Why do circuit breakers go up for on and down for off?...

On 3 Apr 2023 19:34:38 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

One of the things I enjoyed about the PNW was the profusion of
blackberries along the bike trails. Of course if you wanted to go anywhere
but the trail you were out of luck.

The Montana Forest Service fire crews sometimes get sent to California.
There isn\'t that much poison ivy in Montana and afaik no poison oak. Their
species recognition when tromping through the chaparral isn\'t that great

Keep your stinking senile shit out of these three newsgroups, you demented
senile Yankee troll and Trumptard!

More of the pathological senile gossip\'s sick shit squeezed out of his sick
\"Skunk probably tastes like chicken. I\'ve never gotten that comparison,
most famously with Chicken of the Sea. Tuna is a fish and tastes like a
fish. I will admit I\'ve had chicken that tasted like fish. I don\'t think I
want to know what they were feeding it.\"
MID: <k44t5lFl1k3U4@mid.individual.net>
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 18:48:08 GMT, scott@slp53.sl.home (Scott Lurndal)

John Larkin <jlarkin@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> writes:
On 3 Apr 2023 15:37:15 GMT, rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote:

On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:43:20 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

Stay away from downtown, Fishermans Wharf, Chinatown, all that dense
tourist stuff. There are beautiful quirky neighborhoods, hills and
cliffs, beaches, old forts, stairways, lanes, patches of wilderness,
creeks, and one actual canyon with owls and coyotes. And some awesome
hikes and views.

I hiked a trail through the chaparral somewhere above Berkeley that I
probably could never find again.

Clairmont Canyon regional preserve, most likely. Great views on
a clear day. Mt. Diablo has good views, as does Mt. Umunhum south
of San Jose.

On a clear day, from the ranger station on Mt Tam, you can see clear
across the state to the snow-covered peaks in the Sierras. Growing up
in steamy mud flats with hundred-yard views, this still impresses me.
On 3 Apr 2023 19:51:11 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> I didn\'t find it scary. When I left NH I gave my development boards,

Fuck! This senile old shit REALLY has NOBODY in real life to talk to! And he
(or rather she?) LOVES so much to talk and hear herself talking! LMAO

More typical idiotic senile gossip by lowbrowwoman:
\"It\'s been years since I\'ve been in a fast food burger joint but I used
to like Wendy\'s because they had a salad bar and baked potatoes.\"
MID: <ivdi4gF8btlU1@mid.individual.net>
On Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:57:16 +0100, Max Demian <max_demian@bigfoot.com> wrote:

On 27/03/2023 05:59, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:51:57 -0000, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:
On 16/03/2023 17:07, Max Demian wrote:
On 16/03/2023 14:09, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 16/03/2023 13:47, Max Demian wrote:
On 16/03/2023 07:07, alan_m wrote:

What about the coloured bathroom suite - I think the one I had was
called champagne but really it was a baby poo colour. At least with
white sanitary ware it\'s more obvious where to clean.

Is that a good idea? I used to live in a place where the bog was piss
colour. Er, fawn.

Blimey,is your piss fawn?

Mine is more tan to straw.

I\'d get it analysed

Are not fauns tan?

\"Regular urine color ranges from clear to pale yellow\"

Tan is rather off the end of normal, but I have \'issues\'.

I do wish people would say problems.

\"I drink, I fall down, no problem\" - WC Fields I think.

St Mugg (Malcolm Muggeridge) hated people saying something was a
\"problem\", so it\'s quite a diverse objection.

Just because someone else says something is s \"problem\" doesn\'t mean it is.

Issue is worse, since it has other meanings like the issue number of a magazine, or \"I issue you with a warning\".
what if they developed a fault with current was leaking to the metalwork of
the unit that would then be live and is then capable if a shock not

You touch it, feel a tingle, then fix it.

i had one once very very painful and I couldn\'t let go thats the worst part
this was in pre RCD days!

Of course you can let go. You do have control of your own body right? You
a brain in there somewhere which can override things?

Christ sakes have you ever had your hand round a rung of a metal ladder
in soft earth and the other hand around a metal cased drill? Course with
your scaly skin that wouldn\'t be a problem then;?..

Just because one muscle is tensed up doesn\'t mean you lose control of all of

You must live where the mains is around 50 volts i expect;!.

If you had 230 across from one hand to the other gripped around
something conductive then just maybe you\'d still be able to let go with
that lizard skin;!..

It is possible for a large number of PC\'s on one ring main to cause a
trip to go but it has to be quite a lot as they have capacitors in them
which are from live to earth and will introduce some leakage usually
much less then that the 30 ma RCD is designed to trip at.

Had that at a school I worked at. 20 PCs, for some reason if you switched
all on at once (as a class of kids tends to do). I thought the caps from
to earth were always connected?

The electrician refused to put less sensitive breakers in. He claimed the
regulations stated schools must have more sensitive breakers than the houses
where those very same kids live! I bought less sensitive breakers on Ebay
my own money, swapped them over, then sold the sensitive ones. The loss in
fees and postage was approximately equal to the gain of the sensitive ones
costing more. Problem solved.

A teacher challenged me on it, so I persuaded a boy to test it in front of
class. Plug with wire, exposed live, hold that. Touch the earthed heater.
Tripped, he didn\'t even say ouch.

30 or 100 ma ones?..

Never seen a 100mA. They\'re 30 and 50 in the UK.

Never seen a 50 ma one has anyone?..

The point was I changed the
speed of the trip.

Tony Sayer

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.

Give him a keyboard, and he will reveal himself.
On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 22:31:55 +0100, tony sayer, another brain dead
troll-feeding senile ASSHOLE, blathered:

> You must live where the mains is around 50 volts i expect;!.

ONLY for the short time when he\'s not institutionalized, you brain dead,
troll-feeding senile ASSHOLE!
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:18:56 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On a clear day, from the ranger station on Mt Tam, you can see clear
across the state to the snow-covered peaks in the Sierras. Growing up in
steamy mud flats with hundred-yard views, this still impresses me.

My family drove cross country in \'52. When we got to the plains my father
would carefully record the mileage when he first spotted a grain elevator
in the next town. In an hour of so you finally got there.

No mud flats in my youth, only heavily wooded terminal moraines we called
hogbacks. I\'d read articles about 300 yard shots in Field & Stream and it
wouldn\'t compute.
On 4/3/2023 6:32 PM, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:18:56 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On a clear day, from the ranger station on Mt Tam, you can see clear
across the state to the snow-covered peaks in the Sierras. Growing up in
steamy mud flats with hundred-yard views, this still impresses me.

My family drove cross country in \'52. When we got to the plains my father
would carefully record the mileage when he first spotted a grain elevator
in the next town. In an hour of so you finally got there.

No mud flats in my youth, only heavily wooded terminal moraines we called
hogbacks. I\'d read articles about 300 yard shots in Field & Stream and it
wouldn\'t compute.

That was quite an adventure in 1952. Start out with a brand new car and
you get to the other coast four oil changes later and probably need a
ring job.
On 3 Apr 2023 22:32:48 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> My family drove cross country in \'52.

No, really? But that\'s so wonderful, you miserable senile chatterbox! And
THANKS for letting us know yet more details about your extraordinary
personality and your extraordinary life, gossip girl! LMAO

Yet another thrilling story from the resident senile gossip\'s thrilling
\"Around here you have to be careful to lock your car toward the end of
summer or somebody will leave a grocery sack full of zucchini in it.\"
On 03/04/2023 20:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Yes. I used to walk the dogs down a path adjoining farmland and private
woodland and the farmers were quite happy to let the dogs shit anywhere.
There was no requirement to collect poop, and if it wasn\'t dog, there
were plenty of foxes badgers deer, feral ferret, stoat, weasels and
rabbit and hare poop you could step in.

I mean, this is the fucking COUNTRYSIDE. It\'s full of poop. After a
week something would have eaten it anyway and recycled it.

Unless its been carefully scooped placed in a vile green non
biodegradable plastic bag and hung on a tree.

All political activity makes complete sense once the proposition that
all government is basically a self-legalising protection racket, is
fully understood.
On 02/04/2023 22:05, Commander Kinsey wrote:
On Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:58:33 -0000, Max Demian <max_demian@bigfoot.com

The retention of red/green colour-blindness in some people could be
because such distinctions aren\'t all that important, or it could be that
such colour-blindness defeats the camouflage that some predators adopted.

How can seeing less colours possibly let you see camouflaged things
better?  It\'s the other way round.  Camouflage is because two things
look the same.  The more things you can distinguish, the more likely you
can see it.

The patterns of distinct colours confuse perception. If you don\'t see
the colours as distinct, you won\'t be confused.

Max Demian
On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 12:51:06 +0100, Max Dumbian, the REAL dumb, notorious,
troll-feeding senile idiot, blathered again:

The patterns of distinct colours confuse perception. If you don\'t see
the colours as distinct, you won\'t be confused.

Two confused prize idiots (a stupid troll and his corresponding
troll-feeding senile asshole) having a confused \"conversation\"! LMAO

Max Dumb having another senile moment:
\"It\'s the consistency of the shit that counts. Sometimes I don\'t need to
wipe, but I have to do so to tell. Also humans have buttocks to get
smeared due to our bipedalism.\"
MID: <6vydnWiYDoV1VUrDnZ2dnUU78QednZ2d@brightview.co.uk>

And yet another senile moment:
\"A fawn bowl will show piss a lot less than a white one.\"
MID: <tv1of3$1v4qg$1@dont-email.me>
On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 12:01:37 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
<tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 03/04/2023 19:24, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 16:59:43 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 03/04/2023 16:14, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 13:45:28 +0100, The Natural Philosopher
tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On 03/04/2023 11:43, Vir Campestris wrote:
On 02/04/2023 20:34, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
Frankly, crap in one ear was mad enough. Stereo crap was unusable

And channel space in MW bands is very limited

Google Shannon.

Shannon is a river in Ireland. And a city. And an airport.
And an engineer.

Try \"Shannon\'s Law\" (no quotes needed). Google can be dumb!


Audio can be compressed more than the Sampling Theorem originally

No, it cannot.

Cell phones send voice at bit rates as low as 5 Kbps; silence is
transmitted even slower. At 8 bits equivalent, the Shannon rate would
be around 60K.

No, it would not.
It would be around 5kbps

Shannon is about digital communication of *information* , not Nyquist\'s
sampling theorem.

I said \"Sampling Theorem\" above, namely


which is not digital nor quantized.

Per the sampling theorem, 3.5 KHz audio needs to be sampled at about 7
KHz. Digitized to 8 bits, probably companded, that\'s a data rate
around 60 Kbps.

Voice has redundancies and patterns and silences so can be sent at
much lower bit rates. Utimately one could recognize words and send
voice at maybe 50 bits per second.
On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where they
are going step in it?

Mark Lloyd

\"Truth in matters of religion, is simply opinion that has survived.\"
[Oscar Wilde]
On 04/04/2023 17:47, Mark Lloyd wrote:
On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around without
a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright
enough to
realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you. The
cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where they
are going step in it?
No, they hang it on tree branches, because there are no doggie bins for

“Ideas are inherently conservative. They yield not to the attack of
other ideas but to the massive onslaught of circumstance\"

- John K Galbraith
On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 12:07:28 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Yes. I used to walk the dogs down a path adjoining farmland and private
woodland and the farmers were quite happy to let the dogs shit anywhere.
There was no requirement to collect poop, and if it wasn\'t dog, there
were plenty of foxes badgers deer, feral ferret, stoat, weasels and
rabbit and hare poop you could step in.

Sounds like my lawn (garden) as the snow melts. The largest fraction is
from deer but the cats, raccoons, and odd coyote contribute. The skunks
don\'t wander around much in the winter so I can\'t blame them.
On 4 Apr 2023 19:49:21 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> Sounds like my lawn (garden) as the snow melts.

Sounds like it\'s blathering time for you again, senile blathermouth! ;-)

More of the senile gossip\'s absolutely idiotic senile blather:
\"I stopped for breakfast at a diner in Virginia when the state didn\'t do
DST. I remarked on the time difference and the crusty old waitress said
\'We keep God\'s time in Virginia.\'

I also lived in Ft. Wayne for a while.\"

MID: <t0tjfa$6r5$1@dont-email.me>
On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 21:05:18 -0400, Ed P wrote:

That was quite an adventure in 1952. Start out with a brand new car and
you get to the other coast four oil changes later and probably need a
ring job.

\'51 Chevy. I don\'t remember any oil changes and it was going strong when
we traded it in on a \'57 Chevy. My mother would become very concerned
about the \'tappets\' 100 miles from nowhere. It was her version of a
pilot\'s auto-rough. You couldn\'t kill that 216 straight 6 with a block of

I don\'t recall the mechanics but there was a Sunoco issued checkbook sort
of thing that we used to buy gas, sort of a primitive credit card.

It was an adventure alright. Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, and a bunch of
other roadside attractions, almost all on two lane roads with no McDonalds
or Holiday Inns.


Still there but most of the rest is gone. We went through Holbrook in \'65
and ate in a restaurant across the street. I was politicing for another
stay in a wigwam but my mother vetoed the plan when she saw a black family
checking in.

She was all for Negroes in the abstract, but not so much up close and
personal, like a typical liberal.
On 4 Apr 2023 20:33:48 GMT, lowbrowwoman, the endlessly driveling,
troll-feeding, senile idiot, blabbered again:

> \'51 Chevy.

Oh, no! Not about your Chevy again, senile gossip! And get TREATMENT,

Yet more of the so very interesting senile blather by lowbrowwoman:
\"My family loaded me into a \'51 Chevy and drove from NY to Seattle and
back in \'52. I\'m alive. The Chevy had a painted steel dashboard with two
little hand prints worn down to the primer because I liked to stand up
and lean on it to see where we were going.\"
MID: <j2kuc1F3ejsU1@mid.individual.net>
On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 11:47:42 -0500, Mark Lloyd wrote:

On 4/3/23 14:29, rbowman wrote:
On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:14:28 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

We were in the Castro yesterday and I didn\'t see many dogs. There are
other neighborhoods where I think it is a felony to walk around
without a dog or a kid.

Around here a Subaru Forester and a Labrador with a red kerchief are
issued at birth. I like dogs but I wish their owners were bright enough
to realize you\'re supposed to take the little bags of shit with you.
The cartoon instructions at the trailheads omit that part.

Are they leaving it on the trail, where people who don\'t look where they
are going step in it?

No, they carefully place the offerings along side the trail. I once
entertained the fantasy that they would pick the bag up when they came
back down the trail but I don\'t think that ever happens.

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