OT: If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?...

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 11:03:45 AM UTC+10, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xeno...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Both Russia and the Ukraine used to be part of the USSR. When that fell apart they both became independent countries. Putin is trying to pretend that Russian can take back areas that used to be part of the pre-1917 Russian Empire. Britain might try to take back the eastern seaboard America on the same basis. It\'s a dubious claim.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 9/11/23 06:10, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 11/09/2023 12:13, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 11/09/2023 03:36, rbowman wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:59:56 -0700, T wrote:

On 9/10/23 15:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
They can fight to the end for all I care, as long
as they stop taking our taxes without our permission
  to arm them.

And the next time you Brits want us to send our children to die to
protect you from the repercussions of some stupid thing you pull,
I remember your words.

Had the US sat out WWI arguably WWII would not have happened. Britain
a dog in the manger approach as the united Germany threatened to
become an
economic competitor. France joined in because they were still butt hurt
after trying to put on their big boy pants in 1870 and getting their

Had the US sat out WWII

That might have been difficult to do, given that Germany declared war
on the USA after their allies, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbour.

R bowman is geopolitically and historically beyond ignorant.

Oh give me a break. R. is probably the best
source of historical information and analysis
on this group. And he is damned well educated
(classical sense). Plus he writes very well.

Because someone disagrees with you, does not
make them ignorant. But is does make those
that do that particular form of name calling,
closed minded and intolerant.

Open discussions and information is necessary
for a republic to survive. It is the antithesis
of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 3:12:37 PM UTC+10, T wrote:
On 9/11/23 06:10, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 11/09/2023 12:13, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 11/09/2023 03:36, rbowman wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:59:56 -0700, T wrote:

On 9/10/23 15:45, Commander Kinsey wrote:
They can fight to the end for all I care, as long
as they stop taking our taxes without our permission
to arm them.

And the next time you Brits want us to send our children to die to
protect you from the repercussions of some stupid thing you pull,
I remember your words.

Had the US sat out WWI arguably WWII would not have happened. Britain took a dog in the manger approach as the united Germany threatened to become an economic competitor. France joined in because they were still butt hurt after trying to put on their big boy pants in 1870 and getting their asses kicked.

Had the US sat out WWII

That might have been difficult to do, given that Germany declared war on the USA after their allies, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbour.

R Bowman is geopolitically and historically beyond ignorant.

Oh give me a break.

You don\'t deserve one.

R. is probably the best source of historical information and analysis on this group. And he is damned well educated (classical sense). Plus he writes very well.

He\'s been well educated in a school system that is designed to inculcate the idea that the USA is always right.
Most people call that brain-washed. If you are recycling other peoples texts you do tend to produce prose that has been polished by repeated use,

> Because someone disagrees with you, does not make them ignorant.

Most of the people who disagree with me are ignorant. People who know less meet more well-informed disagreement

> But is does make those that do that particular form of name calling, closed minded and intolerant.

Being well-informed does make you look that way to the ill-informed, particularly to the ill-informed who are too ignorant to realise how ill-informed they are.

> Open discussions and information is necessary for a republic to survive. It is the antithesis of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

And you are objecting to a crucial ingredient of open discussion - pointing out when one of the debaters has got stuff wrong.

Bill Sloman. Sydney
On 12/09/2023 00:44, rbowman wrote:
> I\'ve no idea how \'yj\' geets pronounced. Eeeee-Yah?

Think of the name John-Ivan-Ian-Jan.

All sort of the same name the J in Jan becomes the I in Ian, so the J is
(sort of) pronounced as Ee in Ian.
On 11/09/2023 18:54, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

> What you want is pure short sighted stupid selfishness.

You \'say\' that as if it\'s a bad thing .
On 12/09/2023 01:04, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:49:10 +1000, Xeno wrote:

On 11/9/2023 8:01 am, Bob F wrote:
On 9/10/2023 2:46 PM, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 10/09/2023 21:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied

You would need to read the terms of the peace treaty to know that and
it doesn\'t exist yet.

But then, when Ukraine turned over their nuclear weapons, they were
promised that Russia would defend them.

So, how good will the next treaty with Russia be?

Ukraine, and the rest of the world, will never trust Russia ever again.

The BRICS seem to be getting along fine.

\'Seem\' and \'getting along\' do not equal \'trust\'
The higher up the mountainside
The greener grows the grass.
The higher up the monkey climbs
The more he shows his arse.

On 9/11/23 06:09, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 11/09/2023 12:21, SteveW wrote:
On 10/09/2023 22:43, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:23:47 -0700, T <T@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 9/10/23 13:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Who do you think?  Why is it that this kind
of propaganda is now being pushed?  And
why are you assisting the propaganda?

What propaganda is that? Even Henry Kissinger said there\'d have to be
some Ukraine territory given up for a peace deal and he said it some
time ago, too.

They already gave up Crimea the last time Russia invaded. That is more
than enough. They can\'t keep giving up land each time Russia invades -
it becomes a no-loss scenario for Russia then.

Russia has publicly stated it wants the USSR back, the whole eastern
bloc. Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Hungary,
Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia,
Bosnia. Herzegovina.  East Germany . And it wouldn\'t mind Finland either.

Peace would consist in letting them have it. All of it.

Americans may find that an acceptable price. Not many Europeans do: They
have the T shirts.

The \"Europeans\" can stop virtue signaling and
start matching the US cent by cent in their
support of Ukraine.

On 12/09/2023 07:34, T wrote:

The \"Europeans\" can stop virtue signaling and
start matching the US cent by cent in their
support of Ukraine.

What and extend the bloodshed even more?
Why not reduce the US support to zero and the European support to zero .
The war would be over lickity split.
Some cabal/one wants to keep the war going.
Arms manufacturers?
On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 4:45:30 PM UTC+10, soup wrote:
On 12/09/2023 07:34, T wrote:

The \"Europeans\" can stop virtue signaling and start matching the US cent by cent in their support of Ukraine.

Not that anybody seems to have done the sums. The Europeans are spendnig quite a bit.

> What and extend the bloodshed even more?

Not fighting off the initial invasion would have averted a whole of bloodshed. Doing that did kill off a lot of Russians.

Why not reduce the US support to zero and the European support to zero.
The war would be over lickity split.

Probably not. The Ukraine has a long tradition of guerrilla warfare.

> Some cabal/one wants to keep the war going. Arms manufacturers?

Ukranian citizens who don\'t like their neighbours getting killed when the Russians shell and bomb civilian targets?

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 12/9/2023 4:45 pm, soup wrote:
On 12/09/2023 07:34, T wrote:

The \"Europeans\" can stop virtue signaling and
start matching the US cent by cent in their
support of Ukraine.

What and extend the bloodshed even more?
Why not reduce the US support to zero and the European support to zero .
The war would be over lickity split.
Some cabal/one wants to keep the war going.
Arms manufacturers?

Had Russia managed to take over Ukraine in the first few days, as they
had planned and expected to, they would now be starting to digest the
next country. It\'s in their game plan and Putin has never made it a
secret that he longs for the resurrection of the USSR. Ukraine is merely
step one in attaining that goal.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 9/11/23 23:45, soup wrote:
On 12/09/2023 07:34, T wrote:

The \"Europeans\" can stop virtue signaling and
start matching the US cent by cent in their
support of Ukraine.

What and extend the bloodshed even more?
Why not reduce the US support to zero and the European support to zero .
The war would be over lickity split.
Some cabal/one wants to keep the war going.
Arms manufacturers?

The bloodshed would not stop. It would
just be lambs to the slaughter.

Oh and remind me to repeat what you said
when your country get into trouble.
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 09:22:46 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 10/09/2023 22:46, Colin Bignell wrote:
On 10/09/2023 21:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

You would need to read the terms of the peace treaty to know that and it
doesn\'t exist yet.

There will be no peace treaty. Only Russia wants one, because it is
being destroyed.

Look where the front line is arsehole.
On 12 Sep 2023 00:02:16 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

That might have been difficult to do, given that Germany declared war on
the USA after their allies, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbour.

All to true. FDR moved heaven and hell to make that happen. My brother was
quite a bit older than I and was down at the USMC recruiting center bright
and early on 8 December. I was brought up to shun all things Japanese.
Since we were of German heritage Germany got a pass. It was easier to sell
a war on yellow people in a country where the largest ethnic group is
German. They sure as hell couldn\'t intern Germans.

Is it \"baffle-them-with-bullshit-time\" again? Sometimes it seems to work for
you, right, you ridiculous Yankee bigmouth and typical Trumptard? LOL

Yet more of the so very interesting senile blather by lowbrowwoman:
\"My family loaded me into a \'51 Chevy and drove from NY to Seattle and
back in \'52. I\'m alive. The Chevy had a painted steel dashboard with two
little hand prints worn down to the primer because I liked to stand up
and lean on it to see where we were going.\"
MID: <j2kuc1F3ejsU1@mid.individual.net>
On 12 Sep 2023 00:04:53 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Ukraine, and the rest of the world, will never trust Russia ever again.

The BRICS seem to be getting along fine.

And with many Trumptards, too, Trumptard. Especially after your hero
declared psychopath Putin to be a genius after he invaded the Ukraine! LMAO
What a bunch of sick idiots trying to rule the world!

Trump-, Hitler- and Putin-sympathizer lowbrowwoman about Nazi-Germany\'s good
\"At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to East Prussia which
had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig Corridor.\"
MID: <kabnetFft5qU17@mid.individual.net>
On 11 Sep 2023 23:44:46 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Jah... Y is infrequent in German and in a word like \'typisch\' is more of
a \'u\' sound. For loan words like Handy (cellphone) it\'s pronounced as in
English. I\'ve no idea how \'yj\' geets pronounced. Eeeee-Yah?

Yes, Eeeee-Yah, you pathological senile bullshit artist and bigmouth!

More absolutely idiotic blather by the resident senile gossip:
\"My mother sometimes made a cherry chiffon cake that started with a
packaged mix. It wasn\'t bad if you squished a slice down to resemble real
MID: <kaldt8F22l6U12@mid.individual.net>
On 11 Sep 2023 23:55:01 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Just about every Pole in the US... :) Not that we speak anything
resembling RP.

I wonder what a Pole would say if he encountered an endlessly and
idiotically drivelling senile bigmouth like you in the US. I mean, you are
abnormal even among all the known usual Yankee bigmouths, lowbrowwoman.

More of the resident senile gossip\'s absolutely idiotic endless blather
about herself:
\"My family and I traveled cross country in \'52, going out on the northern
route and returning mostly on Rt 66. We also traveled quite a bit as the
interstates were being built. It might have been slower but it was a lot
more interesting. Even now I prefer what William Least Heat-Moon called
the blue highways but it\'s difficult. Around here there are remnants of
the Mullan Road as frontage roads but I-90 was laid over most of it so
there is no continuous route. So far 93 hasn\'t been destroyed.\"
MID: <kae9ivF7suU1@mid.individual.net>
On 11 Sep 2023 23:51:04 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

I\'ve seen the Zelenskyy but I think the single \'y\' is more common. RT uses
Zelensky (and Kiev) unless they\'re trying to piss him off.

Good grief! For how long can you still go on about this idiotic shit? Until
you feel better again? Or until you feel you\'ve convinced everyone
(including yourself) again of your brilliant senile mind? LOL

And yet another \"cool\" line from the resident bigmouthed all-American
\"I was working on the roof when the cat came up the ladder to see what I
was doing. Cats do not do well going down aluminum ladders.\"
MID: <k9roshF2rjdU1@mid.individual.net>
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:14:13 +1000, Xeno, another brainless, troll-feeding,
senile Australian idiot, blathered:

Oddly enough, I hope they take you over too. When are you migrating to

The moment you troll-feeding senile assholes in these groups stop feeding
him and he got no more reason to stick around.
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:13:10 +1000, Xeno, another brainless, troll-feeding,
senile Australian idiot, blathered:

> No, but you do arm the weaponless one to make it a fair fight.

Somewhat like you keep feeding the troll to make him come back for more and
more, you troll-feeding senile shithead?
On 12 Sep 2023 02:37:35 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

The Warsaw Pact was established as a counterweight to NATO. The Ukraine
was not a signatory -- because the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
wasn\'t a country.


Lot of history there.

Lots of psychopathic Putin narratives here among you Trumptards. But no

Trump-, Hitler- and Putin-sympathizer lowbrowwoman about Nazi-Germany\'s good
\"At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to East Prussia which
had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig Corridor.\"
MID: <kabnetFft5qU17@mid.individual.net>

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