David Segall wrote:
only as the thread rambles on usually that it descends into darkness.
At the point in time I have NO ONE killfiled. I like to hear all opinions, even
some of the dafter ones. Some are a total scream.
I don't WANT to killfile him since many of his posts are of excellent quality. It'sEeyore wrote:
David Segall wrote:
Closing his account because he has been rude to you seems like petty
revenge. Kill file him and forget him.
He's been doing this for YEARS.
He WILL stop or he won't be on the net. That's a promise. I've taken on far
harder nuts than him and they've had their legs chopped off from beneath them.
I more or less killed off the 'meow wars' for example. See wikipedia. Website
owners that allow their facilities to be used for abuse don't like being woken
up at 4 a.m. for one thing.
I've even had anonymisers 'cut' accounts. Talking one-to-one with the tech
staff also works wonders.
If you insist on wasting your great, self-proclaimed and oft-repeated
skills to suppress Phil's rants I can't stop you. However, I believe
it would be much easier for you and everyone else if you just kill
file him. You do know how to do that don't you?
only as the thread rambles on usually that it descends into darkness.
At the point in time I have NO ONE killfiled. I like to hear all opinions, even
some of the dafter ones. Some are a total scream.