OT: Bush Thugs Rough Up Grieving Mother of KIA


That shows your 'voltmeter' but it doesn't show the loads you connect to
the battery, and that matters; see below.
I see your point. The battery monitor circuit is mounted into a plastic box,
it's connected to a little Fuse board circuit, which the other devices are
connected to.

So basically it goes, Battery down a 3 Meter cable to the "Fuse board".
Then in parrellel to the Battery monitor, Telescope, and Dew heater. The
battery monitor is in the same box as the Fuse board and the dew heater
controller. The heater controller feeds a 5 meter cable that connects to the
heating element. The telescope is connected to the Fuse board via a 5 Meter
cable as well. Something like this...

Battery --------> Fuse Board --> Battery Monitor
--> PWM (K8004) ------> Heating Element
--------------------------> Telescope

It's as close as I can get it to the battery terminals without putting the
circuit on the battery (which I don't really want to do)

My thought on this is to place a kind of Ammeter into the circuit, that
will adjust the value of VR1, in accordance to the amount of current
drawn through the circuit. Changes in current would would effect this
part of the circuit, and continuously trim the battery meter, so that
the readout remains stable. (and hopefully correct)

No, all that would do is to alter the calibration of your 'voltmeter' so
that 10 V appeared to be 12 V. I don't think you would be satisfied with
That's exactly what I was thinking of. It would be on a par with putting a
spring into a pully system to keep the tension constant.

And ideas for how to do this?


Colin Dawson
On Friday 24 September 2004 03:27 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 20:28:16 GMT, Rich Grise <null@example.net> wrote:

Can anybody in the country finish this sentence:

The Goal of the American Mission in Iraq is to:

Establish a Turkish-like secular democracy.
Has anybody asked the folks in Iraq if that's what they want?

Maybe they all want to turn the country into a big church, with
one high muckety-muck running the whole joint -

Why should that be any of our business, other than in apocalyptic
visions in the warped minds of the paranoid-schizo neonazis?

That's what freedom is all about, after all - "manage your own
affairs to your own specification."

in 25 words or less? Preferably no more than three or four?

Is six OK? Or was that five? JW might know.
Great! Thanks!

Now I wonder if anyone, anywhere, has the sanity to ask a
"terrorist", "Why is it you're willing to give your life here? What
is it you're trying to accomplish? What's so important?"

Of course, the neonazis don't want to hear the answer, which is that
the Iraqis are trying to repel an invasion. And when the attacker is
bigger, faster, stronger, meaner, richer, and stupider than you,
guerilla fighting is about the only means of defense they've got

On Friday 24 September 2004 07:16 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

Oh dear, your advice is about $200 million too late.
Two hundred mil? Could you loan me a couple thou?

Rich Grise
c/o ABI Engineering
12143 Rivera Rd.
Whittier, CA 90606
On Friday 24 September 2004 07:16 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 01:24:12 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com


Gosh, I never realized how miserable I was. Thanks for showing me the
way to unhappiness.
Oh, he's just playing the politics of envy. I've got the money angle
pretty much covered, for myself, anyway, which is what counts. ;-)

I want Bush stopped because he's Evil. Or maybe just a puppet of whoever
is hosting the Evil at the moment, Kerry's probably in the back pocket of
the same guy, so I'm going to do my part by voting Libertarian.

Michael Badnarik

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 21:11:45 +0000 (UTC), the renowned
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <srnbl0p4b52kh369ovpjf660jqd2hr9c0g@4ax.com>,
Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 20:54:32 +0000 (UTC), the renowned
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <0Fi5d.1395$JG2.711@newssvr14.news.prodigy.com>,
Joerg <notthisjoergsch@removethispacbell.net> wrote:
Hi Tony,

I don't use Autosketch, but know a man who does.
AFAIK his big problem is the difficulty with
importing/exporting dwgs to other dwg packages.

To me that is the biggest factor in deciding which software to use.
After all, what good does it do when you end up in some proprietary
format and no shop in the vicinity can read it to make your parts?

I wish some vendors of lower cost CAD programs would understand that. I
rather pay a little more to be more compatible.

TurboCad writes DXFs that seem to be OK.

Its DWGs only work with some versions of Autocad. I guess thats normal
because the latest Autocad can't read very old DWG files.

Intellicad also writes DXFs as does Qcad.

Since both dxf and dwg are formats *defined* by Autodesk it seems a
bit strange that Autosketch would have incompatibility issues..

*.doc files are defined by MS-Word. Very old version files can't be read
correctly by newer versions. The files from the newer version can't be
read by the old.

*.sch schematic files are defined by Orcad. There are at least 3
incompatible versions of them.
Yes, I know. *Just* a bit. You'd think they would have maintained R13
compatibility or something along those lines..

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward"
speff@interlog.com Info for manufacturers: http://www.trexon.com
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: http://www.speff.com
On Friday 24 September 2004 08:23 pm, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 02:52:16 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com

A spokesperson for the group said they would provide more details about
their decision on Thursday.


So, between the Doctors and the Taliban, whose side are you on?

Would you rather be hung or shot? :)

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Ever been caught jerking off in the shower?


"Guy Macon" <http://www.guymacon.com> wrote in message


This document is a collection of insults gathered from many years of
BBS and Usenet use, so the real credit goes to the many fine flamers
who have had their work added to this document over the years. I am
but an editor who has gathered the works of others into one document.


"I, the editor, am incapable of original thought"


On Friday 24 September 2004 10:07 pm, Tom Seim did deign to grace us with
the following:

Let's start doing a little research, and document his crimes against
humanity, and bring him up on charges in the World Court. And Treason
against the Constitution of the United States.

There's no question, something has to be done.


Please, what Kerry did was over 30 years ago-let it go, man!
Yes, but Bush is having people murdered today.

Thanks, dittohead.

And you haven't answered the real question. What exactly is their
intent? Exterminate Islam from the planet? Make the world safe for
rich arrogant heartless white anglo-saxon atheists?

On Saturday 25 September 2004 07:09 am, YD did deign to grace us with the

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 07:40:33 +0100, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:
Well, here's the pix, anyway:

Rich Grise wrote:
The ONLY way to overcome this VERY SERIOUS
with REDUCED American military presence.

A better way would be to get the Americans the fuck out of Iraq, and let
them sink or swim on their own. On the way out the door, say, "OK, guys -
here's your freedom - have fun. 'Bye."
Nope - that's the wrong answer. Now that it's started, it has to be
finished. Leaving would be all that's needed for the fundamentalists to
overthrow every government in the middle East, destroy the oil industry,
and murder every American ally in sight including Israel- this is their
avowed intent. You have to appreciate the extreme importance of
achieving a successful outcome in Iraq to fully comprehend the extreme
recklessness and incompetence of the Bush Administration in starting
this war with absolutely no viable post-invasion plans whatsoever,
instead relying on political fantasy hunches about Iraqis "dancing in
the streets" and receiving the US presence as "liberators"- and many
other wild imaginings that have proven to be absolutely wrong.
Unfortunately for us, the terrorist world has had no problem forming a
coalition to expedite this process. There is no turning back now- it is
swim or sink. Period.
In article <3tabl0dd9daarb3h0ts1nh7465ouih38i3@4ax.com>,
John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote:
Remember Al Gore's mantra? "Every Vote Counts!"
And remember Stalin's: Its who counts the votes that matters.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
In article <Xns956F7E3D86FA9jyanikkuanet@>,
Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov> wrote:
soar2morrow@yahoo.com (Tom Seim) wrote in

Let's start doing a little research, and document his crimes against
humanity, and bring him up on charges in the World Court. And Treason
against the Constitution of the United States.

There's no question, something has to be done.


Please, what Kerry did was over 30 years ago-let it go, man!

If someone committed treason,falsified documents,and lied to Congress 30
years ago,you would want that person to become President of the US today?
Or be a US Senator?

There's no statute of limitations on treason,either.
So when is the trial of the one who outed the CIA agent to Mr Novak
(Ascroft) going to start?

There has been treason in the last year and no action taken. The odds of
any attempt be made to bring a treason charge against Kerry close enough
to zero that we can call them zero. If they are brought the odds of
getting a conviction are even less. Kerry's defence will be that what he
did was not treason. Any DA with an once of brains would never bring such
a charge.

The outting of the CIA agent on the other hand would likely result in the
conviction of a highly placed official (Ashcroft) and perhaps the
impeachment of Bush if he is re-elected. I don't doubt that Bush knows
who committed the treason and is protecting him. That qualifies as
treason also. Since Bush has said "we are at war" he should face a firing

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
In article <srnbl0p4b52kh369ovpjf660jqd2hr9c0g@4ax.com>,
Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 20:54:32 +0000 (UTC), the renowned
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <0Fi5d.1395$JG2.711@newssvr14.news.prodigy.com>,
Joerg <notthisjoergsch@removethispacbell.net> wrote:
Hi Tony,

I don't use Autosketch, but know a man who does.
AFAIK his big problem is the difficulty with
importing/exporting dwgs to other dwg packages.

To me that is the biggest factor in deciding which software to use.
After all, what good does it do when you end up in some proprietary
format and no shop in the vicinity can read it to make your parts?

I wish some vendors of lower cost CAD programs would understand that. I
rather pay a little more to be more compatible.

TurboCad writes DXFs that seem to be OK.

Its DWGs only work with some versions of Autocad. I guess thats normal
because the latest Autocad can't read very old DWG files.

Intellicad also writes DXFs as does Qcad.

Since both dxf and dwg are formats *defined* by Autodesk it seems a
bit strange that Autosketch would have incompatibility issues..
*.doc files are defined by MS-Word. Very old version files can't be read
correctly by newer versions. The files from the newer version can't be
read by the old.

*.sch schematic files are defined by Orcad. There are at least 3
incompatible versions of them.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
In article <zeN5hgA19cVBFwxW@jmwa.demon.co.uk>,
John Woodgate <noone@yuk.yuk> wrote:
I have irrefutable evidence that they were spoken by James Garfield.
I've got copies of the typewritten documents signed by him.
kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
In article <dtobl0loe0nk1rnj965uivhih8bjnair2e@4ax.com>,
Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
Yes, I know. *Just* a bit. You'd think they would have maintained R13
compatibility or something along those lines..
I'd never think anything like that. I assume that people at other
companies wake up in the morning saying "what can I do to mess with Ken"
and go home snickering at night.

If I design in a CPLD, I just assume they will stop making it soon.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 21:18:08 +0000 (UTC), kensmith@green.rahul.net
(Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <zeN5hgA19cVBFwxW@jmwa.demon.co.uk>,
John Woodgate <noone@yuk.yuk> wrote:
I have irrefutable evidence that they were spoken by James Garfield.

I've got copies of the typewritten documents signed by him.

Proportional font?

"Guy Macon" <http://www.guymacon.com> wrote in message


fart <> spacesuit

On 24 Sep 2004 18:54:42 -0700, Winfield Hill
<Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote:

snovotill@hotmail.com wrote...

And I'd like to also point out this is the flicker region where
flashing lights are "in your face" and drive one nuts saying,
"Turn that off!" It's certainly NOT a matter of a nice steady
light that appears brighter because one selected a magic duty
cycle and frequency.
Additionally, I find that a random strobing is much more annoying and
difficult to tune out than a steady rate, (and that the 10 - 30 Hz
thing seems to hold true based upon my own experiments; Thanks for the
explanation of why that is so Win)

Based upon my own experimentation, I beleive that in order to get the
physiological effect per Joule of energy delivered to the LED, the
pulse width should be approx 15ms and the repetition rate should be
random centered around 25Hz. This is important for battery operated
circuits. The following circuit can do that(posted once before):


leon_heller@hotmail.com> wrote:

I've just heard that the customer was very impressed with the brightness of
the beacon, the sound levels we are achieving and the power consumption,
which is gratifying. There are some problems with high-frequency noise and
current surges getting back into the supply, which we have to address (they
use the supply for signalling).

I wonder if the FET is switching too fast and giving some HF ringing
and noise.
Did you try putting a small resistance in series with the gate lead of
the FET right at the FET?

On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 00:12:50 +0000 (UTC), the renowned
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <ktvbl0dms5e8jgh1f4e6pb5m2iquc79js6@4ax.com>,
John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote:
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 21:18:08 +0000 (UTC), kensmith@green.rahul.net
(Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <zeN5hgA19cVBFwxW@jmwa.demon.co.uk>,
John Woodgate <noone@yuk.yuk> wrote:
I have irrefutable evidence that they were spoken by James Garfield.

I've got copies of the typewritten documents signed by him.

Proportional font?

Titles in bold and nicely kerned.
In FuturaŽ.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward"
speff@interlog.com Info for manufacturers: http://www.trexon.com
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: http://www.speff.com

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