John - Melb
On Jul 11, 8:34 pm, Thomas <recalcitrant_redn...@hotmail.com> wrote:
(sigh) again!
I think Trevor Tosspot has just be handed a first class spankingOn Jul 11, 7:29 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <tre...@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au
"Thomas" <recalcitrant_redn...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
On Jul 11, 11:25 am, "Trevor Wilson"
tre...@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:
**Feel free to list three arguments that you feel I have failed to "win".
certain to include the entire text. Your use of paraphrasing is
unnacceptable. Your inability to list three cites will invaldate your
You're kidding right, the full text of every arguement you've lost
would cause Usenet to go into meltdown.
When you get spanked for telling fibs on gun related forums, and then
scuttle away and post the same anti-gun assertions on places like
rec.audio.opinion, aus.hi-fi, aus.tv, aus.legal and now
aus.electronics - you've lost the arguement.
When you post unsubstantiated assertions about gun dealers using
gunshows to sell guns to criminals, but fail to provide ant evidence
to support thos assertions when asked to - you've lost the arguement..
**They're not unsubstantiated assertions. They're facts, you idiot.
Without proof, they're unsubstantiated assertions...........
When you post unsubstantiated and possibly dematory claims that the
NSW Shooter's Party is seeking to arm criminals, and fail to provide
any evidence when asked to support that assertion - you've lost the
**Cite where I claimed such a thing.
On Mar 15 2007, 10:28 am, "Trevor Wilson"
tre...@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:
These guys actively seek to arm criminals:
They clearly seek to legalise their own bloodlust.
A dangerous and deluded bunch of nutters.
Trevor Wilsonwww.rageaudio.com.au
Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com
Its at
When you loudly claim that you never crosspost, and yet your identical
posts appear at exactly the same time on aus.tv, aus.legal and
aus.electronics - you've lost the arguement.
**I do not crosspost. I suggest you brush up on your nettiquette.
Then explain your identical posts appearing on different groups at the
same time.
When you claim you only deal in facts at about the same time you're
claiming your local library keeps Lotts work in the fiction section -
you've lost the arguement.
**Your continued inability to understand sarcasm is duly noted.
Your continued inability to deal with the truth is duly naoted.
When another poster asks to explain your assertions and the only reply
you can come up with is "non-sequitur or "ask a nine year old to
explain it to you" - you've lost the arguement.
**I accept that you are unable to understand the logical flow of a
discussion and argument. Witness this outbust from you.
When you claim to have a friend capable of stopping and restarting his
heart at will whilst target shooting - you've lost the arguement.
**Were you there?
Were you?
When you claim to be able to diagnose medical or mental conditions
over the internet without ever having done the necessary training -
you've lost the arguement.
**You and John have managed that all on your own. A large number of people
now realise the depths of your psychosis.
When you've got to rely on foul-mouthed sock-puppets like Blinky Blonk
and No-One - you've lost the arguement.
**Yep. You're an absolute moron. Thanks for the confirmation.
Trevor Wilsonwww.rageaudio.com.au-
(sigh) again!