've never had any
meter where battery life is poor - it's leaving them switched on
accidently which causes the problem.
The meters that were running through batteries were some off brand
model about $89 back in the early 90s. Our small company bought a
bunch and they had lots of features and worked ok, except they went
through batteries fast.

The old Beckman just made like an energizer bunny and kept going.
Not long ago I read that one of the internet pioneers made a
statement to the effect that "On the internet, things which normally
live under rocks are suddenly in your face".
That posting's proof that it's true, unfortunately.... wrote:
The reason some people don't know for sure
Sidney <> wrote:
: I just found out that anyone in the USA can file a complaint with the
: government concerning counterfeit semiconductors among many other
: products at:


: or call 866-999-HALT (4258)

I work for a very large computer manufacturer and we've also seen
tantalum capacitors that have been sanded off on top and relabled
with more expensive capacitor markings. The overrating of the mislabeled
capacitors didn't allow as much margin and were apt to be a quality
problem. They appeared to originate from mainland China.

This has been around on lots of forums before and is considered spam because
of just the reasons you mention. Unfortunately the message is not being
received because of that.


"b" <> wrote in message wrote:

The reason some people don't know for sure

Bob Parker wrote:
Not long ago I read that one of the internet pioneers made a
statement to the effect that "On the internet, things which normally
live under rocks are suddenly in your face".
That posting's proof that it's true, unfortunately....

sad thing is, this poster is probaly achieving the exact opposite of
what he originally set out to do. By constantly posting this irrelevant
stuff in inappropriate places, ramming it down everyone's throats and
violating usenet etiquette to the nth degree, he is creating (or
confirming) resentment not merely against himself but what he stands
for. Not a good way to spread your message or incite any respect for
your beliefs.
I will give you $50 for part: txfcrt14fser Panasonic

is the blue crt, right?
The input current requirements of a DM7486 gate are very small (max
1mA) so this should not load down the pulse gen. Check the operation
of the gate/s in the IC using simple hard-wired logic level inputs on
a bread-board and make sure that the truth table is confirmed. If this
works as expected then perhaps the pulse gen is faulty.

On 18 Apr 2005 13:25:52 -0700, ""
<> wrote:

I'm trying to help my son with his electronics lab work for school. The
project is to set up an exclusive or gate, an SN or DM 7486 and apply a
1.0KHZ square wave at a TTL level, (which I'm assuming is simply
5.0Vpp) to one input while alternating an either high or low level to
the other input. We are to observe the output of the gate on the scope
and then draw up a waveform display depicting the output corresponding
to the different inputs applied.
I'm using an old Systron Donner Datapulse 101 pulse generator which has
two outputs available: a positive and a negative. They are marked
In article <>, says...
I set up a 5.0Vpp 1.0ms positive going pulse with
a 50% duty cycle as measured on the scope and then attempted to apply
it to the input of the gate. As soon as I did this though the pulse
disappeared as though the gate's input was loading it down.
Dumb question - did you double check your pinouts on the 7486? Trying
to drive an output pin instead of an input with the pulse generator
could load it down. Pins 3, 6, 8, and 11 are the outputs, according to

Jerry Maple
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Scottsdale, AZ
"b" <> wrote in message
Camcorder: Sony CCD TRV67

I take it the machine hasn't been exposed to damp or humidity? has it
received a knock at all?
No knocks or drops. It's been well stored and handled. Never left in the car
and that sort of thing. It actually hasn't been used much at all. Exposure
to humidity would be only the normal humidity of the the Southeast.

However, I did take one trip to Maine with it where I ventured on a whale
watching trip. I kept it protected from direct contact with splashes and
such, but there's was no way to completely isolate it from mist. I'm not
sure if that may have caused a problem, but it can't be ruled out.

What are you thinking?

"Jerry Maple" <> wrote in message
In article <>, says...
I set up a 5.0Vpp 1.0ms positive going pulse with
a 50% duty cycle as measured on the scope and then attempted to apply
it to the input of the gate. As soon as I did this though the pulse
disappeared as though the gate's input was loading it down.

Dumb question - did you double check your pinouts on the 7486? Trying
to drive an output pin instead of an input with the pulse generator
could load it down. Pins 3, 6, 8, and 11 are the outputs, according to

Jerry Maple
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Scottsdale, AZ

It's been several years since I used a Datapulse 101 generator, but it
certainly should be able to drive a single TTL input. In fact, IIRC, that
generator has a 50-ohm output, which, even when loaded with a 50-ohm
termination, will drive quite a load. If the generator's output is being
killed by a TTL input, there is certainly something wrong.
1) Make sure that you aren't AC-coupling the generator to the circuit under
2) Make sure the pulse is ground referenced, with a maximum of +5V peak
pulse amplitude
3) Make sure the TTL gate works when you apply jumpers to Vcc and ground.

If all the above are good, then the most likely cause is a faulty generator.
THose things are very hefty instruments, but they do fail, especially if
someone applies a DC voltage to the output.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
"Jeff Walther" wrote:
My Radius IntelliColor Display/20e starts up green, but with a
green that suggests having the brightness turned up way too
high. The
green is like a
overall very strong wash, pretty much unusable since it's so
During these periods, the focus is also out. After a period
of time it
reverts to normal and is a lovely sharp monitor. That period
of time
seems to be lengthening.

Sometimes, after a while, the green seems to go away, but the
and poor focus remains. Then still later the image goes back
to good.

At a guess, the microcontroller that handles the settings is
having some
difficulty and the monitor is starting up with some settings
in their
unbiased state. Perhaps its (the microcontroller's) 5v (?)
supply has
gone wonky--possibly expiring electrolytic caps? Or maybe
the memory
element that stores the settings (Flash, EEPROM?) has reached
the end of
its life with too many cycles?

Anyway, I'm handy with soldering tools from axial caps all the
way down to
208 pin quad flat packs. What I'm not any good at is

I think that this monitor has an equivalent Sony model, but
I'm not
certain. It's definitely a trinitron. I can just make out
the two
horizontal lines at 1/3 intervals.

I hope that someone is familiar with this problem and can
point me at the
likely culprit in terms of component(s) that need replacing.

Thank you for any helpful or humorous suggestions,


A friend will help you move. A real friend will help you move
a body.
I too have a Radius IntelliColor Display/20e monitor with the exact
same problem that you are/were experiencing. I read the suggested
resolution that Issac Wingfiled offered to you, but I haven’t tried it
yet. I was wondering if you had any luck yet?


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Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse:
On 18 Apr 2005 13:39:21 -0700, "b" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed: wrote:

The reason some people don't know for sure

Bob Parker wrote:
Not long ago I read that one of the internet pioneers made a
statement to the effect that "On the internet, things which normally
live under rocks are suddenly in your face".
That posting's proof that it's true, unfortunately....

sad thing is, this poster is probaly achieving the exact opposite of
what he originally set out to do. By constantly posting this irrelevant
stuff in inappropriate places, ramming it down everyone's throats and
violating usenet etiquette to the nth degree, he is creating (or
confirming) resentment not merely against himself but what he stands
for. Not a good way to spread your message or incite any respect for
your beliefs.
Strangely it is only the Christian loonies that show this kind of
disrespect for others. I don't think I've ever seen any Islamic spam.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
I couldn't agree more with your thoughts about this. I remember a
comment in a book I read many years ago, that those who are certain of
something don't feel a need to ram it down the throats of others. Only
those who are insecure do it.... and make themselves look like fools
in the process.


Franc Zabkar <> wrote:

On 18 Apr 2005 13:39:21 -0700, "b" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

sad thing is, this poster is probaly achieving the exact opposite of
what he originally set out to do. By constantly posting this irrelevant
stuff in inappropriate places, ramming it down everyone's throats and
violating usenet etiquette to the nth degree, he is creating (or
confirming) resentment not merely against himself but what he stands
for. Not a good way to spread your message or incite any respect for
your beliefs.

Strangely it is only the Christian loonies that show this kind of
disrespect for others. I don't think I've ever seen any Islamic spam.

- Franc Zabkar
People should take heed about the gospel of Jesus Christ,think of the people
who do all the evil things like, for example: walk into a store and shoot
someone for ten or twenty bucks, if they had some knowledge and fear of
Jesus Christ, they likely would not do those things, God knows all
things,and knows what you`re thinking right now. people may get away with
sin and crime in this life, but will be judged in the end.
"Bob Parker" <> wrote in message
I couldn't agree more with your thoughts about this. I remember a
comment in a book I read many years ago, that those who are certain of
something don't feel a need to ram it down the throats of others. Only
those who are insecure do it.... and make themselves look like fools
in the process.


Franc Zabkar <> wrote:

On 18 Apr 2005 13:39:21 -0700, "b" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

sad thing is, this poster is probaly achieving the exact opposite of
what he originally set out to do. By constantly posting this irrelevant
stuff in inappropriate places, ramming it down everyone's throats and
violating usenet etiquette to the nth degree, he is creating (or
confirming) resentment not merely against himself but what he stands
for. Not a good way to spread your message or incite any respect for
your beliefs.

Strangely it is only the Christian loonies that show this kind of
disrespect for others. I don't think I've ever seen any Islamic spam.

- Franc Zabkar
There is only one answer. You NEED the original remote!



<> wrote in message
Can someone please help?

I have purchased a universal remote control, as the original one got
lost, and accidentally discovered "hidden service menu" so I tried to
perform the auto-installation.

The problem is that on the blue screen that showed up, there are
language options to select, and it says: "Red button to select, Blue
button to store" but when I press either blue or red button, nothing

I have tried all the codes for the remote control programming, but with
neither of them, blue/red/green/yellow buttons worked (they are for

How can I exit from this auto-installation screen??? When I switch off
the tv and then switch in on it goes automatically to the Blue
autoinstallation screen. The remote control doesn't have the
instruction manual and the manufactureur ignore my question. The remote
control is HQ Nedis RC Universal 29.

Thank you very much!


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