Chip with simple program for Toy

The dunces are still working hard at being dunces:

Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?

Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this
sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift

So you don't like Jews?
The dunce who keeps trying to fake a tech background needs a weedle
bit of education on the difference between macro and micro:

Micro level: The lone genius is opposed by a confederacy of dunces.

Macro level: The lone genius group is opposed by a confederacy of
dunce groups.

Are you REALLY this stoopid or are you just pulling everyone's leg?

Bret Cahill
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:34:43 -0800 (PST), wrote:

The dunces are still working hard at being dunces:

Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?

Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this
sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift

So you don't like Jews?

The dunce who keeps trying to fake a tech background needs a weedle
bit of education on the difference between macro and micro:

Micro level: The lone genius is opposed by a confederacy of dunces.

Macro level: The lone genius group is opposed by a confederacy of
dunce groups.

Are you REALLY this stoopid or are you just pulling everyone's leg?
You ought to stick to transcription and quoting thinkers, since original
thought and sly innuendo seems to be beyond your ken.

As usual, you didn't get it, dunce.

What a surprise...

Here, I'll explain it to you:

You liken the community of Jews to geniuses and liken their persecutors
to dunces, which means that the persecutors of the Jews (the dunces)
don't like the Jews, since if they did like the Jews they wouldn't
persecute them.

My casting you as someone who doesn't like Jews therefore casts you as a

In truth, though, whether you like Jews or not the fact remains that
you're still a dunce.

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where
you've been shown up, time and time again, as having nothing to say?

Maybe you like the abuse?

Or, maybe, you'll take the abuse just to get attention from those you'd
emulate, if you could?

Kind of like instead of being the Court Clown you're the Court Whipping

On Feb 9, 4:34 pm, wrote:
The dunces are still working hard at being dunces:

Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?

Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this
sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift

So you don't like Jews?

The dunce who keeps trying to fake a tech background needs a weedle
bit of education on the difference between macro and micro:

Micro level:  The lone genius is opposed by a confederacy of dunces.

Macro level:  The lone genius group is opposed by a confederacy of
dunce groups.

Are you REALLY this stoopid or are you just pulling everyone's leg?

Bret Cahill

Russian rabbi is worried for oil billionaires' margin calls

Reality is a bowl of cherries with pits that can break teeth
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:34:43 -0800 (PST), wrote:

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where ...

A darned good question. JF shows up here all too often, with nothing
relevant to say, but that does not stop him from posting, or from accusing
others of off-topic posts. Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:12:56 -0800 (PST), wrote:

And perhaps you can explain how a turbine made of thousands of complex
blades that can snap off at high speed is somehow superior to flat
plates that can spin up to high revs without flying apart.

Using viscosity to accelerate a fluid in dynamic compression or
expansion is inherently lossy.

Since the overall efficiency of gas turbines drops off much faster
than component efficiencies and since the Tesla compressor as well as
the Tesla turbine are inherently inefficient, the engine will never be
able to do much more than barely run.

It's curious why so many can apply partial differential equations,
BVDs and tensors to mechanics and fields but become dumb as a plate of
overcooked Ramen noodles when it comes to the Equation of Motion.

The average 1 state chef knows more about transport than most
scientists and engineers.

It's a disgrace!
_You're_ the disgrace, and I'd bet that you're just as big a failure as
a cook as you are an engineer.

Here: listen to someone who know's what he's talking about:

And you? what do you have to offer?

On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 11:07:39 -0800, Bret_E_Cahill wrote:

Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?

Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign,
that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift
Please don't change your "Author" field -- when you change it I have to
plonk you all over again.


On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 18:55:21 -0500, "Charles"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:34:43 -0800 (PST), wrote:

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where ...

A darned good question. JF shows up here
Where is "here"?

In this thread, Cahill's posts show up on alt.politics, alt.philosophy,
alt.conspiracy, sci.electronics.basics, and aus.politics.

I crossposted to all the groups he posted to just to make sure he'd get
the comeuppance he deserved.

all too often, with nothing relevant to say, but that does not stop him
from posting, or from accusing others of off-topic posts.
Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.
Easy to say, but hard to prove.

Got some evidence?

On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 18:55:21 -0500, "Charles"
<> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:34:43 -0800 (PST), wrote:

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where ...

A darned good question. JF shows up here all too often, with nothing
relevant to say, but that does not stop him from posting, or from accusing
others of off-topic posts. Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.

You're either blind or as stupid as comrade Cahill. JF answers many
questions from beginners here. What have you done, other than troll?
My view is that these persons who are initiating cross-posting are
engaged in attribution based projection and transference--AS WARFARE!

Australians have a capacity to weep in public with more sincerity than
their Muslim counterparts.

"Unlike HIV, H5N1 is an airborne virus that kills rapidly and has the
very real potential to mutate into an Avian Pan-Flu virus that can
possibly kill more than the 50-100 million people that died from the
Avian Pan-Flu virus of 1918-1919."

Fascinating but how is that any different to the Islamic conflict being
largely the product of a psychosomatic state which promulgates propaganda.

Irrationally, it has the capacity to kill just as many.

How are the Irish with their language and belief in Fairies any
different to Islam?

Irish nationalism of Roman Catholic influence are so driven by their
idealism (platonic diminutive murmurings with lego-block foundations as
language comprising digraph, trigraph, tetragraph, pentagraph and
hexagraph), and in their dislike for British Sovereignty are most likely
to act with disrespect to the autonomic principles of governance under
Section 8 to the Letters Patent of 1900 to the Australian Commonwealth
of 1901.

I also spoke briefly to him about the reality of the virtual Cube offers
#1458 unique appraisals which as a cognitive switch provides a
superficial wiring structure for solar panels, mapping to chronology,
calendar and language, represented as hierarchy of hermeneutical
categories of understanding as noumenon daemons.

That any improvement within Havanian infrastructure associated with
mining ought to be cognisant, that with a space rover on Mars, our
terrestrial and subterranean mining ought to be capable of governing in
such away, that Australian ingenuity always makes us innovators in

The term ingenuity or applied ideas is used in the analysis of Thomas
Homer-Dixon, building on that of Paul Romer, to refer to what is usually
called instructional capital. Ingenuity is often inherent in creative
individuals, and thus is considered hard to separate from individual
capital. It is not clear if Dixon or Romer considered it impossible to
do so, or if they were simply not familiar with the prior analysis of
'applied ideas', 'intellectual capital', 'talent', or 'innovation' where
instructional and individual contributions have been carefully
separated, by economic theorists. [Wikipedia 2009:Ingenuity]

According to Wikipedia:2009 this western world's contemptuous use of the
term 'havanian infrastructure' is a dig at "King Philip II of Spain
granting Havana the title of City in 1592 and a royal decree in 1634
recognized its importance by official designate as the "Key to the New
World and Rampart of the West Indies".

The second reason for my undertaking this assessment relates to taking
legal action over a pervasive culture of amorality and apathy involving
Internet abuses as torturous conduct by Australians and the indulgent
imposing of their idealism in contravention of a duty to State mandated
under Section 8 of the Letters Patent 1900 to the Australian
Constitution of 1901.


John Fields wrote:
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 18:55:21 -0500, "Charles"> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:34:43 -0800 (PST), wrote:

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where ...

A darned good question. JF shows up here

Where is "here"?

In this thread, Cahill's posts show up on alt.politics, alt.philosophy,
alt.conspiracy, sci.electronics.basics, and aus.politics.

I crossposted to all the groups he posted to just to make sure he'd get
the comeuppance he deserved.

all too often, with nothing relevant to say, but that does not stop him
from posting, or from accusing others of off-topic posts.
Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.

Easy to say, but hard to prove.

Got some evidence?

<> wrote in message
Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?

Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this
sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift

Why can't you guys keep this off of this group?
I don't give a crap about your problems on other groups.
On Feb 9, 11:07�am, wrote:
Jews Banished 47 Times In 1000 Years - Why ?
Why so often? Why across such a variety of nations and cultures??? Why
does no other people on earth come near to this record of eliciting
averse responses?

Extrapolating the macro off the famous quote on the micro.

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this
sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

-- Jonathan Swift
Karen Armstrong wrote a book about the three Western religions,
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all worshipping the same God. Indeed
all three religions believe in the truth of the Old Testament. They
are also monotheistic, which means that we worhsip ONE God, and not
many. All three religions share the belief that God is all powerful,
all good, and omniscient. Jews have endured many hardships and
prejudices. Proper educaiton has helped to reduce antisemitism but
unfortunately it still exists. Rush Limbaugh may have increased hatred
of the Muslim religion when he coined the term "Islamofascist."

If you weren't, why would you post to the technical newsgroups where ....

A darned good question. �JF shows up here all too often, with nothing
relevant to say, but that does not stop him from posting, or from accusing
others of off-topic posts. �Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.

You're either blind or as stupid as comrade Cahill. ďż˝
Try not to spree but if you _must_ spree, try to spree local. Just
shoot up yer mom's doublewide and leave the rest of us alone.

JF answers many
questions from beginners here. ďż˝
But he dodges the question concerning the number of his "money making"

Bret Cahill
all too often, with nothing relevant to say, but that does not stop him
from posting, or from accusing others of off-topic posts. ďż˝
Gotta love JF and all of his hypocritical ilk.

Easy to say, but hard to prove.

Got some evidence?
We're still waiting for some evidence of a patent.

Or are you now claiming the same thing as the other dunce in the

"Prosecuting patents is a waste of time and money."

Bret Cahill
And perhaps you can explain how a turbine made of thousands of complex
blades that can snap off at high speed is somehow superior to flat
plates that can spin up to high revs without flying apart.

Using viscosity to accelerate a fluid in dynamic compression or
expansion is inherently lossy.

Since the overall efficiency of gas turbines drops off much faster
than component efficiencies and since the Tesla compressor as well as
the Tesla turbine are inherently inefficient, the engine will never be
able to do much more than barely run.

It's curious why so many can apply partial differential equations,
BVDs and tensors to mechanics and fields but become dumb as a plate of
overcooked Ramen noodles when it comes to the Equation of Motion.

The average 1 state chef knows more about transport than most
scientists and engineers.

It's a disgrace!

_You're_ the disgrace,
You're so ignorant you think "transport" is truckin'.

Bret Cahill
Dear Bret Cahill:

On Feb 9, 8:37 am, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Tesla lost JP Morgan's funding for his wireless
energy transmission tower -- which may actually
be valid science -- when he started discussing
Martians or something else wacko.
He'd had a lot in his life to be paranoid about. Additionally, he'd
had long exposure to high energy emissions. Cut him a break, won't

 And his "boundary layer" or "friction" turbine
was just plain dumb on its face.
Seems to me it is just waiting for the right materials... like perhaps
a carbon nanotube "sheet". No fins to break off...

David A. Smith
On Jun 29, 11:10�pm, JeffM <> wrote:
mpm wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Pad2Pad, ExpressPCB, & PCB123 are all essentially the same thing.
They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.

Jeff - your information is incorrect.

Thank you for interpolating my post.
I assure you that was not necessary.

I repeat: �This "free" software does not *PRODUCE* Gerbers.
If you use it, you are LOCKED IN to a single fab house.

What I am saying is that to call itself an ECAD Package,
software should be able to generate Gerbers ON ITS OWN.

What you are describing
meets the classic definition of CRIPPLEWARE.

For $60, ExpressPCB will definitely send you a Gerber file.

I did NOT say there was no way to PURCHASE Gerbers.

If that's what YOU want, fine.
Full disclosure for the other folks is another thing.
Most people want to know what the cards up the sleeve are.
...and it appears you STILL haven't read this:
Jeff - What is your problem?
You gave out bad info. I corrected it. Get over it.

I personally used ExpressPCB, got the boards exactly the way I wanted
them, then turned around and got the Gerbers from ExpressPCB (for an
additional $60), and then proceeded to shop the high-volume production
boards overseas. (Using those same Gerbers).

So, explain how I was "locked-in". ?????

I am not so interested in correcting your statements (interpolating or
whatever), nor am I that interested in the nuance argument as to
whether the ExpressPCB directly produces a Gerber output (which I
never claimed, but you invented).

My only purpose here was to correct the post, so that other's could
rely on the right information as they make their choices. I also did
not opine on whether the ExpressPCB route was any better or worse, or
less expensive than having your own high(er)-end program in house,
such as Orcad or whatever.

The bottom line is ExpressPCB can indeed (eventually) result in a
Gerber file that you can port between fabricators. This statement is
in direct contravention to your earler remark that:

And I quote:

They are all lock-in-ware.
Their output is NOT portable between fab houses.
None of them produce Gerbers.
Have a nice day.

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:39:59 GMT, Cleveland Tech
<> wrote:

I've looked over the newsgroup for a few weeks, and haven't seen anything
pop up, so thought I'd ask.

Has anyone seen any schematics floating around to make an electronic model
rocket launcher? If so, have they / could they be posted here?
They're posted, but rarely.

Tell us what you want to do and someone might be able to help you.

I've crossposted this to a few more groups, so you might get some
responses from them as well.

Also, you might want to try:,GFRC:2006-50,GFRC:en&q=electronic+model+rocket+launcher

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:39:59 GMT, Cleveland Tech> wrote:

I've looked over the newsgroup for a few weeks, and haven't seen anything
pop up, so thought I'd ask.

Has anyone seen any schematics floating around to make an electronic model
rocket launcher? If so, have they / could they be posted here?

They're posted, but rarely.

Tell us what you want to do and someone might be able to help you.

I've crossposted this to a few more groups, so you might get some
responses from them as well.

Also, you might want to try:,GFRC:2006-50,GFRC:en&q=electronic+model+rocket+launcher


You might look at the circuits at
Don't know much about model rockets and launchers, but this might be a good
place to start.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Experience: What you get when you don't get what you want
John Fields <> wrote in

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:39:59 GMT, Cleveland Tech> wrote:

I've looked over the newsgroup for a few weeks, and haven't seen
anything pop up, so thought I'd ask.

Has anyone seen any schematics floating around to make an electronic
model rocket launcher? If so, have they / could they be posted here?

They're posted, but rarely.

Tell us what you want to do and someone might be able to help you.

I've crossposted this to a few more groups, so you might get some
responses from them as well.

Also, you might want to try:


Thanks for the reply! I will also check the other newsgroups.

My idea was to build something that can handle multiple rockets either
simultaneously (up to 4 or 5) or in succession, for a father son group.

I have a couple of Estes branded launchers, and they're only for A to D
sized engines. Part of the plan is to build a little bit more to also
handle E sized engines as well.
"DaveM" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:39:59 GMT, Cleveland Tech> wrote:

I've looked over the newsgroup for a few weeks, and haven't seen
anything pop up, so thought I'd ask.

Has anyone seen any schematics floating around to make an electronic
model rocket launcher? If so, have they / could they be posted here?

They're posted, but rarely.

Tell us what you want to do and someone might be able to help you.

I've crossposted this to a few more groups, so you might get some
responses from them as well.

Also, you might want to try:


You might look at the circuits at Don't know much about
model rockets and launchers, but this might be a good place to start.
Thanks Also for this site. It is much appreciated.

Welcome to

