OT: If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?...

On 13/09/2023 00:45, rbowman wrote:
Prior to 2014
the Ukraine was the poorest and most corrupt nation in Europe by all

Utter bollocks. Russia takes that prize every time.

And yes, Muscovy is part of Europe.

\"When one man dies it\'s a tragedy. When thousands die it\'s statistics.\"

Josef Stalin
On 12 Sep 2023 23:23:40 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 23:38:13 +0100, SteveW wrote:

On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes
territory illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia does not equal USSR.

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like
their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

Only as far as current borders are concerned. Back in the Middle Ages,
when Moscow was still just a swamp, Kyiv was the capital of a much
larger area, \"Kyivan Rus\". Maybe we should be thinking of Ukraine
regaining its former territories.
On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 4:43:54 PM UTC-5, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 14:23:47 -0700, T <T...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 9/10/23 13:44, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Who do you think? Why is it that this kind
of propaganda is now being pushed? And
why are you assisting the propaganda?
What propaganda is that? Even Henry Kissinger said there\'d have to be
some Ukraine territory given up for a peace deal and he said it some
time ago, too.

This 2023 and Kissinger is a product of a bygone era. There is no reason to cede authority on this issue to Kissinger or Putin

Ukraine is not interested in becoming a dictatorship

PACE recognises Russia as a dictatorship

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 10:50:22 PM UTC+10, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 22:10:54 -0700 (PDT), Anthony William Sloman
bill....@ieee.org> wrote:
On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 11:03:45?AM UTC+10, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xeno...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Both Russia and the Ukraine used to be part of the USSR. When that fell apart they both became independent countries. Putin is trying to pretend that Russian can take back areas that used to be part of the pre-1917 Russian Empire. Britain might try to take back the eastern seaboard America on the same basis. It\'s a dubious claim.

What\'s dubious about it? Israel was created in 1948 out of land seized
from Palestine and everyone recognises Israel as a legitimate state!
(all the important countries, anyway).

The Arabs whose land was seized in the process don\'t see it as remotely legitimate. The current Israeli government is rapidly looking less legitimate by the day. If they get to the point passing legislation that lets the government overturn court decisions that they don\'t like, any residual claim on legitimacy will have entirely evaporated.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 13/9/2023 3:09 am, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 12/09/2023 13:46, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 02:00:45 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes
illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia doesn\'t want all of it. They only want to annexe some Eastern
areas of the shit-hole where ethnic Russians were being killed by
Ukrainian neo-Nazis and the clown that runs the country was doing
nothing to stop them. Why are we supporting neo-Nazis?

Russia wants all of it. Especially the eastern bits where they killed
their own citizens to fake an excuse to take it, because it has all the
oil coal and gas. And they want all the grain, and they want the black
sea ports as well.

Anyone who actually believes there was \'ethnic conflict\' is a moron.

Indeed. Ukrainians *and* Russians are ethnically Slavs.

I cannot understanbd people who dont trust their own government actually
trusting a single thing the Russian state says.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 13/9/2023 9:23 am, rbowman wrote:
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 23:38:13 +0100, SteveW wrote:

On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes
territory illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia does not equal USSR.

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like

The Russian Empire no longer exists. It collapsed and disbanded in 1991.
Russia is trying to *recreate* the Russian Empire (aka Soviet Union or USSR)

their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

Ukraine became independent of the *Soviet Union* in 1991. Even before
that time, Ukraine was regarded as a country since it was recognised as
a member country of the Soviet Union.


Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
On 9/12/23 16:32, Colin Bignell wrote:
The vast majority, 96%, were lost after you joined the war. At least
some of the 344 who died before 1942 were probably serving on British

They were on American Ships.

Here is a run down:


And it does support your numbers
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:09:39 +0100, soup <invalid@invalid.com> wrote:

On 12/09/2023 08:06, T wrote:

The bloodshed would not stop.

True it would not stop immediately but it would cease a LOT quicker
than this endless cycle of
supply Ukranians with tanks, munitions, weapon systems and let lots of
Ukranians(and Russians) die. After all we can supply more T, M ,WS and
let more Ukranians(and Russians) die

Oh and remind me to repeat what you said
when your country get into trouble.

We have been invaded by a foreign power more times than enough with
MANY many people killed or displaced.

To be fair, the traffic went both ways. How many times did Berwick
change hands?

Where was any country, 1500 miles away, when the highlands were being

That wasn\'t an invasion. The clearances were mainly conducted by the
clan chieftains and land owners themselves. (Not personally, of
course. Their factors hired local thugs to do the dirty work.)
On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 01:39:04 +0100, Custos Custodum wrote:

On 12 Sep 2023 23:23:40 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 23:38:13 +0100, SteveW wrote:

On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any
of Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes
territory illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia does not equal USSR.

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like
their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

Only as far as current borders are concerned. Back in the Middle Ages,
when Moscow was still just a swamp, Kyiv was the capital of a much
larger area, \"Kyivan Rus\". Maybe we should be thinking of Ukraine
regaining its former territories.

It\'s debated whether Oleg was related to Rurik but they both were
Varangians from Sweden. Let\'s give the whole mess to Sweden. They deserve
On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:40:57 +1000, Xeno wrote:

The Russian Empire no longer exists. It collapsed and disbanded in 1991.
Russia is trying to *recreate* the Russian Empire (aka Soviet Union or

The Russian Empire collapsed in 1917. If you don\'t know the difference
between that and the CCCP perhaps you should play elsewhere.
On 13/09/2023 02:48, T wrote:
On 9/12/23 16:32, Colin Bignell wrote:
The vast majority, 96%, were lost after you joined the war. At least
some of the 344 who died before 1942 were probably serving on British

They were on American Ships.

I was under the impression that, until the USA entered the war, Congress
required that supplies for the allies should travel only on allied
ships. However, that is from memory and might only have applied to
Lease-Lend supplies, rather than purely commercial transactions.

Here is a run down:


And it does support your numbers

I would be interested to know how 103 American ships could be attacked
without it being taken as an act of war against the USA. Were they, for
example, ignoring government advice not to enter a war zone?

Colin Bignell
On 12 Sep 2023 23:45:04 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> Was WWI ever paid off?

Interesting question, bigmouth. And now fuck off and ask it in an
appropriate newsgroup, senile Trumptard!

And yet another \"cool\" line from the resident bigmouthed all-American
\"I was working on the roof when the cat came up the ladder to see what I
was doing. Cats do not do well going down aluminum ladders.\"
MID: <k9roshF2rjdU1@mid.individual.net>
On 12 Sep 2023 23:32:59 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Would you pay much attention to a US president whose failed policies led
to the dissolution of the US? Gorbachev\'s life\'s work was a disaster.

He brought down the Berlin wall, brought about the liberation of east
European nations and the fall of the Iron Curtain, you idiotic Trump-,
Putin- and Hitler sympathizer!

Trump-, Hitler- and Putin-sympathizer lowbrowwoman about Nazi-Germany\'s good
\"At the onset all Germany wanted was to build a road to East Prussia which
had been severed from Germany proper by the Danzig Corridor.\"
MID: <kabnetFft5qU17@mid.individual.net>
On 12 Sep 2023 23:23:40 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like
their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

You read Putin\'s book on the history of the Ukraine, senile Trumptard? One
gets that impression. <VBG>

More of the resident senile gossip\'s absolutely idiotic endless blather
about herself:
\"My family and I traveled cross country in \'52, going out on the northern
route and returning mostly on Rt 66. We also traveled quite a bit as the
interstates were being built. It might have been slower but it was a lot
more interesting. Even now I prefer what William Least Heat-Moon called
the blue highways but it\'s difficult. Around here there are remnants of
the Mullan Road as frontage roads but I-90 was laid over most of it so
there is no continuous route. So far 93 hasn\'t been destroyed.\"
MID: <kae9ivF7suU1@mid.individual.net>
On 13 Sep 2023 05:07:51 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

It\'s debated whether Oleg was related to Rurik but they both were
Varangians from Sweden. Let\'s give the whole mess to Sweden. They deserve

What is undebated is that you ARE a typical grandiloquent wordy Trumptard
who keeps trying to baffle people with his endless wordy bullshit,
lowbrowwoman. LOL

Gossiping \"lowbrowwoman\" about herself:
\"Usenet is my blog... I don\'t give a damn if anyone ever reads my posts
but they are useful in marshaling [sic] my thoughts.\"
MID: <iteioiF60jmU1@mid.individual.net>
On 13 Sep 2023 05:11:02 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

The Russian Empire no longer exists. It collapsed and disbanded in 1991.
Russia is trying to *recreate* the Russian Empire (aka Soviet Union or

The Russian Empire collapsed in 1917. If you don\'t know the difference
between that and the CCCP perhaps you should play elsewhere.

Listen, you verbose bigmouth, he, like many do, explicitely referred to the
\"Soviet Union or USSR\" as the \"Russian Empire\". And it is that empire
psychopath Putin would like to get back!

More absolutely idiotic blather by the resident senile gossip:
\"My mother sometimes made a cherry chiffon cake that started with a
packaged mix. It wasn\'t bad if you squished a slice down to resemble real
MID: <kaldt8F22l6U12@mid.individual.net>
On 2023-09-12, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:
On Tue, 12 Sep 2023 23:38:13 +0100, SteveW wrote:

On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes
territory illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia does not equal USSR.

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like
their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

So did the U.S. at one point.

Cindy Hamilton
On 13/09/2023 11:07, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
On 2023-09-12, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

Okay, the Russian Empire is taking it back... Maybe Poland would like
their part back too. The Ukraine has a very limited history as an actual

So did the U.S. at one point.
The point is that is is relatively silly to look at the past and try and
either create reparations about it or try to undo it. One country
becomes part of another either because it wants to, or at least doesn\'t
care, or because it is conquered and smashed until it gives up. Or its
populations is simply killed.
We have all done it.
We have all had it done to us.

In the case of Ukraine they had a referendum and they decided they
wanted to be independent. A sort of Ukrainian version of Brexit. Russia
agreed, and that was that.

Why is happening now is precisely equivalent to the EU sending tanks
into southern Ireland to take over Northern Ireland, then scotland and
finally England.

We all know they would like to, but fortunately no one trusts them with
an army.

If I had all the money I\'ve spent on drink...
...I\'d spend it on drink.

Sir Henry (at Rawlinson\'s End)
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 9:42:02 PM UTC+10, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 13/09/2023 11:07, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
On 2023-09-12, rbowman <bow...@montana.com> wrote:


In the case of Ukraine they had a referendum and they decided they
wanted to be independent. A sort of Ukrainian version of Brexit. Russia
agreed, and that was that.

Why is happening now is precisely equivalent to the EU sending tanks
into southern Ireland to take over Northern Ireland, then Scotland and
finally England.

We all know they would like to, but fortunately no one trusts them with an army.

The EU is composed of bunch of countries who have all had respectable armies for quite a while, and still have them.

They have combined to act in former Yugoslavia and in Libya. The main reason that they didn\'t use force to undo Brexit was that they were happy to get rid of partner country that was not only unwilling to pull it\'s weight, but also too economically pathetic to be able to pull much weight even if it had wanted to.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
SteveW <steve@walker-family.me.uk> writes:
On 12/09/2023 02:00, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:47:49 +0100, Xeno <xenolith@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

On 11/9/2023 6:44 am, Commander Kinsey wrote:
If Ukraine and Russia make peace, who keeps the Russian occupied land?

Ukraine will be unlikely to agree to any peace deal whilst ever any of
Ukraine territory remains occupied by Russia and that includes territory
illegally annexed in 2014.

Ukraine used to be the USSR, they\'re just taking it back.

Russia does not equal USSR.

And, in fact, over time, the territory currently part of
Ukraine has been part of Greece, Ottoman empire et alia. The Russians
took it by force in the days of the German-born Catherine via
her toady Potemkin (after she took Russia in a coup).

The eponymous village was in Ukraine.

Russia divested itself of Ukraine when the USSR disintegrated.

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