Driver to drive?

John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <ckspf8$rbo$>, (Ken Smith) writes:

In article <8oicd.14564$>,
Clarence <> wrote:

"Robert Monsen" <> wrote in message

Jim Yanik wrote:
Saddam was NO THREAT to the United States, or anybody else.

Especially now, sitting in jail!

Actually now he is a bigger threat.

Remember: the intelligence agencies from ALL OVER THE WORLD were
giving input that Saddam was planning this, planning that, etc. We
really need a stronger, more effective CIA (fix the problems -- whatever
is needed), but alas, Clinton worked to weaken the CIA... The long,
horrible, disarming history since the middle 1970's is (partially) yet
another disgusting legacy item from left wing over-reaction against Nixon's
abuses. Geesh, stealing/destroying information from opposition political
headquarters is now a regular Democrat activity... Over the last few
weeks, there have been serious and obviously orchestrated abuses by
the Dems against anyone that they appear to hate. The organization
does show an 'Usama' type situation in the Democrat party, where there
is obviously some strategic planning happening at the highest levels,
but the individual implementations have been incompetent WRT public
relations. Too bad that the 'public' that the Dems appeal to do tend
NOT to be informed about these ongoing Democrat abuses. The organization
is too strong to be attributed to hooliganism, even though it is more
likely that the Dems be like that -- but it is clear that there have
been attacks that were orchestrated at the highest levels, including
even the go-ahead being given by Kerry himself.

Depending upon Putin and even the UK for intelligence info shows the
sad state of affairs in US intelligence. Even if there were a few
data items that might have claimed that Saddam wasn't a threat, the
ITEM IS INCORRECT." In hindsight, the decision is much easier.

In all cases, it is clear that both the GOPers and Dems believed that
Saddam was a threat (in one way or another), and given that -- there is
no really serious political fault EXCEPT for the longer term, strategic
weakening of the CIA (and other intelligence agencies.)

You don't know what you are talking about, as usual. I'd like to see
some non-partisan evidence for even ONE of the allegations you make
here, which are:

a) Clinton worked to weaken the CIA
b) Democrats are stealing/destroying information.
c) This alleged stealing is orchestrated by highest levels in the party.
d) Democrats tend not to pay attention to the news.
e) Kerry gave his personal go-ahead to steal information.
f) There were clear indications that Saddam wanted to attack the US

None of these statements are true, as far as I know. Please try to prove
ANY of them. I'm waiting.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:17:36 +0000, Robert Monsen wrote:

Clarence wrote:

"Robert Monsen" <> wrote in message

Well, point out some actual lies, and we'll see. Use well documented,
non-partisan sources.

Everything he says!
Besides you believe him, so you can't recognize facts. You a poor
judge, in fact your no a judge at all.

I haven't said anything one way or another about Moore, except that I
don't believe he is 'the epitome of dishonesty'. I've asked for an example
of a single lie from him that is documented by non-partisan sources.
Neither you nor Yanik seems to be able to come up with one.

You sound surprised. ;-)
Well, it's obvious that Moore is a partisan. He states as much. The
movie Farenheit 9/11 is a politial polemic, a visual op-ed. It's
opinion. Thus, there should be SOMETHING they can yap about, some
obvious lie that Moore is trying to use to support his point.

However, according to Moore, Farenheit 9/11 has been fact checked for
accuracy. There are scenes where he points out possibilities without
proof, but he never actually makes the claim, he just points at it and
lets his viewers come to the unsupported conclusion. That's what OpEd
does, it tries to frame things for us. However, to be 'intellectually
honest', it has to use real facts to do this. That's where Coulter and
Moore diverge. They both have their opinions to support, but Coulter
makes stuff up for this, and Moore doesn't.

Just saying Moore is a liar because of his opinions is irresponsible,
and shows a lack of judgement, and indeed shows the sort of inability to
discriminate fact from opinion that the right wing political pundits,
and perhaps even the Bush administration, depend on for their survival.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:32:47 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
Worldnetdaily is a nutcase group near Kalamath Falls in my state of Oregon. I
read them only to see what rightist whackos are getting for breakfast.

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:02:45 +0000 (UTC),
(Ken Smith) wrote:

Just because you can find a bigger number to divide
by doesn't make 380 million tons a small number.

Yes, I guess I should have said "thousand". It doesn't really change the
point since someone could quote 700 billion and have a bigger number to
divide it by.

-- forging knowledge
In article <cm1gvp$b3j$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
How dare you do something so disgusting and hateful with the oil that
earth has provided you.

Thank you for the proof of leftist hatred. If Kerry is elected,
it will essentially be the spawn of evil... It is so sad that
you guys are so predictable.
Thank you for proof that you have neither the sense of humor to laugh it
off nor the sense to know when you are being poked on purpose. I knew
when I posted that that you couldn't resist and true to form you tried to
characterise it as leftist hate because it was something you didn't like.

-- forging knowledge
Check out:

They have solenoid valves for as low as 99 cents and pneumatic cylinders for

You will also need a manifold, and exhaust header, of course. But you may be
able to build these yourself since you are using lower a PSI.

Also, the thousands of DIY Halloween sites detail how to make pneumatic
pistons from PVC pipes, manual bicycle pumps, and screen door returns.

Check out:

Good luck,


"NewB" <> wrote in message

I am working on a science project that will pneumatically pound a
small nail into a piece of wood. I will be using a Basic Stamp to
control it. My question is what would you suggest for the actuator
and control mechanism (electrically controlled air valve?)? I have a
coleman bike/tire pump to 'power' the actuator. Any help will be much
appreciated. Please keep in mind that my budget is not huge for this

Thank you in advance!
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 20:42:35 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

I like that... AoH ;-)
Let's see...

Another occasion to Holler?

Everyone, now...
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 05:30:55 +0000, Jonathan Kirwan wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:32:47 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

Worldnetdaily is a nutcase group near Kalamath Falls in my state of
Oregon. I read them only to see what rightist whackos are getting for
It'll be interesting to see if Jerry Falwell's god can beat Allah!

Or either they're in for a big surprise when the real God answers
his prayers, and really _does_ make the election come out right. ;-)

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:56:57 +0000, Kevin Aylward wrote:

Scott Stephens wrote:
Once one realizes one has been taken as a sucker, how much more shall
one demand in recompense? How less can one be trusted to deliver value
for value in light of being pain in hurt for value?

The presumption that those that behave altruistically are moral fools in
a cynical world can only result in the degradation and destruction of
that world.

May God answer prayers, Jews and Gentiles, Protestant and Catholics,
Theist and Atheist. Its all the same - Predators and Prey playing silly

Indeed. Its all Darwinian Evolution.

"That which is mostly observed, is that which replicates the most."
I really doubt Mr. Darwin had any more of a hand in how the system
was designed than you or I.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 05:40:38 +0000, Scott Stephens wrote:

Once one realizes one has been taken as a sucker, how much more shall one
demand in recompense? How less can one be trusted to deliver value for
value in light of being pain in hurt for value?

The presumption that those that behave altruistically are moral fools in a
cynical world can only result in the degradation and destruction of that

May God answer prayers, Jews and Gentiles, Protestant and Catholics,
Theist and Atheist. Its all the same - Predators and Prey playing silly
The Bush pseudochristians are in for a rude awakening when they
find the god they've been worshipping is the Antichrist.

Mac wrote:

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 17:42:39 -0700, Dave wrote:

Sorry I forgot, I am trying to obtain 2-4ms bi-phasic square pulses from
the current source (isoalted events). The resistance (500ohm to 2kohms)
values are guesstimates based on experiments done in the past (the
resident expert on this topic is
on vacation at the moment). Also, I saw some of the other suggestions
with supply voltages around 40-55V, I dont think that I will be able to
obtain sources above +-15V for the supply.

You also stipulated that the muscle be grounded, and that you might need
to drive 10 mA into 2k. This is impossible, I believe, since 10mA * 2k =
20 Volts.

Anyway, If you are only going to have +/- 15 Volt supplies, and you only
need 10 mA, I would think you could work something out with op-amps.

For example, I still think you could use a current sensing resistor with a
difference amplifier across it, and take the output of the difference
amplifier back to the driving op-amp. You may need to use rail-to-rail IO
op-amps all around.

I don't know, maybe the offset voltages and stuff would add up and kill
you. I'm not going to do the analysis. ;-)
years ago I built a circuit that does exactly this, for a
(+/-10V)/(+/-20mA) analogue output circuit for a drive. The basic
circuit design was my techs, I just worked out the equations and
calculated the relevant component values. The circuit did work, in much
the way you suggest. A diff-amp sensed the drop across a small series
resistor, feeding back to the input of the voltage gain stage and
thereby controlling current - a current-limited voltage source. There
was a bit of stuff in there to switch between V & I out (actually that
was a real pain, we needed the low Vf of a schottky, but the leakage was
a huge problem and we were too tight to buy a good schottky, mostly
because having a single smt part is not cost-effective)

We built quite a few of these (5,000 or so), but what we found in
practice was the diff amp made a great resistor mismatch detector. Using
1% parts throughout, our overall tolerance ended up about +/- 7% IIRC.
We didnt want to throw away so much dynamic range for s/w cal, so we
re-designed the circuit as a voltage-limited current source (the
modified howland circuit) ie the topological dual of the suggested
circuit. The modified howland circuit is a piece of piss to analyse, and
worked a treat - tolerance dropped to around +/- 3% which pleased both
the s/w and production people immensely.


But, just to be more concrete, you could have an op-amp driving the
load through a 10-Ohm current sensing resistor. Across this resistor
would be a difference amplifier with a gain of, say, 10, whose output is
then fed back to the inverting input of the driving op-amp.

So, when you apply 1 V to the op-amp, the output current would increase
until you had 0.1 V across the CS resistor, which would imply 10 mA into
the load. So the slope is 10 mA per volt, but it could be reduced to
whatever you want with a voltage divider. Maybe you need to offset it,
too. It's not clear what the spec is from your description. But that
should be easy with one more op-amp.

At the maximum current of 10 mA, you would only be dropping 0.01 * 10 =
0.1 Volts in the current sense resistor. You could probably make it even
bigger. Maybe 49.9 Ohms.

Anyway, good luck!

Tom Seim wrote:
Thanks for your insight. I have conversations with PhD's that are
going to vote for Kerry - and other PhD's that are going to vote for
Bush. Do you REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has told you is the
truth? If so, you are one gullible sonofabitch. Let's be realistic
here, there is spin going on from BOTH SIDES!

Is that what outright fraudulent propaganda and misrepresentation is
called these days- spin? So Bush was only "spinning" when he mislead
Congress and the American people about Iraq, and Bush was only
"spinning" when he sent 150,000 troops into theater without sufficient
armament, logistics support, or post-occupation plans, and Bush is only
"spinning" when he lies about how well "freedom" is doing "on the march"
in Iraq, and Bush is "spinning" those nearly one trillion dollars in
lost revenues in tax cuts to the super rich, and Bush is just "spinning"
when he tells us the air is cleaner than ever and we can trash all of
the EPA inspections, and Bush is just "spinning" when he says those 2.5
million lost permanently to overseas will return someday, and Bush is
just "spinning" and "spinning" and "spinning" wonder he always
looks so dumb. Why don't you go tell the tens of thousands of relatives
of the 1100+ KIAs, and the 12,000 horribly maimed for life veterans,
that it's only "spin."

Answer the question: do you REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has
told you is the truth?
What statements in particular do you have in mind? A victory for Kerry
will be a victory for bipartisan government restoration to mend the
damage done by the incompetent idiot Bush and his ever shrinking circle
of clueless ideologues. A vote for the GOP is a vote for a criminally
incompetent autocrat, and a vote for Kerry is a vote for an executive
bipartisan coalition. Only a simple idiot would think the race boils
down to two personalities. The word coming out of DC is not good- this
Bush character is becoming more and more irrational and pushing what few
ideologues who remain out of his inner circle of nutcase prayer session
idiots. The criminally incompetent Bush is waiting until after the
elections to ask for another trillion dollar increase in national debt (
his second trillion dollar increase BTW) and $70B *more* for Iraq on top
of the $25 already budgeted for this FY- which Pentagon projects to be
bare minimum- bringing the Iraq total to $225B, and an additional 40,000
troops for the bogus elections there. Army recruitment is dropping like
a rock-already at 30% shortfalls, and servicemen are successfully suing
against the illegality of the indefinite extensions of service due to
fact that no war has been formally declared. It takes quite a monumental
incompetent to bring America to its knees but Bush has done
it-everything is coming apart at the center- there will be massive
government shutdowns across the board and possibly default. Congress
should exercise their authority and shut the whole damned thing down and
institute immediate impeachment proceedings to get rid of Bush ASAP. You
watch and see, something like this WILL happen. The US is a system of
checks and balances, the President is NOT a dictator, and the idiot will
stress that architecture to something unprecedented in American history-
Bush WILL be ejected one way or the other. The most orderly process is
simply to vote him out and then lame duck him into oblivion. This has
nothing to do with spin, this has nothing to do with politics, this has
everything to do with the most incredibly incompetent fraud to ever gain
control of the White House.
"Tim Wescott" <> wrote in message
Steve wrote:

I want to make a metal enclosure for an electronics product. The
will be 4" wide, 6" long, 1" high. Up till now I've been using an

With those volumes unless you're cutting costs to the bone you should be
able to justify getting professional help for the packaging. I'd
consider finding a mechanical engineer who can help you out.

Alternately you can go to the enclosure manufacturers to do the work:
just call up the sales staff and say "gee, I'd buy 1000 a year of that
if only I could figure out how to make it work the way I need".

Label manufacturers will be similarly eager to help out, and you can get
polycarbonate labels with embedded switches -- they look really slick
and (to the best of my knowledge) can be quite reliable.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Thanks Tim. Actually I am going to visit the existing metalworkers to see
what they think - I'd like some ideas to give them too so any input here
would be great. I'll give the label manufacturers a try too. It's all very
knew to me, so thanks again.

Spehro Pefhany wrote:
I would think that should be grounds for removing him, but then I
don't understand the system that well.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
The electoral college has a fascinating history. It is a solution to a
peculiar set of problems faced by the authors of the consitution of the
US. Since it's inception, it has evolved considerably. Here is a short

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Scott Stephens wrote:

Once one realizes one has been taken as a sucker, how much more shall
one demand in recompense? How less can one be trusted to deliver value
for value in light of being pain in hurt for value?

The presumption that those that behave altruistically are moral fools in
a cynical world can only result in the degradation and destruction of
that world.

May God answer prayers, Jews and Gentiles, Protestant and Catholics,
Theist and Atheist. Its all the same - Predators and Prey playing silly
You realise you've been taken for a sucker and turn to *God* ? Religion is
the ultimate suck.

B.Taylor wrote:

I ask this question here because I figure that the "engineer" types
that frequent this group would likely have the most experience with
oscilloscopes. I am contemplating getting a 'scope (no more than $3000
)for use in amateur radio applications, building and repairing PC's
and limited networks, along with automotive electronics applications
and maybe some minor circuit design stuff. All this on no more than a
"serious hobby" level. My question is though, just how useful would an
o'scope be for these applications. Also it seems as though a 'scope
might not be as useful today as it once was. With alot of circuit
design in the U.S. being outsourced, and with our "throw away" society
whereby circuit diagnostics being done more and more just to the board
level rather than to the component level where a scope would be more
useful, is it fair to say that a scopes ussfulness might be waning a
bit? Also with computer systems in the GHZ level, a truly useful scope
costs as much as some cars. Any comments, thoughts? Thanks in advance,
Anyone doing serious circuit design of any kind should have a scope.
For amateur radio work $3000 will buy you a _lot_ of scope. I'd
recommend that you get something with around 100MHz bandwidth and two
traces. If you look at the B&K Precision stuff in the $700 to $1000
range you should find something useful. Of course, a 4-channel 200MHz
Tek or Agilent scope with a color display wouldn't be bad, but it's more
than you probably need.

My personal scope is an Agilent mixed signal scope (two channels of
analog plus a 16-channel logic analyzer), with a 100MHz bandwidth. For
what I do it's perfect; if I should need to use a $30000 LeCroy O-scope
I'll lease it.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Hi Tim,

On a side note, something that blew me and others away: A visitor from
Europe had problems adjusting his analog 'atomic' wrist watch. Their
transmitter works on 77.5KHz so the clock didn't adjust to PST and since
he forgot the manual we didn't see how to do that manually.

Typical Euro-doofus.

Well, I don't know which was first or is better, WWVB or DCF77.
Sometimes our stuff wins, sometimes theirs. All I know is that the
European version is not so limited to sync at night but that won't make
much of a difference in real applications.

Then while
visiting Sequioa National Park it happened. Suddenly the hands started
to move and the watch accurately set itself to PST.


That was exactly my reaction ;-)

When he came back
here it matched our WWVB clock to the second. Someone there must be
running a site similar to DCF77, the time transmitter in Germany.

But broadcasting a time that's incorrect by 7 or 8 hours?????
between UTC and PST/PDT).

Unlicensed operations are allowed on longwave frequencies, but they're
limited to one watt and the frequency range is 160kHz to 190kHz

But this could only work at 77.5KHz since these watches have crystal
filter of just a few ten Hertz bandwidth.

It seems more likely to me that previous tinkering with the watch
finally "caught up" with it, maybe after it convinced itself there
was no usable signal on 77.5kHz for some extended period. All a
of course: How someone could knowing how to set an analog watch is
still the biggest mystery to me.

That is possible but it was almost a week after that tinkering. The
challenge with some of these watches is that they have stop watch
functions, lap timers and what not so it is next to impossible to figure
out more intricate stuff. Such as how overriding the 'atomic' feature is
done without a manual. Hold this button for 2 secs, press that other one
twice, push a 3rd one within 2 secs, then push #1 to advance the time
zone. I've got a non-atomic watch that has four stepper motors in there
and a gazillion functions. The only one I know is how to set time zones
which is all I need, for the others I'd have to read up.

Regards, Joerg
The Bush pseudochristians are in for a rude awakening when they
find the god they've been worshipping is the Antichrist.
That will be after Hillary gets elected, of course.
Andrew Holme wrote:
Yes, the head gap would have to be large enough to tolerate dust and small
enough to give good coupling. I don't know if this is possible. I was
planning to mount the head over the surface with a piece of paper between
them which I would later pull out. That is about the extent of my precision
mechanical engineering capabilities.

I don't know how it worked. Maybe they had soft pads between the heads and
the disk.
What leads you to believe that the mechanical configuration that you
have now isn't the waty it was when built?
Julie wrote:
Fred Bloggs wrote:

The Bush criminals in collaboration with Matt Drudge are starting to
make their move to disrupt the national elections. It is now clear they
*will be* voted OUT OF OFFICE, and the time to act is upon them. This
tape is a total fabrication. Apparently it was too much for the zealots
to forego discussion of "same sex marriage" in this supposed Al-Qaeda
terror production, and this will be the last straw.

The origins of this
tape will be traced back to the Bush administration, and they will be
removed from office:

Do you have any evidence of this that you can provide, or are you just stating
your personal unsubstantiated opinion?
CIA cannot confirm the authenticity of the tape- headline today. This
means it is a fake because there is very little chance they could not
confirm a tape with authentic Al-Qaeda origin.

Welcome to

