John Larkin
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 00:03:38 +0000 (UTC), Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov>
would elect either to secede, or to become a part of Mexico? They're
not that dumb.
Do you seriously believe that a Hispanic majority in the US SouthwestJohn Larkin <jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote in
On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 17:22:16 +0100, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:
I read in sci.electronics.design that John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIP
techTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote (in <2icgl0p6djqm7ll73dqhhnr6ahqdoqhug4@
4ax.com>about '[OT]: The not-so-democratic Democrats', on Mon, 27 Sep
You were making a lot of sense up to that last part.
I have enlarged on that point in further articles today. Yes, it was a
prod, but it seemed to be a desirable one. I think we in Britain would
not at all enjoy a world in which the USA, as we know and love it (a
bit, sometimes) had collapsed.
But "the collapse of USA into separate, and adversarial, religious and
secular countries" is beyond silly. Regional differences in the US are
a fraction of what you see in much smaller European countries. The
real, if modest, cultural differences here are between big cities and
smaller towns/suburban/rural areas (ie, net consumers of Federal
dollars and net donors) and you can hardly carve up a country that
Hell, we don't even kill one another at sporting events here. Be more
worried about the Neo-Nazis in Germany, maybe, who are looking like a
serious political force.
Actually,the Balkanization of America is proceeding apace;ever hear of
MechA? They are Mexican 'immigrants' who wish to retake the Southwest by
massive illegal immigration,and voting to secede. It's easier than ever for
immigrants to never have to learn English,the one thing that makes
communication and understanding possible.It's bad enough that one can vote
with non-English ballots!
would elect either to secede, or to become a part of Mexico? They're
not that dumb.