John S. Dyson
In article <aC_gd.444451$mD.146769@attbi_s02>,
Robert Monsen <rcsurname@comcast.net> writes:
factual instead of being crafted assertions (superficial lies, in
sync with the leftist superficiality in general.) When seeing the
Moore hit-pieces, it is important to see them in the eyes of an
intelligent person (my own position), and in the eyes of a mind numbed
fool (the Moore/Kerry supporters.) I can only guess that the hit
piece supports the already convinced, helping them to be
ever more set in their opinions. In my case, I do see the Moore-on
dishonesty very clearly, and given the obvious inferior intellect of
the left, see the potential disasterous effect of Moore advocacy and
the Moore-on leftists. Geesh, Moore is even trying to act like
'big brother' at the voting places, and he isn't even influential
directly in the government yet. Imagine the Moore-on police state
that he seems to advocate... I got a small taste of it recently
in the UK, and it is a much less 'pleasant' place than it was 20yrs
ago... Cameras everywhere, even in small towns...
Moore makes a very good use of the documentary style, and that is part
of his lie.
Robert Monsen <rcsurname@comcast.net> writes:
because of his expert ability to make his opinions appear to beJust saying Moore is a liar because of his opinions is irresponsible,
and shows a lack of judgement, and indeed shows the sort of inability to
discriminate fact from opinion that the right wing political pundits,
and perhaps even the Bush administration, depend on for their survival.
People dont' say that Moore is a liar because of his opinions, but
factual instead of being crafted assertions (superficial lies, in
sync with the leftist superficiality in general.) When seeing the
Moore hit-pieces, it is important to see them in the eyes of an
intelligent person (my own position), and in the eyes of a mind numbed
fool (the Moore/Kerry supporters.) I can only guess that the hit
piece supports the already convinced, helping them to be
ever more set in their opinions. In my case, I do see the Moore-on
dishonesty very clearly, and given the obvious inferior intellect of
the left, see the potential disasterous effect of Moore advocacy and
the Moore-on leftists. Geesh, Moore is even trying to act like
'big brother' at the voting places, and he isn't even influential
directly in the government yet. Imagine the Moore-on police state
that he seems to advocate... I got a small taste of it recently
in the UK, and it is a much less 'pleasant' place than it was 20yrs
ago... Cameras everywhere, even in small towns...
Moore makes a very good use of the documentary style, and that is part
of his lie.