Paul Jansen
Sorry, I only check in here when I get really bored... 
On 20 Jan 2007 10:43:16 -0800, "spectrallypure" <jorgelagos@gmail.com>
can confirm that SHIFTWR timing changes even without the synthesised
netlist. I doubt it, but you will need to fix this first if you're
right. If this really *is* the case, then there's almost certainly an
error in your testbench, which will probably be either a race
condition or a timing resolution problem. If it's not obvious (it
should be), manually check the timing on whatever logic drives
SHIFTWR. At some point, you should find that the numbers start
diverging between 5.8 and 6.2. This will be very tedious, but you
should manage it within a few hours.
You're in trouble if you don't understand race conditions. Google
comp.lang.verilog; you'll find a huge number of posts on it.
If this is a school project, as I suspect it is, then you should
probably give up. If it's a real project and you actually need a fix,
then I'm afraid that you're probably going to have to pay someone to
sort it out. Running PrimeTime and back-annotated ASIC timing sims is
not a job for beginners. Reply if you're interested, and I'll send you
my real email address.
Ther are some exact matches on your error message, which suggest that
you might not have recompiled your simulation libraries when changing
ModelSim versions. For ModelSim, you always need to recompile
libraries when changing major version numbers.
On 20 Jan 2007 10:43:16 -0800, "spectrallypure" <jorgelagos@gmail.com>
Cut down your test bench, don't instantiate your device, see if youThanks so much for your reply, Paul. Here I add some information:
#1 - Why is one signal rising at 10264ns, and the other at 10263ns?
As I told before, i just can't figure out why there are differences in
the the timming of the signals. What puzzles me the most is that even
the signal SHIFTWR (which is generated by the testbench and has nothing
to do with the synthesized netlist whatsoever) changes its timming,
presenting its rising edge @ 8463ns and @ 8487ns, respectively. Clearly
this is unexpected behavior. I have no clue of what could be the reason
nor how to trace it back...
can confirm that SHIFTWR timing changes even without the synthesised
netlist. I doubt it, but you will need to fix this first if you're
right. If this really *is* the case, then there's almost certainly an
error in your testbench, which will probably be either a race
condition or a timing resolution problem. If it's not obvious (it
should be), manually check the timing on whatever logic drives
SHIFTWR. At some point, you should find that the numbers start
diverging between 5.8 and 6.2. This will be very tedious, but you
should manage it within a few hours.
You're in trouble if you don't understand race conditions. Google
comp.lang.verilog; you'll find a huge number of posts on it.
If this is a school project, as I suspect it is, then you should
probably give up. If it's a real project and you actually need a fix,
then I'm afraid that you're probably going to have to pay someone to
sort it out. Running PrimeTime and back-annotated ASIC timing sims is
not a job for beginners. Reply if you're interested, and I'll send you
my real email address.
Rule #1 when you get an error message you don't understand: Google it.In 5.8b I get a lot (nearly 50,000) of the following warnings:
# ** Warning: (vsim-SDF-3262) ./DFM_TC_Worst.pt.sdf(<-SDF line number
here->: Failed to find matching specify timing constraint.
Ther are some exact matches on your error message, which suggest that
you might not have recompiled your simulation libraries when changing
ModelSim versions. For ModelSim, you always need to recompile
libraries when changing major version numbers.