What is the purspose of pre-tinned wire?

msg wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Dimbulb is replying to himself again, in the hope no one will notice
what an idiot he is.

If you look at the headers for both they will have the same IP



I have no knowledge of these particular posters or their ISPs but I caution
readers not to assume that identical NNTP-Posting-Host addresses
mean the same user; some small ISPs assign RFC 1918 addresses to clients
and have a small block of public IPs exposed to the 'Net.
That isn't an RFC-1918 address. It belongs to Cox Communications, Inc.

Also, a public
access machine or a shared machine in a residence may conceivably be used
by different posters.
True, but DimBulb is infamous for sock-puppetry.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt wrote:
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 00:26:44 -0500, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_> wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Dimbulb is replying to himself again, in the hope no one will notice
what an idiot he is.

If you look at the headers for both they will have the same IP


I have no knowledge of these particular posters or their ISPs but I caution
readers not to assume that identical NNTP-Posting-Host addresses automatically
mean the same user; some small ISPs assign RFC 1918 addresses to clients
and have a small block of public IPs exposed to the 'Net. Also, a public
access machine or a shared machine in a residence may conceivably be used
by different posters. Combining the weight of circumstantial evidence such as
posting IP address, user agent, bang path, etc. together with an analysis
of lexical style may result in a more cogent argument for a poster's identity.


Yes and unless and until a crime has been committed, which it hasn't,
you can all fuck off and die.
Acceptable Use Policy

Prohibited Activities. You may not use the Service in a manner that
violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law,
order or regulation. Additionally, You may not use the Service to:
*Conduct, participate in, or otherwise facilitate pyramid or other
illegal soliciting schemes.
*Take part in any fraudulent activities, including impersonating
any person or entity or forging anyone else's digital or manual signature.
*Invade another person's privacy, stalk, harass, or otherwise
violate the rights of others.
*Post, transmit, or disseminate content that is illegal,
threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, promotes
violence, or is otherwise offensive or objectionable.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
Bob Larter wrote:

msg wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:


Dimbulb is replying to himself again, in the hope no one will notice
what an idiot he is.

If you look at the headers for both they will have the same IP



I have no knowledge of these particular posters or their ISPs but I
readers not to assume that identical NNTP-Posting-Host addresses
mean the same user; some small ISPs assign RFC 1918 addresses to clients
and have a small block of public IPs exposed to the 'Net.

That isn't an RFC-1918 address. It belongs to Cox Communications, Inc.
Indeed, and I don't expect a large operator like Cox to do it, but some ISPs
NAT their clients with RFC-1918 addresses, all of which translate to a single
public IP, ergo, many NNTP users may all originate from a single IP.

spamtrap1888@gmail.com wrote:

If there's a verb to use to refer specifically to turning an element
into its oxide, to eliminate confusion with the generalized oxidation
process, please let me know what it is
I used to use the terms 'oxidised' to refer to the production of the
oxide, and 'oxidation product' for the general case other than
oxides.. Context should anyway make it clear which is which.

Aero Spike
On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 17:30:45 -0700, spamtrap1888 wrote:
Silver does not oxidize so much as it tarnishes, by picking up sulfur from
the air.
I once watched a guy build a 1KW linear out of surplus parts. He had this
beautiful silver-plated tank coil, and this idiot SAMDPAPERED the tarnish

Can you say "skin effect", boys and girls? ;-)

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:43:31 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds, again.

Not Roy, dumbfuck krw. You are so demented that you have forgotten how
to track the people that you attack. Typical troll retardation.
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:48:03 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com>

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
This is the only thing that keeps retarded fucks like you alive.
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:52:19 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com>

Acceptable Use Policy

Prohibited Activities. You may not use the Service in a manner that
violates any applicable local, state, federal or international law,
order or regulation. Additionally, You may not use the Service to:
*Conduct, participate in, or otherwise facilitate pyramid or other
illegal soliciting schemes.
*Take part in any fraudulent activities, including impersonating
any person or entity or forging anyone else's digital or manual signature.
*Invade another person's privacy, stalk, harass, or otherwise
violate the rights of others.
*Post, transmit, or disseminate content that is illegal,
threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, promotes
violence, or is otherwise offensive or objectionable.
Yes, fuckhead. Now show me a state or federal statute, you stupid fuck.
Then go back and read what I said.

Cox will send you information about using your filters.

If I were to commit a crime, they would forward any pertinent
information on to whichever authority necessary.

Until a crime is committed, idiots like you can fuck off and die.

You got that, you stupid fuck?

I find you retarded bastards offensive and objectionable.

That makes my case as strong, if not stronger than you your retarded

No go find something real to involve yourselves in, you petty little
E-1 grade bastards.
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:35:18 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 17:30:45 -0700, spamtrap1888 wrote:

Silver does not oxidize so much as it tarnishes, by picking up sulfur from
the air.

I once watched a guy build a 1KW linear out of surplus parts. He had this
beautiful silver-plated tank coil, and this idiot SAMDPAPERED the tarnish

Can you say "skin effect", boys and girls? ;-)

It could have been solid Silver.

Also, Silver plated wire DOES have favorable skin effect, sanded or
not. Tarnished Silver wire would not be as favorable.

Can you say get a grip on what skin effect is?

The coil will do the job it is designed for in either case.
On Apr 20, 9:18 am, StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt
<Zarathus...@thusspoke.org> wrote:
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 00:26:44 -0500, msg <msg@_cybertheque.org_> wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

   Dimbulb is replying to himself again, in the hope no one will notice
what an idiot he is.

   If you look at the headers for both they will have the same IP



I have no knowledge of these particular posters or their ISPs but I caution
readers not to assume that identical NNTP-Posting-Host addresses automatically
mean the same user; some small ISPs assign RFC 1918 addresses to clients
and have a small block of public IPs exposed to the 'Net. Also, a public
access machine or a shared machine in a residence may conceivably be used
by different posters. Combining the weight of circumstantial evidence such as
posting IP address, user agent, bang path, etc. together with an analysis
of lexical style may result in a more cogent argument for a poster's identity.


  Yes and unless and until a crime has been committed, which it hasn't,
you can all fuck off and die.




On Apr 18, 1:25 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...@earthlink.net>

   He has severe problems.  That is why most people just kill file him.
He either can't afford, or refuses to take hismedicationmost of the
time.  Once in a while he's lucid for a day or two, but it never lasts.
heh. there's only one person that needs medicine on this newsgroup and
his name is Michael Terrell. Of course, you can't afford. You'll never
read this because you got me killfiled so I can say whatever I want
about you and you won't do anything about it.

Remember on your myspace page you mentioned the love of your life that
you have never seen in 20 years? Well it may interest you to know that
I saw her last night she was at my office and I was working overtime
and after I was done with work* I gave the love of your life a dirty

Then after that I pimped her out to Phil Allison.

*because I actually work for a living unlike you.
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:13:16 -0700, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:43:31 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds, again.

Not Roy, dumbfuck krw.
Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds.

You are so demented that you have forgotten how
to track the people that you attack. Typical troll retardation.
No, Roy. I've not forgotten you.
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:26:10 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:13:16 -0700, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:43:31 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds, again.

Not Roy, dumbfuck krw.

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds.

You are so demented that you have forgotten how
to track the people that you attack. Typical troll retardation.

No, Roy. I've not forgotten you.

Fuck off, KeithTard.
msg wrote:
Bob Larter wrote:

msg wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:


Dimbulb is replying to himself again, in the hope no one will notice
what an idiot he is.

If you look at the headers for both they will have the same IP



I have no knowledge of these particular posters or their ISPs but I
readers not to assume that identical NNTP-Posting-Host addresses
mean the same user; some small ISPs assign RFC 1918 addresses to clients
and have a small block of public IPs exposed to the 'Net.

That isn't an RFC-1918 address. It belongs to Cox Communications, Inc.

Indeed, and I don't expect a large operator like Cox to do it, but some
NAT their clients with RFC-1918 addresses, all of which translate to a
public IP, ergo, many NNTP users may all originate from a single IP.
True, but it's quite rare at ISPs. NATing is usually done in businesses,
rather than at ISPs.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt wrote:
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:48:03 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est

This is the only thing that keeps retarded fucks like you alive.
You think your impotent threats bother anyone DimBulb?

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:28:45 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com>

StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt wrote:
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:48:03 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est

This is the only thing that keeps retarded fucks like you alive.

You think your impotent threats bother anyone DimBulb?

It takes a true retard like you to imagine that such a remark is a
threat, when it was obviously merely a statement of fact.

You are only one of the impotent, retarded dipshits in this group,
Larter. Your mommy is calling, bobby. Run home now, retard boy.
StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt wrote:
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:28:45 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com

StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt wrote:
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:48:03 +1000, Bob Larter <bobbylarter@gmail.com
This is the only thing that keeps retarded fucks like you alive.
You think your impotent threats bother anyone DimBulb?

It takes a true retard like you to imagine that such a remark is a
threat, when it was obviously merely a statement of fact.

You are only one of the impotent, retarded dipshits in this group,
Larter. Your mommy is calling, bobby. Run home now, retard boy.
Go fuck yourself, DimBulb.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
Bob Larter wrote:

msg wrote:
Indeed, and I don't expect a large operator like Cox to do it, but
some ISPs
NAT their clients with RFC-1918 addresses, all of which translate to a
public IP, ergo, many NNTP users may all originate from a single IP.

True, but it's quite rare at ISPs. NATing is usually done in businesses,
rather than at ISPs.
From time to time (for many years now) I deal with issues involving H.323
and RTP connectivity (payload contains IP information) and I am always
surprised by the number of ISPs I encounter that NAT their clients. These
are mostly small operators and often rural. I too run a neighborhood WISP
that NATs the clients, many of whom use the same O/S and NNTP user agents,
and I would be quite distressed if newsgroup readers assumed that IP
addresses and message headers uniquely identify the poster who just happened
to be a neighbor and not myself.

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:19:59 -0700, Dr.Heywood wrote:
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:35:18 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:
On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 17:30:45 -0700, spamtrap1888 wrote:

Silver does not oxidize so much as it tarnishes, by picking up sulfur
from the air.

I once watched a guy build a 1KW linear out of surplus parts. He had this
beautiful silver-plated tank coil, and this idiot SAMDPAPERED the tarnish

Can you say "skin effect", boys and girls? ;-)

It could have been solid Silver.

Also, Silver plated wire DOES have favorable skin effect, sanded or
not. Tarnished Silver wire would not be as favorable.

Can you say get a grip on what skin effect is?

Ever heard of "surface area"?

The coil will do the job it is designed for in either case.
At 100% of its original efficiancy?

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 22:04:26 -0700, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:26:10 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:13:16 -0700, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:43:31 -0500, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds, again.

Not Roy, dumbfuck krw.

Yes, Roy. We know you're off your meds.

You are so demented that you have forgotten how
to track the people that you attack. Typical troll retardation.

No, Roy. I've not forgotten you.

Fuck off, KeithTard.
If I've told you one, I've told you a thousand times. You are not my
type. If you're that hard up go raid your mommy's hamper again.

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