F Murtz
Trevor Wilson wrote:
and that is part of the problem.
Actual data is data but incorrectly collected or arrived at data is notOn 12/5/2011 3:24 PM, terryc wrote:
Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 12/5/2011 12:40 PM, terryc wrote:
Trevor Wilson wrote:
ALL the major scientific organisations on the planet (including:
CSIRO, NASA, The Australian Academy of Science, the US National
Academy of Science, the UK Met, The Australian BoM, The French Academy
of Science, the German Academy of Science, Austrian Academy of
Sciences, Royal Society of Canada, Royal Danish Acadeny of Sciences
and Letters, The Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of
Scotland, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, et al.)
What was their early psition on DDT?
**No idea. Tell us.
My point made.
**How so? I said I nad no idea of what all those organisations stated
about DDT. They may have stated negatively, or positively on the use of
the stuff. It seems you don't know either. If you made a point, then it
is sure an obscure one.
BTW: The theory of human induced global warming is not a new idea. It
was first theorised well over 100 years ago. Over the last 100 years,
mounting evidence has eradicated oposition to the theory.
Blink, we have had both camps; warming and cooling finding data.
**Not that I've seen. We have a bunch of independent scientists
generating data. We also have a bunch of fossil fuel apolologists
carefully cherry picking the data to advance their case. Data is data.
It cannot be fudged. INTERPRETATION, or careful cherry picking can alter
the conclusions reached.
and that is part of the problem.
Trevor Wilson