Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (05 May 2004 05:20:21 GMT) it happened jdege@jdege.visi.com
(Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote in <slrnc9guck.a9o.jdege@jdege.visi.com>:
complicated to do.
It is all a balance.
To do other things for a while helps to expand your experience, and later
you can use what you learned in other fields.
This is great for engineering, if you actually KNOW how to use the
ditch digger machines, you can work out improvements in it at the spot.
(Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote in <slrnc9guck.a9o.jdege@jdege.visi.com>:
science, and if I had a choice would do what I liked, EVEN it if was moreOn Wed, 05 May 2004 05:03:55 GMT, R. Steve Walz <rstevew@armory.com> wrote:
There is no need to reward quality, that's what quality control and
worker peer group authority to fire are for. There is only the need
to reward hours of labor.
If I'm to be rewarded the same, regardless of my labor, I'm going to
fold paper airplanes.
No, I am not sure about that, I would still be interested in electronics,
complicated to do.
It is all a balance.
To do other things for a while helps to expand your experience, and later
you can use what you learned in other fields.
This is great for engineering, if you actually KNOW how to use the
ditch digger machines, you can work out improvements in it at the spot.