john_c@tpg.com.au (John Crighton) wrote in message news:<3f03aad8.2850173@News.CIS.DFN.DE>...
G'day again John,
I almost forgot this one - try your local marine shop / ship
chandlers. I'm sure I've seen battery cable crimpers advertised in
their catalogues in the past.
On 1 Jul 2003 06:50:06 -0700, agw@woodtech.net.au (Andy) wrote:
saz@bigpond.net.au wrote in message news:<v7k2gvk60mfgv7ggo2rkoe5ue820iuu1da@4ax.com>...
Hi guys,
I was wondring where I could get a crimper for insulated terminal . I
want to crimp 8 and 4 awg cables using ring terminals.
I know jaycar sells the terminals but I cannot find a crimper for
4awg cables.
The crimpers I have will do up to 6mm which is the best i could find.
I don't want to spend too much..
maybe around 50 bucks..
Hello "saz",
Firstly I would try contacting your local auto electrical distributor
to see what they have available. Tools for this size cable can be
expensive (eg. RS part #445-611 @ $243.00 plust GST) - Their pricing
on this tool is actually quite reasonable (for a change). The
other options are the tools that either you hit with a big hammer or
squeeze up in a vice. These type of tools should be available through
the auto electrical distributors as they are used for crimping battery
cables and most will crimp up to 4/0 AWG.
If you really get stuck try contacting Colourview Electronics in
Brisbane (Ph 07 3275 3188). They are distributors for the SMH range of
connectors and tooling and the SMH catalogue lists both the hammer
and vice-squeeze type of crimpers. I dont have any pricing on these
items but due to their simplicity I would assume they may be a cheaper
Hello Andy and the Group,
I am also interested in finding a cheap way of crimping
lugs onto heavy cables. Car starter motor type cable,
medium and small, similar size to the original poster. 8 to 4 AWG.
I followed up your lead with Colourview Electronics,
thanks for that.
The pluger device that is hit with a hammer would cost
$100. They have to import it from America.
The squeeze with a vice type sounds good. I am imagining
a couple of steel pieces with half a hexagons of various
sizes. Colourview had no leads on where to get something
like that.
I did find a hit with a hammer lug crimper at Lincoln Electric
here in Sydney. Paid $13 for it but it was far too big for what
I wanted. They were out of stock of the smaller model for
smaller lugs and said they would probably not get any more.
This crimper was like hinged tongs several inches long.
Lower tong had a large half barrel shape for the lug to sit in.
Upper tong was flat with a small protrusion for making a
longways dent in the lug.
Not as nicely made as the plunger type. Makes a mess of
the smaller lugs. Secure, but ugly. You definitely don't
want to fit clear heatshrink to these crimped lugs.
Just for the groups interest I came across this home made
Only does one size but looks like it does a good job for
the odd heavy duty crimp.
If I could get similar hexagon crimp quality with a homemade
device that I could squeeze up in a vice I would be happy.
Looks like I will have to find some half inck thick steel
and start filing some half hexagons.
John Crighton
G'day again John,
I almost forgot this one - try your local marine shop / ship
chandlers. I'm sure I've seen battery cable crimpers advertised in
their catalogues in the past.