Chip with simple program for Toy

I didn't miss it.

In case you didn't know, acceleration is not velocity. It is the rate of
change of velocity.

If he has written v =Ldi/dt as opposed to f=Mdv/dt, he would have been
but for a constant velocity, F=MA becomes 0 for ANY mechanical resistance.
V=RI is not zero for constant current for any (non-zero) electrical


Don Kelly
remove the X to answer
"RoyLFuchs" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 2 Oct 2008 20:24:55 -0700, "Don Kelly" <> wrote:

per unit time,

You must have missed where he DID mention velocity.
On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 12:24:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:


On Sat, 03 Jan 2009 09:26:44 -0500, Bob Engelhardt wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
Now *this* is design automation:
Oh ... a 'lectric eraser! My dad was a civil engineer, before computers.
Drafting table, ink on vellum, etc & a 'lectric eraser. What I don't see
in the pic is the brush - anybody who's serious about erasing has a brush.
Yours must be out of sight.
The first time I saw one of those, I asked the guy, "Is that so you can
make 100 mistakes a minute?"

He didn't laugh.

On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:09:36 -0800, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 01:22:13 -0600, "Tim Williams" <
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
One day, a few years ago, I flew to a customer site in Rockford,
Illinois, to discuss a possible new arbitrary waveform generator.

Fun -- just a couple ten miles south of me. (Not at liberty to divulge
the party, I suppose?)

Hamilton Sundstrand, with a couple of P&W guys there, too. I have never
met a doofus or a jerk from either company... I don't know how they do

A personnel guy who knows his elbow from a hole in the ground? ;-)

On Sat, 03 Jan 2009 15:22:11 -0800, Ken S. Tucker wrote:
It's function is to communicate.

This sentence two verb.

Rich Grise, Self-Appointed Chief,
Apostrophe Police
On Sat, 03 Jan 2009 17:42:32 -0600, krw wrote:
On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 14:18:29 -0800 (PST), JeffM <> wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
Real designers don't need erasers ;-)

John Fields wrote:
Or pencils. I like to use a Sharpie. ;)

Ken S. Tucker wrote:
Years ago I was a "Quotations Specialist". [. . .]Block Diagrams[. . .]
I could Quote to $20K on my word, to $200K checked by the boss, and $2M
checked by the boss+prez. All done using a self feeding pre-leaded auto
pencil aka a "sharpie", with an eraser on the end.

It sounds like *your* Sharpie was erasable. This is what most folks mean
when they say "Sharpie":
(Felt-tip; permanent ink.)

My strategy worked well, it helped to increase sales, because customers
like pictures, especially with doddlates...a picture is worth a 1000

You're going to have to explain "doddlates". (I'm assuming you spelled it

I assumed he meant "doodles".
I thought it was more like "dodderers".

M.T.09.05-08.Tanskan insinööriliitossa uskotaan uusiutuvaan energiaan
"Energiasuunnitelma 2030"- nimisen raportin (ES). Sen tekoon osallistui 1
600 insinööriä ja muita energia-asiantuntijoita. ES:stä sijoitukset
uudisenergiaan ovat ekologisesti ja taloudellisesti hyvin perusteltuja.
Samoin varteenotettavia vientimahdollisuuksia. Uudisenergia tulee rajusti
lisääntymään. Tanska pääsee v.2030 pitkälle kokonaan uudisenergiaan.
Arvellaan 50% osuutta jo silloin.

Kasvihuonepäästöistä poistuu 60% ja näin säästyy 15 miljardia kruunua/v.
Investointitulojen kasvuksi 30 miljardista 160 miljardiin v-30. Säästöä 845
petajoulesta 580 petajouleen. Suomessa 1 400 petajoulea. Teollisuus voi
vähentää 30%! Säästöä tästä 6 miljardia kruunua. Takaisinmaksuaika
investoinneista 6-7 vuodessa. Tähän budjetti 107 milj. euroa. Rakennusten
energiankulutuksen puolitus 2030. 15% tulisi aurinkoenergiasta. Sähköstä
pois 40%. Jo 2020 jälkeen rakennettavien talojen arvioidaan olevan JO
energianeutraalin. Energiasäästösäätiöön pannaan miljardi kruunua.

Liikenne Tanskassa vielä kasvaa 2%/v. Siitä tullaan poistamaan 20%
nykytasosta korvaamalla siitä biopolttoaineella. Viidennes sähköautoihin.
Rautateille lisäystä. Verotus suosimaan ympäristöystävällisiä autoja.
Kuljetuksiin 200 miljardia kruunua l. 27miljardia. Vähentäen
terveydenhuoltoa, ruuhkien ja ympäristönsuojelun menot. Huomattavasti
nykyistä suurempi osuus uusiutuvista lähteistä. Tuulipuolella Tanska suuntaa
merien offshoretuulivoimaan. ES:n tavoite on kaksinkertaistaa tuulivoimaansa
sähköstä huikeaan 60 prosenttiin!!!

Aurinkosoluille 2030 ennakoidaan 2% ja aaltovoiman 5% sähköntuotannosta.
Aaltovoimaa pidetään erittäin merkittävänä. Biomassasta ennakoidaan 30%
v.2030. Mukana biopolttoaineiden 20%. Biokaasuun luotetaan, samoin uuden
sukupolven biopolttoaineisiin. Näihin Tanska sijoittaa paljon.
Biopolttoainesektorikasvaa 20 miljardiin kruunuun 2,7miljardiin euroon.
Kolmannes 2030 voimaloista käyttää jo tehokkaita polttokennoja ja
lämpöpumput ovat arkilaitteita. Tutkimuksiin nostetaan 350 miljoonasta
miljardiin kruunuun. Valtio kevittää uudisenergiainvestointiriskittömämpiä
syöttötariffeja. "Saastuttaja maksaa periaatteella!"(Suomessa ydinalalle
moinen olisi ennenkokematonta!)

Suositellaan luopumista verotuksesta joka estää siirtymistä fossiileista
uudisenergiaan. Lentopetrolille veroa. Tanskassa on oleellisesti helpompaa
toteuttaa uutta energiapolitiikkaa. Valitettavasti meillä ei edelleenkään
olla valmiita sellaisiin toimiin, joilla kokonaisenergian kulutus saadaan
selvään laskuun ja uusiutuvan energian ja sitä tukevan teknologian käyttö
vahvaan nousuun.

U.B. Linström kehitys- ja ympäristökysymyksiin erikoistunen professorin
"Chris Jones" <> wrote in message
ian field wrote:

"Jasen Betts" <> wrote in message
On 2008-12-01, Eeyore <> wrote:

N_Cook wrote:

Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnlll> wrote

Does anybody know of a way to de-active(blowup) RFID chips?
Can their receiver coils be overloaded?
Those things get added to all sorts of non-obvious things,
and start to interfere with our privacy .

The simplest zapper is a kitchen piezo gas lighter slightly adapted

And you know this how ? ;~)

The data does say the ESD limit is 2 kV.

turn the lighter into a spark-gap transmitter

I was thinking car CDI powered by a SLA battery and triggered by a 555

People have made a thing from the flash of a disposable camera with a

If it won't damage the rest of the product then a few seconds in the
microwave oven would do the job too.
It isn't easy to beef up a camera flash to get enough power to screw up all
the different types of RFID tag, an alternative inverter can be built from a
small SMPSU transformer such as found in a TV-STB or the auxiliary switch
supply transformer from an ATX-PSU.

The best type of transformer is for transistor drive, not an SMPSU chip, as
it has a feedback winding designed to drive the B/E of a transistor, of
course the 5 or 12V winding is used as the primary (collector winding) and
the original high voltage primary becomes the secondary.

The final circuit resembles that of a typical camera flash inverter but on
most that I've built it was found necessary to add a regulation circuit
otherwise it tends to draw an arc between the pins of the HV winding.
On 8/12/08 5:34 PM, in article,
"John Fields" <> wrote:

On Fri, 13 Jul 2012 14:15:45 -0700, Eric R Snow <

I don't understand why you would state that the lithium batteries are
volatile unless you are thinking that they may harm you. Lithium
batteries do need to be treated differently that other batteries but I
haven't heard of any DeWalt batteries having problems. Lately it seems
that the batteries causing problems are counterfeit. The technology
and the built in safety devices have really improved in the last few
years. There are chips available for OEMs to put into their batteries
that the device using them checks for. This way only approved
batteries will work in the device. Other chips are made that prevent
over charge and discharge.

13 July 2012?

The Timelords were laughing so hard (LOL even) about the nonsense going on
in the Basics Newsgroup, they momentarily mucked up the timeline.
On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 21:37:41 +1100, Sylvia Else wrote:

** See:

Read the definition.

" However, the use of the term negative resistance to encompass negative
differential resistance is more common. "
Or, more succinctly:

Negative resistance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Negative differential resistance)

He could simply have said that that was what he meant.
He probably assumed that it was obvious. I've heard the term used
occasionally (e.g. w.r.t. tunnel diodes or UJTs), and I've never seen
anyone feel the need to add the "differential" or "slope" part.

Except that it wouldn't support his view that the current would increase
without limit.
Sure it would (unless you genuinely believe that, by "without limit", he
was claiming that the current would rise to infinity).

For a constant supply voltage, positive resistance results in
negative feedback and stable equilibrium, while negative resistance
results in positive feedback and unstable equilibrium.
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 19:48:07 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

software is a hierarchy of artificial constructs. Electronics is
physics. You can't fool hardware.
You should adopt that as a sig, John.

"Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference
is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more
durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it."
(Stephen Leacock)
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Love 'n Stuff All The way

- Scoobie™ -
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 10:09:42 +1100, Sylvia Else wrote:
A circuit that doesn't behave that way cannot be called a negative
resistor under any circumstance.
OK, I can nitpick too - we're not even talking about a "negative resistor"
- obviously, such a thing can't exist. What we're talking about is
"negative resistANCE", which is a characteristic of various things,
notably, and arc, a UJT, or a tunnel diode.

Hope This Helps!
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 23:40:19 -0800 (PST), MooseFET
<> wrote:

On Jan 19, 8:44 pm, John Larkin> wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 20:04:05 -0800 (PST), MooseFET> wrote:
On Jan 19, 6:37 pm, John Larkin> wrote:

I still can't get my head around the fundamental reason why there's
only one kind of positive resistor but two kinds of negative resistor.

I think I can add to the confusion:

We are thinking "number line like this:

-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ..... really big, infinite, -really big ...

There are two ways to get to a negative number.  One takes you past
the "infinite" value.  In truth though. we have a 2D world we can
avoid hitting the singular value by going a little reactive.


As often happens in math, the pole is the center pole of a spiral
staircase.  You have to go around the pole twice to get back where you

Don't you remember how much grief certain parties gave me for using
the term "infinite"?

(I don't know why I call them parties, when they never seem to have
any fun.)

Some people are concerned on theological grounds any time the subject
goes to that of the infinite. They have near fits when you start
comparing the sizes of infinities and their heads explode if the
question of whether there is an infinite number of infinitudes. In
this case we merely have a 1/0 sort of infinity or a simple pole.
This is not to suggest that all poles are simple. I work with one who
does quantum physics, but that is way off the topic of this question.

I hope this helps. :
Yes, I used to date a simple pole, and I know exactly what you mean.

In article <>, says...>
John Fields wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:41:54 +1100, Sylvia Else> wrote:


For your edification:

If we use, for example, a simple, existent, and readily available neon
lamp like an NE2 (which exhibits a negative resistance characteristic)
as the passive device and bring into existence an active, two terminal
circuit which exhibits the same negative resistance characteristic then
the two will be equivalent and whether the active device needs a power
supply will be unimportant since the same supply will be used to power
the passive neon device.

The two of you need to settle on some terminology.
The terminology is quite settled.

There's the resistance defined by V/I, the large signal, operating point, or
whatever you want to call it 'resistance'. Then, there's the small signal,
differential, or region, defined by dV/dI.

Sylvia is referring to the former, you, the latter. Each definition has
different implications for stability, power dissipation and other
properties of a circuit.
The former being negative makes no sense in the real world, so is
ignored. The latter is known as "negative resistance". The
derivative is understood by everyone with the exception of Sylvia,
and perhaps yourself. This has been made clear many times in this
thread but she refuses to listen.
On Tue, 20 Jan 2009 11:04:10 -0800, Paul Hovnanian PE
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:41:54 +1100, Sylvia Else> wrote:


For your edification:

If we use, for example, a simple, existent, and readily available neon
lamp like an NE2 (which exhibits a negative resistance characteristic)
as the passive device and bring into existence an active, two terminal
circuit which exhibits the same negative resistance characteristic then
the two will be equivalent and whether the active device needs a power
supply will be unimportant since the same supply will be used to power
the passive neon device.

The two of you need to settle on some terminology.

There's the resistance defined by V/I, the large signal, operating point, or
whatever you want to call it 'resistance'. Then, there's the small signal,
differential, or region, defined by dV/dI.

Sylvia is referring to the former, you, the latter. Each definition has
different implications for stability, power dissipation and other
properties of a circuit.
Sylvia's reference doesn't exist.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food
Paul Hovnanian PE wrote:
John Fields wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:41:54 +1100, Sylvia Else> wrote:


For your edification:

If we use, for example, a simple, existent, and readily available neon
lamp like an NE2 (which exhibits a negative resistance characteristic)
as the passive device and bring into existence an active, two terminal
circuit which exhibits the same negative resistance characteristic then
the two will be equivalent and whether the active device needs a power
supply will be unimportant since the same supply will be used to power
the passive neon device.

The two of you need to settle on some terminology.

There's the resistance defined by V/I, the large signal, operating point, or
whatever you want to call it 'resistance'. Then, there's the small signal,
differential, or region, defined by dV/dI.

Sylvia is referring to the former, you, the latter. Each definition has
different implications for stability, power dissipation and other
properties of a circuit.
I think John knows very well that we're talking about the former.

If you plonked me, why do you keep replying to me? wrote:

This may be a cause for legal action.

What sort of 'legal action'?

You'll have to marry him before you can file for divorce.

Internet stalking? He is googling every group I ever posted to and
appears to be trashing my name at every chance he gets.
Does that count as something the FBI or FCC would be interested in? Damn
right, so I am keeping a log of all the comments and will turn it in
when I have enough rope to hang 2 trolls/assholes.
I will say this real slow and loud because you are too stupid to understand.


Got it, motherfucker? Read it really slow, you cocksucking racist.
Then try Interpol. They will laugh at you too, but at least you
will be talking to the right coppers.

BTW, you brought this on yourself. *YOU* were the one who made the
first threat (to "mess up my Internet"), *YOU* were the one who
made the first insult ("moron") and *YOU* are the one who keeps
getting caught in blatant lies ("I have plonked").
Even if I was in your country, your USA FBI has zero interest in
protecting you from the consequences of your own bad behavior. Nazi.

Here is a picture of Bill Baka relaxing at home:
On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 08:35:35 +0000, me faxed us with....


Mmmm. Wonder how many people have fired off mail to this?
I've always found the guys at giganews really good at dealing with
abusive posters - if this guy offends *you* just send them a copy of the

Sure thing, not a lot of people have any jurisdiction on you. Thing is,
your ISP and Usenet host still do ;-)

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