OT: Bush Thugs Rough Up Grieving Mother of KIA

Paul Burridge wrote:
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 13:38:51 +0200, Rene Tschaggelar <none@none.net

Paul Taylor wrote:

Hi All,

Anyone know how you go about calculating the component ratings (not
values) for use in RF PA low pass filters as I would like to design
some filters for low power (5 watts) HF use using surface mount

I guess you could take worse case operating conditions ie open or
short circuit load providing a full reflection and then perform some
kind of nodal analysis but not sure.

Any help would be much appreciatted as relevant info seems very sparse
or havn't I looked hard enough.

The power rating is dependent on the components.
Usually when they become saturated or nonlinear
or simply too hot.
Capacitors have a max voltage and possibly a max
current rating. Likewise the inductors.

Another point may be the heat dissipation in those
components. That'd need extensive modelling plus a
few measurements.

Is it possible to get SM components suitable for HF?? I've built
several filters for that band and they all tend to be on the **large**
Whatever your HF is, yes, the mobile phones contain surface
mount components. You may have to verify the parameters for
your frequency band though.
Eg a 100nF 1206 is good to 10MHz, above which it becomes

Ing.Buero R.Tschaggelar - http://www.ibrtses.com
& commercial newsgroups - http://www.talkto.net
On 24 Sep 2004 22:07:29 -0700, soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim) wrote:

Let's start doing a little research, and document his crimes against
humanity, and bring him up on charges in the World Court. And Treason
against the Constitution of the United States.

There's no question, something has to be done.


Please, what Kerry did was over 30 years ago-let it go, man!

Kerry should have let it go. The entire Demo convention was a
stunningly goofy band-of-brothers, reporting-for-duty cartoon. He went
to the trouble of staging his Nam home movies for this exact use, and
he just had to do it. Even the Mapes-Kerry attack on Bush's 1960's
history, predictably boring to the voting public, has seriously
backfired. So we have the interesting prospect of Dan Rather being
instrumental in re-electing George Bush.

Never elect anybody to be President who has wanted to be President
their whole life.

Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<4154CA9B.4000002@nospam.com>...

Tom Seim wrote:

confidence and control you sleazy con artists put on too. As for myself
and others, we prefer to draw our own conclusions from the facts and do
not need a low life like you

Gee, for a second I thought you might make thru a whole paragraph
without calling me a name.

You are a sleazy Republican partisan operative but lack the balls to
come out and admit it. You offer nothing but smug pretension and evasion
of the facts- a reprehensible un-American parasite on our society.

Thanks for the compliment (the smug part). Someday you might actually
post a "fact" on this newsgroup. So far, you are in total denial of
facts from any news source.

Sounds like YOU are the undercover Republican operative.
I do admit the volume of facts is overwhelming- I guess I just lack the
enormous brainpower of a senior research scientist IV like yourself to
compartmentalize and organize the insight on 10,000 different pieces of
subject matter like you do. But just because you're so smart does not
mean I have to agree with you.
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <Xns9571D5F0447D7jyanikkuanet@>,
Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov> wrote:
Much of their stuff is from Associated Press,and other "reputable"
sources. I expected you to dismiss based on the source.
I suspect you believed CBS on their Bush "documents",too.

If I want to see Associated press stuff, I'll get it from AP. Direct
from the AP is the best evidence of what the AP wrote, not what
someone claims came from there.
What a weasel you are.They clearly attribute when they use AP material,and
I see the exact same articles on other 'mainstream' news sources,word-for-
DENIAL,that's all.

I note you don't say whether you believed CBS about their
documents,either(after evidence of forgery was exposed).
You really did believe them,didn't you?
I wasn't a POW. I agree it would be a major bummer to be one but
that just not justify the false claim that Kerry committed treason.
One does not have to BE a POW to know treason.it helps to understand it if
you served in the Armed Forces,though. DID YOU?
Not a false claim. He met with the enemy while still in the Naval

You've already lost that argument to someone else in this news group.
Don't bother to protest, its over.
Only in your state of denial.

Jim Yanik
I read in sci.electronics.design that Dirk Bruere at Neopax
<dirk@neopax.com> wrote (in <2rg1s4F1a9s0cU3@uni-berlin.de>) about
'[OT]: Ping Kevin Aylward - re your "scientific paper"', on Thu, 23 Sep
Rich Grise wrote:

Oh, well, if anybody wants to know how to be God, just say the
word, I'll tell you where you can find out!

(hint - inside yourself).

I want to know how *not* to be God!
US citizens are denied access to that knowledge. (;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
Fred Bloggs wrote...
The feedback is meaningless- pathetic amount of cliches, superlatives,
exclamations, and emoticons. I won an auction from this bastard seller
who notified that any negative feedback about them will result in being
permanently barred from bidding with them again-
A common practise of unscrupulous sellers is to respond to negative
feedback against them by posting negative feedback against the buyer.

For example, I complained that someone completely failed to properly
package an expensive heavy instrument with a delicate panel, so it
arrived damaged, and they responded with a NEGATIVE against me saying
"the buyer showed poor judgement" (in giving them a negative mark).

For this reason these days negatives are rarely seen, if if so are
generally from cranks. As a result the eBay ratings system is nearly
useless, IMHO.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
I read in sci.electronics.design that Bob Stephens <stephensyomamadigita
l@earthlink.net> wrote (in <1qstdsae4nzak.88acqjjtcv1r$.dlg@40tude.net>)
about 'Ping Kevin Aylward - re GUY MACON', on Thu, 23 Sep 2004:
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:50:58 +0100, John Woodgate wrote:

An understanding of Boolean algebra
requires one to dismiss the ideas of decimal math.

Or to more fully understand them.

(I know it's a split infinitive - bite me)
I don't follow all of Noah Webster's axioms - some of them are not
valuable. 'Or more fully to understand them.' is just not what anyone
but a pedant would say.

Incidentally, most of the 'rules of grammar' are axioms, of greatly
varying value.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited.
http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Also see http://www.isce.org.uk
Jim Yanik wrote:
soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim) wrote in

Let's start doing a little research, and document his crimes against
humanity, and bring him up on charges in the World Court. And Treason
against the Constitution of the United States.

There's no question, something has to be done.


Please, what Kerry did was over 30 years ago-let it go, man!

If someone committed treason,falsified documents,and lied to Congress 30
years ago,you would want that person to become President of the US today?
Or be a US Senator?

There's no statute of limitations on treason,either.
The appropriate question is should they *be* President? For a moment
there I thought you were talking about Bush and the falsified WMD
intel-that he knowingly promulgated in his State of the Union address to
Jim Yanik wrote:

Do you seriously believe that a Hispanic majority in the US Southwest
would elect either to secede, or to become a part of Mexico? They're
not that dumb.


Even the President of Mexico is urging them on.
You would be surprised at the power of Nationalism,especially with
"Especially with Hispanics" huh? Well- don't even bother to conceal your
racist agenda, Sherlock. If you think this country has any future when
it's overpopulated by dumbshit white trash like yourself, you can guess
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 01:38:26 GMT, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:22:23 -0700, the renowned John Larkin
jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote:

Do you seriously believe that a Hispanic majority in the US Southwest
would elect either to secede, or to become a part of Mexico? They're
not that dumb.


Here's how it could happen! Aztlan!


P.S. Yeah, right.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

I'm sure the army of the Nation of Quebec will support the struggle
for Aztlan independence, if not with arms and troops at least by
sending day-old quiche and surplus pate for the guerrillas.

Nick Toop <nick@cortexcontrollers.com> says...

I have a portable application for which I require 12V at 1A for
3 or 4 hours. 12V 4000mAH NiMh packs are readily available.
However, I want to be able to recharge the system quickly i.e.
in about 15mins. I do not want to change the battery pack.
You could use a 12V 20,000mAH NiMh pack and only discharge it
20%. That would allow faster charging back to 100%.
From: John Larkin

From: John Larkin

I don't have a side. I do meet real people, as opposed to forming my
opinions from the media.

Larkin your supporting Bush, you do it in every post you make, stop


I've sent him no money, and I will not vote for him. I do find the
situation interesting and sometimes amusing, but it's not really very
important who wins this election.

I do think Kerry is a fathead and an unprincipled, annoying gigolo and
opportunist. And I think Bush has, perhaps, too much principle. Just
my opinions. If you want to get all worked up, enjoy!

Bush is a total failure, everywhere, everything, and the evidence for this is
insurmountable. What you have against Kerry only exists between your two ears,
what you ought to have against Bush is reality. I've noticed a lot of righties
can't tell the difference.

If your not a Bush Supporter you are at least standing with them and mouthing
the same old lies they do. So you are one of them like it or not.

How many
terrorists does it take to paralyze a nation?
Well based on my limited experience in America, it takes an entire political
party responding only the stimulus of a blow job.

From: bill.sloman@ieee.org (Bill Sloman)

soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim) wrote

That's easy: the consequences of inaction were even more dire.

And precisely what consequences would you be predicting to have
happened by now if Dubbya hadn't invaded Irak? You now know that he
didn't have any weapons of mass destruction ...

Who knows - with a few more U.S. servicemen in Afghanistan, you might
even have been able to catch Osama bin Laden, where the consequences
of your oddly feeble actions seem to be to have given him a more
orless free rein.

I don't agree with your assessment of planning at all.

As if your opinion were worth registering.

I heard all kinds of "dire" predictions, like we were going to suffer
10's of thousands of casualties taking Baghdad, like there were going
to be many terrorist attacks inside our country. Never happened.

While your "dire predictions" of the consequences of inaction are?

The Army is (re)learning how to fight insurgents. This was down played
inside the military after Vietnam. Welcome to the real world; this is
how these fanatics have chosen to fight us because they would lose a
head-to-head battle.

The disaster at that Russian school should be a sobering reminder as
to what lengths these terrorists will go. I would much rather be
fighting them in Iraq than in Iowa.

And if you had any sense, you'd realise that the the lot you set out
to fight in Irak were never going to fight you in Iowa, and the guys
you neglected to tidy up in Afghanistan are the same ones who got the
Pentagon and the World Trade Centre in the first place.

Dubbya and his crew of nitwits obviously couldn't keep their eye on
the ball - what is it going to take to educate you to the level it
takes to appreciate that secular Baathists of Muslim extraction in
Irak haven't got the same interests or technical competence as the
theocratic Saudi Muslims you failed to deal with effectively in

Good one Bill.

A righties list of probable events if we had not invaded Iraq.

1. The complete destruction of the universe including gay marriage.

2. Al Qaida Party sweeps the elections, Osama announces cabinet positions.

3. Oil at $50 a barrel, oh my GOD!

4. The French will take over and demand that American Men have to wear
continential undies!

5. Bush and his band of thieves are thrown out on their asses and face
prosecution. Democrats take the Senate too.

'Son, you can win relection if your a wartime president so have a couple of
In article <Xns9572631C0366jyanikkuanet@>,
Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov> wrote:
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <Xns9571D5F0447D7jyanikkuanet@>,
Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov> wrote:
Much of their stuff is from Associated Press,and other "reputable"
sources. I expected you to dismiss based on the source.
I suspect you believed CBS on their Bush "documents",too.

If I want to see Associated press stuff, I'll get it from AP. Direct
from the AP is the best evidence of what the AP wrote, not what
someone claims came from there.

What a weasel you are.They clearly attribute when they use AP material,and
I see the exact same articles on other 'mainstream' news sources,word-for-
DENIAL,that's all.
No, its called using the best evidence. If its an AP story, I'll get it
from AP.

I note you don't say whether you believed CBS about their
documents,either(after evidence of forgery was exposed).
You really did believe them,didn't you?
I thought them unlikely from the start for the same reason I go to AP for
AP's story. Copies are suspect. Copies of copies doubly so.

There was also the "why now" question. These documents would have been
damaging 4 years ago. If they existed then, it is likely they would have
been published then.

One does not have to BE a POW to know treason.it helps to understand it if
you served in the Armed Forces,though. DID YOU?
Please explain how it helps and also, you haven't said which service and
rank you were. Ms. England of Abu Ghraib fame didn't seem to have a good
grasp of the UCMJ.

You seem to think that merely by claim special knowledge because you've
been in the military you are gaining some advantage in the argument.
Unless you were in the legal department, your reading of the rules is no
better than any other lay-persons.

You have also claimed to be using the word "treason" as defined in the
UCMJ and are suggesting that Kerry is guilt of it. You haven't said what
specific article and action you base this claim on. A link to the XXX.gov
site where the UCMJ article in question could be read would be nice too.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
From: Jim Yanik jyanik@abuse.gov

Even the President of Mexico is urging them on.
You would be surprised at the power of Nationalism,especially with

Hell Bush has promised them citizenship if they don't piss on the sidewalk and
vote Republican!

That Bush what a whore!

Subject: Replacement of LM129
From: "Naimesh Thakkar" naimesh.thakkar@gmail.com
Date: 9/28/2004 1:49 AM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: <1096354178.200987.95650@h37g2000oda.googlegroups.com

Pls. suggest the replacement for LM129(obsolete)

have seen LM329 but it doesnt support the full temprature range.

Naimesh Thakkar
Wonderful IC, remarkably stable, totally obsolete. If you don't need the full
temp range, try the LM329, which is still made by Linear. Other than that, try
chip brokers to get you through, and consider a redesign.

Good luck
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 16:30:17 GMT, Joerg
<notthisjoergsch@removethispacbell.net> wrote:

Hi Tim, Hi Dave

When an
aircraft comes in at our local airstrip and the pilot announces turning
left base there is a moiree pattern on the TV screen. I could have done
better but TV ain't important enough.

Regards, Joerg

Ain't that the truth? PBS isn't even fit to watch anymore.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
In article <20040927235811.23677.00001567@mb-m06.aol.com>,
Rolavine <rolavine@aol.com> wrote:
From: kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith)

Say what percentage of the W Ketchup money is being used for the Lyndie
Defense fund?

I think about the same amount as goes to Castro. Why do you ask?

Can't have W without: Lyndie, an admin that knew what was going on at Abu
Ghraib a year before it went public, at least 60,000 dead Iraqis, lies about
WMD, Wars for nothing,
You can't say "for nothing" if he manages to use it to get re-elected now
can you?

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
Ken Smith wrote:

In article <2rger4F192huoU1@uni-berlin.de>,
Dirk Bruere at Neopax <dirk@neopax.com> wrote:

Since she only wants it for word processing I'm going to install Mandrake Linux
A freebie...

Plus Star Office and Mozilla

I like the fact that open-office runs both in linux and windows. The real
problem with it is in the drawing of charts in a spread sheet. They need
to burn the existing code and start again. It takes forever to make a
plot and is real trouble to work with once it has made one.

Their spread sheet also seems to be limited to 32K rows or something like
I have never needed to chart anything, ever.
So it doesn't worry me too much.
And the biggest spreadsheet I have used has been hundreds of rows and not thousands.

If the Linux thing works out on this carppy machine I'll put it on my PC and
start to make the transition to all Linux on my next PC circa 2007. I already
use Star Office and Mozilla. The only 'big' thing I use Windows for is games.


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