"Jeßus" <none@all.invalid> wrote in message
that he needs to confront...
Ask him about his elastic seine net killfile. It's a Twev special. It
breathes like a human lung, and lets people in and out whenever he sees fit,
but he forgets to tell anyone, until it suits his dodgy arguements.
At one stage he had every "John" on the net in there, and expected me to
pick one. I picked John the Baptist, John Lennon, John Cleese, which were
all wrong.
He's strange, is twev....
Seems to be a popular and growing perception. Maybe he has some "issues"I should have known better. How many times are you going to try to
infer that we all listen to that moron Alan Jones? I haven't even
stated my opinion on GW, in case you haven't noticed!
You, Trevor, are a fucking idiot. Time to filter you again.
that he needs to confront...
Ask him about his elastic seine net killfile. It's a Twev special. It
breathes like a human lung, and lets people in and out whenever he sees fit,
but he forgets to tell anyone, until it suits his dodgy arguements.
At one stage he had every "John" on the net in there, and expected me to
pick one. I picked John the Baptist, John Lennon, John Cleese, which were
all wrong.
He's strange, is twev....