Nial Stewart
You need to have a better understanding of what's generated by your code.I'm intrigued by your answer, but don't fully understand what you
Remember you're describing hardware.
That (probably) creates a 256 bit vector and a massive mux to selectMy last serial generating module has a big 256 vector input that it is
translating to a serial output that repeats the 256 bits over and
over. The code is basically something like this:
input [255:0] invector;
output serout;
reg [7:0] x;
always @(negedge shiftclock)
x = x + 1;
serout = invector[x];
one of the bits.
In VHDL the following generates a big shift register which the tools
will find dead easy to place and route as each logical path is just
from one register to the next.....
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
invector(254 downto 0) <= invector(255 downto 1);
serout <= invector(0);
end if;
This should be easily translated to verilog.