PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

On Mar 21, 9:13 pm, John-Melb <> wrote:
On Mar 21, 8:10 am, Trevor Wilson <

**Bollocks. I don't support vicious dictators, like Mugabbe, nor do I
support the shooting of endangered animals, like African elephants.
Borsak does both. And, people like you are just as guilty, because you
support arseholes like Borsak.

Cite these 'double standard', you speak of.


We've had this discussion previously Trevor, and it was demonstrated
then that you're a total tosser who has no bloody idea what you're
waffling about.

Why is it, when it is demonstrated that what you're waffling is
bullshit, do you let it lie for a little while before making the same
irrelevant and totally foolish claims.

Doing so simply demonstrates that not are you completely ignorant
about what your waffling about, but are a complete fool as well.

OH well, I guess there's nothing quite as entertaining as a persistent
Previously posted -
One of our resident antigun idiots had some rather strong things to
say about the involvement of a certain politician in the CAMPFIRES
Here is some information I received on the Program.
It's here to serve two purposes to tell people about the CAMPFIRES
Program, and to demonstrate how little Trevor Tosspot actually knows
about what he pontificates about.
=======================================>  “Conservation hunting; African-style”
Shooters and Fishers Party Chairman Robert Borsak, says there is a
lack of understanding in Australia, about the culling of rogue, crop
raiding elephants in Africa, under carefully managed Problem Animal
Control programs.
Mr Borsak, who is also a member of the NSW Parliament, said he was
disappointed at the "political" criticism of his safari trip several
years ago, in which he shot one of these problem elephants.
He posted an account of his trip on a hunting website nearly four
years ago, where it sat without comment or controversy until it was
pointed out to the mainstream metropolitan media, which then decided
to make it an issue.
Mr Borsak said there were some relevant facts that people should be
aware of before they criticised him.
"The first point to make is that elephants are not an endangered
species in southern Africa.
"There are about 100,000 in Zimbabwe alone, where they compete with
subsistence farmers, who survive on an annual income of less than
a year.
"Zimbabwe is an impoverished country, about half the size of New
Wales, and most villagers rely on subsistence crops of maize, cotton,
melons, sorghum and in some cases, bananas. You can imagine what
damage a rogue or problem elephant can cause to these crops.
"Elephants also kill many rural Zimbabweans each year, and I have
personally seen the devastation caused by elephants and cape buffalo
to village huts and crops.
"They go into the crops, generally at night, and while the villagers
try to keep guard, and beat pots and pans in an effort to drive them
away, their efforts mostly fail, and indeed if they enrage the
animals, they are often trampled.
"Because of this problem, the authorities in Zimbabwe developed the
local Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources
(CAMPFIRES ) program.
"This program charges international hunters a fee to humanely shoot
the elephants destroying the crops, and then utilising the meat, and
hides of the beasts to fund local projects. Importantly, it should be
noted that hunters do not retain any tusks, hides or meat.
"This unique program helps supports schools, health clinics and
drought relief in the depressed rural provinces in Zimbabwe.
"CAMPFIRES is a perfect example of an indigenous program benefitting
grass roots work in these impoverished communities.
"A Biodiversity Conservation study found that between 1989 and 2006,
CAMPFIRE income, mostly from safari hunting, totalled nearly USD$30
million, of which 52 per cent was allocated specifically to the sub-
district wards and villages for community projects and household
benefits, and to compensate villagers for damage" he said.
Mr Borsak said The IUCN, renowned as the World Conservation Union is
clearly right to suggest that the "challenge facing conservation
organisations in Africa is to become self sufficient by developing
strategies where revenue raised from the sustainable use of rhinos
be used to offset their high conservation cost. Successful
conservation of Africa's wildlife cannot be separated from the lives
of its people".
Mr Borsak said the concept has also been supported by New Scientist
"Hunting can be a positive force they say because it provides an
economic motive for maintaining wildlife habitats. "Without hunting,
many of these would be converted to cattle pasture, and there would
a rapid loss of wildlife" says Peter Lindsey, a conservation
at the University of Zimbabwe in Harare."
And in the same edition in the Editorial:
"Sad it may be, but the balance of evidence is that trophy hunting
help conserve threatened species and their habitats, so for people
care about the fate of wildlife, the real question is not whether to
allow hunting, but how to manage it. Done properly, trophy hunting
provide a source of jobs and income, and thus give local communities
reason to protect wildlife and habitats that might other-wise be
sacrificed to rural villagers' need to put meat on the table."
Mr Borsak said he was fortunate enough to be able to spend a
significant amount of money to visit Zimbabwe to hunt, and was always
accompanied by a professional guide, who takes him from village to
village to track down the rogue animals causing problems.
"Another factor is that many of the hunts are in tsetse-fly areas,
where the locals cannot keep cattle, and therefore many do not get
protein in the form of meat. The local wildlife however, is immune to
the fly.
"The elephants culled are immediately utilised by the locals
communities, and hundreds of people benefit from the meat. Not only
it sound conservation, it is also a humanitarian initiative
"If one puts dollar figures to the immediate benefits to the local
people from these safaris, US$2,550 cash per elephant, goes directly
to the local village, plus the benefit of the elephant meat. The
outfitter benefits by nearly US$11,000 to employ up to a dozen local
villagers for each expedition.
"What disappoints me most is that many people have simply attacked me
without even seeking to determine what circumstances were involved in
the culling of a rogue elephant," he said.
"If I have anything to regret, it is perhaps the show of hubris on my
part when reporting the hunt. Hunting these animals is a dangerous
business, and perhaps I should have been more circumspect when I
described the hunt"
"I welcome any reasonable debate on this issue to point out that
elephants do pose a threat to the local communities and the money
not go to Robert Mugabe, but to the local communities most affected
the problems," he said.
On Mar 19, 1:08 pm, Trevor Wilson <>
On 3/19/2012 1:23 PM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 12:57 pm, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 10:09 AM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 9:43 am, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 9:39 AM, John-Melb wrote:

Found this elsewhere, over to you Jebus (or Keefy)

====================> >>>>> On Sep 26 2009, 10:28 pm, John - Melb<
On Sep 25, 5:45 pm, keithr<>      wrote:
Put it somewhere else trevor, otherwise you'll have your alter ego and
his little mates from APG swarming all over the place again.
Sorry Keefy, too late.
It's interesting to note that Keefy isn't concerned about Trevor's
anti-gun rants appearing onaus.electronics, he's concerned that an
alternative viewpoint may appear.
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

========================> >>>>> You will note that Keefy doesn't have a problem with totally off-
anti-gun word vomit appearing on places like aus.electronics, except,
that it may result in alternative viewpoints also appearing.
Keefy (like Trevor Tosspot) claims not to know what the term "anti-
gun" means and claims he is not "anti-gun" or "anti-gun owner".
However, he doesn't believe that gun owners should have the same
rights to voice their opinion or voice those opinions in the same
places/formats as anti-gun zealots, he therefore views gun owners as
second class citizens with less rights than anti-gun zealots.

**Moron. I was VERY specific in my criticisms. I nominated you (John
McNamara, Chris Diesel and Robert Borsak as examples of seriously
deluded, deranged humans who happen to own guns. I did not label all gun
owners are troubled individuals.

And on aus.electronics, you labelled those posting on
talk.politics.guns as "psychopaths"

**So? SOME of them clearly are. Many are not. I've seen messages from
TPG posters demanding that people should be killed, just because they
hold a differing opinion. Such a stance demonstrates clear problems.

I've seen anti-gun zealots make the same demands.

**So? Such words indicate a very disturbed individual, be they a gun
owner or not. Fortunately, the person who allegedly made the claim you
suggest was not likely to be armed with a gun. That can only be regarded
as a good thing. I am far more concerned about people making death
threats, when they are armed.

  They not only

demanded the deaths of the gun owners, but their immediate family as

**And again: So what? One thing does not excuse the other. ANYONE who
makes threats of death against another human, just because they don't
share their opinions, is deranged.
When you think about it, and knowing the history of gun bans and what
they lead to,

I would therefore categorise any "Gun grabbers" or their supporters as
a potential and indirect death threat to the public.

I will say again:

SNIP>  Trevor Tosspot's chanting has been carefully and lovingly
snipped, sorry Trevor, you want to sing Kumbia you can do it over with
you anti-gun mates on aus.electronics

**I have no idea WTF you're on about. Your delusion lies within your own

On 3/22/2012 2:22 PM, kreed wrote:
On Mar 19, 1:08 pm, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 1:23 PM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 12:57 pm, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 10:09 AM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 9:43 am, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 9:39 AM, John-Melb wrote:

Found this elsewhere, over to you Jebus (or Keefy)

On Sep 26 2009, 10:28 pm, John - Melb<
On Sep 25, 5:45 pm, keithr<> wrote:
Put it somewhere else trevor, otherwise you'll have your alter ego and
his little mates from APG swarming all over the place again.
Sorry Keefy, too late.
It's interesting to note that Keefy isn't concerned about Trevor's
anti-gun rants appearing onaus.electronics, he's concerned that an
alternative viewpoint may appear.
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

You will note that Keefy doesn't have a problem with totally off-
anti-gun word vomit appearing on places like aus.electronics, except,
that it may result in alternative viewpoints also appearing.
Keefy (like Trevor Tosspot) claims not to know what the term "anti-
gun" means and claims he is not "anti-gun" or "anti-gun owner".
However, he doesn't believe that gun owners should have the same
rights to voice their opinion or voice those opinions in the same
places/formats as anti-gun zealots, he therefore views gun owners as
second class citizens with less rights than anti-gun zealots.

**Moron. I was VERY specific in my criticisms. I nominated you (John
McNamara, Chris Diesel and Robert Borsak as examples of seriously
deluded, deranged humans who happen to own guns. I did not label all gun
owners are troubled individuals.

And on aus.electronics, you labelled those posting on
talk.politics.guns as "psychopaths"

**So? SOME of them clearly are. Many are not. I've seen messages from
TPG posters demanding that people should be killed, just because they
hold a differing opinion. Such a stance demonstrates clear problems.

I've seen anti-gun zealots make the same demands.

**So? Such words indicate a very disturbed individual, be they a gun
owner or not. Fortunately, the person who allegedly made the claim you
suggest was not likely to be armed with a gun. That can only be regarded
as a good thing. I am far more concerned about people making death
threats, when they are armed.

They not only

demanded the deaths of the gun owners, but their immediate family as

**And again: So what? One thing does not excuse the other. ANYONE who
makes threats of death against another human, just because they don't
share their opinions, is deranged.

When you think about it, and knowing the history of gun bans and what
they lead to,

I would therefore categorise any "Gun grabbers" or their supporters as
a potential and indirect death threat to the public.
**What history of "gun bans" have led to any problems?

The Australian 1996 gun control laws have not coincided with any
increase in public harm, nor gun crimes, nor, in fact, any increase in
any violent crimes.

Trevor Wilson
On Mar 22, 7:08 am, Trevor Wilson <>
On 3/21/2012 9:13 PM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 21, 8:10 am, Trevor Wilson<

**Bollocks. I don't support vicious dictators, like Mugabbe, nor do I
support the shooting of endangered animals, like African elephants.
Borsak does both. And, people like you are just as guilty, because you
support arseholes like Borsak.

Cite these 'double standard', you speak of.


We've had this discussion previously Trevor, and it was demonstrated
then that you're a total tosser who has no bloody idea what you're
waffling about.

**Wrong (as usual). Here is a news article, that quotes that scumbag,
What, you're saying we've never had this conversation regarding
conservation hunting in Africa? You're not only an idiot, you're a
bloody liar as well.

 From the article:

"My reflexes took over as the rifle fired … he went down, as if in slow
motion," writes Mr Borsak in an article entitled Bulls in the Rain
posted on the internet. "It was awesome. He did not know what had hit him.."

It is abundantly clear, from Borsak's own words, that he revels in the
death of endangered animals. He doesn't do it to eliminate a pest
species (he COULD be shooting rats, feral cats, dogs, pigs and goats
right here in Australia), he does it because he enjoys watching an
endangered animal die. It is likely that he suffers from a psychological
disorder. He may be a sociopath. Enjoyment in watching the death of
animals is a pointer to the disorder. Borsak displays this in his
bloodlust for killing endangered elephants.

Why is it, when it is demonstrated that what you're waffling is
bullshit, do you let it lie for a little while before making the same
irrelevant and totally foolish claims.

**Irrelevant? Nup. I used Borsak's own words to condemn him.
No irrelevant, this matter has already been discussed here, your
claims have proven to be bullshit, a few months later you wheel out
those same claims again.
Doing so simply demonstrates that not are you completely ignorant
about what your waffling about, but are a complete fool as well.

OH well, I guess there's nothing quite as entertaining as a persistent

On Mar 22, 9:55 am, B J Foster <> wrote:
On 22/03/2012 7:08 AM, Trevor Wilson wrote:

On 3/21/2012 9:13 PM, John-Melb wrote:
On Mar 21, 8:10 am, Trevor Wilson<

**Bollocks. I don't support vicious dictators, like Mugabbe, nor do I
support the shooting of endangered animals, like African elephants.
Borsak does both. And, people like you are just as guilty, because you
support arseholes like Borsak.

Cite these 'double standard', you speak of.


We've had this discussion previously Trevor, and it was demonstrated
then that you're a total tosser who has no bloody idea what you're
waffling about.

**Wrong (as usual). Here is a news article, that quotes that scumbag,

 From the article:

"My reflexes took over as the rifle fired … he went down, as if in slow
motion," writes Mr Borsak in an article entitled Bulls in the Rain
posted on the internet. "It was awesome. He did not know what had hit him."

It has been explained to you numerous times (by myself as well), that
hunting is part of the conservation strategy in Southern Africa.
Whatever you think of the personal bloodlust of individuals engaged in
hunting, their contribution creates and industry and jobs for the local
population and puts conservation on a *sustainable* footing.

This strategy was first devised by Ian Player - who saved the White
Rhino. The stategy was proven again in the Pilanesberg game reserve
which specifically caters for hunters.

People who don't listen and learn & thus *repeat* spruiking the same
garbage probably have a screw loose.

I suggest that you do some research before making an idiot of yourself
You're wasting your time attempting to have a reasoned discussion with
Trevor Tosspot, his makes the most outrageous claims and when those
claims are proved wrong, he makes them again anyway. If not here, then
on some totally unrelated forum where he believes no-one will know
enough about the subject to challenge his claims, This is an example
of this, where he's repeating claims that were proved to be bullshit
months ago. Another example of this is Trevor's claims regarding US
gun dealers using gunshows to peddle firearms illegally, he made the
claims here, they were proven to be bullshit, a little while later
they were again proven to be bullshit when he made them on another
thread, he then wandered off to aus.electronics and repeated those
claims. Apparently over on aus.electronics this "village idiot of
Usenet" is considered a "long standing and highly respected" poster,
believe it or not? Go figure?

BJ, you're better off doing what the rest of us do, and just use
Trevor for entertainment value.

Hey Trevor, tell us again about your friend who can STOP his heart.
On Mar 21, 9:51 pm, keithr <> wrote:

Like I have said john, the problem is that you just don't think, anyway
I'm bored with this so over and out.
Yep, no worries, off you go to aus.electroncs where you can deep and
meaningful discussions with other long standing and highly respected
members about what a pack of pricks gun owners are.
"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
On 3/22/2012 2:22 PM, kreed wrote:
On Mar 19, 1:08 pm, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 1:23 PM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 12:57 pm, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 10:09 AM, John-Melb wrote:

On Mar 19, 9:43 am, Trevor Wilson<
On 3/19/2012 9:39 AM, John-Melb wrote:

Found this elsewhere, over to you Jebus (or Keefy)

On Sep 26 2009, 10:28 pm, John - Melb<
On Sep 25, 5:45 pm, keithr<> wrote:
Put it somewhere else trevor, otherwise you'll have your alter
ego and
his little mates from APG swarming all over the place again.
Sorry Keefy, too late.
It's interesting to note that Keefy isn't concerned about Trevor's
anti-gun rants appearing onaus.electronics, he's concerned that an
alternative viewpoint may appear.
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

You will note that Keefy doesn't have a problem with totally off-
anti-gun word vomit appearing on places like aus.electronics,
that it may result in alternative viewpoints also appearing.
Keefy (like Trevor Tosspot) claims not to know what the term "anti-
gun" means and claims he is not "anti-gun" or "anti-gun owner".
However, he doesn't believe that gun owners should have the same
rights to voice their opinion or voice those opinions in the same
places/formats as anti-gun zealots, he therefore views gun owners
second class citizens with less rights than anti-gun zealots.

**Moron. I was VERY specific in my criticisms. I nominated you (John
McNamara, Chris Diesel and Robert Borsak as examples of seriously
deluded, deranged humans who happen to own guns. I did not label all
owners are troubled individuals.

And on aus.electronics, you labelled those posting on
talk.politics.guns as "psychopaths"

**So? SOME of them clearly are. Many are not. I've seen messages from
TPG posters demanding that people should be killed, just because they
hold a differing opinion. Such a stance demonstrates clear problems.

I've seen anti-gun zealots make the same demands.

**So? Such words indicate a very disturbed individual, be they a gun
owner or not. Fortunately, the person who allegedly made the claim you
suggest was not likely to be armed with a gun. That can only be regarded
as a good thing. I am far more concerned about people making death
threats, when they are armed.

They not only

demanded the deaths of the gun owners, but their immediate family as

**And again: So what? One thing does not excuse the other. ANYONE who
makes threats of death against another human, just because they don't
share their opinions, is deranged.

When you think about it, and knowing the history of gun bans and what
they lead to,

I would therefore categorise any "Gun grabbers" or their supporters as
a potential and indirect death threat to the public.

**What history of "gun bans" have led to any problems?

The Australian 1996 gun control laws have not coincided with any increase
in public harm, nor gun crimes, nor, in fact, any increase in any violent
So all that gun play (with illegally imported Glocks) is what?

Just a bit of "boys will be boys"?

"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not
want merely because you think it would be good for him".

Robert A. Heinlein.

Trevor Wilson
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

My Nokia phone has failed

** You are a LYING turd.

You damaged it by dropping it..

Telstra have offered to terminate the contract with no termination fee.

** Ask them to extend that same offer to your good self.

I would like to pursue the matter further if possible.

** The police would like to pursue cunts like you right into hell.

FOAD you stinking, wog pig troll.
This is what the report from the Telstra National Repair Centre says:

Beyond any Economical Repair. Unit it out of warranty period. The handset
has been diagnosed and a component failure on the circuit board has been
found. The component is unrepairable and the cost of a replacement circuit
board exceeds the cost of a new handset.

I can understand that dropping a phone might break a connection somewhere in
the unit, but to break a component on the board seems unlikely.
"Xeno =LIAR "

My Nokia phone has failed

** You are a LYING turd.

You damaged it by dropping it..

Telstra have offered to terminate the contract with no termination fee.

** Ask them to extend that same offer to your good self.

I would like to pursue the matter further if possible.

** The police would like to pursue cunts like you right into hell.

FOAD you stinking, wog pig troll.

This is what the report from the Telstra National Repair Centre says:
** Complete bullshit.

Beyond any Economical Repair. Unit it out of warranty period. The handset
has been diagnosed and a component failure on the circuit board has been
found. The component is unrepairable and the cost of a replacement circuit
board exceeds the cost of a new handset.

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of blatant

I can understand that dropping a phone might break a connection somewhere
in the unit, but to break a component on the board seems unlikely.
** LOL.

SMD boards are smothered in fragile, easily cracked items.

..... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

My Nokia phone has failed

** You are a LYING turd.

You damaged it by dropping it..

Telstra have offered to terminate the contract with no termination fee.

** Ask them to extend that same offer to your good self.

I would like to pursue the matter further if possible.

** The police would like to pursue cunts like you right into hell.

FOAD you stinking, wog pig troll.

This is what the report from the Telstra National Repair Centre says:

** Complete bullshit.

Beyond any Economical Repair. Unit it out of warranty period. The handset
has been diagnosed and a component failure on the circuit board has been
found. The component is unrepairable and the cost of a replacement
circuit board exceeds the cost of a new handset.

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of blatant
Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre I am inclined
to take that more seriously than the words of a random usenet nicompoop.

I can understand that dropping a phone might break a connection somewhere
in the unit, but to break a component on the board seems unlikely.

** LOL.

SMD boards are smothered in fragile, easily cracked items.

.... Phil
On Mar 25, 11:32 pm, "Xeno" <> wrote:
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"Xeno =LIAR "

My Nokia phone has failed

** You are a LYING  turd.

 You damaged it by dropping it..

Telstra have offered to terminate the contract with no termination fee..

** Ask them to extend that same offer to your good self.

I would like to pursue the matter further if possible.

** The police would like to pursue cunts like you right into hell.

  FOAD you stinking, wog pig troll.

This is what the report from the Telstra National Repair Centre says:

Beyond any Economical Repair. Unit it out of warranty period. The handset
has been diagnosed and a component failure on the circuit board has been
found. The component is unrepairable and the cost of a replacement circuit
board exceeds the cost of a new handset.

I can understand that dropping a phone might break a connection somewhere in
the unit, but to break a component on the board seems unlikely.

Its Telstra. What did you expect ?
"Xeno =LIAR "
** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of blatant

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre

My god you are a fuckwit.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of blatant

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.
They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge. I mentioned the
acronyms TIO and ACCC and I didn't budge from my position.

Suck it up mate. I dropped a phone (according to you) and now I will have a
new free phone. What do you have to say about that, fuckhead?
"Xeno =LIAR "
** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.
** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.
On 28/03/2012 2:19 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
"Xeno =LIAR"

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.
Well you are the expert in the area


X-No-Archive: Yes
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.
Not an arsehole, just defending my legal rights.

What's more, they have also cancelled the contract period, so I am free to
up and go somewhere else with a phone they have given me free of charge!
"Xeno =LIAR "
** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.

Not an arsehole, just defending my legal rights.

** Really ?????

With lies and intimidation as your weapons.

People who make loud, disturbing scenes in retail shops get what they want

So do people who level guns at bank tellers etc.


YOU are nothing but a criminal piece of shit.

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.

Not an arsehole, just defending my legal rights.

** Really ?????

With lies and intimidation as your weapons.
Bet you wouldn't say that about your lawyer when he defends you against a
trumped up charge.

People who make loud, disturbing scenes in retail shops get what they
want too.

So do people who level guns at bank tellers etc.


YOU are nothing but a criminal piece of shit.

"Xeno" <> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Xeno =LIAR "

** Bet they use a single keystroke to generate that paragraph of
blatant puke.

Well, when I have a report from a professional repair centre


My god you are a fuckwit.

They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.

Not an arsehole, just defending my legal rights.

** Really ?????

With lies and intimidation as your weapons.

Bet you wouldn't say that about your lawyer when he defends you against a
trumped up charge.
It wouldn't be a trumped up charge.
"Pelican" <> wrote in message
They are sending me a new model Nokia free of charge.

** So you cheated them.

Like the arsehole you are.

Not an arsehole, just defending my legal rights.

** Really ?????

With lies and intimidation as your weapons.

Bet you wouldn't say that about your lawyer when he defends you against a
trumped up charge.

It wouldn't be a trumped up charge.
What is the likely charge in his case?

Welcome to

