need a cheap student edition FPGA

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 16:53:12 -0700, Tze Yi Yeoh
<> wrote:

Does anyone out there know if Verilog supports operator overloading like
in VHDL? If so, can someone point me to an example?
No, it doesn't.

SystemVerilog 3.1 will offer classes, but AFAIK still no operator

Jonathan Bromley (Asher C. Martin) wrote in message news:<>... (walter) wrote in message news:<>...

Is there is any Verilog model for PLL?
I tried the google search.
But they are not really related to what I need.


Altera has a FREE PLL model available when you install the Quaruts II
Web Edition Software.

Go to the /quartus/eda/sim_lib/ dir and type "grep pll *.v"

Take care,

There is an article which highlights the approach when I developed this model
while I was working for a Silicon vendor. I can't share you all the details
(company proprietary information), but you can pick up the idea from the
IEEE CICC proceedings 1997 Page 15.6.1-15.6.4.
This is full functional PLL model which mimics the functionality of Lockup
sequence, frequency synthesis and selection of loop filter parameters and their
affect on lock time etc etc.

Good Luck,

> >Asher<
WJ wrote:
I am tring to do back-annotation by Verilog, and encounter a problem
as following:
since the instance name is too long, up to 25 characters for a single
instance name, PrimeTime generated the sdf base on the those long
instance names, but looks Verilog-XL can take only up to 24 charaters
as instance names, the last charater is automatically truncted in this
case. I dumped the waveform to confirm this Verilog-XL instance name
trunction, and also double confirm this problem by modify the sdf
Anybody know how to solve this problem? Is there any option in
Verilog-XL for taking long instance name? Thanks in advance!
I think Verilog-XL is nearing 'end-of-life' development status.
Although Cadence officially still provides support for the Verilog-XL
product, I don't think they are not updating it anymore. For example,
Verilog-XL supports very few IEEE 1364 Verilog-2001 syntax.

Since you can't change Verilog-XL's behavior, you have two choices:

1) use a different verilog simulator (Cadence NC-verilog,
Mentor Modeltech VSIM, Synopsys VCS are all good choices)
2) modify your netlist (like you did), to limit the length
of instance names. If you're really good with PERL, you
could handwrite a script to do something like this.

Finally, why are your instance names so long? Are you using
parameterized instances? If so, you may want to give your
RTL-synthesis 'hints' before elaboration. I think there is a
way to do this in Synopsys Design Compiler (if that's what you're
using.) You tell Design Compiler specific instances to build
(you tell it to build different versions of the parameterized manually specify the parameter values.) Then,
when the parameterized instances are later used in other
modules, Design_Compiler automatically looks in its 'library',
and pulls your hand-specified version. I think this will
shorten the instance names, but I never tried it.
Hi tze,
NO, as such Verilog doesn't have user defined data types and hence
I guess this was not thought about either. Can you elaborate more on
which scenario would you need this? Perhaps there is an alternate
solution (I remember reading something similar in's
archive, but related to $finish and specific to VCS).


Tze Yi Yeoh <> wrote in message news:<>...
Does anyone out there know if Verilog supports operator overloading like
in VHDL? If so, can someone point me to an example?


I would recommend you to start reading the book by Samir Palnitkar.
That is the best I have seen for beginners.

-Anil (Peng Yu) wrote in message news:<>...
I'm studying verilog and Synopsys DC. There are a lot of materials
on the WEB. Could somebody introduce the best materials to a beginner?
Best wishes,
Verilog Primer by Jayaram Baskar is a good book for beginners. (Anil Dalwani) wrote in message news:<>...
I would recommend you to start reading the book by Samir Palnitkar.
That is the best I have seen for beginners.

-Anil (Peng Yu) wrote in message news:<>...
I'm studying verilog and Synopsys DC. There are a lot of materials
on the WEB. Could somebody introduce the best materials to a beginner?
Best wishes,
Peng (Peng Yu) wrote in message news:<>...
I'm studying verilog and Synopsys DC. There are a lot of materials
on the WEB. Could somebody introduce the best materials to a beginner?
Best wishes,
You might want to also try the books by bhasker they are decent for a
beginner. For Synopsys DC read the tutorial and the documentation
that's probably a good start. For an overview of DC + other synopsys
tools you can get the book called "Advanced Asic Chip Synthesis" it
gives you a basic flow of how to use DC and the other tools to
generate an asic.


I pesonnally think that hardware desining can be outsourced (with
correct spec). Once designed there is a lot of responsibility on people
to ensure that the designed hardwrea meets the specification.

any commnts most welcomed.


Morris Dovey wrote:

ben cohen wrote:

And in some cases, it is better that the verification team be an
automonous entity. I've done a bunch of reasearch on verification,
and there's good things about 'pure' verification environments. (And
frankly, most designers write terrible test benches! I'm sure Ben
will back me up on this one. :)

(I think I lost some attribution somewhere)

It would seem that autonomy is an almost necessary condition for
verification. All of my verification work has been done on (what was
intended to be) production silicon/boards; with nothing to guide me but
a product spec document. My job was, of course, to determine if the
implementation behavior matched the spec; and to communicate mismatching
behaviors to the client. Once a problem was detected I met with members
of the design team to discuss the problem. Sometimes it was a matter of
intending one thing but saying another in the spec, sometimes a
misunderstanding of the spec on my part, and sometimes it was a genuine

The designers seemed to be afflicted with an automatic denial response
("No bugs in /my/ design!") I can confirm that people with real genius
for logic design frequently display a real lack of talent for writing
test code - especially test code that really stresses their design. I
just love being told that my test programs are /too/ fast for the
hardware :)

On the other hand, I've been fortunate in working with designers who
were unbelievably cooperative and helpful. These qualities are major
cost reducers and time savers in the verification process.

Note that my niche has not been in hardware design; but is rather in
testing embedded [whatever]. If you'd like a glimpse into my most recent
such project, there's a thumbnail sketch at:
As far as I know you can use VHDL-AMS for analog digital simulation.
Please visit this website and there you can get
evaluation version.


"Riccardo" <> wrote in message news:<be6150$1cm7$>...
Hi to all,

someone could suggest me a PC tool able to do an Analog-Digital simulation?
Let me say a mixed HDL-PSpice sim?


Hi -

On 03 Jul 2003 13:54:21 GMT, wrote:

You guys should also look into Innoveda's Visual hdl (Now bought by
Mentor, I think). It translates State Machines, Flow Diagrams, FSM into
Verilog, vhdl and SystemC. All ready for synthesys.
Well, maybe. But I've felt for years that my chances of getting a
design to work are inversely proportional to the number of tools
between me and the target device.

Bob Perlman
Cambrian Design Works
"Rajesh Bawa" <> wrote in message
I pesonnally think that hardware desining can be outsourced (with
correct spec). Once designed there is a lot of responsibility on people
to ensure that the designed hardwrea meets the specification.

any commnts most welcomed.

Well, the key is communication. It is sometimes difficult to get a consensus
from the next office, much less from a different county, or <uggh> a
different country.

Writing specifications that are meaningful, understandable, unambiguous and
testable will make any project go more smoothly. And that really doesnt have
much to do with whether or not the team is local or not.

However, to be the devils advocate, it is a whole lot easier if it is a
local stroll to the next office or building instead of the next continent.

On 03 Jul 2003 13:54:21 GMT, wrote:

You guys should also look into Innoveda's Visual hdl (Now bought by
Mentor, I think).
Hmmm, Mentor, who created Renoir (now HDL Designer). I suspect one of
these tools may not be supported much longer...

- Brian
The transition to 000 might be due to a glitch.
The case statement used is not a full-case and the
state will not go to RESET unless u get a RST.
The way to avoid it is to use a default condition in the
case so that even if any undefined state is reached due to glitch ,
it can immediately transition to a known state (RESET) on the next clock.

input_state = RESET;

I think this should help.

"Martin Euredjian" <> wrote in message news:<sd6Ja.624$>...
The FSM below has been waking-up in an illegal state and I can't figure out
why. This is in actual hardware (XC2V1000). I must be missing something

parameter RESET = 3'b001;
parameter CTL_HIGH = 3'b010;
parameter GO = 3'b100;

reg [2:0] input_state = RESET;

always @ (posedge CLK_IN) begin
if(RST_IN) begin
input_state <= RESET;
case (input_state) //synthesis parallel_case full_case
RESET: begin // Monitoring for control signal to go high
if(CONTROL_IN) input_state <= CTL_HIGH;

CTL_HIGH: begin // Now wait for it to go low
if(!CONTROL_IN) begin
input_state <= GO;

GO: begin // Stay here unless reset
input_state <= GO;

The FSM simply waits for a pulse to go high and then low again before
permanently enabling an external (to the module) FIFO to go. I know there
are other ways to do this ... but humor me here, I'm trying to figure out
why this is broken.

I use upper case variable names to denote module I/O. Lower case variables
are internal to a module.

For debugging purposes I brought out "input_state" to three pins on the
device. A scope clearly shows that sometimes this FSM will wake-up with
input_state = 3'b000. Can anyone tell me how this is possible? The problem
is particularly frustrating because it comes and goes as work is done in
other modules. Maybe some sort of placement/timing issue? The clock is
about 100MHz.

What is it you are trying to do, prevent VCS from "re-compiling" or
maintaining two different versions of the source code.

If you are trying not to modify the source code, then you can use your
`ifdef, and change the behaviour of the simulation from the command line;
you define the USE_TRIREG_BUS macro from the command line by adding


to the command line when you compile the source code.

However, changing this macro (even from the command line), DOES result in an
effective change to the code (from the VCS compiler's point of view), and
hence will result in the recompilation of the code, and a new executable.

You can also probable model the behaviour of the trireg without an actual
trireg. The trireg is the equivalent to a keeper cell. If all the "other"
drivers of the net are strong drivers, then you can do something like this
(I haven't tested this...)

reg [15:0] fake_driver;

assign (weak1, weak0) my_bus = fake_driver;

initial fake_driver = 16'bzzzz_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz;

always @(my_bus)
fake_driver = my_bus;

I THINK this might work. Then you could modify this to be conditional

always @(my_bus or use_trireg_bus)
if (use_trireg_bus)
fake_driver = 16'bzzzz_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz; // to avoid startup problems...

(and use the testplusargs you described below)


"Dale Bertrand" <> wrote in message
I need to model a bus in my system as a "trireg" or "wire" depending
on the test that is running.

The trireg bus models a capacitive bus that holds its previous value
when not driven.

My current solution is to use a `define to choose the type of bus:

trireg [15:0] my_bus;
wire [15:0] my_bus;

Unfortunately, this solution requires me to compile multiple versions
of the simulator (using VCS7.0). I need to choose a trireg or wire
bus at runtime. The type of bus will not change during the
simulation. I would like to compile one simlator and pass a plusarg
(like +use_trireg_bus) instead of a `define to determine the type of
bus to use.

This is the best that I could come up with. Unfortunately, this
solution generates bus contflicts on my_bus.

reg use_trireg_bus;

initial begin
if ($test$plusargs("use_trireg_bus"))
use_trireg_bus = 1;
use_trireg_bus = 0;

wire [15:0] my_bus;
trireg [15:0] my_bus_stub;
tranif1 my_bus_trans[15:0] (my_bus_stub[15:0], my_bus[15:0],

Does anyone know how to implement this properly in Verilog?

- Dale
Typically UDPs are used in Cell library models and NOT for
In UDP all possible combinations of inputs,where the o/p produces a
known value must be explicitly specified. For other unspecified
inputs, the output is x. Z is not allowed in UDP. It is treated as x.
For more info. about UDP rules, refer some good book. (May be Samir
In case, for unspecified values you have to include default state.
In order to treat x, z you have to use casex and casez.

Ajeetha (Peng Yu) wrote in message news:<>...
Are UDP and case statement same for some combinational logic? What's
the difference between the following two implementation of MUX? Under
what condition should we use UDP? Under what condition should we use
case statement?

primitive prim_mux4to1 (DOUT, DIN3, DIN2, DIN1, DIN0, SEL1, SEL0);
output DOUT;
input DIN3, DIN2, DIN1, DIN0, SEL1, SEL0;

???0 00 : 0;
???1 00 : 1;
??0? 01 : 0;
??1? 01 : 1;
?0?? 10 : 0;
?1?? 10 : 1;
0??? 11 : 0;
1??? 11 : 1;

module mux16to1 (DIN, SEL, DOUT);
input [15:0] DIN;
input [3:0] SEL;
output DOUT;
reg DOUT;

always@(SEL or DIN)
begin: blk1
case (SEL) // synopsys infer_mux
4'b0000: DOUT <= DIN[0];
4'b0001: DOUT <= DIN[1];
4'b0010: DOUT <= DIN[2];
4'b0011: DOUT <= DIN[3];
4'b0100: DOUT <= DIN[4];
4'b0101: DOUT <= DIN[5];
4'b0110: DOUT <= DIN[6];
4'b0111: DOUT <= DIN[7];
4'b1000: DOUT <= DIN[8];
4'b1001: DOUT <= DIN[9];
4'b1010: DOUT <= DIN[10];
4'b1011: DOUT <= DIN[11];
4'b1100: DOUT <= DIN[12];
4'b1101: DOUT <= DIN[13];
4'b1110: DOUT <= DIN[14];
4'b1111: DOUT <= DIN[15];
Answer found:

It's because the schematic symbol generator doesn't support Verilog 2001



"Peter Mash" <> wrote in message
Dear people,

I create a module, for example, a simple adder in Verilog. It synthesises
fine. I then create a schematic symbol from it, but the ".sym" file
very little information, and when I place it in to a schematic module in
project, no symbol appears.

Has anybody else had the same problem? I am using the latest ISE (5.2 with
SP 3) as part of the WebPack.

Regards to all


module Adder(in1,in2,out);

input wire [7:0] in1;
input wire [7:0] in2;
output wire [8:0] out;

assign out = in1 + in2;


"Steven Sharp" <> wrote in message
"Peter Mash" <> wrote in message
Answer found:

It's because the schematic symbol generator doesn't support Verilog 2001

Out of curiosity, what Verilog-2001 feature were you using?

Since you said it was a simple module, I am guessing ANSI-C-style
module declarations.
Hi Srini:

I'd look on either or - systemc is only
really starting, and if you get one done, maybe drop it up there too.
Opencores is a group that's been around a while, and some of the other
people may have knowledge of this stuff.


srini wrote:


I am looking for SystemC IP cores for some video/SoC applications
(like MPEG4, mp3 decoder, etc.).

Is it possible to get such SystemC cores for free from somewhere?


ADS (agilent toolkit) can do this quite well - expensive though

Riccardo wrote:

Hi to all,

someone could suggest me a PC tool able to do an Analog-Digital simulation?
Let me say a mixed HDL-PSpice sim?


kevin arnold wrote:
I would like to download the IEEE 1364.1 LRM that deals with the
synthesizable subset of
verilog. Can anyone in the group provide me with pointers from where i
can get this done?
Also any documents pertaining to the internals of the sis package from
berkeley would be of
great help. Thanks in advance for any help.

Type 1364 into the search box.



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