Anti-gun lobby displaying it's ignorance again.

On Jul 8, 12:07 pm, Bob Larter <> wrote:
Thomas wrote:
On Jul 6, 4:28 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

You don't get it, I don't care about that stuff.
All I care about is people starting OT topics like that in aus.electronics.
"John-Melb" started two of them, that's why I spoke up after I let the first
one slide.


You don't get it, I do, I don't care if he started the thread or used
a thread already started, he used aus.electronics to launch an attack
at gun ownership, as he done previously through and

Assuming that it's true, how is that the fault of every other
aus.electronics poster? What did we do to deserve being bombarded with
massively off-topic xposts?
It is true, if you don't believe me, go check, Or I can paste it to
aus.electronics if you wish, however, I'm guessing you don't want me
to do that.

Others on aus.electronics are not responsible for what Wilson posts,
however, as Wilson choose to use aus.electronics as a vehicle to
launch his regular anti-gun tirades, then surely others have the right
to reply on the same forum? Without those replies, people's opinions
on this subject are formed solely on the rants of this zealot, rather
than hearing both sides of this debate.

Where other posters on aus.electronics are at fault, is that they're
quite happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun rants here,
but object strongly when an alternative opinion is posted. That one
sided view of what consitutes reasonable or on topic posts on
aus.electronics leads those who have observed or been invloved in the
gun debate for some time to see this as unfair. There's no point
arguing with those who are quite happy to see anti-gun posts on
aus.electronics, but object when a pro-gun (for want of a better term)
post appears, they've already formed their view on the gun "debate"
and as I previously stated, are active combatants in what John Crook
described as "the Australian Gun War"

  . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
   \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est
On Jul 8, 6:48 am, "regn.pickford" <> wrote:
"John - Melb" <> wrote in
On Jul 6, 6:30 am, "regn.pickford" <> wrote:

"Dennis" <> wrote in message


The vast majority in aus.electronics don't really care. Lets not trash
working ng's by crossposting irrelevant topics.

You're on record as having asked **Trevor not to post OT ?

Of course not, what a silly question, Trevor's one of their long
standing and most venerated posters

Then it mustn't have come up about **Trevor's belief that
obtaining or possessing inanimate objects like Electronic smoke
alarms, Electronic fire control systems or fire extinguishers means you
are a  pyromaniac in self denial and want to start fires.
That's just a silly strawman. Without taking a view on the claim that
all gun owners are putative serial killers, the structure of the
analogy is 180 deg away from the gun claim.

You don't have an electronic smoke alarm unless you intend to use it.

I have smoke alarms and I hope they will operate if a fire starts.
There is a fire extinguisher in my classroom. It is tested every year
by a professional. I will use it if the need arises.

On Jul 5, 11:12 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jul 5, 10:51 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:39 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
Oh, that recent OT thread that you started and also cross posted to

No, look again.

Try here
On Jun 16, 3:21 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <

**Despite the fact that VASTLY more Americans carry guns around the streets,
legally, the US remains the most dangerous, deadly Western, developed
Democratic nations. Carrying guns achieves, at best, nothing. At worst, it
leads to more violence and death. In fact, the US homicide rate is presently
3 times the Australian one.
You are mistaken adducing this as evidence of x-posting to
aus.electronics by Trevor Wilson, John.

This campe from a topic [Stun Guns] started in by one of their
trolls: "Gordon Lightfoot". It was x-posted to aus.electronics by
Sylvia Else. All replies then (including that by Trevor with the
passage you cite) carried this as follow up.

I haven't bothered to see if there are indeed instances in which
Trevor has x-posted to aus.electronics on the topic of guns, but this
above claim is refuted as an instantiation of the proposition.

John - Melb wrote:
On Jul 8, 3:08 pm, Fran <> wrote:
On Jul 5, 11:12 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:51 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:39 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
Oh, that recent OT thread that you started and also cross posted
to aus.electronics?

No, look again.

Try here
On Jun 16, 3:21 pm, "Trevor Wilson"> wrote:

**Despite the fact that VASTLY more Americans carry guns around
the streets, legally, the US remains the most dangerous, deadly
Western, developed Democratic nations. Carrying guns achieves, at
best, nothing. At worst, it leads to more violence and death. In
fact, the US homicide rate is presently 3 times the Australian one.

You are mistaken adducing this as evidence of x-posting to
aus.electronics by Trevor Wilson, John.

This campe from a topic [Stun Guns] started in by one of their
trolls: "Gordon Lightfoot". It was x-posted to aus.electronics by
Sylvia Else. All replies then (including that by Trevor with the
passage you cite) carried this as follow up.

I haven't bothered to see if there are indeed instances in which
Trevor has x-posted to aus.electronics on the topic of guns, but this
above claim is refuted as an instantiation of the proposition.


Hello Fran,

I haven't heard from you in a long time, how have you been? I
sincerely hope you and yours are doing well.

On this, Dear Lady, you and I must agree to disagree, Trevor did post
it there because I read it there.
No, it happened just the way Fran said it did.
You are the only person who has posted (two) new threads to aus.electronics
about guns, hence the complaints.
Trevor has never posted directly to aus.electronics about guns.
Sylvia is the original cuplit here, but seeing as that the "Stun gun" thread
at the time actually had something to do with electronics, the cross-post
was understandable.

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
On Jul 8, 3:11 am, kangarooistan <> wrote:

*> "Despair is an enormous problem," says Flannery. "There is no sign
*> situation will ever improve."
*> more by Tim Flannery - Jul 6, 2009 - (1 occurrences)

Dear Mr Kanga,

Thank you so much for your update on the dire situation, in which
Australia is finding itself as a result of its Collective Crimes.
So the regular Retards as usual can only reply by catcalls, or the
typical moronic comment on top of their Squeezy type voices : It's
reening oootside !
Oh ya !
.... but the country side demonstrates that the Great Sandy Desert is
waiting to walk in & take control, as required

What I find strange as well, is the fact that the Sheeple do not seem
concerned by the situation, as evident from following
Except you, Mr Kanga, none wants to ponder on the long term
consequences of the Collective Chastisements,,which you are indeed
clearly outlaying :
- Every two days an Australian Farmer is murdered in cold blood by
some financial vulture
- Over 20 000 Farmers' families have walked off the land since the DDD
( Divine Drudging Drought) started 10 years ago
- The water fed to 1.2 millions people in Adelaide & around is not fit
for sheep & cattle
- The REAL purpose of the planned weir on the Murray is to prevent sea
water flowing upstream, confirming then the obligation to open, this
very year indeed, the Coorong & Lower Lakes to the mighty South Seas.
The official story up to your latest precisions being that weir going
to store fresh water for Adelaide ... But the Murray Darling trickle
about to be converted into a Camel Race track, we know now that weir
to be used by the bookmakers & putters betting on the Camels.

I find it strange as well that the usual rags are very careful to
avoid raising such issue in the columns ...afraid I suppose to fend
off good people away from the Land of Bastards ( this not meant for
you, mate) , and stop the trickle of unaware strangers coming from
France & elsewhere visiting that Austral Hell on Earth ? I bet it
is !

On the practical side, I had a research on Tipperary station and found
the following on the
Selwyn Johnston Qld MP
He said


The STRATEGICALLY placed Tipperary Station, the nearest Northern
Territory land facing Jakarta, possessing a huge, internationally
rated all-weather airstrip, sea and river frontage, was utilised by
the Japanese in WW2 who established a forward camp on the banks of the
Daly River.

While Australia's Foreign Aid provides the equivalent of $100 for
every Australian man, woman and child into supporting Suharto's
Indonesian regime - $1.7 billion - the Indonesian elite is buying or
has bought large tracts of land in the Northern Territory.

The Australian government MUST as a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY,
implement immediate procedures to restrict foreign ownership of
Australia's land mass and convert current ownership to 10 - 15 year
pastoral leases, with their complying to the same regulations as
Australian farmers and graziers.


This is confirming here you usual assertion that Australia is run by
Traitors, to both their country & their people... Political Crawlers &
Puppets whose strings are pulled from behind the stage !
The West Australia Whorehouse is run in fact by Mining & Financial
Criminals of the Newmont / Newcrest / Boral / BHP class,who would
not hesitate to murder MP ( as the Hon T.D Evans Member Kalgoorlie) or
Corporate Prospector ( as Father Bert Rutherford formerly with Narla,
wholly owned subsidiary of Boral & used as smoke screen in the
abominable Telfer Mine Swindle) ... or kick out one of Australia
leading Mining Pioneer to remove any opposition to their fabricated
Australia Mining History and leave room for their incensed Mining
frauds like Tyrwhitt, Thomson, Barr, Atkinson ( those pretentious
filth able to find mineral deposits by peering over the cockpit &
landing in the Desert to take samples)
The Federal Parliament being run the same way in light of the Port
Arthur Mass Murder orchestrated by Australia very Government of Howard
( to pass through his Gun Control Law) and the murder in cold blood
of Australia finest Prime Minister of all times the Right Hon. Harold
Holt ( may be Howard was party into that too, providing the spear)

All things considered then, and in accordance with you consideration
that no redemption should be granted freely to such congregation of
hard nailed & stiff necked sinners, I solemnly confirm to you here,
that the Collective Chastisements are extended sine die, OR until the
Convict Rabble repent as a single man and beg for pardon &
forgiveness. Then I will set my recommendation for a return to
normality, and amongst those in all priority :
Royal Inquiry into Howards Govt 's Port Arthur Mass Murders, with
Howard to be hanged high & short for high treason against Australia.
Promised Royal Inquiry into the Telfer Mine Mass Swindle, with
Tyrwhitt, Searls Barr & Atkinson to be flogged with the Cat' O nine
tails, and then sent to Roy Hill St to work the shearer season & get
those fucking bludger getting a good sweat for the first time in
their lives the way, Tim Flannery is quite correct, despair is an enormous
problem in the LOB, and it has further the favour of Mining &
Political Criminals

Pour le Royal Khranfauss de l'Oued Rir et des Saharas

et par son geste

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
On Jul 8, 3:08 pm, Fran <> wrote:
On Jul 5, 11:12 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:51 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:39 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
Oh, that recent OT thread that you started and also cross posted to

No, look again.

Try here
On Jun 16, 3:21 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <

**Despite the fact that VASTLY more Americans carry guns around the streets,
legally, the US remains the most dangerous, deadly Western, developed
Democratic nations. Carrying guns achieves, at best, nothing. At worst, it
leads to more violence and death. In fact, the US homicide rate is presently
3 times the Australian one.

You are mistaken adducing this as evidence of x-posting to
aus.electronics by Trevor Wilson, John.

This campe from a topic [Stun Guns] started in by one of their
trolls: "Gordon Lightfoot". It was x-posted to aus.electronics by
Sylvia Else. All replies then (including that by Trevor with the
passage you cite) carried this as follow up.

I haven't bothered to see if there are indeed instances in which
Trevor has x-posted to aus.electronics on the topic of guns, but this
above claim is refuted as an instantiation of the proposition.

Hello Fran,

I haven't heard from you in a long time, how have you been? I
sincerely hope you and yours are doing well.

On this, Dear Lady, you and I must agree to disagree, Trevor did post
it there because I read it there.


On Jul 8, 4:31 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jul 8, 3:08 pm, Fran <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 11:12 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:51 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:

On Jul 5, 10:39 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
Oh, that recent OT thread that you started and also cross posted to

No, look again.

Try here
On Jun 16, 3:21 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <

**Despite the fact that VASTLY more Americans carry guns around the streets,
legally, the US remains the most dangerous, deadly Western, developed
Democratic nations. Carrying guns achieves, at best, nothing. At worst, it
leads to more violence and death. In fact, the US homicide rate is presently
3 times the Australian one.

You are mistaken adducing this as evidence of x-posting to
aus.electronics by Trevor Wilson, John.

This campe from a topic [Stun Guns] started in by one of their
trolls: "Gordon Lightfoot". It was x-posted to aus.electronics by
Sylvia Else. All replies then (including that by Trevor with the
passage you cite) carried this as follow up.

I haven't bothered to see if there are indeed instances in which
Trevor has x-posted to aus.electronics on the topic of guns, but this
above claim is refuted as an instantiation of the proposition.


Hello Fran,

I haven't heard from you in a long time, how have you been? I
sincerely hope you and yours are doing well.
We are all doing well. Thanks.

On this, Dear Lady, you and I must agree to disagree, Trevor did post
it there because I read it there.
That is acknowledged in the answer above. The quesiton is: Did he x-
post to aus.electronics or merely follow the follow-up set by somebody
else (pun intended)?

I know that from time to time, my posts go to groups I wasn't
considering when I posted, simply because I've answered them in
aus.politics (as is the case here) without trimming the follow-ups.

One poster in aus.politcs likes to x-post to aus.flame and on each
occasion I notice, I trim it, but some slip through.

On Jul 8, 1:10 pm, Thomas <> wrote:


Where other posters on aus.electronics are at fault, is that they're
quite happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun  rants here,
but object strongly when an alternative opinion is posted. That one
sided view of what consitutes reasonable or on topic posts on
aus.electronics leads those who have observed or been involved in the
gun debate for some time to see this as unfair.

Ok there are a couple of problems right here.

1. Your assumption that the subscribers of aus.electronics are "quite
happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun rants here".

If they were encouraging him, you might have a point, but as far as I
can tell, they haven't. They are ignoring him on this topic just as
one ignores spam about sex services and cheap deals on herbal
medications or sunglasses or other off-topic stuff that appears in
groups that we read.

It's not surprising that they object to someone posting an
"alternative opinion" because they weren't interested in the original
opinion and now the person posting off-topic has someone with which to
continue posting off-topic. Your inference that this goes to content
is unjustified.

2. If you really believed that Trevor was being encouraged to post his
"off topic, anti-gun rants here" and that the responses to you were
driven by political sympathy for the gun control position, you might
well wonder why

a) these people would be interested in the other side of the debate.
If they really are hostile, what's the point of posting? Surely they
will already be aware of the pro-gun claims and have rejected them on
one ground or another.

b) Why wouldn't they appear in gun discussion groups and take it up

Your justification seems to be that people in aus.electronics are
guilty of being insufficiently rude to Trevor and accordingly, you
mean to punish them for "giving aid and comfort" to him by posting
your screeds to aus.electronics. In short, it's not about debate. It's
about getting even with Trevor and anyone who tolerates him because
you don't like him or his ideas.

This reflects rather poorly on you.

On Jul 8, 5:30 pm, Fran <> wrote:
On Jul 8, 1:10 pm, Thomas <> wrote:


Where other posters on aus.electronics are at fault, is that they're
quite happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun  rants here,
but object strongly when an alternative opinion is posted. That one
sided view of what consitutes reasonable or on topic posts on
aus.electronics leads those who have observed or been involved in the
gun debate for some time to see this as unfair.


Ok there are a couple of problems right here.

1. Your assumption that the subscribers of aus.electronics are "quite
happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun  rants here".

If they were encouraging him, you might have a point, but as far as I
can tell, they haven't. They are ignoring him on this topic just as
one ignores spam about sex services and cheap deals on herbal
medications or sunglasses or other off-topic stuff that appears  in
groups that we read.
Fran, I hope you don't mind if I respond.

The encouragement comes from attacking the counter point, Trevor now
knows that he can post whatever anti-gun rants he likes on
aus.electronics, and others posting there will neither challenge or
question him, however anybody posting an alternative viewpoint will be
hounded by all those "not interested" ones.

It's not surprising that they object to someone posting an
"alternative opinion" because they weren't interested in the original
opinion and now the person posting off-topic has someone with which to
continue posting off-topic. Your inference that this goes to content
is unjustified.
Really? other than content, what difference in the differing posts?
2. If you really believed that Trevor was being encouraged to post his
"off topic, anti-gun  rants here" and that the responses to you were
driven by political sympathy for the gun control position, you might
well wonder why
Looking at the apparent depth of feeling expressed, I think that
decision was made long before any of this started.
a) these people would be interested in the other side of the debate.
If they really are hostile, what's the point of posting? Surely they
will already be aware of the pro-gun claims and have rejected them on
one ground or another.

b) Why wouldn't they appear in gun discussion groups and take it up

Your justification seems to be that people in aus.electronics are
guilty of being insufficiently rude to Trevor and accordingly, you
mean to punish them for "giving aid and comfort" to him by posting
your screeds to aus.electronics. In short, it's not about debate. It's
about getting even with Trevor and anyone who tolerates him because
you don't like him or his ideas.
No Fran, it's about debate, Trevor's opinions, despite being off
topic are welcome there, any differing opinion, is not.

This reflects rather poorly on you.
Perhaps it does, but considering the vilifiation I've received over
the last decade or so, it is a learned response.


On Jul 8, 10:29 am, Thomas <> wrote:

Alright, I'll do a deal with you. Wanker Wilson used aus.electronics
as a forum to launch an attack on guns and gun owners, as he had
previously done on both and aus.hi-fi.  The material
posted in response to this demonstrates that Wilson often tells
porkies about firearms related matters and the anti-gun lobby in
general often it wrong. If you're prepared to tell Wilson to keep his
his anti-gun rethoric off aus.electronics, I'm prepared to walk away.

If Wilson continues to use aus.electronics as a vehicle to launch his
anti-gun tirades, all bets are off.

Count me on that one too, Tom.

So, it's OK for an anti-gun zealot like Wilson to makes his remarks
about guns and gun owners on aus.electronics, but the alternaie view
is not welcome. I don't think I've cost The Shooter's Party any votes
at all, you're minds were made up well before Wilson posted his
"normal people" rant. Responding to anti-gun zealots is never futile,
and as for posting in a forum where the anti view is welcomed but the
pro view is not, again, highlighting prejudice is always worthwhile
I agree with that too!

Dammit Tom, so being so bloody reasonable!
On Jul 8, 5:31 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

No, it happened just the way Fran said it did.
Yep, sure it did.

You are the only person who has posted (two) new threads to aus.electronics
about guns, hence the complaints.
Trevor has never posted directly to aus.electronics about guns.
Trevor's "psychopath" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing

Trevor's "normal people" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing

Trevor's claims about gun dealers using gunshows to avoid compliance
with GCA-68 appeared on aus.electronics - you people said nothing.

Trevor's totally irrelevant remarks about DGU's, for which he's been
shown a fool so many times on gun related groups, appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing.

As soon as "Trevor Tosspot's Porky List" appears, you people begin
ranting about O/T posts.

Clearly, you minds were well and truely made up a very long time ago.

Tom and I have given you an "out", tell Trevor his anti- gun rants
aren't welcome on aus.electronics, treat him exactly the same way
you've treated other posting on the same subject.

I don't recon you're capable of doing it.

Sylvia is the original cuplit here, but seeing as that the "Stun gun" thread
at the time actually had something to do with electronics, the cross-post
was understandable.

Bob Larter wrote:
Thomas wrote:
On Jul 8, 12:07 pm, Bob Larter <> wrote:
Thomas wrote:
You don't get it, I do, I don't care if he started the thread or used
a thread already started, he used aus.electronics to launch an attack
at gun ownership, as he done previously through and
Assuming that it's true, how is that the fault of every other
aus.electronics poster? What did we do to deserve being bombarded with
massively off-topic xposts?

It is true, if you don't believe me, go check, Or I can paste it to
aus.electronics if you wish, however, I'm guessing you don't want me
to do that.

Others on aus.electronics are not responsible for what Wilson posts,
however, as Wilson choose to use aus.electronics as a vehicle to
launch his regular anti-gun tirades, then surely others have the right
to reply on the same forum?

Hell no. If someone in one of the gun groups decided to mouth off about
something relating to electronics, would you want us to drown the gun
groups in tirades against that person?
Feel free.

At the very least, I doubt that
you'd be interested in the resulting thread.
Yep, and since I know how to work my filters.....

Without those replies, people's opinions
on this subject are formed solely on the rants of this zealot, rather
than hearing both sides of this debate.

You clearly have a low opinions of peoples' ability to make up their own
How can you make up your mind unless you are also told the truth?

Anyway, Trevor chose the battleground. I suggest you take it up with him.
John - Melb wrote:
On Jul 8, 5:31 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

No, it happened just the way Fran said it did.

Yep, sure it did.
Glad you realise that.

Trevor's "psychopath" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing
He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's "normal people" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing
He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's claims about gun dealers using gunshows to avoid compliance
with GCA-68 appeared on aus.electronics - you people said nothing.
He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's totally irrelevant remarks about DGU's, for which he's been
shown a fool so many times on gun related groups, appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing.
He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.
Wow, it really is quite amazing how you are incapable of realising this
simple fact. Absolutely stunning.

As soon as "Trevor Tosspot's Porky List" appears, you people begin
ranting about O/T posts.
Wrong, I complained about new OT *threads* *you* started, two of them so
far. I had no problem with the stun gun thread drifting off-topic, that
happens. Sensible people ignore a thread when it drifts off topic and does
not interest them any more.
It seems you are incapable of comprehending that some people really don't
care what is said about a subject in a thread that drifts off-topic, but
they do care when their group is hijacked by people like yourself by
starting *new* OT threads in the wrong group.
The thread system is there for a reason, sensible people use it. People like
you like to abuse it.
New OT threads = Bad.
Topical threads drifting OT = No problemo.

Tom and I have given you an "out", tell Trevor his anti- gun rants
aren't welcome on aus.electronics, treat him exactly the same way
you've treated other posting on the same subject.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's not about what anyone says
in any post, it's about starting new OT threads in aus.electronics,
something only *you* are guilty of here - twice. Trevor has done no such
thing - ever. How many times do I have to spell it out?
Obviously too many, so I'll give up now. *yawn*

Your rabid obsession with Trevor is truly remarkable. I suggest you get more
fresh air, a lot more fresh air.

Go for your life in this thread, it really is quite hilarious, but please no
more new OT threads in aus.electronics.

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
John - Melb wrote:

If Trevor ceases using aus.electronics for posting his anti-gun rants,
you'll not hear from me over there again.
Do Trevor over and we wont burn down your news group. You aren't part of
Tony Soprano's family are you?
On Jul 8, 8:26 pm, keithr <> wrote:
John - Melb wrote:
On Jul 8, 3:03 pm, keithr <> wrote:
Thomas wrote:
On Jul 8, 12:07 pm, Bob Larter <> wrote:
Thomas wrote:
On Jul 6, 4:28 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
You don't get it, I don't care about that stuff.
All I care about is people starting OT topics like that in aus.electronics.
"John-Melb" started two of them, that's why I spoke up after I let the first
one slide.
You don't get it, I do, I don't care if he started the thread or used
a thread already started, he used aus.electronics to launch an attack
at gun ownership, as he done previously through and
Assuming that it's true, how is that the fault of every other
aus.electronics poster? What did we do to deserve being bombarded with
massively off-topic xposts?
It is true, if you don't believe me, go check, Or I can paste it to
aus.electronics if you wish, however, I'm guessing you don't want me
to do that.
Others on aus.electronics are not responsible for what Wilson posts,
however, as Wilson choose to use aus.electronics as a vehicle to
launch his regular anti-gun tirades, then surely others have the right
to reply on the same forum? Without those replies, people's opinions
on this subject are formed solely on the rants of this zealot, rather
than hearing both sides of this debate.
Where other posters on aus.electronics are at fault, is that they're
quite happy to have Wilson post his off topic, anti-gun  rants here,
Where is here? If you mean aus.electronics, what makes you think that
people are happy with it? That was an exchange between Trevor and one
other person who is herself a peripheral member of several online
communities until John-melb felt the need to join in with his stomping
boots. Had he not done so, the debate would probably have died there.

Stomping boots? awfully hard to type on a key board with stomping

That may explain the poor quality of your posts then

Trevor posted anti-gun rants on aus.electronics, you people seem to
think that's just fine but when an alternative opinion is placed, you
all start squealing about O/T posts.

We ignore his rants, you aren't placing an alternative opinion, you are
screaming a rants. Nobody is squealing about O/T posts, we are
complaining about a gang of thugs invading a news group to push their
unwanted political point of view.
But Trevor's point of view is OK?
If Trevor, one of aus.electronics "long standing members" has the
right to post his anti-gun, anti gun owner rants on aus.electronics,
then I've got every right to post on the inane rantings of anti-gun

This is the internet, you have no rights

So the rest of us have to put up with your inane pro gun rantings
because we don't act as topic nazis
No, you only act as topic nazis when someone posts something that
upsets your prejudices
If you mean aus.politics.guns, then he obviously has a perfect right to
put his opinions even if they offend you, that is what this NG is for
isn't it? Or is only one point of view allowed mein Komondant?

Not at all, as far as I'm aware all opinion are welcome here, Trevor's
problem is he gets spanked for telling porkies here, so he scurries
away and posts rants about guns and gun owners on totally unrelated
groups, hpoing to sway the opinion of those unfamiliar with the
subject. He's done it previously on aus.hi-fi and,
and now he's doing it on aus.electronics.
What is it about Trevor that you guys feel the need stalk him all over
Usenet? You scared of him or something?


Well why do you stalk him? The people on those other NGs take no notice
of his views, all you are doing is drawing attention to them. Its called
shooting yourself in the foot.

but object strongly when an alternative opinion is posted. That one
sided view of what consitutes reasonable or on topic posts on
aus.electronics leads those who have observed or been invloved in the
gun debate for some time to see this as unfair. There's no point
arguing with those who are quite happy to see anti-gun posts on
aus.electronics, but object when a pro-gun (for want of a better term)
post appears,
Then make everybody happy and don't do it

Have you said the same thing to Trevor Tosspot? If not, why not?
they've already formed their view on the gun "debate"
and as I previously stated, are active combatants in what John Crook
described as "the Australian Gun War"
What makes you think that they have any views on the subject. Not
everybody cares one way or the other, you don't seem to be able to grasp
that concept though do you?

You views are quite clear, you've no problem with Trevor's anti-gun
rants on aus.electronics, but cannot handle an alternative viewpoint
being posted.

You really don't have a clue do you
The why don't to try to educate me? (This'll be good)
  . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
   \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est
That is the sort of saying that earns you guys the title of gun loonies.- Hide quoted text -

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On Jul 8, 9:28 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:
John - Melb wrote:
On Jul 8, 5:31 pm, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

No, it happened just the way Fran said it did.

Yep, sure it did.

Glad you realise that.
Er, I was being sarcastic?
Trevor's "psychopath" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing

He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's "normal people" remarks about TPG posters appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing

He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's claims about gun dealers using gunshows to avoid compliance
with GCA-68 appeared on aus.electronics - you people said nothing.

He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.

Trevor's totally irrelevant remarks about DGU's, for which he's been
shown a fool so many times on gun related groups, appeared on
aus.electronics - you people said nothing.

He didn't start a thread, so no one cares.
Wow, it really is quite amazing how you are incapable of realising this
simple fact. Absolutely stunning.

As soon as "Trevor Tosspot's Porky List" appears, you people begin
ranting about O/T posts.

Wrong, I complained about new OT *threads* *you* started, two of them so
far. I had no problem with the stun gun thread drifting off-topic, that
happens. Sensible people ignore a thread when it drifts off topic and does
not interest them any more.
Well, "not sensible" is an improvement on how I'm usually described

It seems you are incapable of comprehending that some people really don't
care what is said about a subject in a thread that drifts off-topic, but
they do care when their group is hijacked by people like yourself by
starting *new* OT threads in the wrong group.
The thread system is there for a reason, sensible people use it. People like
you like to abuse it.
New OT threads = Bad.
Topical threads drifting OT = No problemo.

Tom and I have given you an "out", tell Trevor his anti- gun rants
aren't welcome on aus.electronics, treat him exactly the same way
you've treated other posting on the same subject.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's not about what anyone says
in any post, it's about starting new OT threads in aus.electronics,
something only *you* are guilty of here - twice. Trevor has done no such
thing - ever. How many times do I have to spell it out?
Obviously too many, so I'll give up now. *yawn*

Your rabid obsession with Trevor is truly remarkable. I suggest you get more
fresh air, a lot more fresh air.

Gee, thanks, nice to know you care.

Go for your life in this thread, it really is quite hilarious, but please no
more new OT threads in aus.electronics.
If Trevor ceases using aus.electronics for posting his anti-gun rants,
you'll not hear from me over there again.

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
*> Click here to download the full

Good reply, Dear Mr Kanga, to that Clanker filth !
You have in the open quite a few dozen morons of that kind, hired by
Mining & Political Criminals to harass, belittle & smear superior
intelligence + indeed outstanding Archeological Pioneer like you
are !

In fact they are so crude & stupid in their vain attempts that it
makes me laugh ... that Sunny, Bob Kawke, Dr Sore Porky, Clanker, Mad
of Havana ( aka Sunny ze poofter) are so funny in fact with their
baseless infantile pranks, that if there were close enough for me to
put my hand on their hides, I would administer them some smacks &

Are they more handy to you, Mr Kanga ? If so, I delegate to you the
care of shoving your boot in their arses ... surely the cowards, as
you so rightly call them, showing off under anonymity indeed, will
squeal & run away to their den ! Nothing in the pant obviously for
that Sunny ze Poofer, Dr Sore Howky Porky & their mates

Bwa ha ha haaaaa !
What a degenerate Humanity and the most funny thing is that Antipodean
shit for brain, still believe to have a working one ...i.e. brain

Anyway and being serious, I dare say that NEVER HAS ANY HOMAGE BE
Closing indeed on 2 000 poor Australian Farmers victims since the
Collective Chastisement was set up 10 years ago & still fearlessly
enforced this very year, has on any occasion any gratitude &
recognition being shown to the whole farming community by that Convict
Scum sitting in those WA & Federal Parliaments ?
Of course the answer is NO !
As any as well gratitude & recognition being shown by same to
Australia Greatest Mining Pioneer of all times Sir Turcaud ?
Of course the answer is No !
Has any as well demand been expressed for a high level probe into the
mass murder of 100 good Australian at Port Arthur & this by the very
Govt of Howard ?*
Of course the answer is NO !
Has any subsidies been offered to Mr Kanga, in a nation wasting 100
000s of dollars in worthless pursuit to investigate the possibility of
establishing Camel farms & rehabilitating those poor Abos communities
& giving them a long last a purpose in life ... With Mr Kanga being
invested as Federal Commissionner to supervise the whole scheme !
Of course NO !
Has any subsidies been offered to Mr Kanga, in a nation wasting 100
000s of dollars in worthless pursuit to investigate the possibility of
establishing a Archeological Committee in charge of developing his
immense world importance Archeological discovery of the direct
relation between South Australia & the Phoenicians BEFORE OFFICIAL
Of course NO !

Hence I did not downloaded that Adelaide Festival of Ideas, since in
the list you provided I did not found one hint that those people have
any ounce of intelligence nor awareness .... Wasting others' time &
playing with sounds coming out halfhazardly from their big flies trap,
tossing around with fast forgotten ideas leading nowhere indeed !

Also, since I am banned by Mining & Political Criminals from returning
to Australia, this Festival could have been held on the Moon for all I

Under such circumstances it is evident that the Collective
Chastisement will pursued under my guidance & orders till the whole
Antipodean Rabble is on all fours begging for forgiveness !
.... with of course the

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold MIne)
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
*> Click here to download the full

Good reply, Dear Mr Kanga, to that Clanker filth !
You have in the open quite a few dozen morons of that kind, hired by
Mining & Political Criminals to harass, belittle & smear superior
intelligence + indeed outstanding Archeological Pioneer like you
are !

In fact they are so crude & stupid in their vain attempts that it
makes me laugh ... that Sunny, Bob Kawke, Dr Sore Porky, Clanker, Mad
of Havana ( aka Sunny ze poofter) are so funny in fact with their
baseless infantile pranks, that if there were close enough for me to
put my hand on their hides, I would administer them some smacks &

Are they more handy to you, Mr Kanga ? If so, I delegate to you the
care of shoving your boot in their arses ... surely the cowards, as
you so rightly call them, showing off under anonymity indeed, will
squeal & run away to their den ! Nothing in the pant obviously for
that Sunny ze Poofer, Dr Sore Howky Porky & their mates

Bwa ha ha haaaaa !
What a degenerate Humanity and the most funny thing is that Antipodean
shit for brain, still believe to have a working one ...i.e. brain

Anyway and being serious, I dare say that NEVER HAS ANY HOMAGE BE
Closing indeed on 2 000 poor Australian Farmers victims since the
Collective Chastisement was set up 10 years ago & still fearlessly
enforced this very year, has on any occasion any gratitude &
recognition being shown to the whole farming community by that Convict
Scum sitting in those WA & Federal Parliaments ?
Of course the answer is NO !
As any as well gratitude & recognition being shown by same to
Australia Greatest Mining Pioneer of all times Sir Turcaud ?
Of course the answer is No !
Has any as well demand been expressed for a high level probe into the
mass murder of 100 good Australian at Port Arthur & this by the very
Govt of Howard ?*
Of course the answer is NO !
Has any subsidies been offered to Mr Kanga, in a nation wasting 100
000s of dollars in worthless pursuit to investigate the possibility of
establishing Camel farms & rehabilitating those poor Abos communities
& giving them a long last a purpose in life ... With Mr Kanga being
invested as Federal Commissionner to supervise the whole scheme !
Of course NO !
Has any subsidies been offered to Mr Kanga, in a nation wasting 100
000s of dollars in worthless pursuit to investigate the possibility of
establishing a Archeological Committee in charge of developing his
immense world importance Archeological discovery of the direct
relation between South Australia & the Phoenicians BEFORE OFFICIAL
Of course NO !

Hence I did not downloaded that Adelaide Festival of Ideas, since in
the list you provided I did not found one hint that those people have
any ounce of intelligence nor awareness .... Wasting others' time &
playing with sounds coming out halfhazardly from their big flies trap,
tossing around with fast forgotten ideas leading nowhere indeed !

Also, since I am banned by Mining & Political Criminals from returning
to Australia, this Festival could have been held on the Moon for all I

Under such circumstances it is evident that the Collective
Chastisement will pursued under my guidance & orders till the whole
Antipodean Rabble is on all fours begging for forgiveness !
.... with of course the

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold MIne)
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
On Jul 9, 2:31 am, "Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True
Geology" <> wrote:

Jean-Paul, you're a wanker, I guess you belong on aus.electronics
along with all the 'friends of Dorothy/Trevor/Mr No-one"
On Jul 9, 10:20 am, keithr <> wrote:
John - Melb wrote:
On Jul 9, 2:31 am, "Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True
Geology" <> wrote:

Jean-Paul, you're a wanker, I guess you belong on aus.electronics
along with all the 'friends of Dorothy/Trevor/Mr No-one"

I think that that makes you a hypocrite johny baby, criticising others
for cross posting irrelevant crap into your news group.

No, I'm quite use to Jean-Paul

Oh the irony!

BTW, how is Dorothy?
Why do you ask?

Welcome to

