Driver to drive?

In article <aC_gd.444451$mD.146769@attbi_s02>,
Robert Monsen <> writes:
Just saying Moore is a liar because of his opinions is irresponsible,
and shows a lack of judgement, and indeed shows the sort of inability to
discriminate fact from opinion that the right wing political pundits,
and perhaps even the Bush administration, depend on for their survival.

People dont' say that Moore is a liar because of his opinions, but
because of his expert ability to make his opinions appear to be
factual instead of being crafted assertions (superficial lies, in
sync with the leftist superficiality in general.) When seeing the
Moore hit-pieces, it is important to see them in the eyes of an
intelligent person (my own position), and in the eyes of a mind numbed
fool (the Moore/Kerry supporters.) I can only guess that the hit
piece supports the already convinced, helping them to be
ever more set in their opinions. In my case, I do see the Moore-on
dishonesty very clearly, and given the obvious inferior intellect of
the left, see the potential disasterous effect of Moore advocacy and
the Moore-on leftists. Geesh, Moore is even trying to act like
'big brother' at the voting places, and he isn't even influential
directly in the government yet. Imagine the Moore-on police state
that he seems to advocate... I got a small taste of it recently
in the UK, and it is a much less 'pleasant' place than it was 20yrs
ago... Cameras everywhere, even in small towns...

Moore makes a very good use of the documentary style, and that is part
of his lie.

"terry" <> wrote in message

I need to multiplex data bus to two devices to save pins. I only know
8255 can do that. Is there another alternative which can do the same
job but has smaller number of pins?
You could use a CPLD - a few more pins but it would be a *lot* smaller.

Reg Edwards wrote:
Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!


I doubt it,

He would not be on the payroll of the multinationals and oil companies if
he had an IQ less than 75.
Well- he is- doubt it or not- it is a fact. Remember Bush is a dangerous
idiot and liar. (David Pariseau) wrote:

I'm using an LM4040-5.0 as a 5 volt reference in a circuit tied to the
AC mains that has to be able to run from 80-264VAC.

___ ___
Line ------>|-------|___|---+--|___|------+---+
1N4005 1K | 450K | |
| | |
--- - ---
3.3uf --- LM4040-5.0 ^ --- 0.1uf
| | |
| | |
Neutral -----------------------+-------------+---+

For some reason the LM4040 fails when I apply power to the circuit
(I'm currently using ~120VAC). The 450K resistor should be limiting
the current into the reference to 377ua (170VDC / 450K), well below
the maximum reverse current of 20ma and above the minimum operating
current of 70ua.

Any idea what's happening here?
Is the 450k resistor rated to handle 400V? If not, that's the problem.

Reply to nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
Bedrijven en winkels vindt U op
In article <>,
Pooh Bear <> wrote:
Ken Smith wrote:

The real reason for the shortage is that any left overs can't be sold so
to maximize profits, they try to make just exactly the amount they expect
to sell. When one maker has trouble, there will be a shortage. Unless
the government funds surplus production, this is the way it will be

Stockpiling doesn't work for flu vaccines since the viruses 'in the wild'
vary from year to year and the flu vaccine vendors alter their product to
Yes, I agree. That's why I said "over production" and not stockpiling.
It is something that would have to be paid for every year to defend
against the bad years. This is exactly the sort of "common good" function
that governments are intended for. Private businesses optimize for
profit. This is local optimization and sometimes leads to a non-optimal
global situation.

Just like PC viruses and why you have to update your definition files.
You could switch to Linux. It has independant read, write and execute
permissions. This makes amuch larger barrier to infection than the Windos
permissions do. It is more like the human immune system where there are
multiple layers of defences.

I'm OK ". My own AV vendor currently offers an update more typically twice
daily on average.
You can also help things out by changing a few settings. If you make it
so that Open-Office and not Word is fired up when you have a *.doc file
and things like that you can foil many of the attacks that expect a
standard windows system. This works even before the anti-virus company
knows about the virus.

For reasons that have nothing to do with the network computer, the desk
top at work is positioned so that I can get at the connectors on the back.
When I hear mumblings about a new Worm, I unplug the network. I can do
that because not much of my work needs the network connection.

-- forging knowledge
In article <418524ec$0$2305$>,
Leon Heller <> wrote:
"terry" <> wrote in message

I need to multiplex data bus to two devices to save pins. I only know
8255 can do that. Is there another alternative which can do the same
job but has smaller number of pins?

You could use a CPLD - a few more pins but it would be a *lot* smaller.
The ICT 7540 could be made to take in nibbles and latch out bytes. It
only needs 24 pins.

-- forging knowledge
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 05:40:38 GMT, Scott Stephens <>

Once one realizes one has been taken as a sucker, how much more shall
one demand in recompense?
And, more important, how the hell are you going to collect?

Keep it up Win and I'll have to relegate you to the Fred Bloggs,
hateful bigot and politically-dumber-than-a-stump, category.

On 31 Oct 2004 10:04:46 -0800, Winfield Hill
<> wrote:

My favorite part: "The Bushies’ campaign pitch follows their usual backward
logic: Because we have failed to make you safe in three years, you should
reelect us to make you safer in the next four years."

MAUREEN DOWD - October 28, 2004 - WASHINGTON -

Some people thought the October surprise would be the President producing


Wow. I feel safer. Don’t you?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On 31 Oct 2004 10:04:46 -0800, Winfield Hill
<> wrote:

My favorite part: "The Bushies’ campaign pitch follows their usual backward
logic: Because we have failed to make you safe in three years, you should
reelect us to make you safer in the next four years."

MAUREEN DOWD - October 28, 2004 - WASHINGTON -

Some people thought the October surprise would be the President producing

Instead, it was Osama producing yet another video taunting the President
and lecturing America.

After bin Laden’s pre-election commentary from his anchor desk at a secure,
undisclosed location, many TV chatterers and Republicans postulated that
the evildoer’s campaign intrusion would help the President.

OBL, they said, might reelect W.

They follow the Bush strategists’ reasoning that since President Bush rates
higher than John Kerry on fighting terror, anytime Americans get rattled
about Iraq and al-Qaeda, it’s a plus for the President. And Republicans can
keep claiming that al-Qaeda wants the “weak” Democrat elected, even as some
intelligence experts suggest the terrorists prefer that the belligerent
Mr. Bush stay in power because he has been a boon to jihadist recruiting,
with his disastrous occupation of Iraq and his true believer, us-versus-them,
my-Christian-God’s-directing-my-foreign-policy vibe.

The Bushies’ campaign pitch follows their usual backward logic: Because
we have failed to make you safe, you should reelect us to make you safer.
Because we haven’t caught Osama in three years, you need us to catch Osama
in the next four years. Because we didn’t bother to secure explosives in
Iraq, you can count on us to make sure those explosives aren’t used against

You’d think that seeing Osama looking fit as a fiddle and ready for hate
would spark anger at the Bush administration’s cynical diversion of the war
on al-Qaeda to the war on Saddam. It’s absurd that we’re mired in Iraq —
an invasion the demented Vice President praised on Friday for its
“brilliance” — while the 9/11 mastermind nonchalantly pops up anytime he
wants. For some, it seemed cartoonish, with Osama as Road Runner beeping
by Wile E. Bush as Dick Cheney and Rummy run the Acme/Halliburton explosives
company—now under FBI investigation for its no-bid contracts on anvils, axle
grease (guaranteed slippery) and dehydrated boulders (just add water).

Osama slouched onto TV bragging about pulling off the 9/11 attacks just
after the President strutted onto TV in New Hampshire with 9/11 families,
bragging that al-Qaeda leaders know “we are on their trail.”

Maybe bin Laden hasn’t gotten the word. Maybe W. should get off the trail
and get on Osama’s tail.

W. was clinging to his inane mantra that if we fight the terrorists over
there, we don’t have to fight them here, even as bin Laden was back on TV
threatening to come here. The President still avoided using Osama’s name
on Friday, part of the concerted effort to downgrade him and merge him with
Iraqi insurgents.

The White House reaction to the disclosures about the vanished explosives
in Iraq was typical. Though it’s clear the treasures and terrors of Iraq —
from viruses to ammunition to artifacts—were being looted and loaded into
donkey carts and pickups because we had insufficient troops to secure the
country, Bush officials devoted the vast resources of the government to
trying to undermine the facts to protect the President.

The Pentagon mobilized to debunk the bunker story with a tortured press
conference and a satellite photo of trucks that proved about as much as
Colin Powell’s prewar drawings of two trailers that were supposed to be
mobile biological weapons labs.

Republicans insinuated that it was a plot by foreign internationalists to
help the foreigner-loving, internationalist Kerry, a UN leak from the camp
of Mohamed ElBaradei to hurt the administration that had scorned the UN as
a weak sister.

In their ruthless determination to put Mr. Bush’s political future ahead of
our future safety, the White House and House Republicans last week thwarted
the enactment of recommendations of the 9/11 commission they never wanted
in the first place.

While pretending to be serious about getting a bill on reorganizing
intelligence agencies before the election, the White House never forced
congressional Republicans to come to an agreement. So the advice from the
panel that spent 19 months studying how the government could shore up
intelligence so there wouldn’t be another 9/11 may be squandered, even
though Dick Cheney’s favorite warning to scare voters away from Mr. Kerry
is that we might someday face terrorists “in the middle of one of our cities
with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us,” including
a nuclear bomb.

Wow. I feel safer. Don’t you?

Hey, Win, would you mind if I snipped chapters from AoE and published
them here?

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:43:45 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

Keep it up Win and I'll have to relegate you to the Fred Bloggs,
hateful bigot and politically-dumber-than-a-stump, category.
Because he doesn't share your impeccable views?

Plonk 'im, Jim! That'll teach him. Banish him to a world devoid of

But remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 05:58:38 -0800, terry wrote:


I need to multiplex data bus to two devices to save pins. I only know 8255
can do that. Is there another alternative which can do the same job but
has smaller number of pins?

We need more information here, because typically the devices themselves
do the "multiplexing" by chip select lines.

If you just want to shuttle data back and forth, a couple of 74HC245s
would do it, albeit that's still 40 pins.

Good Luck!
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <>,
Paul Burridge <> wrote:
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:22 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!

Isn't that a bit unamerican?

Certainly not! When Nixon wass president he was called a crook. When
Ford was president he was called a stumbling idiot. When Jimmy Carter was
the president he was called a moron. Reagan was called senile.
With Clinton it was a charge of being a criminal. So calling Bush a
dangerous idiot and liar is as american as apple pie. forging knowledge

I know that all that name calling happened, and we commonly referred to people
who used those names as "Childish, and Immature" So we all know where you fit
"Jonathan Kirwan" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 17:37:13 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

He would not be on the payroll of the multinationals and oil companies if
he had an IQ less than 75.

The following story has appeared in Forbes magazine:


[David Rubenstein, co-founder and Managing Director of The Carlyle Group, the
"world's largest private equity firm," recently recounted his first meeting
current president and Bush's days on the Carlyle board in a speech to the Los
Angeles County Employees Retirement Association. LACERA has invested $95
in Carlyle, now the 11th largest defense contractor in America as majority
shareholder in United Defense. For ethical reasons, many in the association
would like to see LACERA funds pulled and invested elsewhere.

In the speech Rubenstein also touched on company ethics - under intense
since 9/11 - including widely reported stories about Carlyle operating as a
shadow government. He assured investors that "making money is nice" but
is "first and foremost" concerned with ethics.]

... David Rubenstein speaking:

"But when we were putting the board together, somebody [Fred Malek] came to
and said, look there is a guy who would like to be on the board. He's kind of
down on his luck a bit. Needs a job. Needs a board position. Needs some board
positions. Could you put him on the board? Pay him a salary and he'll be a
board member and be a loyal vote for the management and so forth.

"I said well we're not usually in that business. But okay, let me meet the
I met the guy. I said I don't think he adds that much value. We'll put him on
the board because - you know - we'll do a favor for this guy; he's done a
for us.

"We put him on the board and [he] spent three years. Came to all the
Told a lot of jokes. Not that many clean ones. And after a while I kind of
to him, after about three years - you know, I'm not sure this is really for
Maybe you should do something else. Because I don't think you're adding that
much value to the board. You don't know that much about the company.

"He said, well I think I'm getting out of this business anyway. And I don't
really like it that much. So I'm probably going to resign from the board.

And I said, thanks - didn't think I'd ever see him again. His name is George
Bush. He became President of the United States. So you know if you said to
name 25 million people who would maybe be President of the United States, he
wouldn't have been in that category. So you never know. Anyway, I haven't
invited to the White House for any things."


So there you have a story about how someone incapable of really running
gets to appear to run things.

Hey, this guy is a real commedian, he should go on TV!
On 31 Oct 2004 11:32:18 -0800, (Tom Seim) wrote:

Maybe- but Bush is a dangerous idiot and a liar.

And who better to know than another dangerous idiot and liar.
Ahh Ha. So you really do agree!
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:46:54 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

I know that all that name calling happened, and we commonly referred to people
who used those names as "Childish, and Immature" So we all know where you fit
Stick and stones may break my bones,
but Clarence will never have anything useful to say.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:29:21 +0000, Paul Burridge wrote:

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:22 GMT, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!

Isn't that a bit unamerican?
Of course. That's the new law, haven't you heard? It's now illegal
to criticize the US government, because they're infallible, you see.

"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:43:45 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

Keep it up Win and I'll have to relegate you to the Fred Bloggs,
hateful bigot and politically-dumber-than-a-stump, category.

Because he doesn't share your impeccable views?

Plonk 'im, Jim! That'll teach him. Banish him to a world devoid of

But remember --

"xray" is a dangerous idiot.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 20:27:01 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:43:45 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

Keep it up Win and I'll have to relegate you to the Fred Bloggs,
hateful bigot and politically-dumber-than-a-stump, category.

Because he doesn't share your impeccable views?
Why, of course ;-)

Plonk 'im, Jim! That'll teach him. Banish him to a world devoid of
"xray" has already been plonked ;-)

But remember --

"xray" is a dangerous idiot.
I don't know about dangerous, but idiot for sure.

Correcting what?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 20:55:04 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"
<> wrote:

but then again, I am not like you.

Hey! We agree on something! How nice.

Jim Thompson wrote...
Keep it up Win and I'll have to relegate you to the Fred Bloggs,
hateful bigot and politically-dumber-than-a-stump, category.
In the past you've said some _very_ nice things about Bloggs.

The New York Times is the nation's largest and most respected
newspaper, and Maureen Dowd is one of their Pulitzer Prize winning
op-ed columnists. You don't want to read her you don't have to.

As for me, I'm bound and determined to see GWB out of office,
simple as that, for the overwhelming good of our entire country.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)

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