Robert Monsen
Spehro Pefhany wrote:
some right-wing webmaster decided to take these Quayle quotes and
atribute them to Gore during the 2000 election season, and its still
floating around rw circles. I'm suprised they haven't been attributed to
Kerry yet.
Bob Monsen
Unfortunately, on the web, a lie is never eradicated. I'm guessing thatOn 25 Sep 2004 11:08:41 -0700, jdurban@vorel.com (Product developer)
resolar@hotmail.com (Renante Solar) wrote in message news:<656cd645.0409240553.7bb434ae@posting.google.com>...
John Kerry has invented the ubiquitous JK flip-flop.
I miss the gaffs of Gore so I re-printed some of my favorites. And to
think how much they pick on Bush...
Does repeating lies make you feel better?
some right-wing webmaster decided to take these Quayle quotes and
atribute them to Gore during the 2000 election season, and its still
floating around rw circles. I'm suprised they haven't been attributed to
Kerry yet.
Bob Monsen