Benway (original non-Zion
Eeyore wrote:
reduce my power bill, but I have no
illusions that they solve anything much.
After they crap-out, I save the PCBs for
the high-voltage transistors and a few
other cheap components. Just hobby value only.
I laugh at yuppies who save a few kilograms of CO2
with CFLs, and then take a jet that produces tonnes
of CO2 to carry them across the world.
Nobody should be forced off incandescents.
All of that is correct. I use CFLs toFran wrote:
The fact of the matter is that unlike incandescent bulbs, CFL bulbs
are typically made of a polymer, which is feasible because they don't
heat up. That's why they tend not to break if they are knocked or fall
onto carpet, and if they do they don't shatter.
Utter RUBBISH. I though you had more sense.
This only applies to EXPENSIVE CFLs that have a covering 'bulb' over the tube.
This also reduces their efficiency.
Note that the efficiency of CFLs is commonly misrepresented as FIVE times that of
incandescents. It is no such thing. The comparison is being made with Softone
(tm) bulbs instead of good old GLS types that most of us use. Compared to GLS,
CFL is only at best 4 x as efficient. Add the polymer outer and probably only 3 x
as good.
Defects are slow 'warm-up' time especially in cold conditions and short life
under short duration on/off conditions like the light in the loo or dunny if you
Yes. I use them but intelligently. No-one should be FORCED to use them and the
general public don't understand they can't be dimmed either. This has already led
to several house fires. Luckily no-one has been killed by a CFL yet AFAIK but it
will only take time.
An Orwellian step too far IMHO.
reduce my power bill, but I have no
illusions that they solve anything much.
After they crap-out, I save the PCBs for
the high-voltage transistors and a few
other cheap components. Just hobby value only.
I laugh at yuppies who save a few kilograms of CO2
with CFLs, and then take a jet that produces tonnes
of CO2 to carry them across the world.
Nobody should be forced off incandescents.