Why do circuit breakers go up for on and down for off?...

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:35:23 -0000, \"Commander Kinsey\"
<CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 17:36:25 -0000, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:19:48 GMT, Cindy Hamilton
hamilton@invalid.com> wrote:

On 2023-03-08, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:
On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 11:23:13 +0000, NY wrote:

OK, so some British-English spellings have mutated over the years: few
people uses \"gaol\" instead of \"jail\", and \"disk\" is becoming common as
an alternative to \"disc\" - and not just in computing. Of course CD is
\"compact disc\" with a C, so British spelling rules there ;-)

Gaol always threw me as in \'The Ballad of Reading Gaol\'. I suppose it\'s in
line with Gerald and so forth. I\'m never sure about disk and tend to
alternate. \'Ax\' is another one. This newsreader flags \'axe\' but I tend to
favor that spelling.

The one difference that works the opposite way round is the
pronunciation of \"herb\". British pronounces the H whereas American often
omits the H sound \"erb\" as if it were French.

I\'ll go with herb. \'Erb\' sounds affected to me.

Herb sounds affected to me.

It\'s a guy name.

It\'s a gay name.

Think so? Do people name kids Herbert, knowing in advance that they
will be gay?

I wouldn\'t name any kid Herbert.

And what\'s the obsession with gayness? That\'s telling.
On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:32:10 -0000, \"Commander Kinsey\"
<CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 02:53:08 -0000, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 11:23:13 +0000, NY wrote:

OK, so some British-English spellings have mutated over the years: few
people uses \"gaol\" instead of \"jail\", and \"disk\" is becoming common as
an alternative to \"disc\" - and not just in computing. Of course CD is
\"compact disc\" with a C, so British spelling rules there ;-)

Gaol always threw me as in \'The Ballad of Reading Gaol\'. I suppose it\'s in
line with Gerald and so forth. I\'m never sure about disk and tend to
alternate. \'Ax\' is another one. This newsreader flags \'axe\' but I tend to
favor that spelling.

Ax is too short to be a word.

\"is\" is too short. \"a\" is even worse.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:01:25 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

Is Phil back ?

I wonder why people who don\'t design electronics come here to shriek
insults and obscenities. I think there is a reason.

This coming from the retarded troll-feeding senile asshole who helps the
trolling Scottish attention whore and wanker trashing these 3 ngs with their
endless idiotic off topic sick shit! You\'re really not quite right in your
senile head!
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:51:38 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-feeding senile asshole, blathered:

Think so? Do people name kids Herbert, knowing in advance that they
will be gay?

I wouldn\'t name any kid Herbert.

And what\'s the obsession with gayness? That\'s telling.

More sick senile shit squeezed out of your sick senile head into these ngs,
senile shithead?
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 18:43:04 +0200, Peeler <trolltrap@valid.invalid>

>shit you keep spreading

That really appeals to you. The mind boggles.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:51:38 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

> I wouldn\'t name any kid Herbert.

How about Hubert, Norbert, Cuthbert, Gilbert, Filbert and so forth. It\'s
odd the only *bert that survived is Robert, to the point of being a
cliche. Albert is a distant second.

I did go to high school with a Hubert, who was black.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 20:02:42 +0200, Peeler <trolltrap@valid.invalid>

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 10:25:16 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-loving senile asshole, blathered:

off topic seems to be often the norm, more\'s the pity on ALL the
newsgorups this got posted to.

I\'m reading this on uk.d-i-y! So where\'s the DIY content? That\'s ther tro9uble with cross-posting.
with apologies for following up.

Where is the electronic design content?

Sadly, an unmoderated forum is a magnet for sickoes.

Sadder, there are so many sickoes. It\'s amazing how well our societies
work, when such a large fraction of the population is deranged.

You are even sicker than everyone already knew you were, you hypocritical
trolling piece of senile shit!

I challenge you to go a week without using the s-word.

You can\'t. Poop is the center of your life.

You could probably program your PC to make it a hot key, and save time
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 19:01:56 +0100, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I detect sarcasm. But shivering is only moving your muscles. You don\'t
object to going for a walk do you?

You choose to go for a walk.

Yes, and it requires effort. I have to make myself walk. Shivering is easy, it just happens, zero effort, much preferable.

> Shivering is a reflex as you descend into hypothermia.

\"Hypo\" means \"not enough\". Except that\'s not what it is. If your central heating comes on, your house isn\'t \"too cold\". It\'s maintaining an acceptable temperature. That\'s what shivering does.

By the way, you shiver at 35C, a loss of only 2C. You die at 20C. So shivering does not mean you\'re cold by any stretch of the imagination.

It sometimes occurs to elevate your body temperature above
normal to help fighting infection.

Except everyone fucks that up by cooling themselves off with a cold compress. It\'s a pity our brain doesn\'t know what the rest of our body is doing.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:11:51 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\" <CK1@nospam.com
The funniest lot are scuba divers in big condoms. It\'s not a watersport
if you don\'t get wet. I scuba dive naked.

You wouldn\'t here! Just walking in the surf will cramp your toes. The
people who swim here tend to be chunky ladies with a lot of natural

It would solve a lot of problems if Kinsey did some naked scuba diving on
the Maine coast. I\'d give him about an hour. Many lobstermen can\'t swim.
They figure if you fall out of the boat and can\'t get back in you\'re going
to die. Why prolong the agony?
On 16 Apr 2023 17:42:37 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

How about Hubert, Norbert, Cuthbert, Gilbert, Filbert and so forth. It\'s
odd the only *bert that survived is Robert, to the point of being a
cliche. Albert is a distant second.

I did go to high school with a Hubert, who was black.

MORE of your endless senile shit, you idiotic, trolling and troll-feeding,
self-admiring, typical Yankee bigmouth and braggart?

More of the resident bigmouth\'s usual idiotic babble and gossip:
I\'m not saying my father and uncle wouldn\'t have drank Genesee beer
without Miss Genny but it certainly didn\'t hurt. Stanton\'s was the
hometown brewery but it closed in \'50. There was a Schaefer brewery in
Albany but their product was considered a step up from cat piss.

My preference was Rheingold on tap\"

MID: <k9mnmmF9emhU1@mid.individual.net>
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I detect sarcasm. But shivering is only moving your muscles. You don\'t
object to going for a walk do you?

You choose to go for a walk. Shivering is a reflex as you descend into
hypothermia. It sometimes occurs to elevate your body temperature above
normal to help fighting infection.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 10:08:55 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-loving senile asshole, blathered:

Is there no end to the shit you keep spreading in these poor 3 ngs, you
idiotic senile troll?

That really appeals to you. The mind boggles.

Yet more shit from the useless trolling senile shithead!
On 16 Apr 2023 18:07:48 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

It would solve a lot of problems if Kinsey did some naked scuba diving on
the Maine coast. I\'d give him about an hour. Many lobstermen can\'t swim.
They figure if you fall out of the boat and can\'t get back in you\'re going
to die. Why prolong the agony?

Just which part of you keeps producing this endless shit, shit-for-brains?

More of the senile gossip\'s absolutely idiotic senile blather:
\"I stopped for breakfast at a diner in Virginia when the state didn\'t do
DST. I remarked on the time difference and the crusty old waitress said
\'We keep God\'s time in Virginia.\'

I also lived in Ft. Wayne for a while.\"

MID: <t0tjfa$6r5$1@dont-email.me>
On 16 Apr 2023 18:01:56 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, Commander Kinsey wrote:

I detect sarcasm. But shivering is only moving your muscles. You don\'t
object to going for a walk do you?

You choose to go for a walk. Shivering is a reflex as you descend into
hypothermia. It sometimes occurs to elevate your body temperature above
normal to help fighting infection.

It\'s accepted that shivering functions to warm a body up.
On 16 Apr 2023 18:01:56 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> You choose to go for a walk.

HE chooses to bait you miserable senile assholes! And you senile assholes
choose to feed him full of gratitude! You simply ARE that senile and
miserable! LOL

Yet more of the so very interesting senile blather by lowbrowwoman:
\"My family loaded me into a \'51 Chevy and drove from NY to Seattle and
back in \'52. I\'m alive. The Chevy had a painted steel dashboard with two
little hand prints worn down to the primer because I liked to stand up
and lean on it to see where we were going.\"
MID: <j2kuc1F3ejsU1@mid.individual.net>
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 11:28:55 -0700, John Larkin, another obviously brain
dead, troll-loving senile asshole, blathered:

You are even sicker than everyone already knew you were, you hypocritical
trolling piece of senile shit!

I challenge you to go a week without using the s-word.

You can\'t. Poop is the center of your life.

You could probably program your PC to make it a hot key, and save time

LOL Yet MORE sick senile shit from the resident senile shithead! Inevitably!
On Mon, 17 Apr 2023 01:11:51 +1000, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 21:13:05 +0100, John Larkin
jjlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 20:31:53 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 05:02:25 +0100, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 03:14:25 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:38:03 +0100, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:04:45 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:44:58 -0000, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:35:00 -0000, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:52:42 -0000, Cindy Hamilton
hamilton@invalid.com> wrote:

On 2023-03-08, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:19:48 GMT, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

Herb sounds affected to me. OTOH, I pronounce the H in
herbicide, etc. \"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of

herbal? I often hear the h dropped there too, possibly as an
extension of
erb. Like you say anyone who wants consistency better learn

Yes, \"erbal\". Isn\'t that how it\'s pronounced in the

That sounds so utterly stupid. Merkins, do you really want to
sound thick?

We can\'t imitate the language of every tiny obscure impoverished
island on the planet.

We invented the fucking language.

And your country hasn\'t done very well,

I could teach you how to use google. Then you could compare

I don\'t consider that a good measure of success.

considering the billion times extra land you can\'t be bothered

Our national parks are way more area than all of England. Prettier
too. And cleaner. We have lots of state and city parks, too, even
area. I live in walking distance of several city parks and paths,
including a real canyon. The USA os great that way.

But nobody manages to live there.

True, nobody lives in our canyon. Just owls and coyotes.

We have more ski areas, which take space too.

And beaches. You can\'t have many bikini babes or beach volleyball
without beaches.

But because you\'re so prudish, the women wear tops.

Around here, they wear parkas.

I had to look that up. Why are people so obsessed with being warm
all the time? It\'s actually very bad for you. You\'re supposed to
experience a wide range of temperatures or your body gets lazy.

You are correct. Violent shivering is good exercize.

I detect sarcasm. But shivering is only moving your muscles. You
don\'t object to going for a walk do you?

Skiing and snowboarding should be done without many clothes:


That was a great day, July 4 2011. But at 5F one could get frostbite..

Do you ski? In shorts and a tee shirt?

He does it stark naked and everyone dies laughing at its microdick.

Humans wear clothes. I guess that sewing co-evolved with losing our
pelts. Not having fur improves our cooling, and that lets humans hunt

a good human can out-run most anything but a horse.

That last is bullshit. You can\'t even outrun a cow or a sheep or a goat,
let alone a cheetah, giraffe, elephant, antelope, buffalo, dog etc etc etc.

On year in Aspen ski streaking was popular. The entire ski patrol came
down the hill at Smowmass together, nude.

They also built a jump that landed in a swimming pool and some of the
skiiers did that nude too.




I wore a parka and a hat yesterday while I was skiing. My bad.

I did wear jeans and not fancy padded ski pants.

The funniest lot are scuba divers in big condoms. It\'s not a
watersport if you don\'t get wet. I scuba dive naked.

You wouldn\'t here! Just walking in the surf will cramp your toes. The
people who swim here tend to be chunky ladies with a lot of natural
On Mon, 17 Apr 2023 05:02:58 +1000, cantankerous trolling geezer Rodent
Speed, the auto-contradicting senile sociopath, blabbered, again:

<FLUSH the abnormal trolling senile cretin\'s latest trollshit unread>

Kerr-Mudd,John addressing the auto-contradicting senile cretin:
\"Auto-contradictor Rod is back! (in the KF)\"
MID: <XnsA97071CF43E3Fadmin127001@>
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 16:11:51 +0100, John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 21:13:05 +0100, John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote:

On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 20:31:53 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 05:02:25 +0100, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 03:14:25 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:38:03 +0100, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:04:45 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:44:58 -0000, John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 20:35:00 -0000, \"Commander Kinsey\"
CK1@nospam.com> wrote:

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:52:42 -0000, Cindy Hamilton <hamilton@invalid.com> wrote:

On 2023-03-08, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:19:48 GMT, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

Herb sounds affected to me. OTOH, I pronounce the H in herbivore,
herbicide, etc. \"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little

herbal? I often hear the h dropped there too, possibly as an extension of
erb. Like you say anyone who wants consistency better learn German.

Yes, \"erbal\". Isn\'t that how it\'s pronounced in the commercials?

That sounds so utterly stupid. Merkins, do you really want to sound thick?

We can\'t imitate the language of every tiny obscure impoverished
island on the planet.

We invented the fucking language.

And your country hasn\'t done very well,

I could teach you how to use google. Then you could compare per-capita

I don\'t consider that a good measure of success.

considering the billion times extra land you can\'t be bothered using.

Our national parks are way more area than all of England. Prettier
too. And cleaner. We have lots of state and city parks, too, even more
area. I live in walking distance of several city parks and paths,
including a real canyon. The USA os great that way.

But nobody manages to live there.

True, nobody lives in our canyon. Just owls and coyotes.

We have more ski areas, which take space too.

And beaches. You can\'t have many bikini babes or beach volleyball
without beaches.

But because you\'re so prudish, the women wear tops.

Around here, they wear parkas.

I had to look that up. Why are people so obsessed with being warm all the time? It\'s actually very bad for you. You\'re supposed to experience a wide range of temperatures or your body gets lazy.

You are correct. Violent shivering is good exercize.

I detect sarcasm. But shivering is only moving your muscles. You don\'t object to going for a walk do you?

Skiing and snowboarding should be done without many clothes:


That was a great day, July 4 2011. But at 5F one could get frostbite..

I\'ve walked barefoot through snow at about that temperature for 5 hours.

> Do you ski? In shorts and a tee shirt?

No, I do not wear a tshirt when doing something sporty.

> Humans wear clothes.

Wimps wear clothes.

I guess that sewing co-evolved with losing our

No, there were ancestors with no fur before clothes.

Not having fur improves our cooling, and that lets humans hunt
better; a good human can out-run most anything but a horse.

Or a leopard. Or a (insert about 50 animals with more legs than us).

On year in Aspen ski streaking was popular. The entire ski patrol came
down the hill at Smowmass together, nude.


They also built a jump that landed in a swimming pool and some of the
skiiers did that nude too.

I\'ve skiied into 0C water on purpose. Everyone else was aquaplaning over it. One fell in and panicked and got out fast, the sissy. I went in far too slow on purpose and enjoyed it. I laughed at those asking if I was ok.




I wore a parka and a hat yesterday while I was skiing. My bad.

I did wear jeans and not fancy padded ski pants.

The funniest lot are scuba divers in big condoms. It\'s not a watersport if you don\'t get wet. I scuba dive naked.

You wouldn\'t here! Just walking in the surf will cramp your toes. The
people who swim here tend to be chunky ladies with a lot of natural

I\'m in Scotland, what temperature do you think the water is in a lake in winter? I\'ll give you a hint, I\'ve gone under surface ice.
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 19:07:48 +0100, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 08:11:51 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 15:38:46 +0100, \"Commander Kinsey\" <CK1@nospam.com
The funniest lot are scuba divers in big condoms. It\'s not a watersport
if you don\'t get wet. I scuba dive naked.

You wouldn\'t here! Just walking in the surf will cramp your toes. The
people who swim here tend to be chunky ladies with a lot of natural

It would solve a lot of problems if Kinsey did some naked scuba diving on
the Maine coast. I\'d give him about an hour. Many lobstermen can\'t swim.
They figure if you fall out of the boat and can\'t get back in you\'re going
to die. Why prolong the agony?

Are there sharks? Can\'t think of much else that could kill a scuba diver.

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