Driver to drive?

In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:
John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:

John S. Dyson wrote:

You are judged by the people that you associate with and advocate, while
Soros isn't a very good person for you to be too involved with (for you
American soul.)

Really? Soros *chose* to become an American, unlike you, riffraff born
here with no option to go somewhere else.

Soros chose to pollute with his hate speech (e.g. Move-on.)


Soros does not control MOVEON and has no association with it.

Soros has given significant funds to MOVEON (in fact, some if its
early funds.) You prove your dishonesty by ignoring that in your

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:24:13 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and
tyranny of the America/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine
and Lebanon, it came to my mind.
Yes, folks, this is what it all boils down to. America is seen around
the world as being in bed with Israel and condoning the criminal acts
pupretrated by the Israelis in occupied Palestine. It is small wonder
that America is the prime target for such retribution given it is seen
as being so far up Israel's arse that no foul deed in the territory
seems to merit the slightest rebuke from the Whitehouse. And this real
cause of the trouble is swept under the carpet by our wonderful 'news'
organisations who appear hell-bent on misleading the people. Only by
understanding the root of the problem can we hope to successfully deal
with it.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 05:30:55 GMT, Jonathan Kirwan <>

Kalamath Falls
Klamath Falls. Sorry about that!

John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:

John S. Dyson wrote:

In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:

John S. Dyson wrote:

You are judged by the people that you associate with and advocate, while
Soros isn't a very good person for you to be too involved with (for you
American soul.)

Really? Soros *chose* to become an American, unlike you, riffraff born
here with no option to go somewhere else.

Soros chose to pollute with his hate speech (e.g. Move-on.)


Soros does not control MOVEON and has no association with it.

Soros has given significant funds to MOVEON (in fact, some if its
early funds.) You prove your dishonesty by ignoring that in your

Lots of people donate to MOVEON- that does not mean they control its
activities. Soros has no control over MOVEON, they are free to do
business as they see fit. Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!
terry wrote:

What is the difference between flash memory and eeprom?
As far as I know, with EEPROM you can erase/reprogramme individual
bytes. You can only erase/reprogramme Flash in banks of many bytes. Use
google for more details.

Which one is more reliable?

No idea - look at some datasheets.



"Al Borowski" <> wrote in message
terry wrote:

What is the difference between flash memory and eeprom?

As far as I know, with EEPROM you can erase/reprogramme individual bytes.
You can only erase/reprogramme Flash in banks of many bytes. Use google
for more details.

Which one is more reliable?

No idea - look at some datasheets.




Also, if what I've been using is typical, flash has a write-life. That is,
after so many erase/write cycles (50,000) it may begin to fail.

terry wrote:

I need to multiplex data bus to two devices to save pins. I only know
8255 can do that. Is there another alternative which can do the same
job but has smaller number of pins?
Too many unknowns, what are you trying to muliplex,how many pins, how fast ?

On 31 Oct 2004 07:28:02 -0800, (Tim Shoppa)

Jim Thompson <> wrote in message news:<>...
3,649,929 Sine and Square-Wave Oscillator with AGC - MC1648

Wow, that's a good read. I did much better with that than I do
with most patents.

I should have commented in my other post:

I always work closely with patent attorneys, and pretty-much write the
patent myself (except for the legalese in the claims), otherwise
they'll describe and claim all the wrong things ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Are you sure your're resistors are not in backwards? :)

Define failed. Voltage too low (high). Magic smoke escapes from the part?

You diagram looks good (barring any safety issues with connecting directly
to the AC mains without a transformer) so I don't think the schematic is the

Check all your wiring and parts orientation and I'll bet you find the

"David Pariseau" <> wrote in message
I'm using an LM4040-5.0 as a 5 volt reference in a circuit tied to the
AC mains that has to be able to run from 80-264VAC.

___ ___
Line ------>|-------|___|---+--|___|------+---+
1N4005 1K | 450K | |
| | |
--- - ---
3.3uf --- LM4040-5.0 ^ --- 0.1uf
| | |
| | |
Neutral -----------------------+-------------+---+

For some reason the LM4040 fails when I apply power to the circuit
(I'm currently using ~120VAC). The 450K resistor should be limiting
the current into the reference to 377ua (170VDC / 450K), well below
the maximum reverse current of 20ma and above the minimum operating
current of 70ua.

Any idea what's happening here?

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:22 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!
Isn't that a bit unamerican?

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
"terry" <> wrote

I need to multiplex data bus to two devices to save pins. I only know
8255 can do that. Is there another alternative which can do the same
job but has smaller number of pins?
The 74xx373 / 74xx374 was the old solution.

Maxim/Dallas/AD(?) make a serial to parallel I/O expander. Esp.
useful if the I/O is distributed, as in a machine or large
scientific instrument.

Or, as the chorus says, use a PIC.

Nicholas O. Lindan, Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting Engineer: Electronics; Informatics; Photonics.
Remove spaces etc. to reply: n o lindan at net com dot com
psst.. want to buy an f-stop timer?
Paul Burridge wrote:
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:22 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!

Isn't that a bit unamerican?
Bush has failed the American "test" of legitimacy, and it is the duty of
all the citizens to "veto" his Presidency. We have veto power of the
vote over this colossal failure and poser, and fully intend to use it on
Tuesday, November 2nd.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:40:40 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

Bush has failed the American "test" of legitimacy, and it is the duty of
all the citizens to "veto" his Presidency. We have veto power of the
vote over this colossal failure and poser, and fully intend to use it on
Tuesday, November 2nd.
Fine. Just don't set your hopes too high. IME of politics in Little
Britland, the new Boss is just the same as the old Boss. :-(


"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
jberryman posted:


<< Don, the polarity reversal is the disconnect signal at least here in
the US. You know how when you stay on the line for a few seconds after
someone has hung up, you hear a click then another click then dial
tone? If you could take a minute to tell me what doesn't make sense
about the drawing, I'd appreciate it.
I helped write the ANSI Standard for loop-start and ground=start (POTS)
telephone service, and it does not provide for a disconnect polarity reversal.

So I ask again; where did you obtain the information that it does? I saw
another post on another board where the poster was also positive there is a
polarity reversal.

As to the drawing; I didn't consider it any further than seeing one of the
diodes shorted permanently by the wiring.

In article <>,
Paul Burridge <> wrote:
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:46:22 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Remember- Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar!

Isn't that a bit unamerican?
Certainly not! When Nixon wass president he was called a crook. When
Ford was president he was called a stumbling idiot. When Jimmy Carter was
the president he was called a moron. Reagan was called senile.
With Clinton it was a charge of being a criminal. So calling Bush a
dangerous idiot and liar is as american as apple pie.

-- forging knowledge
Rich posted:

<< I've gotten up to speed about ringer equivalence number (REN) since
posting the message and am looking into that. It was recommended that
I ask my phone company to raise my ringer equivalence to handle the
number of devices I have, so I put in a request and have my fingers
crossed. Interesting, I read where it is supposedly required that
every device has an REN number on the back, but the GE phone I just
bought at BestBuy didn't have one, whereas my other devices all did
(this is something I will be looking for in future purchase). So, if
the phone company can raise my ringer equivalence, I'm going to look
at this phone as a possible culprit.
Just curious.... Do you have any idea what is the distance to your central
office, or what is your off-hook loop current?

Also what is the total of the RENs excluding the phone that doesn't list it?
Does it have a ringer?

John Smith wrote:
"Al Borowski" <> wrote in message

terry wrote:


What is the difference between flash memory and eeprom?

As far as I know, with EEPROM you can erase/reprogramme individual bytes.
You can only erase/reprogramme Flash in banks of many bytes. Use google
for more details.

Which one is more reliable?

No idea - look at some datasheets.




Also, if what I've been using is typical, flash has a write-life. That is,
after so many erase/write cycles (50,000) it may begin to fail.


Both flash and EEPROM have write lives (in cycles) and data retention
lives (in years). The basic cell AFAIK is the same, so for recent
technology devices they will have comparable lives. The difference is
that the flash part saves a lot of real estate with it's block erase, so
in general if the chip has a lot of memory it'll be flash and if it has
only a little it'll be EEPROM.

In fact, for "big" chunks of memory I don't know of anything _but_ flash
being currently available, and the little 256-byte 8-pin parts are all
EEPROM for convenience in parameter storage. There are older EEPROM
chips, but that's only because EEPROM came along several years before
flash did.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 15:38:33 GMT, wrote:

I would like to recommend my web host
they are an excellent web hosting company with an incredible offer.
mask your e-mail address. Automatic errors like this allow address

In article <cm1hmr$bdm$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
The 'YOU' is the collect 'YOU' of American-style, Al Queda supporting
Thats funny Al Queda is made up of theocrats and the Republican party has
been taken away from the conservatives by the theocrats. Today the
Republicans have more in common with Al Queda than the democrats by a
large margin.

It was the republicans that started the war to remove Saddam and if things
go as it looks likely, the theocrats will end up running Iraq. If an
election was held today in Iraq, the theocrats would easily win the
majority. The net result of the removal of Saddam is likely to be his
replacement by something more dangerous.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Mikkel Breiler <> wrote:
"Tom Del Rosso" <> wrote:

Why not
use an orbiting staging area, maybe at a Lagrange point, but it could be
in any kind of high orbit.

Because artificial gravity sucks around dinnertime.
As space craft go, the shuttle stinks. It can't reach a high orbit.
This means that if Hubble is to be serviced, it must be in low orbit.
The science community is paying a high price for the bad choices that went
together to make the shuttle program.

Q: Why does the shuttle exist?
A: To go to the space station.
Q: Why does the space station exist?
A: To give the shuttle a place to go.
-- forging knowledge

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