Driver to drive?

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 00:19:57 +0000, ChrisGibboGibson wrote:

They have now kidnapped a japanese citizen.

I think these terrorists may, perhaps, just be about to feel the anger of
a country that doesn't give a fuck about martyrs or terrorism and hates
nutters, etc etc ect

Japs themselves are nutters and the terrorists may be in for something of
a surprise.

I think, possibly, kidnapping a jap may have been a mistake. They are not
quite as tolerant or civilised as the rest of the world.

But it's just a guess.

Was there any indication in this report as to what the Japanese guy
was doing in the line of fire? Did it way who he's working for or anything?
Did the terrorists make any demands or anything?

Would you happen to have a source that could corroborate any of this? Or
even that a Japanese person has been captured?

John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:

John S. Dyson wrote:

You are judged by the people that you associate with and advocate, while
Soros isn't a very good person for you to be too involved with (for you
American soul.)

Really? Soros *chose* to become an American, unlike you, riffraff born
here with no option to go somewhere else.

Soros chose to pollute with his hate speech (e.g. Move-on.)

Soros does not control MOVEON and has no association with it. The main
thrust of the Soros influence has been political education of the voting
public. Now you are welcome to provide me with a single assertion you
find on his website that can be construed as a lie or hate speech. It is
a sorry commentary on your sanity that you have been reduced to equating
factually substantial truth with hate speech. Just start out with one
simple statement from Soros that you consider a lie- just one simple
thought- I don't want to hear about any aura of hate you feel or some
other intangible experience that clearly is unique to you.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 01:57:55 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Changed the subject line.

Thank you for showing your leftist hatred.
Don't worry, John. No self-respecting dog would eat you.

Maggots, maybe.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:00:25 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Thank you for the proof of leftist hatred. If Kerry is elected,
it will essentially be the spawn of evil... It is so sad that
you guys are so predictable.
Remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:00:25 +0000, John S. Dyson wrote:
Thank you for the proof of leftist hatred. If Kerry is elected, it will
essentially be the spawn of evil... It is so sad that you guys are so
And you are so desperately trying to find some rationalization for your
worship of the prince of death, that you have blinded yourself to the
fact that you are only killing yourself.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:03:42 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Your hate speech (and earlier comments about killing people) is showing
that you might have a serious problem.
If only we could say "might" about you.

Remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:02:45 +0000 (UTC),
(Ken Smith) wrote:

Just because you can find a bigger number to divide
by doesn't make 380 million tons a small number.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:12:43 +0000, John S. Dyson wrote:

In article <>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:44:57 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

That's ok, you've been blaming Bush for everything but daylight savings
time anyhow.

Show me.

The 'YOU' is the collect 'YOU' of American-style, Al Queda supporting
You are completely deceived, aren't you?

Al Quaeda has experssed their fervent wish that Bush be elected, so
his insane policy of massacre will galvanize the people of Allah to

Well, let them tell you:

... "A word
for the foolish Bush. We are very keen that you do not lose in the
forthcoming elections as we know very well that any big attack can bring
down your government and this is what we do not want.

"We cannot get anyone who is more foolish than you, who deals with
matters with force instead of wisdom and diplomacy.

"Your stupidity and religious extremism is what we want as our people
will not awaken from their deep sleep except when there is an enemy.

"Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats
have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and
Muslim nation as civilisation.

"Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected."
Ken Smith wrote:

The real reason for the shortage is that any left overs can't be sold so
to maximize profits, they try to make just exactly the amount they expect
to sell. When one maker has trouble, there will be a shortage. Unless
the government funds surplus production, this is the way it will be
Stockpiling doesn't work for flu vaccines since the viruses 'in the wild'
vary from year to year and the flu vaccine vendors alter their product to
suit. Just like PC viruses and why you have to update your definition files.
Amazing actually how many ppl still just think " I've got anti-virus - so
I'm OK ". My own AV vendor currently offers an update more typically twice
daily on average.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:57:54 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Didn't George
Soros tell you anything to say lately?
Yes. He spoke to me in a dream. He said,
"Bush is a dangerous idiot."
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 22:30:28 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, John Larkin> wrote: [...]
I've read that newer growth media are being developed, more like the big
vat fermenters used to grow a lot of other drugs and vaccines.

Yes and with luck they will have something before we have a bird flu
problem. Bird flus kill the egg too quickly.

This is a place where some funding could help save the lives of many
people in the future.
Or, if people's brain lock could be broken, they could be taught to
simply stay healthy.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:02:45 +0000 (UTC), (Ken
Smith) wrote:

Just because you can find a bigger number to divide
by doesn't make 380 million tons a small number.
Where on earth did you come up with 380 MILLION tons????
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:35:36 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:22:59 GMT, xray <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:02:32 +0000 (UTC), (John S. Dyson)

Remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.

Bush is a dangerous idiot.

Of course! We all know that denying a fact makes it not true.

hepcatbrandon wrote:

Hi everyone. I've just begun to learn about electronics and wanted to
try my hands at making a diverter (or rather a variation on a design
that I found), and I could use some help. The purpose of this circuit
is to connect two phone lines together so that when you call LINE 1
you get the dial tone of LINE 2 and can send DTMF and talk just as if
you had dialed out of LINE 2 directly.
I haven't a clue what you're on about but be aware that anything connected to the
PSTN ( public switched telephone network ) has to be approved - certainly here in the

If you have 2 lines and want to connect various stuff get a cheap PABX.

John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:09:10 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

John Larkin wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:43:23 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

As far as you know- the flu symptoms are an immune response, so if you
lack symptoms, you lack immune response. The symptoms are a result of
the immune response necessary to kill off the viral population. You
should be worried, something is wrong with you.

That's logical; I don't get flu because I don't have a working immune
system. That makes me feel sorry for people who do.


That is very possible. As a practical example of what I am talking
about, you might research the incidence of SARS among exposed AIDS
patients in China- it was near zero. The NIH is on record for pumping
maybe $20M into an experimental drug which worked to suppress the immune
response to the virus specifically to prevent lung cell damage and the
consequent death of the host. If what you're saying is true, and not
just your usual drivel, my advice to you would be to get those annual
body scan things that detect tumors at a very early stage. Where there's
immune weakness, there is cancer.

Well, I have been screened for prostate and colon cancer, as every
middle-aged guy should. All my problems are auto-immune, which is
probably the price one pays for having an over-active immune system
that doesn't get infections... there's probably an optimum amount of
immune response, as there is an optimum point in most systems.
Steroids are my favorite drugs.

You have auto-immune disease? Auto-immune and over-active immunity does
not mean good- it means wrong. Many chronic health conditions such as
plaque formation in the arteries and failed heart valves are now being
traced to immune system damage caused by response to undiagnosed
bacterial infection. If you had said that you contract flu but recover
quickly that would be one thing- but to show no symptoms whatsoever
means something is wrong- okay maybe different - you lack some gene
expression necessary for infection of the cell by the influenza. That is
a possibility- and it has nothing to do with the immune system.
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> writes:
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 23:22:59 GMT, xray <notreally@hotmail.invalid

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:02:32 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.

Bush is a dangerous idiot.


...Jim Thompson


The extent of Fred Bloggs political reasoning... Didn't George
Soros tell you anything to say lately?

Marc H.Popek wrote:
When you put URLs to eBay auctions in newsgroups, use this form:

...which takes you to the same page as the form you used.
"Tom Del Rosso" <> wrote:

Why not
use an orbiting staging area, maybe at a Lagrange point, but it could be
in any kind of high orbit.
Because artificial gravity sucks around dinnertime.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:27:04 -0700, John Larkin wrote:
In the end, of course, they must lose. But it's going to be messy
I'm glad to see you acknowledge that the Bush/Al Quaeda consortium
has to lose.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 02:26:31 +0000, xray wrote:

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 01:57:55 +0000 (UTC), (John S. Dyson)

Changed the subject line.

Thank you for showing your leftist hatred.

Don't worry, John. No self-respecting dog would eat you.

Maggots, maybe.
Well, don't forget, the body is not the natural home of evil.

So after the spirit that has him possessed leaves, he'll probably
be just as tasty as the rest of us will, as far as worm food goes.


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